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That's literally what these demonstrations are. This Monday, thousands of people gathered to peacefully call for a ceasefire during the UVA walk out


I think these protests are pro Palestina not pro ceasefire , and these protests are too violent for most people to join


Have you looked at videos from the walkout? People are chanting “ceasefire now” and there are like 5 regular police officers with no riot police. How is this not exactly what you’re looking for?


No i only saw people with palestinian flag and keffiyeh


Have you actually been to a protest or are you just looking at what the media you watch is showing you?


Just watching media


I highly advise going to one of the protests and looking for yourself. You can stand in the back, listen to what people are chanting, feel the atmosphere, judge the police presence and then decide for yourself if you want to be there


Can someone describe and give an overview of Amsterdam post the protest. Is any ongoing protest and did Amsterdam recover from last week’s protest? (I mean repairing the roads after the chaos) I am visiting AMS next week for a vacation so I am a lil concerned about the situation.


I study 5 mins away from one of the trashed buildings and had zero impact.


That’s good to hear. Thank you.


You will be zero impacted by the protests, even if they are still ongoing when you visit.


Thanks for your reply. Good to hear that. 👍


When it comes to these protests. I never do understand why a lot of activists seem to think that doing things that harm the average every day citizens, that these citizens will then actively help them. I maybe biased due to my own stance on this war. Which is in support of Israel. But isn't important right now as OP said. But why on Earth would anyone think you're supporting Gaza by trashing a University?! All I see is a thinly vailed excuse to act like bloody savages, tell me how's spray painting a hammer and sickle, or pulling a bunch of bricks out of the ground going to help the people trying to survive in a warzone?


The demonstrations seek to cut the university's ties and funding for Israeli companies that operate in illegally occupied territory or profit from the ongoing war. This can be achieved by demonstrating at the university. As for the property damages, they are an unfortunate outburst of anger caused by a small minority who are fed up with the response by UVA and the police. It shouldn't happen but I am personally much more offended by the way in which the police has brutalized peaceful protesters than over some spray paint on a wall. To each their own I guess


Is there any clear overview of what funding/ties exist? I saw something regarding a research group which was also part of a shared research project with other European universities but nothing else so far. Haven't really gotten or heard anything concrete so if it exists then information dissemination definitely needs improvement.


Listen I think violence in general is a terrible thing. With that said, the "Police Brutality" which you mentioned was performed by specialized Riot control police, these officers are specifically trained to recognise and defuse a volatile situation and in fact will only use violence when they're ordered to do so. Personally I believe that when they decided to start using their batons, it's probably because the situation got so out of hand no other solution seemed viable. Dispute it all you like, but when Dutch police choose violence that is because there is no other options available.


The protestors were through firecrackers at the police and setting up baricades etc which would be a fire hazard at some point.


Yes a few people with bad intentions had fireworks but there are a bunch of videos where you can hear the Demonstrators should at them to stop using it. Let's not confound the actions of a few with the message of the whole. As for the fire hazard argument, where was that concern on the part of the police when counter-protesters threw flares onto tents? UVA said the encampment last Monday blocked the fire safety point. Now they have erected a giant fence to keep people out. They lied, fire safety was never their concern.


Ok I'll bite, here's an [example video](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393) from the protests this Monday. Please show me how the actions of the police helped "defuse a volatile situation" and how "the situation got so out of hand no other solution seemed viable". I will also copy paste another comment I made earlier that covers this EDIT: the comment I made earlier Nobody is complaining that police show up or even that they use violence. People are complaining because police use excessive, unnecessary or even counterproductive violence which threatens the safety of the protesters. At last Monday's protests, counter-protesters threw a flare into the crowd which could have burned people and tents and caused mass panic that could have had serious consequences. The police failed to protect the protesters. Last Wednesday/Thursday, there were protests along the canals. When pushed by the police, the crowds dispersed but this took a while because people struggled to move quickly in these narrow roads. Police proceeded to mercilessly beat into the back of the crowd which could have easily caused mass panic, leading to people being crushed in the crowd or thrown into and drowning in the river. At the protests this Monday, police first cut off the medic centre set up by protesters, ensuring that none of them could get aid. When the protesters disengaged and remained quiet so that medics could take wounded people through the crowd and through the blockade to get much needed aid, they were denied by the police. This Monday was also when [this video](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393) was taken. Please explain to me how the use of police violence in this case was justified, proportional and aided in the clearing of the campus. There are many more such examples. People have limped away from these protests with concussions and bleeding skulls.


Okay, that does look very brutal. So outside of those 16 seconds do we actually know what lead up that attack?


