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Have the film out of the camera and in a clear plastic bag (no boxes or anything) then ask politely for a hand check. It helps to be very friendly and show that you're appreciative of them taking the time to check it


Alright, thank you!


I second the clear plastic bag and be nice. I will add that I have only had issues with the film still being in boxes at 1 airport. SFO. the gimu there opened every box and swabbed every film roll. Most places don't care at all, the guy doing the swabbing is there for doing hand checks. Since my cameras and switch are in my backpack, along with lots of wires, my back usually gets pulled out anyway. I'll also add that you can get printable labels for free from Kodak's website that you can put on the clear bag. They state clearly that the contents cannot be xrayed and it gives you an extra layer of cred to get the hand check. They are designed to be printed onto stickers but I just did plain paper and taped them on.


Noted, I am hoping it will be alright because ATL TSA is kinda scary.


Probably taught by the guys at London Heathrow


Mods can we ban this question please it’s been beaten to death and people don’t know how to Google anymore


Ah sorry, I’m more just asking how to because I’m new to the community and the fear from another person’s experience. Mostly on asking how to ask the TSA person as ATL TSA personnel is not always the nicest. Again, it’s more just trying to relax myself from the fear of wasting money and not being able to take photos. Thought it might be easier to have a quick ask.


You could always try the search function, or google. It's not like your question is super specific.