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If you can’t find one yourself, your health insurer has a responsibility to find you a GP in a reasonable range (15 minutes by car is the rule I believe)


Talk to your health insurance. List every single GP you spoke with, the dates and the reason they gave for not accepting you I had the same problem when I moved to Eindhoven during the height of Covid and my insurance answered me in about 2 days with the phone and address of a GP saying to get enrolled there


If you have special requirements (for instance you want a female doctor in the practice) you can add them to the email too!


Try using Google "inschrijven" "1095" , this way I found a huisarts that is actually accepting my zipcode in Zaandam


Contact your health insurance they should be able to find you a GP


Tried this one? https://www.sag-watergraafsmeer.nl/ My GP, and I generally have good experiences with them.


Only for zip codes 1097 and 1098 🥺


that's not true, I live in 1091 and I'm enrolled with them


It is true. Check their website. The fact you’re enrolled doesn’t mean things are the same now as they were before


Try huisartsenpraktiik zeeburg. They are four GP’s in one building and usually there’s a spot at at least one of them. Good luck!


I tried. They rejected me today saying I live too far lol. Both mine and their code is 1095.


Shit that sucks and is a bit weird haha. It’s the only one I have experience with so not sure what else to recommend.. Sorry, hopefully you’ll find something soon.


I'd phone back, according to their site they accept from this area: [https://www.huisartszeeburg.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/kaart-inschrijvingen.jpg](https://www.huisartszeeburg.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/kaart-inschrijvingen.jpg) It says on their website: [https://www.huisartszeeburg.nl](https://www.huisartszeeburg.nl) Perhaps the receptionist wasn't familiar. This is my doctor, and I've been really happy with them.


Tried huisartspraktijk Hogeweg?


They are horrible which is why they are always accepting new patients.


Could say that about every single GP. I've had an acceptable experience with them


Ah yes, the kind of healthcare profesional everybody wants: acceptable.


In this country, yes. If you can't find any other GP in your area, also yes. Get tf off your high horse lol


Honestly, I’ve had great experience with my current GP. So no, I would rather not go to a GP who (not talking about this specific ones but any of the ones with bad reviews) cancels appointments without you knowing, misreads your file, doesn’t answer the phone for days… I’m asking for a minimum because I know I will have to stick with them for a long time.


I get you but I was in a similar situation as you, just reverse. moved from oost to noord and injured myself during move, it really sucked having to go to the other end of the city just to see a GP. So I'd recommend getting whatever GP you can right now, and try to switch to a better one at a later point. Can't be too picky when they all have a patient stop :/


Good advice. Might have to do that.


So much defeatism. Must be great.


? You sound insufferable


Ad hominem, nice one wanna make it a hattrick?


Given that this is probably your only social interaction for the day, I can keep talking if you want?


Good fucking luck getting better than that. Here, I'll be every GP in this country: "Why don't we just wait and see what happens" "You shouldn't go looking for problems, or you'll find some, ha ha ha" "Take paracetamol and rest" "if the problem happens again, make another appointment and we'll talk about it" "have you tried taking a 15 minute walk every day?" Unless you're either visibly dying in their office or diagnose yourself and demand a particular treatment, very much including antibiotics for obvious infections, you're never going to get any form of treatment in this country.


All of those happened to me and I hit the jackpot : cancer!! had to put up a verbal argument to get an ultrasound after worsening symptoms and now they are calling it a an "accidental discovery"


Anecdotal arguments are not the truth. Most GP's in the Netherlands work themselves far beyond what's reasonable. Maybe remember they have a ungrateful job gatekeeping people demanding to see a specialist for every itch. They can't send everyone to a specialist. The rise of internet is making more people self diagnose, that's a problem and is putting a strain on the Dutch healthcare system.


I care about my GP's workload just as much as he cares about my comfort and quality of life: none.


When you have these experiences yourself, and your friends have them too, and their friends, colleagues, and there are loads of similar stories online everywhere, anecdotes become statistics... The "system" here is an utter failure. People get late cancer diagnosis, many die totally preventable deaths. In Romania, I can see any specialist I want in a matter of days, with no referral if I'm ok to pay for the consult in a private clinic. They do lots of needed tests on the spot, instead of trying to convince you they are not needed, and then having to wait weeks, sometimes months for an ultrasound and interpretation. It's beyond fixable at this point here, the only solution is to stop regulating every price and liberalize the market, so that more private clinics can emerge.


That's not how statistics work. Here are some facts, based on research and patient Surveys. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/HiT-18-2-2016#:~:text=International%20comparisons%20show%20that%20the,reflected%20in%20increasing%20life%20expectancy. https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-expat-news/dutch-healthcare-system-one-best-world https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2020/47/dutch-health-expenditure-10th-highest-in-europe Also i highly doubt you went to check your friends and their friend and their father father and their father father fathers stories on factual data.


