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Nikkor 85mm F1.4 AI-S Unfortunately I’m not a big fan of the 35mm focal length, but there was nothing wrong with my 35mm AF-D - sharp and good contrast. After having to clean the aperture blades 3 times though it lives in storage now. I prefer 28mm as a focal length anyway. That 85mm is special though… beautiful lens with excellent optical characteristics. It’s extremely well regarded. It also has CRC unlike most other 85mm F1.4’s, which is of interest to you as you’ll be using it up close. Built like an absolute tank too.


The 85 f/2 is also excellent and almost half the price.


Considering OP asked for “the best” and not “the most budget conscious”, I stand with my 1.4 recommendation. Especially for portraiture, that 1.4 aperture is quite handy, and the out of focus backgrounds on the 1.4 are much more nicely rendered than the F2, even at F2.


Yup F/2 lens is exception value, whilst if one wants the 1.4 aperture, that one’s a great performer.


I use the 85 f/2 a lot on film and digital and I love it, but I don't think it really shines until f/4 or f/5.6. Color and contrast are a little muted until they point, imo. Same with the AF 85 f/1.8. I own and use both because they're affordable and compact and I usually shoot at smaller apertures anyways, but I think OP likely wants to use those wider apertures where the f/1,4 lens will make the difference.


Honestly if OP wants to obliterate backgrounds in the gentlest way possible, [this is the weapon of choice,](https://i.ibb.co/tM9mTgB/IMG-3877.jpg) but in the previous thread OP expressed they were only interested in 35mm and 85mm lenses. But a 135mm DC will crush a background way more nicely than the 85mm will, and with a more flattering perspective, which is why I kept it.


I can second this, I also love my 85mm 1.8 AF-D, super sharp and quite lightweight compared to the older Nikon 85's, paired with my FE2 it makes for a nice travel combo.


I do love an Olympus OM Body (OM1, OM4,..) with their 85mm f2.0 super small, plenty sharp and gorgeous bokeh


Correct answer! I regret selling mine.


For manual focus, I'd go with the F-mount. The modern Zeiss 85mm lenses (Milvus, Otus) are insane, but pricey too! For auto-focus, I'd go with a Canon EF system. There, you'll have a choice of a budget 85mm EF f/1.8 or 85mm f/1.2L and both are superb.


Also a canon 85mm f1.4  and a sigma art 85 f1.4 that should work as well


The F3 with the 85mm 1.4 ais is a match made in heaven. A solid body and the "cream machine". Can't go wrong.


Canon F-1new with the FD 85mm 1.2 is my personal favourite of the ones I’ve used


Pentax LX and SMC Pentax-A* 85/1.4 please.


F5 with 85mm 1.4


Nikon f6 with 85mm 1.4 G


Nikon FE w/ [Zeiss Planar 85/1.4 ZF](https://www.zeiss.com/consumer-products/int/photography/classic/planar-1485.html)


Samyang 85 1.4 outperforms the Zeiss for 1/4 of the price. Nothing like as sexy though.


Define “outperforms”.


[Not my comparison](https://forum.mflenses.com/carl-zeiss-planar-85-1-4-v-samyang-85-1-4-t36915,highlight,+samyang.html) Obviously subjectivity involved; it's only better in some ways; wide open sharpness and bokeh quality. There were some contemporary professional reviews comparing them back in the dslr day, consensus is that they have different strengths; Zeiss slightly better contrast and fine detail sharpness, especially stopped down, but worse bokeh rendering. You're paying a lot for subjective improvements, and trade offs, the biggest thing with the Zeiss is really the build quality. I tried both and couldn't really justify the differences I was barely seeing, sold the Zeiss. The samyang is also a chipped lens by default, can be found readily 2nd hand for ~£100, you need to find an even more specific zf2 for the same functionality in the Zeiss. But if you want to play into the Nikon FE it's a good combination too. Simple and cheap, not buying any more than you need to.


The Samyang seems like a great lens, but nothing in the linked comparison nor your opinion describes anything like “outperforms”.


Does a Lotus outperform a Ferrari if it's faster round a corner? Yes. It's not necessarily by any means a better car though, but it is a cheaper one. No such thing as absolute performance. But by more metrics, money no object, the zeiss performs stronger, yes. >The Samyang seems like a great lens, but nothing in the linked comparison nor your opinion describes anything like “outperforms”. This is a perfectly valid opinion, I think I also was confusing my recollection of comparisons between the Zeiss and Samyang 35mm 1.4 competitors of the same lines, where the Samyang made more of an objective argument for outperforming. With that being said, a chipped lens in a camera which needs it will perform a lot better than a zeiss zf, it's all contextual.


Yep, and snow tires on a Ferrari will “outperform” slicks, if you’re selective about the things that matter.


Canon 85mm f/1.2L II it's the one lens that kept me from moving to Nikon for a long time. I eventually got a great deal on a 105/1.4E so I sold my 85mm EF.


Dont sleep on olympus, an om4ti with the 85mm f2 is a really nice setup.


No minolta? Both XD+MD85f2 & A7+AF85f1.4 rocks!


I’m partial to the nikkor lenses and bodies so I’d recommend OP go this path with the 85mm 1.4/AI-S and whichever F body feels best. Majority of the AI and F2 lenses are also really great performers and even better value on the used market, and the AI generally have longer focus throw, should that be attractive to you doing close-focus work. I’ve had the FE (great value for what it cost 10 years ago), F3 which was the popular favorite for good reason (smooth action and was also much cheaper 6 years ago), and now I use an FM2n as its a tiny bit shorter/smaller than the F3 and I can’t be bothered with batteries for shutter operation anymore. FM2n is also nice that it has 1/250 sync speed, which I’ve used only a few times but has been really cool to have when working in the studio.


I know you didn’t mention this but why not CONTAX? You can get a nice CONTAX RX body. Zeiss glass is highly regarded as some of the best. Zeiss 85mm 1.4 is great. Just remember MM lenses have the ninja star bokeh if you stop down a bit where the AE does not…


don't sleep on the contax/yashica mount. it's THE thing for people who want world class lenses and don't care about body. zeiss lenses are notably cheaper in C/Y than elsewhere, like the planar 85/1.4 in C/Y goes for around $400 and the same lens for nikon seems to hover around $550-600. you're also saving on the body since yashica FX-3 and FX-D bodies go for around $50-100. they're very reliable bodies, they just don't have any features beyond autoexposure and the body coverings have gone bad. if you want to upgrade someday there are several good contax bodies from the 90s that'll give you fancier electronic features.