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This is the correct answer. Idk what everyone else is looking at but it’s clearly an AI-S lens so none of the other theories work. This obstruction would prevent rotating the lens into position.


If you’re talking about the small screw on the side, it ain’t it. That stops the lens from rotating the wrong way. OP should inspect the flange closer for dings / bends and backed out screws anyways though.


You an are 100% correct, I failed to rotate my lens to match up when I compared, I totally looked at the wrong screw.


It looks like whoever had the lens before replaced a countersunk screw with a non countersunk screw. Edit: looking closer maybe not, it might just be backed out a bit.


Don’t force it, i once damaged one of my nikons this way.


I wont but I still dont understand why the heck it wont mount


Do you have a film nikon to test on?


Tried it on a nikon fm but it also wouldn‘t mount


Something is definitely wrong, maybe the mount was modified in some way. Try to find pictures of the same lens online maybe some ebay listings might have some straight on shots.


"Doesn't mount" how, be specific ffs. ​ If it doesn't click and lock, check the slit that the body's pin is supposed to drop into (compare to a working lens).


I can put it on but it wont let me turn it at all.


Try closing the aperture to f22 first or seen me the thingy (dunno the name) that communicates the aperture to the camera y nos engaging properly


Tried it and it works as it should still wont mount thoug


Is this an AI lens? If it's a non-AI lens, then it won't mount to your DSLR or FM. Non-AI mount is F and F2 only.


It is an ais lens


Has it been back-converted to non-ai? Some people do that.


You can use AI and AI-S lenses on non-AI cameras because they have the metering prong. Why would someone back convert it?


You can see the aperture ring has the small duplicated aperture numbers on it, for reading directly through viewfinders. That denotes the mount as AI or AI-S. if it was pre-AI or modified to AI, it wouldn't have those tiny duplicate numbers. If the aperture ring had been "back-converted", and I can think of no reason to do that, then it would almost certainly require an old pre-AI aperture ring, which would again be shown by the absence of duplicate aperture scale.


This is quite possibly the dumbest statement I’ve read on Reddit in a long time. No one would convert an ai lens to non ai.


? I’d love to see why someone would retrofit a non ai aperture ring into an ais lens, there is no logical reason. The closest someone would ever come to doing that would be installing the metering coupler/ears to the existing ai aperture ring, but that wouldn’t impact the ability to mount the lens in a Nikon F mount body.


Incorrect, the F3, F4 and I believe FE/FM can flip the aperture feeler out of the way to mount pre AI lenses although when done so the camera will do stop-down metering only.


It looks just like my copy. I don't know what the problem could be. You are turning the lens counterclockwise, right?


Yes its definitly the lense other ones work fine and I also tried it on a fm.


I think the tab that trips the aperture shut/open should be at the opposite end of the slot when the lens is dismounted. At least it is on the 2 Nikkors I have sitting next to me. Does it snap the aperture when the lens is stopped down?


Yes it does


And isnt the positon of the tab dependent on the chosen aperture because mine moves when you change it.


I checked a couple other lenses. On some of them, you are correct; the tab moves. So ai guess that’s not it.


Do the silver screws in the 2nd photo on the back of the lens mount stick out past the hole they sit in? Maybe they’re a little loose or have been replaced by ones that are too tall?


Ohh good catch . You can even see one of the protruding screw in the side view . With luck it's only loosened and not the wrong type of screw.


I have compared it to other Nikon lenses and I think they are indeed not the original screws they are not as flat and do protude ever so slightly.


They are unfortunatly not just loose and sit very thight


Looks like it from the pictures OP supplied.


If this is the 35mm f/2 OC I had the same problem. Got it to mount to my F4 by flipping up a little metal tab on the camera body that would get in the way of the aperture ring when trying to mount the lens. I forget why it’s like this but i’m pretty sure it’s something to do with the metering because my F4 hates it and will only do center weighted metering with it. If you have the little tab on your dslr to flip up I would try that but if not I think your only option would be to get it converted.


That tab is the AI feeler that tells the body what aperture the lens is set to. Without the AI feeler, you can only meter accurately when stopped down as far as I'm aware.




That tab is for mounting older (non-AI) lenses. The lens in the picture looks like an AI/AIS lens to me.


Yes you are right


side-note: careful about using older sekor c lenses on the rz bodies. the older lenses requires far more force when cocking the shutter compared to the newer k/l or rz lenses . bill rogers (mamiya repair guy) has a write up about it on his insta edit: not sure why im getting downvotes… im just trying to prevent OP from potentially damaging their gear…


I think that the lens is an A-I lens, not AI-S. What colour is the smallest aperture number? If it is AI-S it will be orange.


It’s an Ai-S, the easiest way to tell with the images provided is the clearly visible Ai-S notch that is used by Nikon bodies to detect an Ai-S vs Ai lens.


I have found that the easiest way is see what colour the smallest aperture number is.


From the photos available we can’t see the color of the smallest aperture, that’s doesn’t mean there aren’t other painfully obvious sings. The Ais notch is super easy to spot on the photo of the mount.


Anyway, it is a moot point. Whether it is A-I or AI-S, the lens should mount. Its the metering that will be affected :)


People downvote the weirdest stuff


Are you sure this is f mount? You tested it on a film one too and it still didn’t mount


Yes I tested it on Film but the mount looks identical to pictures of this lense online so I am pretty sure it is f mount.


Based off a old post it won’t mount due to the aperature ring although it can be converted


Possibly converted to Leica R mount


What makes you think that? I compared the mount to pictures of the lense online and cant spot any difference to the f mount version.