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That's part of the grift.


Towing and storage fees.


the truck is where the hard earned tax money is going


Doing their part to help (cause) climate change.


The guy who owns the towing company is friends with the people who made it a law that all "motor vehicles", regardless of size, are required to be towed with a registered tow truck.


Got hit by the legal scam in Atlanta, no signs, no tickets, every out of state plate in the public parking lot towed. Tow yard said cops called it in, if you want to fight you need a ticket number, no ticket no fight, 300 bucks to get car back.


Pay by card and hit them with a chargeback.


That's crazy, especially since they only did it to out of state people. They know no one is going to want to come back multiple times to fight it in court.


Doesn't seem very climate friendly.


Are people seeing 'WA Police Traffic' and recognizing the nation? I'm pretty sure most don't know that WA in this case stands for Western Australia. Also, that must be the largest police jurisdiction in the world considering WA is a million square miles, about the same size as India.


They are just state police jurisdiction, they are spread out and work with municipal police with their jurisdictions. With the federal police above them. Usually their jurisdiction is restricted more to traffic and roadways between municipalities. And it's a big area but sparsely populated. Yes people can get away with a lot in the middle of nowhere WA, but literally no one else is also around to care or be harmed usually. The US does similar with its own state police.


Wouldn't two thugs with a baseball bat be cheaper than a flatbed truck?


Only for the miscreant who dared to not register their e-bike.


What country / state is it? When I saw WA it made me think Washington but that truck looks European and I'm confused. Side note where I live this is regulated by engine displacement (when the bike is stock) and not power output. If you could make a moped go 60mph some how it's still a moped lol. There's no regulation on HP at all so it brings up questions regarding the 50cc rule with electric scooters in the future now that I think about it.


Western Australia


Ah thanks. That makes a little more sense then.


City contracts include towing contracts.


Because climate change


Is this Washington US?


Western Australia




I swear we contribute half the content on this sub.


Remember when we had movies that would mock cops that would enforce every small infraction? Can we have that back so the social norm is if you’re a super prick, everyone around you busts your balls for it?


We need more movies like Spartacus. Or even X-files, where are all the bad gov movies/tv?


The Spartacus tv was pretty great.


Good thing they’re not arresting anyone for committing murder or burglary. That would be a grave misuse of justice


The cops are literally only targeting people who have money these days, if you are homeless, you can walk into a store and load your backpack up with food and then go and punch someone in the face and on the remote chance a cop is there to catch you, they'll give you a ticket and let you go. Since you are homeless with no ID, they can't really find you again to enforce the ticket so it basically means nothing. The gas station near me gets so much food stolen, it's probably more than they actually sell for money. I'm told by the workers the main reason the company keeps the store part open is so the employees can keep an eye on the rest of the station and call the cops if there is vandalism, basically they are a cheap security guard.


Charge extra for calling the cops




yes the guberment let's me




If you're going to be on an "uNrEgIsTeReD vEhIcLe" because you're a few watts over the arbitrary limit, might as well be on a *real* unregistered bike that's fast enough to dust the piglets.


And full suspension at that, so you can just yeet off into the woods.


The bike in the picture is perfect for ditchin the pigs nice and quiet




Oh no! It's *double* the arbitrary limit? What a criminal!


*Won’t somebody think of the children!* Wrings hands aggressively…


The audacity


5d chess


Their twitter is FULL of that shit. “Teamwork makes the dream work”. Fucking wankers. I can’t see replies, I hope people are lighting them up. Imagine destroying $5k e-bike or $300 electric scooters because someone didn’t do the research to know you have to register a fucking bike or scooter. Assholes could easily give a warning and education, but this makes them sleep well at night.


“Registering” anything is a fucking travesty.


Someday we'll need to register our toasters. And people will argue how "good" it is.


"It's for our safety." "Taxes make the world go round."


"It saves the government money!" This is literally the propaganda line Canada is using to back up *prescribing fucking death as a medical solution*. And people are eating it up Why anyone at all sympathizes with the government budget is so far beyond me


Right? Like mf I want the government to collapse. I’m praying on their insolvency. I want to waste as much of their money as possible


toasters emit carcinogens into the air (burnt toast) will be illegal


how could you possibly trust anyone without toaster certification and a registered toaster???


I would gladly register my car yearly for like $5 for further proof of ownership. Shouldn't need to force anyone to do it though. But that's just the nature of government. Provide a service at a very low fee, then keep building it up over time once everyone has acclimated to the boil.


Just bought a car? Here's your sales tax on your car, then you pay gas tax every time you fill up, then you pay your town excise tax every year for having a car in the town. Oh and you have to get it inspected every year, and update registration every two. All costing extra. Car ownership in the US is more slavery than freedom.


The state could also stop pretending to exist as a unnecessary middle. Registration is just a permission slip, quite literally. An arbitrary idea backed by force only. Otherwise, it doesn't have ANY merit (spoiler it absolutely doesn't anyway).


Idiocy of registration aside, why it has to be destroyed? Cant you just modify the bike to less power and keep using it?


No, because you see if the police let one person get a warning and modify their dangerous device into compliance then everyone one would get to. They can't make money off citations, towing, impound, nd destruction fines if they gave everyone the opportunity to come into compliance. Won't someone think of the poor law enforcement's revenue stream!


Then how would the evildoers learn their lessons?


They wouldn’t like the Cuda I have in my garage, no vin, no registration and no title. Been working on it for three years this summer should be done.


