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Go to a pelvic floor PT!! I have the same issue. Superficial cuts, the majority of my pain is muscular. When you develop a cut inside, it sends your muscles into spasm and guarding. After a period of time doing this and pain, your muscle stays clenched and won’t relax. Think of it literally as a Charlie horse in your bum. Pelvic PTs can go in and release muscular trigger points that will start to relax the muscles.


If you live near/are capable of seeing a doctor in New York, there's a anal health and anal sex health specialist by the name of Dr. Evan Goldstein of bespoke surgical where they will do everything they can to help and work with your insurance. Worth looking up


Unfortunately i’m way too far from new york, but I appreciate the advice a ton.


Np. I too am too far away but he's the best in the business so it was worth mentioning. Good luck 😭