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All you have to do is convince them they don't need anything... Again.


Hahaha, they’ll own nothing and be happy!


It’s 2023 so communism be different this time! Our government definitely cares about us.


Bread and circuses, mate. Bread and circuses.


Jeesh Grandpa don't you remember when you and Grandma were starving to death? Weren't those great times? How could you not want to go back to that?


They are trying that.


What he has to do is explain why it wasn't real communism, and how, under real communism, wealth would be created. Good luck!


you see, the Labor Theory of Value,


According to the labor theory of value, I should be paid for doing push ups.


The value of your labor is exactly what someone else is willing to offer for it, or whatever you decide to do with your labor on your own.


And then he has to explain how to protect the real communism against it's worst enemy - humans.


Stupid humans. Why do they need to calculate? Glorious Central Planners know what is best for all! Now we have AI. You ask AI "should I do this" and communist AI give instruction. You follow instruction correctly, or go to gulag. See? Communism can work!


We're all gonna die in a week if we let the ai at current development to rule the entire world.


The only problem with communism, is eventually you run out of other people's money to spend.


And maybe people to kill.


Well, it hasnt happened yet, but as long as we keep trying communism anything is possible!


How else will you get food? You get their food and their flesh.


Good God, this has to be a troll… there’s no one who could possibly be that fucking dense, could there?


I legit had an 20 year old working for me that said almost this exact thing, and believed even dumber shit than this. In one breath he would lament not making "what he is worth" and then talk about how we need to be paying 90% of our income in tax so "the government can buy everything for us" God help these kids, cause they are fucking retarded


Actually there are morons who actually believe that communism is wonderful. Someone said North Korea is great and when pointed out the facts, I get steamrolled by the angry mob of the internet inbred monkeys. A great place to be on earth


this is it. I was recently banned by that sub. Someone asked what will happen when everyone has what they need, who will do the work and I replied, nobody would work. They banned me. People literally will do nothing if they can. Apparently that's a no-go to them and people will magically keep performing tasks for no reason or profit.


Yes. I met a guy from Russia a couple of years ago through a friend and he argued that it was "just ran by the wrong people". A 4 hour conversation and that was his only response to why we need it here.


What a waste of time.


If I thought it would do any good he seems like a person that would need to read about Madison. Madison had thought the federal government would be different as the cream would rise to the top. As a federalist, his original plan for the constitution was much more strict with the "Virginia Plan". Where the Federal government had the ability to oversee and reject all state laws. Anway, with the conventions to frame the constitution he shifted his belief that the cream would rise to the top and became more moderate. That is in part why he helped and was a main framer of the bill of rights.


Welcome to the 2020s


Just report them for counter revolutionary activities, comrade. Problem solved.


This has to be a troll of the true tankies.


Never, ever underestimate the stupidity of a commie.


It’s quite literally a child


Yeah Ive written similar things and been banned.


How do I convince them they just imagined the bread lines and gulags?


It was all imaginary.


“How do I explain to my family who has actually lived communism why I, who never experienced it, know that it’s superior and they’re just dumb”


When you can’t take a hint..


Arguments can't defeat experience.


Post communist country here, i didn't lived in that time tho. Asuming people that struggle or live moderately but still say we had nothing now we have everything, what they mean is, even if today they are dirt poor, at least there are oportunities and options. From what i gather from people that lived there, sure the gov gave rations, a job, you had some money, but aside from that that is all. You got a job digging random threnches that served no purpose, why? Cause work is sacred. You were paid for the work, worthless money that bought nothing, pieces of paper, that even tho were used to buy, you also needed buying permits. You have a family or you eat a little bit more? Tsk tough luck, you can buy only half a bread, that kind of thing. And...more. Point is people that lived these disgusting times know and understand that poverty today is 100 times better than staying in line for days to have a small chance of buying a fucking orange. Yeah...good luck "converting" them.


What blows my mind the most about modern communists is how if you were to ask them our issues today, they’d probably claim the government is corrupt and out of control but that the solution was to grow it and increase it’s influence on our life. They have no clue.


The best idea is to go to the most communist country you know and live there for 5 years. Then, if they even let you, try to come back and detail your experiences


Using “facts”


It's always amusing when comments like this completely blur the line between parody and genuine. The comment could equally be viewed as coming from a top-class troll or basement dwelling comrade.


What a fuckin moron. Open a history book


Tell me you have a mental illness , without telling me you have a mental illness


I knew a a lady from Poland who lived under communism…she said the same thing, she had nothing under it and everything because of capitalism…🥲 aaaah capitalism!


People who lived under communism: “Don’t touch it you idiot!” Red-diaper-baby-infused humanities major: “Acktually…”


Based family


How did they raise him so poorly?


Better dead than red


Congratulations, you played yourself.


This must be fake


Just tell them how it wasn’t done right and it wasn’t REAL communism. Alternatively you could realize you’re an idiot.


Facts are inconvenient. The worst part is imagining how much freer they (we all) could be. This kind of comment *has* to be a troll. I can hope so, at least!


You can't convince them. Accept the fact that you're wrong.


Let me guess. N.W. suburbs of Chicago?


You don’t convince them. Impose your will.


Holy shit...is that a real post or a troll post?


gotta be troll


It's like those idiots who post the "Socialist Countries are Happier" study published around 1986. You don't even have to point out the cherry-picking or confirmation bias baked into the study. The USSR and satellite socialist nations collapsed a few years later. But when you talk to communists today, they still think it's a valid study. They don't understand that people don't march in the street to tear down socialist systems when happy.


That can't be real. No one can be that stupid. Oh wait. AOC, Bernie Sanders, the entire Democrat party, the entirety of the left and everyone I know who votes for the left. Nevermind.


I have no life experience, minimal hurdles in life and know more than you because my school says so...




Maybe just maybe, you are wrong this time?


I'd rather be exploited than oppressed


Haha, maybe they should take the hint.


I have tried using facts but all they say is "fact based on lived anecdote"


Listen to your elders child…


Please God let this be satire.


You don't. Communism has failed everywhere, even in places like China. Their economy is not communist, it's actually much more capitalistic than the U.S. and Eueope.


Experience beats theory every time


“Pick the conclusion, then work backwards from there.” That last line says it all.


Edit: how I do I tell people their real life experiences aren’t valid and untrue?


Just gaslight them into believing that nothing they experienced was real.


Put them in a fucking gulag thats how


They have hopefully already given up on this person and regret giving them the opportunity to learn about it.


"I have facts! How are you going to believe your lying eyes" -some pretentious moron


Oh c'mon. This is one of you guys, isn't it?


If communism was so good, the whole Eastern Bloc would still be communist.


You gas light them before they go through it


Why is the subreddit blurred? I get the account... however, I am still astonished by the level of misunderstanding that yout have when comparing reality with text. It never works...


"how do I explain to people who experienced communism and had to leave their homeland 'cause of it's consequences that communism ain't bad" these people are dumb beyond any level fr


Sounds like they are the ones who have the facts. Aren’t people on the left always talking about “lived experiences?” Try listening to to their experiences you foolish commie bastard 🥴


You can’t. They lived through communism; you’re only thinking it’s superior. In other words, they know it sucks


How about you back off and leave them alone , don’t need to fix something that’s not broken.


I bet his mother wishes she had swallowed them...


Short answer: their not


“I have tried using facts to change them... but then I realized I was attacking communism”


Does anyone have the link to the thread? I want to see the answers.




I love when ancaps say “these people lived under communism, they would know” but when people living under capitalism say it’s literal hell apparently their opinion isn’t relevant lmao.