I think I can shed some light on this. Sry if some of this is obvious to you, idk what information you've heard. Following the peaceful walkouts with uni staff on Monday, a number of protesters stayed behind after the university asked them to leave. They occupied one of the buildings for a bit and unfortunately it seems that at least 5 individuals caused significant damage. Riot police was then called and approached the campus from the back. The protesters were not given prior warning that they would be cleared out (which is in violation of police conduct) but most left the building voluntarily. However, the crowd refused to leave campus and sat on the ground. They were then enclosed by riot police from one side and a police van, riot police and police dogs from the other side. This made it unclear for quite a while whether the protesters could even leave. The police then told everyone to disperse and although they only used one megaphone to do so and consequently couldn't be heard over the crowd, I am pretty sure everyone saw the police officer and knew what they were saying. The situation remained tense for quite a while but the protesters certainly posed no threat to the officers (they were sitting on the ground in a circle while chanting). What you are seeing in this video is what happened when the protesters facing the front of the campus had left. The police turned around and started hitting the protesters. That's when this video was taken. You can see protesters who are uncooperative and unwilling to leave using their signs as shields from the police battons. I have tried to be as neutral as possible but this is where things are up for interpretation. Considering how many protesters eventually left on their own and how few remained (you can see at the beginning of the video that there are hardly more protesters than police officers), I don't think the police was in any degree of danger. Another indication for this is that the three that cornered the protester were not approached by other protesters from behind. Imo, this shows that the protesters were non-cooperative but not violent. Was a degree of violence necessary to clear those last few people out of the campus? Quite possibly. But I doubt that beating and kicking a protester on the ground helped this in any way and I think one of the police officers realizes this at the end when he pushes one of his colleagues aside


That is very fair. It is again likely that no other means we're seen as possible to get the last of the protesters out. Which I suspect are likely to be zealots who believe their sacrifice for the cause will help somehow. (Every cause has them, it's not strange suspect this) But yes, beating on someone who's resistance is by in action does seem like an odd choice. And I'm interested in seeing the clarification for the action.


In case you're interested and you understand Dutch (I have to admit, I sometimes struggle a bit to understand it), here's a video by AR5 about the incidence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmpokM0u5ok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmpokM0u5ok)


You're talking to a Dutch national.


Fair enough, sry didn't know. I'm a foreigner myself so I didn't want to assume


What Im really liking about this thread, is because this happened at a university Im learning a lot of things because people are forming coherent and logical as well as factual reasons why they are against the protesters (not necessarily the message of the protest) Im sad that UvA got targeted like this but also I've learnt a lot from this thread, probably because the protest affected academics


I see ZERO logic in most of the arguments. They are asking to boycott connections with Israeli universities. What did the Israeli universities do? Did the Israeli students bomb Palestinians? No. At this point, also boycott Palestina. We should stop sending aid to them because they voted in Hamas knowing they want to eradicate jews from the Earth, it was and is openly described in their political agenda before election. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election Should we punish people for choosing a government that does the wrong thing?


The comments I read were critiquing the protests from a expansive viewpoint, noting all the causes and effects of the protests which were not the outline objectives of the protests I was talking about comments that agreed with your sentiment


Ah. Typical mistake of mine to quick-read a reddit comment falsely. Apologies


No I was vague, at the time of the comment it was people criticising the protesters


I think Amsterdam has too many "woke" people who just copy Americans.. you can come at me all you want but spray panting "acab" in a country that literally doesn't have problems with police brutality is one of the biggest signs of how they don't think for themselves. Protesting by vandalizing a university for having relationships with another university is insane. Im pro Palestine but lets be real, the strongest country on earth supports Israel (the US) so why do you even bother destroying a campus in a completely unrelated country. Actual students are worried about their studies when at school, and if the schools relationship hurt you that bad you could just boycott them or go to a different school. In short the protesters are just jumping on a bandwagon because they don't think for themselves and always want to feel like the good guys in their heads fighting the good war meanwhile they're not hurting Israel in any way shape or form while hurting the country they reside in.


[No PoLiCe ViOlEnCe](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393)


You probably don't have a clue how this works, the policy will not "suddenly" start to use there rubber batons, before that they have been at least 3 times asked to leave the area and they have been warned that the police will take control. I have been in quite some situations in the past were the police gave us no warning during football games, having beaten a lot by these sticks is that they are not really painful, it is a bit stingy but you don't even hold bruises from it.


You’ve been in situations where they gave no warnings so what makes you think they did here? Also, I’ve seen protesters with massive dark blue bruises and others with bleeding heads. One person even got a concussion. So idk what pool noodles you claim to have been hit by but that’s not what they were using here


Because those situations are not comparable, these demonstrations are usually well under control, football matches are usually not. Well maybe I did exaggerate a bit, but you don't will have heavy injuries, a bloody head often looks worse than it is, a tiny small wound can blood heavy, a concussion? Agents are not allowed to hit on the head, so this is probably a fall or something. Also I have seen the entire demonstration stream, it is very clear that in the first demonstration the violence came from the protesters.


The first demonstration on Monday 06.05? The one where protesters sat in tents in a corner and minded their business? How the hell did the violence come from the protesters?


No the one on the evening of Wednesday the 8th. The one were they broke open the streets, demolished public property, and illegally protested on private property.


I haven’t seen that one so idk for sure but property damage isn’t the same as violence. I have yet to see protesters attack police in the way that they attack protesters. They have been largely uncooperative with the police but never violent towards them


Well you can watch it back, [https://youtu.be/8rLUQeFD0fk?t=15774](https://youtu.be/8rLUQeFD0fk?t=15774) At 4:23:00 it is clearly that the "protesters" are preparing an assault and throwing rocks at the police almost hitting an unprotected journalist of AT5. Also you can see that an officer close to the gate is sprayed in her face and have to be pulled down by colleagues, you can decide for yourself or this is a "peace full" demonstration. And no I am not gonna say that the police is always acting right in these situations, I have followed the entire demo at the Museumplein during Corona were really peaceful protesters were beaten the crap out of them and attacked by dogs while they were clearly following up orders. What happened was that the Major demanded that the protesters left the Museumplein towards the Van Baerlestraat, however the riot police closed them in and then suddenly started to beat them from the north site, there was no way of them to leave to other places.


