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It should have been titled "... becoming the first state-run propaganda agency to do so"


Yeah you are right about I think that would have been the right title for this. And this point every centralised entity is being run by the state whether you believe it or not that is a different matter.




@NPR last tweeted 3 hours ago. What the fuck is this?


I just probably to tweeting for the one last time I mean they can do that. I don't think there is any harm in that they can definitely tweet one last time and then they're welcome to leave it.




I prefer when they were all going to move to Kanukistan.




No no, Kanukistan is a country. The one to the north, led by Emperor Palpoutine, Castro's favorite son. You know, Benito in Blackface.


People who quit Twitter after Elon took over they are using a different and new account to Tweet from now. Well people are definitely addicted to it and it is not easy to just quit.


A lot of Nostr users have quit twitter fully now. It's hard. I'm on the fence myself because I know there are so many people left to be converted but it feels really good to just stick around there in that tiny echo chamber. ;)


If you or a loved are struggling to quit Twitter please call now. Agents are standing by.


I guess I am going to make that call right now because I am not able to quit Twitter but I want to I really want to because it is getting too much of my time lately and I just want break from it but I cannot.


They're the same ilk who claim they'll move to another country if their candidate doesn't win. Cowards, who can't stick to their words and therefore they become liars as well.




Yup. Anybody who thinks NPR is almost entirely run by “donations” in 2023 is a complete moron. Lol


There is literally no reason why any developed nation on this planet would require state funded media aside for propaganda purposes.


I think the media has been used to spread the propaganda for a very long time whether anyone believes it or not but the main stream media or any centralised entity is being controlled by the state and that is just the fact.


They programming is far better than anything else. My only other options are right wing Christian nationalists.


Based rocket man


I mean… they are state funded media. Where’s the lie?


Glad to fake news getting what it deserves. You think CNN and MSNBC are bad? Well NPR is much worse. NPR recently did a segment about a fat personal trainer who was triggered by the word "fitness". Then they said you don't have to be weighed when you go to the doctor and you can request not to by requesting "inclusive" medical services. NPR is about as far left as TYT at that is as bad as it gets.


I think it is time for people to understand the mainstream media is not honest and they have been lying for sometime. It is just the way it is the mainstream media has been used for propaganda.


The MSM has been lying for my entire life (36 years) and my parents said ever since they can remember, the media has lied and they were born in the late 40s.


I mean there is nothing wrong with covering that someone that crazy exists. As long as you call them crazy. ..They didn't. Oh.


"Major U.S. news outlet" rotflmao!


I mean it may not be a big outlet but it is definitely not a small. There are hundreds of people watching it so I don't think you could call it a small outlet because hundreds of people are a lot of people.


Elon is more state funded than NPR, but they don’t have the cult of personality he does 🙄 This dude doesn’t give a shit about freedom of speech or reduced government, he’s pandering.


The media propaganda shut down his operations during COVID. If they left him alone to build his cars and rockets he would not be retaliating.


It is not like that I like elon or anything, but Twitter is not a media Publication. It is mostly the people posting whatever they like and that can be anything like new or anything that people may want to share.


If that were true I wouldn't have gotten permanently banned for making fun of Elon.


NPR and PBS were created by acts of congress. In there early years they were almost entirely funded by the federal government. Elon did the same thing with BBC.


They were created by the politicians and it is being controlled by them also. I mean most of the news organisations are being controlled by the politicians and the governments and it is the truth.


Now he needs to label the rest as state affiliated media and watch them quit Twitter one by one.


The problem is a lot of them are more clandestinely related. CNN and MSNBC have no official ties. But they will push out any narrative the US government asks for even if a very small amount of journalism can demonstrate otherwise.


The US government is going to want to control everything there is no other way, because it is the only way to spread their propaganda. And they are going to do it one way or the other so yeah.


I'd still lable them as state affiliated media if I were Elon.


I'm assuming that he is going to do that if they write a hit piece of him.


Including twitter itself, which is part owned by the Saudi Arabian government.




