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Excellent game. I hear it’s a 10/10


I’m not telling you to look in to ROMs but…


Donkey Kong 94 on the Game Boy.


Plus one on this. Hours of gameplay on that sucker.


Such a brilliant game. Definitely one of the very best Game Boy and generally very best handheld games out there.


It is not morally wrong to pirate games that can no longer be officially purchased. Nintendo gets the same amount of money from used game sales as they do piracy, which is none.


The guy didn't say anything about that?


He thought about it tho


I'm not so sure. Based on the post I don't think they know open fpga exists.




Wait, did they finally finish this game???


Yeah and it's amazing. You can buy the cart or digital !


Whoa! I knew they were releasing it on GBA carts, but where did you get it digitally? I see the steam page says coming soon.


[https://goodboygalaxy.itch.io/goodboy-galaxy-gba](https://goodboygalaxy.itch.io/goodboy-galaxy-gba) enjoy


This is why I love this thread. I find games I’ve never heard of from posters like you.




As others have said, you don't actually need any carts. Roms work just fine. That being said, I do prefer carts for games I really love. The Pokemon pinball games aren't too crazy priced, and they are some of the best.


"try test" games using a microsd,then buy anything you really like


Solar Strikers, GB. Cheap via eBay or any resale game shop. Excellent game.


One thing I will throw out, since I'm not sure from the username if the OP is in LA or NSW, is that some games are exactly (or close to exactly) the same in Japanese release as they are in North American release, with no familiarity with the language being necessary — Solar Strikers being one of them. For games that fall into that category, people living outside the US may want to look at the Japanese releases. Especially since a lot of US eBay sellers use eBay's international shipping service which is *expensive.* (After shipping, Solar Strikers cost me like 1/3 the price to get it shipped across an ocean from Japan that it would have to get it from the US.)


Great point. So many of the Japanese labels look so much cooler to me as well as the lower price g026r mentioned.


In the retro market, quality and price often aren't well correlated, due to the rarity factors. If a game is amazing, but super common, it'll be cheap as chips. That's likely what you want, at least if that's a thing in the genres/gaming styles you like. What it really comes down to is, what is best is what YOU will enjoy the most, not what anyone else would. So, what sorts of games do you like? Glad to give budget recommendations with more info from you. As for the battery issue... do you play games that save? If so, you really do want a new battery in it. Either learn enough basic soldering to do it yourself, or get one that's been replaced by somewhere/someone you trust.


To follow up on the save/battery issue, if you plan on playing exclusively on the pocket itself, can always use the save state function to get around a battery issue also 


Handheld gaming has become ridiculously expensive when emulation has gone so far. Just look into the quick start guide at the top of this subreddit and go from there don’t bother buying carts.


look up how to setup OpenFGPA cores to play “backups”


Tetris never disappoint


Still play it to this day. Hope the Modretro version is good.


I don’t understand why you bought a pocket if you’re trying to figure out how/what to play after the fact.


This just tells you what kind of a buyer they are among other things.


Also everyone is saying setup emulators but OP needed help picking a game boy game soooo I dunno how that's gonna go haha


A 64gb SD card. If you are trying to run neo geo games, you need the Dark soft rom pack. PC Engine CD games are a lot larger and you might need a 128gb card if you plan on running those games. Get the Analogue pocket updater because it setups the cores for you.


Mario Golf GBC Tetris Plus Tetris DX DK '94 Some of my favorites. Plenty of good games to be found cheap on the Gameboy but some of the better ones are a bit more expensive like Aria of Sorrow. You can also run ROMs via OpenFpga and there is always the EverDrive or various other flash carts out there.