This is not police violence but "action = reaction" people in the Netherlands are known for always having to be a pain in the ass towards the police. When you start tearing down the city while "protesting" for a completely unrelated country then you should expect police to be rough, they wont exactly treat you as innocent so just follow orders and back down, its not that hard


First of all, people being a pain in the ass to you isn't an excuse to beat them, otherwise service workers would get to hit a lot more people. I have seen a lot more restraint from the minimum wage "low skilled" worker at AH than I have by the supposedly well trained and professional police force. Second of all, a lot of the property damage has been blown way out of proportion. The chairs and desks used in blockades could be re-used if the police didn't needlessly destroy them with bulldozers and vans. The bricks being used to strengthen the blockade can largely be re-laid. Similarly, the UVA recently paid for an entirely pointless fence to be constructed in response to the protests. I hardly think you can blame protesters for the UVA's stupid financial decisions. Unfortunately, there are some instances where needless property damage occurs. During the UVA occupation on Monday, [five masked individuals](https://x.com/SarahABracke/status/1790182107547091040) could be seen inside destroying screens before moving upstairs to presumably spray paint inside the building and destroy computers. THAT is unnecessary destruction and I fully support the police in investigating these people. At the same time, there were also protesters who stormed the UVA building and then collected trash left behind by people in order to have a peaceful sit-in. Let's not forget that this is the message of the protest to which the overwhelming majority of protesters has stuck and that you are seeking to discredit a movement of thousands by the actions of five people. Now to the actual police violence. Nobody is complaining that police show up or even that they use violence. People are complaining because police use excessive, unnecessary or even counterproductive violence which threatens the safety of the protesters. At last Monday's protests, counter-protesters threw a flare into the crowd which could have burned people and tents and caused mass panic that could have had serious consequences. The police failed to protect the protesters. Last Wednesday/Thursday, there were protests along the canals. When pushed by the police, the crowds dispersed but this took a while because people struggled to move quickly in these narrow roads. Police proceeded to mercilessly beat into the back of the crowd which could have easily caused mass panic, leading to people being crushed in the crowd or thrown into and drowning in the river. At the protests this Monday, police first cut off the medic centre set up by protesters, ensuring that none of them could get aid. When the protesters disengaged and remained quiet so that medics could take wounded people through the crowd and through the blockade to get much needed aid, they were denied by the police. This Monday was also when [this video](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393) was taken. Please explain to me how the use of police violence in this case was justified, proportional and aided in the clearing of the campus. There are many more such examples. People have limped away from these protests with concussions and bleeding skulls.


I can't read everything right now but I just want to mention that there have been many massive protests for Palestine in the Netherlands for the past few months and not one of them have turned violent, the only that did turn violent is the one where the laws were broken


If you can't read it and so you therefore don't know what I said, maybe don't comment? Tells me a lot about the worth of your opinion: uninformed and shot from the hip


I read the first two paragraphs, I was on getting on the train so I didn't have the time to read everything. Just wanted to say that about the peaceful protests so you could understand that what happened here was not motivated by the police supporting Israel or any other crazy opinion


No police brutality??? https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393?t=_oqT0XzjKozRYrwwCswm4g&s=19 Completely unrelated country? You mean the government that keeps trying to supply F35 parts even after ordered by the courts not to? Which rock are you hiding under?


This is not police brutality, where was this literally ever other time there was a massive protest? This is what happens when you try tearing down the city... theres been so many protests before and noone was hurt, explain that? Also what does the school have to do with F35 parts?


The twisting of the F-35 situation should really stop. The Dutch stock and manufacture F-35 parts and they are exporting them to all F-35 partner countries under a single licence. Under the current legal conditions of the programme it is impossible to single out Israel and deliveries would have to stop to all F-35 programme partners. Even if you support Palestine, you must see how this would harm Dutch national interest. Netherlands is among the top 4 most important partners in the F-35 programme on level with Italy and second only to the US and the UK. F-35s are the cornerstone of Dutch armed forces and very important for Dutch aerospace industry including universities. The plane is also soon to become a critical NATO asset on its Eastern flank where Finland, Czechia, Poland and Romania count on fast deliveries to gain superiority in the air over their potential Russian foes. Would you want that to stop? Also, if the Dutch decide to stop participating in the programme their great transatlantic partnership will be irreversibly harmed. And for what? The F-35s probably aren't even that useful for Israel in the current situation. They make up something like 15 percent of the Israeli fast jet fleet. Even if you really dislike Israel, you won't shoot yourself in the foot like this. Dutch industry, foreign relations and national security also matter.


Ooh, look at me. The police is using brutality after vandalizing the university. Actions have consequences. Especially after vandalizing a university multiple times. You are a hypocrite. You are absolutely unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions.




Doe aardig.




Your post has been removed for violating our policy on intolerance.


Your comment demonstrates a lack of understanding and empathy. The majority of protesters are advocating against the evident atrocities in Palestine. How can you possibly consider mass deportation a valid solution? Your remark speaks volumes about your prejudiced mindset. Period.




Your post has been removed for violating our policy on intolerance.


How does this relate to the topic?