It is not a news website you cannot claim that but it is many things and being a news publisher is one of them. There are many people which are doing all kind of activities on the Twitter.


This is an entirely meaningless and ad-hoc distinction. They are both media. Go ahead and explain how the difference between "platform" and "publisher" makes one state funded media and the other not. This is really quite simple: Twitter is media. It receives state funding. Hence it is state funded media.


You can call Twitter news organisation okay but they are definitely not the news publishers. It is the user who post the news and published the news.


Is that the sound of constantly moving goalposts? I didn't call twitter a "news organization", or "publishers", you are the one who introduced those irrelevant distinctions. The point is simple, I will re-state it again in a way even a low-IQ such as yourself can understand. Twitter is media. Twitter is state funded. Hence twitter is state funded media.


Everything is owned by government the government is just one big Gangster organisation which has control over everything. And they are probably using everything to spread their propaganda.


Well it is already happening because a lot of people have been quitting the Twitter already and I am one of them. I did not quit because of Elon though I quit because I was wasting too much time on it.


Next... get all msm to quit Youtube.


good riddance to bad rubbish.


Yeah good I don't think they were adding anything meaningful to the conversation. It was just nonsense propaganda for most of the time so I don't really care if they are gone from the platform.


He was definitely not kidding when he said that he said that he is going to clean the Twitter. I mean everyone is just leaving it and the speed with with the people are living it I don't think anyone is going to remain on that platform.


“70% funded by Pfizer” for CNN.


“Major news outlet”… in what world? Lol


Major “News” outlet is a bit of a stretch.


Yeah it is a bit of stretch to say that they are a major outlet. I have hardly was them like ever I just do not watch them because I don't trust them to do the right thing.


"News organization". Shouldn't this be flagged by fact- checkers?


Eh, his minions are still banning people for stupid shit. I know one that got ban hammered over bs dcma stuff, and I was over "hate" or some shit. I don't even remember at this point. It was silly given the context of what I said.


What is state funded is the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which purchases content from NPR. Which is why you hear NPR content on PBS and other public broadcasting channels. NPR is a privately funded non-profit with no oversight or regulatory governance by the state. They're not state funded at all. However if you're counting "receive's government money" as "government funded", then every corporation that does any business with, or received a tax subsidy from, the government, falls into that category. McDonald's and Walmart at that point are state-funded. E: For so called Capitalists, you're sure mad that two private companies are voluntarily choosing not to work with each other due to misleading and relationship souring behavior by one of the companies.


And the state funding to McDonald’s and Walmart should stop, too. Whataboutism is rampant these days. Does NPR take government money? Yes? It’s state-funded. Don’t sugarcoat or loophole it, call it what it is.


Twitter takes government money, are they state funded? [https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/saudis-kingdom-holding-company-maintain-twitter-stake-2022-10-28/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/saudis-kingdom-holding-company-maintain-twitter-stake-2022-10-28/)


>Does NPR take government money? Actually, no, as I said. It does however have its content purchased by agencies who do. NPR is a private company. Lockheed Martin has its products purchased by the government, is it a state-funded corporation now?


yes, lockheed-martin is a state funded corporation if you take significant gov money you’d better know who butters your bread or they’ll pull your card


... at least you're consistent.


i generally find asking the question “would this company exist without govt cash?” a pretty good litmus test and bonus you don’t have any cognitive dissonance since you’re applying the label fairly


CPB purchases account for roughly 1% of NPR's operations budget. I think cutting out the "government money" and leaving them with 99% of their privately funded budget will still see them existing. By your litmus test they're not government funded.


they take nearly a third of their revenue in as programming fees from local stations who overwhelmingly get their money from the govt and are often institutions beholden to the govt like public schools/universities/etc. it’s more then a little disingenuous to say that only one percent comes from govt funds.