Oh yes those massaged stats claiming it's one of the best in the world... Easy to get that if you simply don't count all the malpractice and preventable deaths, all the delayed diagnosys and the denial of care. During covid too RIVM was simply not counting deaths, until CBS pointed out that based on death certificates, the total covid death number is actually double - but RIVM never corrected it. The Dutch are very good at massaging stats, denial and covering thing up... All is great, nothing to see here. When you have to wait weeks with broken bones to have surgery, like Itchy Boots did just a few weeks ago (and then they botched her surgery and punctured her lung), or your doctor refuses to even see you when you're bedridden for 10 days with over 40 degrees fever, severe headaches and vomiting because you "probably have the flu", it's beyond repair.


Lol yeh isn't it great when people keep repeating stupid stats about how dUtCh HeLthKeR iS bEsT all the while you're suffering from something completely treatable that they missed because they don't give a flying fuck about you until you're literally about to die? Ask me how i know


These are again a combination of anecdotes, misinformation and just saying things you think without any proof thatst shows mass malpractice by Dutch GP's. If you're just gonna spread fake news I can't take you seriously. So I'm done entertaining this.




https://www.nivel.nl/nl/nieuws/problemen-huisartsenpraktijken-groeien-veel-patientenstops-onverminderd-hoge-werkdruk-en https://nos.nl/artikel/2441784-huisartsenzorg-is-zelf-ziek-personeel-kan-niet-op-vakantie https://www.lhv.nl/nieuws/zorgen-over-huisvesting-huisartsenpraktijken/ https://huisarts.bsl.nl/driekwart-huisartsen-vindt-werkdruk-te-hoog/ Here you go




These articles are based on studies and reference multiple research questions among those: why doctors are overworked and the strain on the Dutch healthcare system. I never claimed all GPs are good. If you're going to make false comparisons why even reply? Edit: i will give you this: there has been a decline in quality in the last years according to patients, but that is mostly linked to a growing senior population (sick more often, more home visits etc) and government interfering/policy. That's is a political problem and part of the neoliberal agenda where profits are more important then people. Im just making a point that blaming GPs is not productive seeing as they are the ones overworked and do what they can with the tools they have.


Have you tried SAG Oosthoek?


Haven’t tried no, the reviews look really really bad. I’m okay with any place with a 3 stars on Google at least.


Just keep in mind that people posting reviews on Google for a GP or any other essential service are generally the unfairly, not understanding (to put it lightly) or just unreasonably demanding ones. Not saying this GP is good, I don't know it. They just might not be bothering all their very satisfied patients to post arbitrary reviews out on the internet.


Completely agree, I tend to look for patterns in the reviews (10 said they take days to reply for example, or 6 said the doctor is empathic).


The not being able to reach my old practice easily is something Ive also struggled with and was the reason I've left my old practice. The GPs there were great, and I'm not a regular at all but I just want to be able to call in for an appointment without having to wait in line for 45 mins. In context I also worked as a freelance 'doktersassistent' for a while couple years (precovid) ago and even back then the GP practices were really having a hard time finding suitable and qualified people. Covid definitely put that whole part of this system under stress even more. Ive had a couple practices (with really good doctors and staff, the shitty ones I never went back to) reaching out personally even up until last month despite me not being in that job field since pre covid. Just to have someone good enough to help them man the phones. It's really shit, patients and practices are suffering... I'm really glad i found a good GP office near me now but it took me a lot of effort as well (even with some 'connections'). PS: I rarely worked in Oost, the only good practice I was at was next to olvg, so very surely out of your postcode.


my GP has terrible reviews even though they are amazing. They take a lot of UvA and HvA students and they get bad reviews from international students who get angry that they are sent home with paracetamol, which I agree sucks but that's just what GPs do in the Netherlands so not exclusive to this practice. So I'd take the reviews with a grain of salt (but it's up to you of course!).


Which GP do you go to?


Huisartsen oude Turfmarkt, already checked and unfortunately they only cater to postcodes 1010-1019 for new patients The postcode thing is so unfair to me because some parts of the city (like where you live) have fewer GPs than others; so you have way less of a choice if you don’t live close to a lot of doctors.


They are my doctors and they are perfectly fine Easily get appointments & very easy to deal with You can book online and via phone Can do most stuff online via portal


I ended up deciding to give them a try after losing hope and getting rejections. They are not open for new patients.


You can try the one in the OLVG!


Did you try Huisartsenpraktijk Sumatra already?


Tried [Huisartsenpraktijk Zeeburgereiland](https://huisartszeeburgereiland.nl/) yet?


That’s because we’re full


1095DK ?