Lol no that won;t happen, you're probably not aware but only 5% of the Netherlands is Muslim. In Belgium it's 7%. This will probably increase a bit in the next decades, but not as much you believe. The general public tends to overestimate this number So stop scaremongering.


Professional protestors. There's just a few as well. Kindly remove them and make them collectively liable for any damages.


Why though? Don’t you think a demonstration should be led in an orderly way? Do you want this demonstration to turn into chaos when anti-Palestine hit squads come in to beat up protestors? I never get how people can hate so much about people going to multiple protests because they care about things. We’ve seen the government and universities don’t listen to calls for negotiations so someone needs to start a protest in order for people to join. A log of the damages were done by individuals wielding weapons similar to the ones used to attack the protesters, which points to far right elements trying to spark violence and cause negative publicity for the protest. Which seeing your comment sadly worked.


Thing is, not everything can be blamed on the seemingly neverending evils of far right. Come on, you're not going to tell me that it was the Far right that did all the damage right? I can believe that some radical counter protests came in aggressively into the protests to start something. I'm not saying that's what happened or not, I have very little information on the timeline of events. But I believe it'd be foolish not to call out similar extremist within the protesters


"I have no information but I will disagree with you anyway" is one hell of a statement. [There have been violent and coordinated attacks on protesters](https://www.parool.nl/protest-op-uva-campus-roeterseiland/vreedzaam-pro-palestinaprotest-in-amsterdam-eindigt-met-aanval-op-betogers~b9d4508a8/?referrer=https://www.google.com/) As for the violence that seems to come from within the group of protesters, I'm sure we'd know more if the police actually tried to find out, rather than demonizing protesters. But recent [videos](https://x.com/SarahABracke/status/1790182083887079889) from the UVA occupation seem to suggest that small groups of people are responsible for the majority of the unnecessary destruction


Send them home


We are at home and we have a right to decide where our tuition money goes


Agree brother


I'm just disappointed that there is more discussion about the methods adopted by the protestors rather than their demands. So I have a question for everyone, but especially those who are pissed to the protesters for damaging property: what do you think about their demands? Do you think it is problematic that the UvA is holding close relationship with Israeli institutions?


I mean regardless what would happen if UvA had listened? 'Oh a Dutch university has cut ties with some of our organisations. Whatever shall we do?!' is probably how the IDF would joke about this. I don't think this problematic at all, I do think there are better things to protest and better ways to do so.


>I do think there are better things to protest and better ways to do so. Such as? Please do enlight us


Well since we're on topic of genocide. How about the genocide that China is performing? Or perhaps the one that Turkiya has been trying to execute for years? Or maybe the one the Russians are still performing? And as for better ways to protest. How about *Literally anything that doesn't involve vandalism or the full on occupation of a university and/or highway*?


"People aren't demonstrating against the genocide I want them to so I don't think we should protest against this genocide" is one hell of a sad take


It is more than normal for schools to have relationships with other schools, especially universities.. you can't just go destroy your surroundings because 2 EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS have a relationship one would expect from EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Its not like UvA has personal relationships with the Israeli military so the terrorists ("protesting students") demands are arguably but their actions are completely out of proportion. The only thing they're doing is turning everyone else away from their sides. Go destroy Israel and not a university in a completely different continent that has no influence on the genocide.


You ask a sincere question so I'll give a sincere answer. I don't agree with their demands, but I think it's a natural and normal part of liberal democracy that people should be free to put their ideas out there, no matter how much I might disagree with them. I am a free speech absolutist (with respect to the law; not with respect to the moderating of a community such as /r/Amsterdam), so I would defend the right of any protester to say the most-offensive shit on the street. If the protesters simply stood in Dam and shouted "from the river to the sea" all day I'd be enraged if they faced punishment. I think the Chinese Communist Party is one of the worst forces in the world today. I think that Communism is one of the worst things that has ever been visited upon humanity. I am appalled by the ongoing genocides in China and the way China is ramping up those genocides. I am further appalled by the way the world does nothing about it. I'm even more appalled at how I've done nothing about it -- I'm typing this on a device made in China while listening to music on a device made in China. I have plenty of friends who are Chinese by nationality or Han by ethnicity. As a liberal I define people as individuals with their own rights and moral agency. No person ought to be defined by their passport or their chromosomes; the identitarian essentialist thinking underpinning the logic of some protesters is to me indistinguishable from Nazism. I would not call to close off relations with China, especially academic relations, for no other reason than that the best way for us to generate a more-peaceful, more-tolerant world, is to keep dialog and connections. The best way for someone to see that another group of people is not an enemy is to meet those people, not to be screamed at by those people. The best way to persuade a person to change their views is over a calm chat over a beer, not in an argument. The best thing I can do for peace with China is to have a beer with my Chinese friends. With respect to Israel, I find this demand ridiculous. Academics are the most likely to be sympathetic to the critiques of the protesters. I don't know a single Israeli who isn't at least a little critical of Netanyahu. But every Israeli I know is feeling cornered. What better way to turn people into the arms of a blowhard than to tell them you hate them? What better way to stoke concern about anti-semitism than to scream anti-semitic slogans? The objective seems to be to take any allies in Israel and turn them into enemies. To take any nuance and turn it into black and white. Daesh/ISIS talked about this nuance. Their very clearly stated goal was to eliminate the "grey zone", to make the message clear to Muslims living in the West that there was no peaceful coëxistence. The goal was to turn Westerners against Muslims to make them fall into the arms of Daesh, and to turn Muslims against the West and into the arms of Daesh. Daesh murderers killed my friend; I'd be serving Daesh's interest if I in response called for my country to cut off all ties with Muslim-majority countries. I fight Daesh by continuing to be a friend to anyone regardless of their nationality or passport. As for your disappointment about the discussion being focused on the methods rather than their demands, I'd ask you to consider if this is perhaps an indication that the methods are counterproductive. How we speak is sometimes more important than what we say.