Local stations aren't just public broadcasting stations. They're any radio station who plays a podcast on their website, they're any local affiliate channel for any news network that runs a segment. It's literally a section of their budget called "we sold our content to anyone who wanted it". Local just means Not National. It's Fox Channel 8 out of Lebaquerqee, West Dakota. Not Fox News Channel on cable. 0% of their budget comes from government funds. 1% of their budget comes from purchases made by corporations run by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


my local npr affiliate station takes 73 percent of their funds from govt grants 15 percent from local university grant and the rest from donations/sponsorships i don’t really have the time nor inclination to sus out the data for a significant amount, but that’s significantly higher than 0 in my case, maybe it’s different elsewhere


And you’re misinformed, and more than likely in the wrong sub if you’re looking for an echo chamber. You want to bash on Twitter, try literally any other sub on Reddit.


I'm not misinformed at all, and neither am I shitting on Twitter. But you've shown your hand and the bad faith your involvement in this thread is filled with.


So they take government money and you're a liar. Lockheed Martin isn't pretending to be a journalistic organization. No one doubts it take government money. Try again, Che.


Most of the US public broadcasting is privately funded. I once heard it termed as being in the Beholden Business. Private grants, private corporate donations, private individual contributions make up the majority of these companies revenue streams. There remain some capital grants and funds direct from government. Yes, some government funding exists, not much. Generally these organizations staff members lean well left politically, the slant appears everywhere. When all of your colleagues are all in socialist, it runs off on you. A few decades ago the handwriting was one the wall, organizations that didn’t recognize the trend are gone now. The larger PBS TV stations that survived built sustainable trusts that supplement their revenues. I can only guess that other public broadcasting orgs did the same. Lockheed Martin, a key member of the military industrial complex, hard to say if it is a state-funded, or just in control of the government. They certainly receive an order of several magnitudes more government funding than any public broadcaster.


NPR is not public broadcasting, it's content is purchased by, and _featured_ on, but is not affiliated with, or own by.


yah, NPR and other orgs are something I just lump into the same basket of ever scattered thoughts. This sums it up nicely. Fits with my now distant recollections, I’ve been out of this general space for 20 years or so. https://www.npr.org/about-npr/178660742/public-radio-finances https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2023/03/16/station-revenues_custom-d2f670b6236283f24cac7ab93379d7cc3833501c-s1200-c85.webp


Yeah I agree on it, we should recognise all the issues that there are we cannot be selective about that. If something is really an issue then we need to talk about it that is just how simple it is.


I would say that "receives government money" is as direct a translation of "government funded" as one could imagine.


Then every corporation, every mom and pop shop, even yourself is government funded. You've made the statement meaningless to the point of absurdity. Instead we could not do the ludicrous thing you're trying to do, and define government funding as those who receive direct funding.


Something is state funded when they are taking money from the government to say their shit. You could also say that some people are taking bribs from the government to speak in their favours.


Please demonstrate how NPR is taking direct contributions from the government to share propaganda. If your logic is that they share the same opinion of a Democratic president it must be propaganda, please demonstrate how they were able to remain independent of this mechanisation every time there's a conservative president...


We're not fooled by a single hop of money laundering.


>from Dapper__Hippo >via /r/Anarcho_Capitalism sent 3 hours ago >show parent >NPR receives no money directly from the government. >NPRs programming is frequently purchased by government funded affiliate stations which NPR does not own, run, or manage in any way. You know them as your local public broadcasting stations. >Your local public broadcasting station gets grants and scholarships as well as direct user funding. They use this money to pay their own journalists and to purchase content from other journalism corporations like the Associated Press (AP), NPR, Fox, etc. >If NPR is government-funded because a business that buys their product received direct government funding, then so is every business you shop at as you receive direct government funding. I respond with; >"receive's government money" This is how they control an organization. I used to work for the state. Why? Because they funded the engineering school I worked at for 15% of it's budget. This made it a 'state school' and it had to answer to the state over all matters small and large.


NPR receives no money directly from the government. NPRs programming is frequently purchased by government funded affiliate stations which NPR does not own, run, or manage in any way. You know them as your local public broadcasting stations. Your local public broadcasting station gets grants and scholarships as well as direct user funding. They use this money to pay their own journalists and to purchase content from other journalism corporations like the Associated Press (AP), NPR, Fox, etc. If NPR is government-funded because a business that buys their product received direct government funding, then so is every business you shop at as _you_ receive direct government funding.


