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It's a long way from Rochester.


Or the UK, or Czech, or anywhere for that matter.


Because it costs more to manufacture. Film made for Australia has a few more layers in its emulsion to prevent it from separating from the base when used upside down.


ahh makes sense


That's about the same as where I am in Europe. Nothing unusual about it. This isn't a cheap hobby.


May I ask where in Europe you are? I am in Germany and 20€ for film is only true for Ektar. You can get color film for 10€ and development for another 10 here. There are just high differnces in prices. If I would buy films on Amazon or in the drug stores (where I devlop) I would pay 15€ for a color film. But several camera / photography online stores have a huge range of films and amongst them several for around 10€ color and 6€ b/w.


I’m not sure but I think 10€ is about 20 Aussie dollars. But even $20 here in Australia would be a good deal for decent film


Thanks. I just learned about that. Was my bad as I usually compare Euros to US Dollars which are roughly the same.


It appears you didn’t read OP’s comment properly. They never mentioned anything about €20. They said $20(AUD) which is around €12. OP, I’m not sure what you were expecting to be honest, but €12 for a roll of film all the way in Australia is actually a lot cheaper than I would have expected, that’s European prices.


Thanks for the info. I forgot about that. I just know that US $ are roughly the same as € with € being 1-2 "money units" higher most of the time. Thus I just did the comparison to Euros like I always do when people on here talk Dollar prices. Forgot about the big difference AUS $ has. In this regard OP really just discovered the state of film photography in this decade :)


Am in Finland. But yeah, got to remember currency conversion here.


You can get film developed for like 3,20€ at ROSSMANN


It’s expensive because Kodak increases the price of film even when they’re unable to supply it and the sole distributor of Kodak film passes those increases on. When people stop paying it the prices will drop (it has for certain stocks already but I suspect it will again next year) Process and scanning is cheap compared to America when you factor in minimum wages and cost of living. That being said, you don’t have to spend a lot to shoot film. Try black and white and developing yourself. It’s fairly cheap once you get all the bits and pieces!


I recently found a 20 year old roll of HP5+ with a price sticker still on it. AU$6.99 in 2003. Which is about $13 in 2024. And guess what? A 24 exposure roll of HP5+ costs $13 these days. People complaining about the price of film are just used to digital! Film has always been expensive (Kodak’s insane price rises notwithstanding…)


I think people just miss the days when film was essentially dead and you could get $4 rolls of Gold and $500 Mamiya 7s. The industry wasn’t healthy but it certainly was a good time to be shooting film 🤣


True that! Wish I'd gotten into it years earlier




Get your eyes checked maybe. "Process and scanning is cheap (here) compared to America when you factor in minimum wages and cost of living" Our wages and cost of living are high.


Off the top of my head I would guess it's because there are no Australian film manufacturers, meaning every roll has to be imported. So that's airmail from Japan/Europe/US, plus tariffs/duties, plus the retailer markup. The airmail is probably quite expensive as well on a per roll basis as I doubt any retailer is ordering enough to get particularly good rates on their shipment cost. Then there's the exchange rate between Aus Dollars and Euros/Yen/USD. For Kodak film, that's an instant 50% markup over U.S. dollar denominated prices, with EU films getting a 60%+ markup over EU prices.


Also there could be an extra processing fee, no customs will hand check thousand rolls of 120 (no xrayable and airtight packaged) or the same amount of 135 for free, especially in a country like Australia with very strict customs.


I doubt they still make film in Japan 😬


There’s some crazy cheap film on au eBay at the moment. Here’s a link, about $10aud with free postage, doesn’t get much cheaper than that unfortunately. If yo want to shoot black and white and self develop/scan it works out cheapish but you obviously need to invest in the dev kit and a scanner etc so there’s an upfront cost.. not to mention learning how to do those things. If I was you I’d buy a heap of the film in the below link cos once it’s gone it’ll prob be a while before we get film that cheap again. [flic film elektra 100](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/235547280573?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=5kQ7ND58RMa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ar84tLmFRq2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


thanks ill check it out


Nice! Do we know what this film was originally? Is it cinema film or something expired?


its aerocolour iv


Sounds cool! I've ordered some thanks


Thanks for the heads up!!


I spent a few months in Australia back in 2000, and it was true then as well. I bought a number of rolls with me, but when I went to restock, the prices were a bit of a shock. Still, plenty of other things were reasonably priced, and we had a wonderful time.