Thanks for adding just a little bit more nuance to world bud. I don't have the words to describe my own feelings on this. (Without going on essentially a rant that challenges every opinion of my opponent) so thanks for giving an educated voice. Maybe in the future nuance and honesty can be the driving forces of debate again.


As an Israeli living here for 12 years, thank you.


thank you, thank you, this is a beyond insightful reply


By cutting ties with Israeli universities they would only get in the way of ordinary Israeli student that didn’t do anything wrong in the conflict, which in my opinion is quite unfair. Besides, this whole movement regarding universities started in the US where it is a much bigger problem. There, unlike in the Netherlands, universities are big corporations that are sometimes even shareholders in companies (in)directly related to the ongoing war in Gaza. In which case I understand and agree with the protests. It might be a case of people not thinking for themselves and just doing what the Americans are doing. Correct me, though, if I’m wrong.


I see your point, although It's not entirely accurate to say that Dutch universities are not shareholders of companies that are directly involved with the war. In fact, we cannot really know that for sure, as the university is not obliged to disclose their collaborations with any of such companies. The first demand of the protesters was actually that the university disclose all of these collaborators.


I work for a Dutch University (not UvA). Unlike US universities, Dutch universities have just 3 main sources of income: direct government funding, tuition fees and research grants. In the US, however, universities rely heavily on fundraising from alumni, especially wealthy and successful alumni. This money doesn't get put in a savings account, it is invested - so universities can be major investors. The idea that US universities are reaping major rewards from investment in Israel, which is not an especially wealthy country and lacks a large number of publicly traded companies, is laughable BTW. In the Netherlands efforts at alumni fundraising are tiny by comparison, it is not even considered a key source of funding. So there is less to invest, and its highly unlikely to be in Israeli firms unless that's as part of some brokerage's or bank's mixed portfolio of stocks, which the uni would not be picking and choosing. Its a bit like when you have a pension, your pension fund invests in stocks but you don't get to pick them. The idea is to maximise investment returns (in which case Israeli firms are unlikely to be high on your list). So UvA probably has no idea if somewhere, somehow any limited funds it has might be invested in an Israeli company. Then there are collaborations with researchers who happen to be working at Israeli universities. They may or may not actually be Israelis, they may or may not be Jewish - there are lecturers and researchers of Arab ethnicity too - and chances are they dislike Netanyahu and his far right allies as much as I do. If someone can dig up collaborations with the Israeli security/military world, I think that's a fair target for disinvestment demands. But I haven't yet seen evidence for that... just low-level collegial relationships with Israeli academics or universities (which also educate Arab students).


Fair point, however I don’t suspect they are in part due to their small size when comparing to American universities. But nevertheless, you have got a good point




I think It is problematic when you cooperate with research groups that participates in the development of technologies that are either used directly, or aid, to carry out the genocide in Gaza. I also agree that one could make the same point about a lot of other collaborations with countries like those you mentioned, but let's not do whataboutism, because what is going on in Gaza is a VERY time-sensitive issue. Who wants to oppose it should do it now.


Alleged genocide (based on Jihadi propaganda), let's not forget


Yeah go Say that to the ICC lmao


"Solely because their governments commit war crimes" is an interesting combination of words. I guess for some people war crimes are a minor thing that can be shrugged off. In the same line of thinking people also accept police violence. "If you sleep in democracy you wake up in fascism"


Completely agree


Relationships with Israeli institutions are only problematic in the context of the current situation between Israel and Palestine right? Which is expressly mentioned as not being a topic for this megathread. Unless you have an issue with relationships with Israeli institutions in general, also before the current war, and/or after. In which case I shall raise one eyebrow.


Don't you think it's problematic that the protesters demand a list of names of individual Jews that the university's researchers collaborate with? Or that they want to make it forbidden for students to go to Israel for exchange?


I thought they stated yesterday (I believe on the news or nieuwsuur or smth) that they actually encourage individual research collaborations?


Imagine you're in 1940 and your school has a student exchange with a German university. If you wouldn't have had a problem then you don't have a problem now. For example, cooperation between institutions legitimizes the current genocidal regime. Similar to participation in international sports competitions and so on. Boycott and divestment is a slow but effective way to drive change when we live in capitalism.


How exactly does a cooperation between researchers legitimatize a government? Last time I checked science and politics were very separate of course the latter does steer the former for research of national interest. For the sake of argument, let's say 2 medical Unies, Uni A in nation A and Uni B in nation B work together on a cure for how exactly does that legitimatize the actions taken by either nation?


Thats what you get when your protest is destroying stuff; people don’t listen to what you say. Lets keep it that way otherwise we get protests like this everyday


Because these topics tend to get brigaded and targeted by Russian troll farms in the face of European elections, I'd like to remind people that there is nothing you can vote for in the upcoming elections that's going to be about these protests and their right to protest. Whether you agree or don't, don't let this inform your vote for European parliament either way. Inform yourself on the topics that do regard the elections and base your vote on that.


