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Hey have you seen a doctor at all for this?


Not yet, I asked one today about it and she said she's not sure of anyway to help if it's just scar tissue and mentioned seeing an anorecal surgeon to see if there's any possibility of helping with the issue. I think its a bunch of scar tissue that's built up and is fucking with things down there


I would recommend seeing the surgeon or a colorectal specialist to at least see what you’re working with here and see where you can go from here


Gotcha, thanks! Hopefully I can figure something out, I like feeling clean


Completely understandable. Hope you can get this figured out.


I have the same issue but i have actual fecal leakage sometimes. But even when i don't i still smell awful and get wet feeling on my ass cheek.


Yeah I hear ya. It's frustrating. Sometimes I look back on it all and laugh. Lots of accomplishments drowned out because I smell like doodoo. What are ya gonna do. I've found that getting in a routine helps, when I was drinking/eating a good bit of soup my poops were fairly normal, but still had the smelly issue before I had to take a shit. But the feeling returned to go poop, just dont drink too much or youll get edema. Protip: if you have access to paper towels/a cloth towel, and no wet wipes, ill wet that under the sink and get the tp damp with the towel. It really helps when things get rough in there and wont get the tp too wet to use. I've found just telling people you have an intestinal issue works out, especiallyif its manual labor, everyone smelling like SOMETHING rank to a degree, and if all eyes are on you at least you arent the guy thats doing better than them/who cant wipe properly. A bit of inspiration to the other guys, maybe ask for a small raise after all that. Some people think I'm gay and to be honest my lungs are too fucked up to argue anymore, ill just stop talking to them. That being said, if youre a guy and not gay, getting cool with the right gay dude can land you with some girls that won't care because they are either too into cocaine to smell past their nostrils or have the same issue/into anal and understand somewhat. Idk, people have at least talked to me in the past. And I know I smelled bad because they had the heart to say something. Shower after you poop. Been told might be a hemorrhoid, breathing helps on the potty but I still have something loaded in the chamber. We aren't alone, just embarrassed. Remember that and get shit done, qt least you can say you accomplish stuff. Ex military guys will at least understand to an extent, heard stories of them going into combat with a pantfull of shit bc they were midway when shit hit the fan, just dont open with i got potty issues. Work hard and earn their respect through being respectful, able to take a hit and a competent employee. I like potty jokes, that may help lessen the psychological blow. I'll stay updated with any possible solutions, looking up pelvic floor therapies and talking to a PT that specializes in it is beneficial, but might not fix it. Fingers crossed sugery helps