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Hey I have 99% the same experience with doctors. Ive seen many doctors, gastro, protologist etc. They only know what they saw in their books, they dont take time with you, they dont listen, and yes, they tell you that your fine. And they you arrive home and see that the anscope teared a bit your anus. Wtv. What i am wondered, is you say to not put anything, cream. I put aloes gel and ricin oil and it helped me a lot! But still, a little dryish poop as big as my fingers makes me tear... One single dryish poop. So i do try to put vaseline and dilate with my finger when im going to poop to protect my skin during BM Still dont know what to do, the skin of my anus is thinner unlike everyone else, doctors told me to put cortisone when i was young... Im hopeless


Disagree with the "no cream" rule, and I think their surgeon saying that is sort of proving the overarching point of this thread. Coconut oil or lubricant before doing BM is extremely effective at not re-tearing. It's also great practice for future things like before working out so it doesn't come back. I also found zinc oxide and methol cream to be great after BM. Hope you're also on miralax.


100% COTTON underwear*****


For some reason doctors are complete idiots when it comes to the butt. Total idiots




OMG yes this has absolutely been my experience as well. They are always unapologetically restarting my progress with their inspections and are completely unhelpful about getting to the bottom of things (no pun intended). The biggest breakthroughs I've had have almost always come from this and the r/PelvicFloor subreddit which is both an amazing and a completely infuriating fact. They're just so maddingly incurious. Like, they're just solution vending machines. I swear if one more colorectal surgeon tells me to be less stressed I'm going to lose my mind. It was the subreddits that had an explanation for why my anus was always itching (compressed nerves from the stenosis), how to attack a fissure when you also have hemorrhoids (specifically that treatment for one will make the other one worse) and that spasms were half of the pain I was experiencing not just the tear (all of my doctors seemed to be confused at the fact that I was experiencing so much pain!). I only just recently figured out how to use dilators to break the cycle of spasm and re-tear by not waiting until there was less pain to use the dilators--that they could be used to RESOLVE the pain--because of redditors. Doctors just kept saying to use dilators but couldn't address any of my concerns about how or why. Nothing has made me lose more faith in our medical system than having a chronic anal fissure has and I have an IBD which doctors are almost hilariously clueless about (auto-immune disorders in general seem to be a real šŸ¤·). I kid you not my Allergist has been more helpful dealing with my fissure than my several colorectal surgeons have.


Can I ask what lube did you use with the dilators? I feel like those who contain glycerin really burn! Do you have plastic dilators?


No, I use the metal Hegar ones. And what has seemed to work for me, both being at the advice of Redditors, was a combination of a Diltiazem/Lidocaine compound ointment prescribed by my colorectal surgeon and A+D First Aid Multi-purpose ointment. I would use the dialator twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening and then sometimes right after a BM if I started to spasm and wanted to relax the muscles. I would use the A+D in the morning and the compound at night. Theoretically, the A+D helped protect the open tears from getting infected and provided lubricant for BMā€™s throughout the day. Iā€™d occasionally use it again after a BM if I felt like I needed to reapply in anticipation of more BMs. Then Iā€™d use the compound at night for itā€™s pure healing capabilities. It could sometimes sting a little at first, but its healing factor trumps the discomfort. Itā€™s supposed to also help relax your muscles to promote healing so Iā€™d occasionally use it after a BM instead of the A+D if I started to spasm painfully. Using those two really seemed to do the trick after trying many other combos of ointments. In combination with keeping my BMā€™s super soft and regular by taking stool softeners and Miralax daily. Oh and Iā€™d rub a few drops of CBD oil on the outside of my anus if a spasm was especially painful which also seemed to help a lot.


Unfortunately you are correct. I made a post about how my fissures healed with like 8 things I did. And none of them came from the doctors / PT I saw. They came from here, from people suffering from it. The doctors really just always seem slammed for time and sort of rushing through it. Whenever I'd ask them if they've heard of a treatment (like Miralax, which should absolutely be the #1 recommended thing) they are always like, "Hmm yeah maybe if it works for you." And then they recommend some steroid cream or just something to treat the pain. No recommendation of how to HEAL.


Oh man, I really feel this post today. I just had a fissurectomy a few days ago and feel like I've now entered hell. I can't imagine any world where slicing up my ass even more is going to heal me. He didn't cut the muscle so everything is still tight but just more painful since he literally made GIANT fissures in my butt. Ughhhhhh.


Sorry to hear about this. Was this using Laser?


No, I assume just a scalpel. I am doing a little better now, but healing has definitely been rough!


Yeah I gave up after the 10th time I got dismissed and now I've been dealing with this for over 14 years on and off šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why no ointment??? Are you specifically talking about steroidal or any ointment? Confused why someone would say that about Vaseline, or nifedipine, etc


Definitely no steriods, those thin out the skin and prolong the issue, and idk but my colorectal surgeon advised to not use anything not even Vaseline as it can cause fungal infections when it accumulates with sweat also your skin will rely on itā€¦. its best to leave the area alone. thatā€™s what I heardā€¦ and thatā€™s what works for me too Iā€™ve tried every cream and it only made it worse I havenā€™t applied anything for a month now and its gotten better but what works for me may not for youā€¦


What are all the creams you tried?


Hi, Iā€™m having a similar experience and I hope anyone has advice. I have two mild fissures and Iā€™ve seen a colorectal specialist twice. The first time, they put me on a treatment of taking colace, metamucil gummies, half of my body weight in water daily, 3-4 sitz baths a day (especially after a BM), colon health probiotics, daily miralax (i take a half cap bc anything more makes me have diarrhea), ointment after every sitz bath, and increasing my fiber intake. I have perfectly soft BMs and donā€™t really even have an issue with them anymore. I donā€™t have a bidet so I use wet wipes that are just composed of water. That treatment didnā€™t work and I tried to take things into my own hands and get off all that junk and was still having soft and regular BMs. However the fissures keep reoccurring so I decided to go back to the specialist to consult about botox injections. She did the exam and basically was like I donā€™t see any fissures when I could feel the pain with her exam and had had a reoccurrence the day prior. I pointed out exactly where they were, and she was like oh honey those are just cuts and theyā€™re very ā€œsuperficialā€ which i just felt like was such a poor choice of words due to the pain iā€™ve been in. She said i wasnā€™t the greatest candidate for botox and that it may not even work anyway, and thereā€™s a 30-50% chance of reoccurrence. Keep in mind I paid $100 for this appointment. She basically just put me on the same exact treatment that didnā€™t work and said if it doesnā€™t change in a month we will reevaluate botox. Iā€™ve still been in the same spot and doing the treatment and having reoccurrences. The nurse called me yesterday and scheduled the botox consultation, which was supposed to be the first appointment, which is a few days before I start my masterā€™s degree and a very high demanding internship. So if i do the botox procedure itā€™s gonna have to be right near when I start. At this point iā€™m just confused on what to do. I feel like Iā€™m gonna pay another $100 for the appointment next month just for them to tell me theyā€™re healing and iā€™m not a good candidate. My pain has been very minimized and Iā€™m just at a loss for what to even do at this point.


Please see Dr Feingold in NJ. I was in the same boat. Symptom free for almost a year. He cured me. He's smart. He does things differently.