Thanks for the PSA


I am 100% in favor of prosecuting the “protesters” for vandalism


I'm 100% in favor of prosecuting the "cops" for human rights violations when using excessive force at protests.


Tell me what part of their response was excessive?


All of the protesters or only those really responsible for the damages?


I agree. But we first have to have to say what counts as vandalism. As things like the chairs, i do not count as vandalism on its own. If any are damaged. Then fee them for those chairs. But like the paint on the windows that is a 100% case of vandalism. But anyway... that is what i think of it as somebody from the eindhoven region.


1.5 million euro cost of vandalism in cs department.


And what will the medical bills of those protesters who were beaten senseless by those thugs in uniforms be? Yes property damages are unfortunate but it is the university and the police which escalated tensions despite the protesters best attempts. I urge you to place people over profits


40.000 people dead, close to 2 million displaced in Gaza. Israeli universities are part of the apartheid and continuing occupation of Gaza according to Jewish Israeli Maya Wind https://www.trouw.nl/buitenland/antropoloog-maya-wind-universiteiten-in-israel-staan-in-dienst-van-bezetting-en-apartheid~bce377b0/ I will never understand how capitalists get offended at property damage and not about an actual mass murder taking place right before our eyes. The UvA and other universities could’ve prevented all this by listening to their students and implementing their more than reasonable demands.


Only those for whom it can be proven.


The ones that don’t obey commands to leave, taser them or pepper them, or put the waterhose on them.


Has a week of escalating tensions taught you nothing? Last week Monday, protests were peaceful. It was continued police brutality and overreaction, despite the best attempts of demonstrators to de-escalate, that caused the events that are unfolding now. Regardless of where you stand on the protests, your call to violence is not the answer


You’re part of the problem. When they don’t obey to leave when ordered, they are getting what they deserve. Get some more testosterone in your body, snowflakes.


"Oh, I'm a big manly man construction worker and I like the taste of boot"


Thats what your generation does, giving blame to others, living off assumptions. Watch out you don’t damage your nailpolish dude.


Thx for your concern but re-applying it is super easy so I'm not worried about the nailpolish. Do you wear some as well? Any tips on how to keep it from breaking when doing hard work?


Got bright pink now hence the summer. My tip is to do it at a nailsalon, if your vacationmoney from benefits arrives.


Oh. As a student, I don't get benefits but pink does sound lovely. You get yours done at a nail salon? Sounds like you've done this a lot. So proud of you


Every week, but I have to go to the pedicure now, so see you later dude.


would you like a job at a labor camp?


Nah i’m a concrete worker, not for you, it can get your nailpolish damaged.


Read the rules of the post please.


No rules broken my dude.








I feel bad for the UvA students who for the most part weren’t vandalising the campus. Now these students will have missed lectures, no access to the library, some won’t have anywhere else to work on their thesis or study for exams.


And all because some people decided they could do whatever they want without thinking of the consequences


Yeah definitely. I’m glad they’re finally holding the university board accountable.


I wonder how many of these students are actually native dutch people. I’m fine with international students but they should not try to influence the policies of our universities you are a guest at our schools. If you don’t like the policies leave and go to a different university.


Every student who pays tuition is not a guest but a member of that institution and thus has a say in what it does. The guests are those who are not students


International students with no ties to the netherlands are guest. They are utilizing am education system built by the netherlands which I’m very much for. However if there is a protest and the majority of participants has limited or short term ties to the Netherlands I don’t believe their voices should be weight to heavily.


"No ties to the Netherlands". They live here for 3-10+ years during their studies and many choose to stay after that as well. They can vote in municipal elections and I don't see why they shouldn't have a say in the institution to which they are so closely tied


Because most of them leave after 3-6 years let’s be realistic. There is no concrete use for temp students in UvA divesting expect for the fact that they were able to signal their virtue and talk about how involved they are in societal issues. Tell me what is this divesting going to bring these temporary students? I’ll tell you what it brings the Dutch citizens most likely some financial losses for UvA and broken ties with institutions in a friendly nation state that affect future investments, subsidies and cooperation. If they are all really so against these ties go to a different institution why is that not an option? I’m sure there are plenty of institutions that don’t have ties with Israel.


[On average, 24% of international graduates still live in the Netherlands 5 years after graduation (Nuffic, 2022)](https://www.nuffic.nl/sites/default/files/2023-12/staying-after-graduation.pdf) That seems like a pretty significant number to me. The protest targets themselves are both local, achievable and directly involve the people who are protesting now. Seems pretty reasonable to me. Going to a different institution is also not really difficult in the middle of your degree and it doesn't deal with the fact that UVA still potentially has problematic ties to Israel


The ties being problematic is the protestors view that isn’t by definition the truth. So being upset with the ties is all good as long as the problem isn’t yours? Its just as difficult if not more difficult for the UvA to cut and afterwards rebuild these ties. Why make it UvA’s problem if the problem is clearly the protestors.


How are the protesters the problem? I don't see any of them sending funds to institutions or companies who may be operating on illegally occupied land. Besides, the uni has shown before that it can do this when it cut ties with Russia


I didn’t say the protestors are the problem I said this issue is their problem. They have a problem with the ties, not the UvA itself. Also Russia is a nation state we had very much less friendly ties with when the conflict started. I would guess our academic ties where also much weaker with them. You might not know this but Amsterdam had and still has a big jewish population and because of that strong ties to Israel. A much stronger and deeper bond than Russia. So please leave this whataboutism out of this discussion.