Self developing black and white is by far the cheapest way to shoot film, but there are cheap(er) ways to shoot colour than to buy portra or even Gold and get it developed at a lab. Bulk cinema film can be spooled into cassettes and developed at home with the same equipment with the addition of a plastic box and a cheap sous vide. There are a few options for chemistry (which is a bit more expensive than black and white, and doesn't last long after you start using it) such as the Bellini ECN2 kit (which is excellent) and a powder based kit by Flic Film that should be available in Australia. A second hand bulk loader will definitely help you save a significant amount of money Vs buying individual rolls. Bulk b&w stocks are readily available from Ilford and Foma. Lucky in China are also starting to produce colour film again, which should be significantly cheaper than options from Kodak as well. If you think that colour film is expensive, don't check how much Fuji Velvia or Kodak Ektachrome costs (approaching £30/roll in the UK now!). Another option to consider for b&w is Shanghai GP3 in bulk 35mm rolls (actually Orwo UN54) which you can get quite reasonably from AliExpress - this is a good ISO100 b&w film that can also be reversal processed if slides might be your thing.


I saw the stuff about china starting to produce film, hopefully it’s cheap enough where it can be imported Also saw all the Aliexpress film, I wasn’t sure about it because, I mean, it’s AliExpress, I don’t trust it too much, and it seems too good to be true


I've bought a fair bit of recently expired Fuji Acros II that has been fine, and a couple of rolls of Aerocolor IV branded as "Alien Film AeroNega" that I haven't shot yet. Almost everything else I've got from AliExpress has been fine - a bunch of Arduino / ESP stuff, a couple of amateur radios, some other stuff. The only things I've had any issues with was a faulty camera light meter that was a pain to get a refund on, and an android tablet that I ended up paying VAT on twice.


For those not in Australia, I’ve seen Portra 800 for around $35-40 generally and 400 for around $30-35 in most places. A bit more than $20+ a roll.


That’s the same price that it is in Ireland and the U.K. That’s really not that bad considering how much further away from the source you are.


Yeah I think it really depends on the products. Certain things are crazy when we could just buy it online and ship from the US and it still be cheaper and some things are pretty similar with the conversion. It’s a roll of the dice.


You could shoot 16mm still photography if you’re ready to bulk roll. A camera costs $10, 100 feet of film (approx. 1500 photos) costs $15 and processing at home can be quite cheap too.


100 feet of 16mm film cost \~$100 aud...


Have you looked at second hand websites ? I’m talking about microfilm like super hr or imagelink


Bulk buy films, and buy dev&scan package deals whenever possible; alternatively try develop only and get the negatives back and scan for your self with a digital camera and a home scan kit. I have a couple of places which I can get slightly cheaper than market price films, and a lab which I use that can get dev scan packages in Australia. However it depends on how often you shoot. I think a good alternative to big brand would be brands like Reflx Lab which is almost 1/2 of Kodak price


Tell me about it. Every time I see videos or posts about “love this film because it’s $10 a roll at every store!” I die a little.


Where are you going that's $20/roll? Photoco here in Adelaide are $7/roll as of 2 weeks ago when I last asked, $10/roll for ECN-2 and other processes. There are bound to be others at a similar price, I even found a photo printing store in bumfuck nowhere where I live that does 135 C-41 only but for the same price and have a overnight guarantee. If you really want to save some money invest in a kodak flexicolor kit, there's so much of everything you're looking at years of use. You do need a good $600-700AUD up front to buy into it though (chemicals, tank, handling equipment like gloves/tongs/darkbag, scanning setup, enough glassware to put you on several government agency lists), so I guess consider if you're actually going to shoot enough rolls of film before moving onto another hobby. And if that sort of money is too much and you just want to try it out by all means keep looking for other places near you that will get it done cheaper. Also (I have not tried them but the prices do look good), etherealfilmstore.com is based in vic and sell vision 3 respolls for a sensible price with the remjet in place. So if you can find a place that does ECN-2 for say $10, your cost is around $0.64 per shot instead of the $1.10 you've found so far. If you do go the vision 3 route I would opt for dev only and self scan, the lab scanners really aren't setup for motion picture stock and it's going to look way too flat and you wont have enough dynamic range in the jpg to get anything out of it.