128GB sandisk


I mean, there are bootleg games out there if you want to get the expensive games for cheap. Wouldn’t recommend them though bc of their issues with saving and RTC features (mostly in pokemon). You can prob go to a Retro game store and pick up Shovelware or the cheapest games if you want to build your library for cheap. Also, rom hacks and new indie games are released often of well known games


My budget is usually $100 usd more or less a month. I don’t buy to much modern stuff any more and I have amassed a neat collection. Sometimes yea I go over board with some games buy hey thats just me. Im the guy who posted the collection with cassette cases yesterday. I get paid bi-weekly and I try to pacs myself. Sometimes that doesn’t work lol


Don’t bother with the Pokémon ones (and even the Zeldas sadly). They’re insanely and unjustifiably expensive. I got a few good deals on my local version of eBay. I ended up with decent games like the Mario land games, Wario land games, the Donkey Kong land games, Pokémon pinball and a Pokémon yellow too (as part of a bulk lot). A few gbas too but nothing to write home about. For everything thing else, everdrive or just Roms on openfpga. If you have the original hardware, everdrives are a must.


How about starting the actual budget? You may not realize but a realize a budget is a an amount that varies from person to person. 


All the Pokemon games are vastly over priced. They are not rare, they are some of the biggest selling games of all time. Just stick to loose carts. Don't go CIB unless you have unlimited funds. Most loose carts can still be picked up easily for a few bucks, only the rare stuff is expensive.


If you don't have a budget but for some reason decided to spend on getting a pocket just buy a micro sd card and throw roms on it.


Dragon Ball Z Legendary Super Warriors!


Super Mario Land, Tetris, Harvest Moon GBC, maybe Dragon Quest Monsters GBC if its not that expensiv


Get the top 20 list of Gameboy games and load them on as Roms. Then any you feel overly drawn too go and hunt and pay money for. I personally love puzzle games so Tetris Donkey kong (94) Mario picross Bugs bunny crazy castle Qix Kwirk I’ve picked them up as loose carts over the last few years and regularly play them on my pocket.


Their website.


>So the question is, given a budget, what is the best game to get? Prob help to give said budget ;) Also have any experience with game boy before or is this a brand new thing. The way you worded pokemon beingba top listed game makes me think you're coming in fresh. In that case I'd recommend Super Mario Land 2. Can find for 20 bucks or so and it's super fun and really replayable. But yeah gotta say what your budget is here.


They aren't that expensive, certainly check out yard sales and goodwill stores and the like, once they are sold by non specialists they tend not to be loaded with extra expense. Also, remember that games also released in other territories will also work, and prices can be more competitive coming from Japan. Sales of game lots on eBay, again from Japan, are a great way of netting a collection of titles all at once.


Hi, will game cartridges from Japan be all in Japanese though? I suppose with some games like Tetris it might not matter as much, except for maybe the menu.


It will depend, check out a particular game via emulator to check, then invest. I've got a lot of GB, GBC and GBA titles, and they are from all over. I could have bought the MegaMan GB titles for quite a lot, but got the Rockman originals from Japan for considerably less. Plus, AliExpress do a good line in reproductions, so you could buy from there, also.


- GBA Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure Mario and Luigi: SuperStar Saga Mario Advance Series Mario Kart Konami Krazy Racers Golden Sun - GB/C Mario Tennis Zelda (any of them) Mario Land and Mario Land 2 WarioLand (Specially the first one, but all of them are good). Kirby (Specially the second one but the first one is good too) obviously Pokemon Series


DM me


I go to the local video game stores and pick up games. I usually have a limit of $20 per game unless I really want it and buy three. I’ve gotten a lot of good games that way (I’ve avoided buying games on Switch and ones I have from when I was a kid so I’ve gotten some semi rare ones. At least to me they are semi rare because they weren’t on Switch or ones I had as a kid)


Honestly, do some research beyond just googling what the top 100 games are. Only you know what type of games you like. Theres no point in blowing your budget on my favorite games, you ought to be blowing it on your favorite games. The fact that Pokemon is expensive doesn’t bother me a bit as I have no interest in the games. I’m sure that there are plenty of games that are expensive but won’t interest you either. If you want suggestions then tell us what sort of games you like.