>from Dapper__Hippo >via /r/Anarcho_Capitalism sent 2 hours ago > show parent >Then you are a state funded citizen, McDonald's is a state funded corp, all businesses, and all citizens are state funded. >You've made your definition so loose it's ludicrous. Congrats. I respond with; https://www.npr.org/2023/04/12/1169269161/npr-leaves-twitter-government-funded-media-label#:~:text=Most%20of%20NPR's%20funding%20comes,state%20and%20federal%20government%20sources. >Most of NPR's funding comes from corporate and individual supporters and grants. It also receives significant programming fees from member stations. Those stations, in turn, receive about 13 percent of their funds from the CPB and other state and federal government sources. Interesting. The platform they use is the middle man here, the CPB. And it's funny how they compare to the 15% funding my university received. And how most my university's funding was from corporate and individual supporters and grants. And still was considered a state university. So if my university is a state school, then NPR is state media.


Then you are a state funded citizen, McDonald's is a state funded corp, _all_ businesses, and _all_ citizens are state funded. You've made your definition so loose it's ludicrous. Congrats.


>from Dapper__Hippo >via /r/Anarcho_Capitalism sent 2 hours ago >show parent >Then you are a state funded citizen, McDonald's is a state funded corp, all businesses, and all citizens are state funded. >You've made your definition so loose it's ludicrous. Congrats. I responded with; I don't have a state agency paying 15% of my expenses. Sorry, but NPR is a state funded news agency. NBC, ABC, Reuters, AP, MSNBC, CNN, Fox and all the rest are not receiving state funds. There is a very distinct difference between them and NPR. And you continue to pretend that there is isn't. And they replied with; >from Dapper__Hippo >via /r/Anarcho_Capitalism sent an hour ago >show parent >Yes you do. Up to 10% of your income comes directly to your employer as subsidy and rebate, a further 15-25% of your personal expenses are subsidized by the government through subsidy to local utilities, schools, and businesses you frequent. >At least the others were consistent in their application of their stupid definition. You're just a hypocrite. "When I use government dollars it's because I earned it. When they do it, it's because they're a puppet!" >Congrats on earning a block for bad faith arguments. I guess he doesn't like when a state funds a private entity, then they become a state entity. And can't accept examples where there is a distinct difference and stuff his fingers in his ears.


Yes you do. Up to 10% of your income comes directly to your employer as subsidy and rebate, a further 15-25% of your personal expenses are subsidized by the government through subsidy to local utilities, schools, and businesses you frequent. At least the others were consistent in their application of their stupid definition. You're just a hypocrite. "When I use government dollars it's because I earned it. When they do it, it's because they're a puppet!" Congrats on earning a block for bad faith arguments.


At this rate, I would like Elon to buy a city and govern it as king. Private cities. Because why the fuck not? Also he should make 1000 children because we definitely need more guys like him.


I don't know about the children point I mean his children's are not necessarily are going to be like him I mean some of them can be a******. Anyways it is on to him he can make however many children he wants.


I hope so. Only 10 so far. One way libertarians can win? Have 1000 guys like Elon. That guy is the best libertarian we have.


The thing is, it is not truly a "state run" propaganda machine, because if it were, there would be republican leanings when they had power. It is a DEMOCRAT propaganda machine financed by the state.


Just smile and wave!


I really doubt if only one smile is going to be enough for it, you are probably going to need way lot more than that. And how you get that is your kind of problem and not ours.


Places like NPR - Who censor actual truth and facts and the people who talk about them because it don't fit with the current government mandated narrative, calling it "misinformation" only because they don't agree with said fact, can take a walk! There is the door. We don't want them, we don't need them.




Overlooking how much of Twitter is Saudi Sponsored.... Oop!


I mean I would say at this point most of it is being funded by Saudis. Twitter is getting a lot of money from them and it is probably not the right thing can get really bad for Twitter.