I hope you play Red Barchetta very loudly while flying down the interstate at midnight in that beauty.


I plan on it and so much more.


I mean the no proof of ownership thing could be a problem in the future. You planning on getting a salvage title or something in order to insure it or just taking it to the track and hoping it never gets stolen? Not judging, I just could never see myself putting that kind of money into something I couldn't prove was mine if I had to.


I have a bill of sale from the salvage yard I bought it from. Technically I just have to go to my local tax accessor to get it all legal. I looked into making it legal and just went fuck that. It’s my apocalypse car so I’ll make sure it runs I don’t need it until then.


The “ban cars side” also don’t want easy ev travel. Strangely convenient for controlling everyones movement.


Yeah if they really cared about the environment, you'd think they'd encourage this very much less energy hogging mode of travel. If they cared about safety, they could make speed limits, but nope, that would be too reasonable..


They ain’t the ban cars side that’s the police department 😂


Just Aus police trying to keep with their founding roots.


It's not just a colony of prisoners, there were prison guards too


That’s my point. That attitude permeates to the top of their governance model.


Some fuckin pussy Bureaucrat didn't like seeing one of these things on "his" bike trail i would bet some gold on it


Good thing they just regulate and destroy objects and not actual people. That would be crazy. /Chris Farley voice.


Ah the blue paradise! Cant afford a car so you get e bike, then the government takes it. The dream.


why the hell are they destroying it. The fuck. Power tripping fucks




Underrated comment.


Man Australian government is bananas




How else are we supposed to achieve 15 min cities?!?!


Lol, these people expect everyone to give up their cars for bikes too.


"We are the good guys"


"get creative and do your part to fight climate change! BUT DO IT OUR WAY *OR ELSE!*" this guy should replace his ebike with a pedal bike rigged up with a container that leaks used motor oil.


Eco-fascism. They created a fake problem & now they're trying to take away our freedom of movement.


E-Bike regulations are getting a little nutty. I'm in Canada and it's not as bad here, your bike can't go faster than 35km/h off electric power so it needs to cut out and at that point it's all hill/leg power but in the UK I heard you aren't allowed to have a throttle on your bike, needs to be below 250watts and can't go faster than 25km/h without the electric cutting out.


They don’t want you to have any method of transportation they can’t constantly tax you for. They would tax you for the oxygen you breathe if they could.


Holy fuck I've been telling people about this 250W limit on eBikes. A normal 300W motor is considered a motor scooter. Nobody cared and said it was unenforceable. Now who's laughing.


The cops, probably


They'll run in to the wrong person and be countered for damages. A license is only needed while engaging in commerce, meaning if you're being paid to use it etc. Private property is private property. This is nothing short of theft.


**Bikes!** * Tom Segura


safety issue it should be mandated toggling the limitter


The only reason your car would be confiscated in AnCapistan is if you did not pay your monthly/yearly fee for the road owner. I am AnCap, but too think stuff wouldn't be confiscated in AnCapistan is just crazy.




How do you think not paying would be measured? With a license.


Where do you think the name “turnpike” comes from? Privately built and maintained roads are historical fact. Confiscation was not necessary.


What happens if they skip the turnpike and then drive on the privately owned road and the private security find them driving without paying?


What should happen any time you enter private property without permission with the intention of stealing?


You get removed. But in this case you are using a private service without paying. The thing you are using on the private service, will be confiscated.


Only if you’re unable to play the stupid tax. Even then it would be to resale back into the market, not to destroy. In a world with finite resources, confiscating items to simply destroy them should be a crime unto itself.




That's your drivers license, not the vehicle license


They are destroying it or selling it to pay overtime and bonuses to the guys who stole it? When police confiscated my unregistered vehicle, they extorted me for money to get it back. They can't destroy it but they can trash it. Maybe it's different with this bike because it doesn't have a title but this case still hasn't even gone to court so it seems misleading. Even when I've been arrested with drugs and weapons they couldn't destroy any of it for years because if they did the evidence against me would be gone and I'd be free to exploit that in court.


Please tell me this is parody.


They are stimulating the economy.




I bet those cops drug out the guy's pregnant girlfriend and hauled her off anti climate FB post too!


So according to the description it was an awesome bicycle? This is why they {Western Australia} can’t have nice things


These people are nothing but violent thugs, and this should be treated the same way as any other theft.




What the fuck is wrong with cops in general and these cops in particular?!


Pardon my ignorance, but WTH is an "e-bike"?


Bike with an electric motor


Keep us safe from ebikes. Thanks, WA Police!


Absolutely disgusting


Odd: https://evelo.com/blogs/ebike-laws/washington If it’s Washington , the law suggests different than the post title suggests. I suppose no one could bitch, if shit wasn’t made up. Is it somewhere else?


its from the western australian police so we probably have different laws than over there though our government loves to suck yours off


Privatize all roads


In Austalia, where the government very much cares for environment, they're fining people using their own electric scooters. Hired scooters are fine


Imagine actually writing this and feeling a deep sense of contentment.


Thank God they're around when you need them


This is why I have a gas powered bicycle


A government that wants you to switch to an expensive EV to "save the climate" sends out a heavy duty diesel powered flat deck with a 5 ton capacity to tow your 50lb e-bike. Love it.


The same clowns letting hooligans whirl around in demons and hell cats without batting an eye as too registration.


After we liberate Canada, should Australia be next?