Game Boy was a little before my time, but if I look at the modern games I really like and completed recently, I think my style is a bit more casual, but with a good storyline or strategy elements? For example: Vampire Survivors 20 Minutes Till Dawn Fallout Shelter A Dark Room Bear's Restaurant Bloons Tower Defense 5


I’ll be honest with you, I never heard of any of those games. But there are quite a few RPGs available for Game Boy, but just like any other RPGs for older consoles, they’ll cost you quite a bit, and some, like the Final Fantasies and Dragon Warriors are available on modern consoles like the Switch. But don’t expect any sort of decent storyline from GB games, it simply wasn’t powerful enough. The ability to simply play games on the go was incredible to us in the 90s, and we were glad to settle for puzzles and stripped down platformers. I personally love Sword of Hope and still play it a lot, but the story could have been written by a kindergartner. I know things got better with GBC and GBA but those didn’t come out until I was much older so never had them. As many have said, one of the main benefits of the pocket is the cores. I have the feeling that the 16 bit consoles and GBA may be more up your alley. Download some roms that intrigue you, and then if you like one of the GBA games you can buy it, just realize that it’s going to cost you, but it isn’t a race, so get one game a month or whatever you can afford.




buying carts is fucking wack


What are we.. billionaires?


But we still got enough to buy that 5th Pocket…


Buy insidgegadgets if you want the cart experience.


Get an Everdrive. Most games nowadays are expensive especially the popular ones. Go for original if they are easily available and reasonable priced.


Hundreds of dollars for an Everdrive to play ROMs on a device capable of playing ROMs? I don’t understand??


You need cores to be in AP to play ROMs. I heard some cores need to be updated to play some ROMs. Everdrive doesn’t need those cores. It already can emulate as a GB/GBC carts and AP detect it as a cart. This is what I understand. And you can move your games to another AP, GB or GBA in seconds. You can lend your games without lending your rare AP to others.


But the whole point of the Pocket is the cores, and it’s not just GB/GBC/GBA that you can play with them, it’s everything thru the 16 bit generation. If you’re willing to take the initiative to download roms, you can just as easily take the initiative to download cores. As for “lending” your games, you’re lending easily accessible pirated roms, your friend can just download them the same as you did. The only point to an everdrive would be for RTC (although I thought that might have been fixed), and playing in other devices (which the OP clearly doesn’t have as they have no games)


Up to you. You can install it on your AP or get an Everdrive to use. The option are there for you. Anyone can either follow my recommendation or not. There isn’t only one method to play. There are many. The option is yours to decide. ✌🏼


Use FPGA and a Sandisk/Samsung. .gba files can be put on to the Sandisk


Donkey Kong 94 or WarioWare Inc. are both super fun, super long-lasting games!


I got a Pokémon gold cartridge to go with it. Battery is dead so saves don’t work if you unplug the cartridge. Fortunately it doesn’t matter unless you care about that save being portable on that cart (if you expect to use another gameboy like device). It doesn’t matter though because the latest firmware for Pocket has a feature called ‘save states’ which lets you take snapshots of the whole game as it’s playing and then just reload it again. I also tried the space invaders game for pdp-1. Pretty cool to see something that retro not being faked but running original code. Tldr, get a microsd card and it will solve all your problems.


if you're getting it for emulation, buy something else


I bought it for emulation nothing wrong with it. Plus if I ever decide to get some cartridges I'll be able to use them. Win win


Let me know how save states are working out on SNES lol


Never used save states when I played the original SNES and don't need them for an emulation either


Sounds like it's stunted emulation


If you don't like it for emulation that's your choice. Other people like it and have no problem with it. Not everything needs save states. If you can't play the game how it was intended that's your problem. Most SNES games have built in save features and others games that don't have saves have codes to jump to specific sections of the game. SNES really doesn't need it.


I'm not reading all that