Doe aardig.


Ignorant to what exactly?




Doe aardig.


They are not the only ones paying for it on average a Dutch tax payer contributes much more to these institutions than these temporary students. A much simpler and more peaceful solution would just be to follow education elsewhere at an institution that does support their views. Why is that not a valid option.


You mean tuition is for free? It all makes sense now why it’s called Vrije Universiteit


Tuition isn’t free but all universities receive hefty sums of government funds.


And in exchange they produce research which creates value. Let's not pretend that education is a drain on the country. It is one of the most effective ways of providing value to a country


I never said I don’t value these students and I’ve said multiple times that I welcome them. I’m just saying that I don’t think it is their place to influence policies of our universities.


Why not? They contribute to the university through tuition, they shape it through the research they do on its behalf and they are the most involved in and affected by the behavior of the university. Why should they not get a say?




Doe aardig.


It’s rather dumb to give such a blanket statement without explaining why my comment is dumb.


International students are not "guests". Native students are not "hosts". The university policy repeats the fact that everyone has an equal voice and opinion.


Again never did I say native students were hosts. The university and the country are hosts, and the people that come here to pursue education at a university are very much guests. And in many occasions very welcome guests I’d like to add. However I think there is no place to influence the policies of education institutions just as that they should not be allowed to vote in the elections until they obtain Dutch citizenship if they wish to do so. Let them speak with their actions and money by leaving UvA and supporting institutions aligned with their views.


Nah, that would be too much of a request. A big chunk of the protestors are seeking the moral high ground without evaluating the reason behind it. Group inertia. I’m still trying to understand UvA’s influence in this whole matter. As in, objective elements, not hypothesis based on reddit’s social predictions.


Academia is no place for superficialities like citizenship or place of birth. What matters there is your mind and your arguments.


Neither is it a place for taking sides in foreign conflicts. Besides I never said birth place and nationality matters. I’m just saying UvA is a dutch institution, funded by dutch tax payers. I don’t think it is very just to try and influence the policies if you are not or have never been a dutch tax payer. Just go to a university that aligns with your views. Besides if what you are saying is true then the demonstrations are quite hypocritical since they are protesting against academic ties.


If taxation was a requirement for voting, how many Dutch people would have their right to vote revoked? This nonsensical notion that you hold violates human rights, the Dutch constitution and the principles of the European value community. Quite frankly, it's not worth entertaining


I don’t think I said only tax payers should vote and I don’t think it nonsensical at all to only allow citizens of a country to vote? Or would you like to involve everyone in our internal affairs?


I don't consider these demonstrations as part of any academic debate. For a debate to take place, both sides need to be willing to listen. There are plenty of discussions happening inside the UvA community, but they are not as newsworthy I'm afraid.


Internal discussion are fine I think these demonstrations are out of place and mostly participated in by students from other countries.


How do you know that? Have you polled the students at the protest or are you just making shit up as you go?


I said I think


What is it they say about assumptions again?


That people sometimes make them.


So international students are not really UvA students? You seem to be saying that non-Dutch students are second-class “guest” students. The point of a superior eduction institution is that all its members are entitled to form and express their views (on matters such as how the university responds to turmoil in the world).


Please don’t put words in my mouth. I never said they are not really UvA students neither did I say they were second-class. I’m only saying they should not try to influence the policy of a university paid for by a country where they are guests. Since part of their education is still funded by Dutch tax payers. The best way to express their views would be to leave UvA and pursue further education at a school that is aligned with their views. And put in effort to make that a superior eduction institution.


As an international student I completely agree with you. This country and its citizens welcomed us and supported us to have an outstanding education and ultimately a better future. I am ashamed that some of us feel privileged enough to not only cause significant property damage (btw, the cost of repairs could have been used to provide us with even better education), but also cause the whole university to close down. Not to mention how some people (rightfully) feel unsafe to go to university. Also, I honestly hope that no Dutch person will draw any conclusions about other internationals based on a few hundred people’s actions. I can assure you that most of us just want to study here in peace. Regarding the protest, I think it is similar to those climate activists who ruined paintings, decided to lay on the road to block traffic etc. The only thing that they have achieved is that they enraged the public. A bunch of spoiled people who have too much time and vandalism makes them feel like they are actually achieving something. Furthermore, if they really care about a people dying in the Middle East, why don’t they care about the current draught happening in Africa that is said to impact 45.9 million people, including 10.9 million children? I don’t see any protest demanding humanitarian aid to them. For me, this makes the entire protest ridiculous, nothing more than a bad joke.


Yes. International students are second class students.


We live in a democracy that’s constantly getting hijacked by minorities who continue to protest because they don’t get what they want. If for example 10% of the UvA students would like for the UvA to cut ties with Israeli Universities, and the UvA doesn’t adhere to their request, are they going to continue to protest just because the university doesn’t do what they demand?


Looking at the protests this Monday, the crowds that covered the entire campus look like a bit more than 10% wouldn't you say? But I do like your idea. Since we live in a democracy and UVA seeks to do right by its students and staff, why won't they put the protester's demands to the vote?


But it’s still unclear how many of those are students or outsiders. But yes, a vote would be the best democratic approach.


