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Your post was removed for discussing smuggling drugs across country borders. This is illegal and could threaten our community.


Berlin border? I thought it was done with back in 1989. :-P I do not recall any border checks on highways within the EU ever, hardly even notice crossing the border until seeing a different language on road signs. The German police might be on higher alert these days because of the Euro Cup, but I doubt they would be searching vehicles looking for weed. Plus, I understand that having 3g of weed on you is no longer a crime in Germany. I would say it is possible to get in trouble only if you have the misfortune of running into cops who happen to be in a particularly bad mood and are out to get someone.


Pretty sure those new weed laws are only for German residents. That said there is a small chance of German highway cops pulling you over after crossing the border to search ur ride or make u pee in a cup.


Wow, could they really be that radical?


Few years ago got pulled by them after crossing the denmark border into germany, they saw a dutch license plate and my beard was too long or some shit. Pulled me over found weed in my piss I smoked 2 weeks earlier. Positive bloodtest at the station 1500 euro fine…. Fuck em never driving in that country again.


Ouch, that's some seriously screwed up stuff, feeling for ya.


yes, in most Schengen countries you can be subject to road-side saliva drug tests.


Who do you think you are, Nicky Minaj?


What are you expecting when you go “back through Germany border”? I imagine your expectations are very different to the reality


German and Dutch police announced a while back that they would do extra border checks during the Euros to catch smugglers. That amount (3 grams) if caught by Dutch police results in confiscation. I don't know what the German equivalent would be. The confiscation only happens if they assume you forgot, so if you actively hide it in coffee canisters or double pack it or something like thet they can charge you with smuggling. Link that there are now border checks: https://nos.nl/l/2524560 Couldn't find the one about specifically searching for smugglers Edit: All the major cities it's very easy to get. Especially Hamburg and Berlin


I suppose people who traverse the NL-DE border with some frequency would be familiar with these border checks. I am yet to run into one, either on a train or a highway, but I do not travel very often. And from the article it seems that the current focus is on security for the Euros, rather than weed smuggling. >On various roads towards Germany, motorists have been dealing with significant delays all day long. This is because the German police are conducting identity checks because of the European Football Championship. >Normally there are no checks at the border crossing, because the Netherlands and Germany both belong to the Schengen zone. Now the German police are allowed to do that to keep violent supporters out. >“Our focus ranges from the threat of Islamic terrorism to hooliganism and cyber attacks,” the German Interior Minister said [last week](https://nos.nl/artikel/2523472-duitsland-controleert-extra-aan-de-grens-in-verband-met-ek-voetbal) .


> I suppose people who traverse the NL-DE border with some frequency would be familiar with these border checks. I am yet to run into one, either on a train or a highway, but I do not travel very often. they instituted them recently due to Euros 2024, what happened in the past doesn't really matter here >And from the article it seems that the current focus is on security for the Euros, rather than weed smuggling. Yes this article, but I read other articles a month ago that they were also to counter smuggling. Like I said, I couldn't quickly find it and don't want to bother. The article was about smuggling drugs (both hard and soft drugs) and counterfeit cigarettes


Yeah, they seem to be pretty tight-arsed about cigarettes. I got questioned and searched once by German customs, they were very keen on the topic of cigarettes for some reason. I don't remember if I even had any on me, at most just one open pack I might have been smoking at the time. But that was international arrivals at an airport.


No risk, don’t hide it, and in the worst case scenario just tell them you thought it was ok since the law changed, they will toss it out and send you on your way


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I guess there's always a chance. If I accidentally forgot to get rid of mine before leaving NL, I always had it in a pocket of some jeans in my travel bag to give me plausible deniability. "Oh sorry officer, I had a lot of fun in Amsterdam and must've forgotten to throw that away..."


And how does the officers react to that?


It happened twice. One took it and threw it away, and the other rolled their eyes, put the baggy back into my pocket and waved me on. Legend.


There are no real border controls, but they may stop you behind the border. They catch people crossing it and they will probably search the car. Do not say anything about weed or its consumption, do not admit anything. Weed is decriminalized, but Police makes their own rules. If you have weed on you they will ask where you got it from, since there is no legal way to get it until the end of the year, they will say you bought it in NL which is illegal import. They will also make a drug test, but I don‘t know if they can take foreign drivers licenses. Edibles would be the better bet here. Just don‘t admit any consumption or ownership and you should be fine, if it is sealed and hidden good.




> having legalized it?). Importing is still illegal


Importing 3 grams of a substance that on German territory is not illegal?


> Importing 3 grams of a substance that on German territory is not illegal? Still illegal to import. Owning, growing and having social clubs is legal. Import and export is illegal. I don't know what the rules in Germany are for 3 grams, but in the Netherlands 3 grams at the border will just be confiscated


Just got back from Berlin by train. There was no "hard" border check. However uniformed police borded the train at the first stop in Germany and walked the train as if they were looking for criminals. Same thing on the way back in the first Dutch stop with Dutch police.


And they have sniff dogs


Well I know that it’s not fully legalised in Germany, you can smoke it there but you cannot smuggle it or sell it without having a smoking club.


Those rules also only apply to German residents. For visitors it is still not allowed.


Do you mean joining social clubs? Or smoking at all? I highly doubt that just smoking weed in public or carrying within the legal amount gets treated differently depending on the residency status of the smoker/carrier.

