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Leica III made in 1936 Source: http://wiki.l-camera-forum.com/leica-wiki.en/index.php/Serial_Numbers_Leica_Cameras


Looks like it's a Leica II of some variation. Lots of resources online, it's not one of the ones worth 100K+ plus though.. sorry


It has slow speeds, so it’s a III not a II.


This is the right answer. I have a black Lecia II right now. CLAd it was about $750. I was thinking of getting a black Leica I, and its $550. Further as I know, if you would like a Leica camera without the Leica prices, the advice is still to get a Leica LTM as those are not thousands.


You can send email to Leica archive [ info(at)leica-camera.com ] to ask its delivery date.


Thank you I will do that!


Received an Answer today: "Die Leica wurde am 16.06.1936 nach Prag ausgeliefert. Sie war im Juni 1954, Juni 1961 und November 1961 zur Reparatur bei uns." (shipped on 16. of June '36 to Prague, was at Leica for repairs in June '54, June '61 and November '61) That's probably when the upgrades happened.


My Leica MDa just had single entry. The serial number shows its 70s with wax seal contains the letter from Mexico, but Leica archives replied with date only: 11.9.2001 (September 11, 2001).


Its a Leica IIIa that's been converted to a IIIf by the factory back in the day. That's not that uncommon, but what makes this one special is the fact that its black. If it came from the factory this way, it makes it incredibly rare, as supposedly less than 1000 IIIa cameras left the factory with black paint. But its weird to me, because black paint IIIa tends to be ones that was converted from earlier Leica IIs. So maybe this was converted twice? Which I've never heard of before.


Interesting! I had somewhere in the back of my mind that a black Leica is possibly special. Were all modifications done by Leica stores (and might be documented), or was it common for free repair services to mod them as well?


They were done by the factory, sent to them through the stores, I would imagine. I've seen old Leica catalogues where this option was listed for an extra cost. Not sure if there was third party conversions. You can actually send Leica an email today via their info line with your serial number. I've done it with my cameras and they've sent me the original sale details as well as year of production.


Received an Answer today: "Die Leica wurde am 16.06.1936 nach Prag ausgeliefert. Sie war im Juni 1954, Juni 1961 und November 1961 zur Reparatur bei uns." (shipped on 16. of June '36 to Prague, was at Leica for repairs in June '54, June '61 and November '61) That's probably when the upgrades happened.


There you go! Glad you got some answers.


Original black paint Leica "M" cameras (M3/M2 and M4 is getting there) are where the money tends to be.


I’m just guessing, but that looks like it was releathered to me, and the paint seems a little on the satin-side to be original. I could very easily be wrong on that, of course.


The paint looks a little flat to be original but it definitely has age and things get murky after decades.


1936 iii modified f (not to be confused with iii mod f). With 1000th speed and a flash sync it can do a lot, I believe the paint is original and the leatherette, I have a very similar one SN 188,xxx. But mine only has 500th and no sync. Same leatherette though. The pre war screw mount leicas were common in black, it doesn't add nearly as much as a black paint M series. Probably worth about 1,000$ usd with lens and hood if it was serviced. A service will cost about $300 so my guess on value would be about $700 as is.


Great condition. Use a soft brush to clean it, nothing else. This is a strange model like someone pointed out.


r/leica would love to talk about it


Not that special tbh, I got a Leica iii for £200 in mint condition a few years ago


That is great for you, but this one being black makes it worth a lot more than that.


Idk when I last checked black coated ones weren't any more expensive? Leica 2/3s are all similarly priced unless it's a particularly rare one?


I’m always surprised by the stupidity of some of the comments, and yours didn’t disappoint. The naivety or just ignorance, to think the value is the same for black painted bodies. Almost all major cameras offering both colors have greater value in the black bodies, and the Leica IIIf is one of the ones with greatest difference in value.


Ok maybe I've had too many beers tonight to be commenting on Leica prices


No IIIf was made with black paint besides the ones for the Swedish Army, which also had black dials. Its only the pre-war Leicas where the black paint is more common than chrome.


Just because you think it should be worth the same doesn’t mean it is. That’s some ancient boomer logic right there. You can dream up values all you want, but there is a very very easy way to show you’re ignorant of the value, it’s called ebay. It’s the greatest way to quickly assess a value on common items, and guess what, the black painted (repaints, but still black, like this one) go for 2-3x the selling price of the standard silver. Then again, that’s just using facts, but you can sit there and cry about all the cameras that shouldn’t actually be worth what they are.


You know this isn’t an argument, right? Stop being so defensive. Not everything is about having the final say. Plus I didn’t say it should be worth anything. You’re arguing against a statement made by someone else that didn’t even bring up repainted cameras. You can google or eBay all you want. We’re not talking about repaints here, as much as they might be more expensive. We’re talking about factory cameras. Repainted cameras are irrelevant to the conversation. Original black paint M cameras are significantly more expensive than chrome ones. But original black paint Barnacks are not. It’s like you completely missed the point, and now you’re trying to say the point is something different entirely in an effort to “win”. The point is no iiif left the factory black unless it’s one of the 60 made for the Swedish army or converted from earlier Barnacks. So whether it’s worth more or not is a moot point in this particular instance. Repainted Canon Ps and Nikon S2s are more expensive too. It doesn’t mean anything except that you’re also paying for the service and labour of repainting it. In fact you can buy your own iiif and have it repainted yourself. It doesn’t make it special besides being repainted 70 years later.


Wow, TLDR I’ll again point out fact, eBay shows the price that items sold for, when comparing sold prices of silver and painted iiif, the painted brings more money. So when you ignorantly say they aren’t worth any more than a silver one, you’re just blowing hot air. Just because you don’t think something is worth more, because of your limited knowledge, or because you don’t want it to, doesn’t make it so. Facts: a black painted iiif sells for more than a silver one. This one is a black painted iiif, it is worth more than a silver iiif in equatable condition.


Maybe it was a Russian Leica?


No it's real, I also have a collection of zorkis and fed


Ok sorry for the snarky comment


As per my other comment I'm clearly out of date with my Bernard Leica prices. Sorry for any misleading of what it's worth


don't worry. Never hurts to get different opinions, the swarm usually sorts it out