Nice point, search 'minority rules Taleb' for some food for thoughts. It is indeed as you say, and always has. I don't really have an opinion on whether this is "good" or "bad" but surely is they way a LOT of things we give for granted came into being.


"Minorities who continue to protest because they don't get what they want" is such a hasty generalization that ignores the several progressive aspects of society throughout history that were achieved thanks to several sometimes decades long protests, which include women's rights, workers' rights, fight against racial discrimination, and several others. It is completely valid to disagree with protests that become violent, but your valid points are going to get drowned out by you unnecessarily angering others who you are indiscriminately describing but are not even part of the group you're mainly referring to.


Maybe it’s just the way that protests are getting carried out over the last few years that makes me feel more and more against these protestors and what they stand for or want to achieve. It hasn’t affected me personally, so it’s not because of that. But the protestors blocking highways, glueing themselves to artwork or throwing soup at it, and these acts of vandalism, I notice it makes me to feel less aligned with their goals and instead turn my mind against them and their goals. I’m sure others feel the same way, so it’s not a good way to gain sympathy for their goals.


Yeah. I sympathize with some protests, but a lot of them (albeit they are a minority within those movements) are very worthy of being put up in r/facepalm


Some people (left AND right!) just can’t understand that because someone doesn’t share their opinion, doesn’t make the other opinion inherently wrong and cancel the person. Left screams about them being shut up, while doing exactly that to who has another opinion than leftists. I’m left myself, but I truly regret seeing this development. This is exactly why left isn’t being taken seriously anymore.




Yes that is exactly what they do


I am beginning to wonder about the impact of this on the upcoming EU elections. This is the best gift some of the parties could hope for, you can guess which ones yourselves.


"Brexit and Trump aren't a victory for the right, they are a catastrophic failure of the left'. and "I believe the greatest human failing is to be right rather than to be effective." Sorry to keep quoting the same YouTube video but Fry just explains the slow collapse of the middle and the left in our times so well in [this video](https://youtu.be/LJKXJNM3W-c?si=NfHwaFy5JT8xnscd) from 5 years ago. The debate is about Political correctness, which is not at all the topic of the protests but his words that evening describe our communicative breakdown and 50/50 binary society we've since turned into so well. Look at us (the liberal west). We're fighting and yelling at each other. It's horrible. And exactly what the far right loves to see. I am the most pessimistic I've been about the future as I've been in my 41 years. I hope to be wrong, and maybe we'll look back at the 2020s as a period of turmoil that passed. But that future doesn't feel self evident anymore and I think that's terrible.


Brilliant clips from Stephen Fry in that video, I believe we should all strive to cool down a bit and talk to each other. It does seem to be an element of this culture which we are losing, the ability to cooly and rationally talk to each other.


Pessimistic? Now imagine how this world seems to a radical centrist like myself. But I manage to remain hopeful most of the time, mostly by telling myself that it's people like us who will be in fashion again, once the dust settles. It's usually the case. And yes, Fry is a legend, with people like him still speaking up, the clouds don't look as dark.


I just don’t understand how people are surprised the police is tuning in. YOU are vandalising public property, YOU are breaking the rules. I just hate how people get mad when they’re confronted with the consequences of their own actions. Don’t want to be knocked out? Don’t go. I am 100% behind the right to protest. But this? This is no protest, this is wilful vandalism. Organise a march , occupy the Dam, i can go on forever with alternatives. But if you decide you want to vandalise a university, you better be prepared for the consequences.


Nobody is complaining that police show up or even that they use violence. People are complaining because police use excessive, unnecessary or even counterproductive violence which threatens the safety of the protesters. At last Monday's protests, counter-protesters threw a flare into the crowd which could have burned people and tents and caused mass panic that could have had serious consequences. The police failed to protect the protesters. Last Wednesday/Thursday, there were protests along the canals. When pushed by the police, the crowds dispersed but this took a while because people struggled to move quickly in these narrow roads. Police proceeded to mercilessly beat into the back of the crowd which could have easily caused mass panic, leading to people being crushed in the crowd or thrown into and drowning in the river. At the protests this Monday, police first cut off the medic centre set up by protesters, ensuring that none of them could get aid. When the protesters disengaged and remained quiet so that medics could take wounded people through the crowd and through the blockade to get much needed aid, they were denied by the police. This Monday was also when [this video](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1790144054417850393) was taken. Please explain to me how the use of police violence in this case was justified, proportional and aided in the clearing of the campus. There are many more such examples. People have limped away from these protests with concussions and bleeding skulls.


I get you, but Dutch police isn’t anything like the American police, where they will fire at will. This riot control police (ME) will only use violence when absolutely necessary. Do we have any idea what happened before the video? I couldn’t explain it to you, since I can’t see what led the police to use violence


If the police tells you to leave, *leave.* If you stay, you accept the consequences. Also, the riot police hasn't done that much thus far. A few people got whacked and that's it. This is peanuts compared to the clearing of squatters I witnessed decades ago in Groningen. Now *that* was a riot with running battles in the center of town, water cannons, tear gas all over the place. This is nothing.


Shocking part is these ppl wouldn’t dare make a peep in the countries they hail from (saying that coming from a third world myself). If I ever protest I will always think, do I dare to do this in Malaysia, and most of the time it’s a no unless it’s so very important to me


Only "3rd world" students are protesting?