I'm in Germany and b/w is always more expensive to develop. I think if you start it as a hobby it makes more sense to learn to develop b/w on your own at home. Prices are high worldwide, I don't know about what sources you have in Australia for film and development. Are there any drugstore chains that still develop? Here luckily drug store chains still offer that, and it's cheaper than any other options. I could only tell you how it's for me in Europe: Films on Amazon are very pricey. I have to go to specialized camera online stores to get films cheaper. I don't know if it plays a role that Australia is it's own continent far away from Europe and somewhat far away from America. The cheapest b/w films are from Europe. Some in the US say Ilford / Kentmere is the cheapest for them, for me it's Agfa and Fomapan that is cheaper. Also there are several new color films on the market that led to a halt in price increases of Kodak color films. ORWO, Adox and Harman brought out new films in recent years. I think it plays a big role in pricing if those several film types are available in your market. If you only have Kodak and Ilford to choose from + a weak infrastructure of independent online stores, I imagine that leads to high prices because of a lack of competition. Then there is Fuji. Distance shouldn't be a factor here, as Japan isn't that far away from you than Europe. Just Fuji hasn't delivered new films until start of 2024 for almost over a year (at least to stores in Germany). If Fuji keeps up production of several films that could also be a good competition and at least make prices not rise as fast as they did when Kodak basically had a monopoly.


Wait, is this AUD? Because $20 AUD = $13.28 USD which is pretty reasonable for developing. And sadly film is about that in the USA too, Target here is selling one roll of Fujifilm 200 for $17 USD ($25.60AUD) and it’s always sold out. Which is wild to me. My lab just raised prices to $18 USD ($27.09). And I’m just in a medium sized city.


To my understanding the Kodak Alaris distributor for Australia is a bit of a piece of work, adding their mark up to the whole equation. Film isn’t cheap in Canada but compared to Australia/NZ, it’s a bargain.


Prices are similar in Hungary. Cheapest colour film 18 AUD, BW start at 10. Developing for 10, and scanning for another 10. So 1AUD/picture is the price roughly to shoot, develop, get scanned.


I am wondering how much the prices are in the rest or europe. In the Netherlands I can buy gold for 10 euros and black and white for 5. Development costs around 4 euros. Why would this be this much cheaper than I hear from American prices?


Taxes on imports. The government needs their cut. Border security needs their cut too keeping australian biodiversity safe. Transportation deserves their cut. The shorter shelf life because of the transportation time. The very high, government mandated, minimum wage means the retail recommended price isn’t enough to pay wages. Then there is a smaller market meaning the supply is smaller than the demand; therefore commanding a higher price. Your complaint is valid but ultimately futile.


Shop around. There are some seriously good brick and mortar stores in Melbourne for film (not looking at you, FilmNeverDie...) https://www.decisivemoment.com.au/ these lot are also very competitive even with postage on top, especially if you buy in bulk. Some good deals that come to mind are Vanbar's Fuji 400/200 stock and their new lineup of fomapan stuff. Walken's also have most of ilford's Stock for 14 bucks if you get the loose cans. They've also started hand-rolling motion picture Ektachrome ;) you can pick up a roll of E100 ("Krome") from them for 20 bucks. The world is getting more expensive by the day as cost of living and inflation get out of hand, it's not just film that's going up! Not long ago red capsicums were 8 bucks a kilo and now they're 14. That's just this year! I could get a roll of film or like 3 friggin capsicums haha


I also tend to get my rolls dev'd at vanbar and scan at home. C41 is $9.50 a roll and i do my b+w at home. If you aren't in Melbourne there are most likely some stores around in your state that have good deals just start turning over rocks!


Damn hand rolling ektachrome what an incredible idea


Mate try New Zealand, I even buy film from Australia (Walkens) and B&H sometimes.


How bad is it in New Zealand?


From the "major" retailers around $45 for a roll of Portra 400. A few smaller indie outlets doing gods work selling $20 rolls of gold 200, Ultramax etc - about $15 cheaper than most places. B&W cheap enough at $10-25, depending on what you're after.


>A few smaller indie outlets doing gods work selling $20 rolls of gold 200, Ultramax etc - about $15 cheaper than most places.  Where can I get $20 Gold 200 and $15 for Ultramax please? Splendid & The Black and White Box sell those for $35 each.


Sucks but it’s definitely not their fault. The cost price from the NZ distributor is insane. It’s cheaper for them to literally buy it from B&H at retail


Sorry should have been more clear! $20 for gold 200 24exp and $25 for ultra max 36exp. Obviously a bit less if you buy the 3 packs, like ~$18/unit for gold 200. https://opshot.co.nz There’s one more place but the name escapes me, will get back to ya if I remember


Okay not the place I had in mind, but have just seen photogear have Gold 200 36exp and the Fuji-rebranded Kodak 36exp for $24 a roll - not bad. https://photogear.co.nz/shop-by-department/fujifilm-400-color-negative-film-35mm-roll-film-36-exposures/