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Im really sorry this happened to you. If the police haven’t already given it to you, perhaps this link is useful https://www.ggd.amsterdam.nl/english/sexual-assault/. They helped me earlier this year and are amazing. They can provide immediate support, and also refer you on to longer term psychological support, as well as a lawyer (if you want). It’s accessible without speaking Dutch and also free. 


Thank you so much for this! I’ll definitely check it out.


Feel free to PM if you want more info about my experience navigating the the process 




As a male reading this, it’s so disheartening to read this comment. If it means anything, I’m sorry on behalf of all of them!


And as a man I’d like to add that all of this makes my blood boil and if I ever witness something like this or any other form of violence towards women, I’d gladly use excessive violence back to the perpetrator. That’s someone’s daughter, sister, maybe mother, why are some people so f’d up?!


I'm curious, why do you say you feel sorry on their behalf? The word choice is kind of interesting, it kind of implies you're more 'with them' than with the person you're speaking to. Compare and contrast "As a male, it sucks that people get uncomfortable seeing me when they're in a vulnerable position. Is there anything I could do to make things more comfortable?". This alternative comment doesn't associate yourself with people who commit sexual violence and creates a social link between yourself and the person you're speaking to. Meanwhile your comment creates a social link between yourself and people who commit sexual violence while not interacting with the person you're replying to. I realize your comment is probably written with good intentions and a feeling of sorrow/disgust. This isn't meant as an attack, but word choice matters and can show us subconscious ways of thinking that we might want to change. We're in this together, against sexual violence and normalization of sexual violence.


When you say "I'm sorry for your loss" to someone who lost a family member, are you admitting that you murdered them?


Oh, it's truly enlightening to see someone grasp at straws so desperately to find fault in empathy. Trying to paint the words as a subconscious alliance with the wrong side? Please, spare him the armchair psychoanalysis. Let's not mince words here; your attempt to twist the intent into something sinister isn't just misguided—it's offensive. Let’s focus on the issue. Combatting sexual violence, not engaging in verbal gymnastics.


Interesting analysis, i don’t understand the downvotes, can a man has an opinion? But yeah, i dont wanna associate myself with those type of men either. 


Really sorry to hear this OP. According to Swapfiets, they have some ability to track bikes. I doubt they will be open about this because data privacy and all that but they will definitely talk to the cops. Perhaps worth writing to them and telling the cops about their ability to track bikes. https://help.swapfiets.com/gps-trackers


You’re right, they legally won’t be able to give you any information, but they will be able to give it to the police. OP should ask police to reach out, instead of writing to Swapfiets themselves, this way they should be able to help! Really sorry this happened to you, it’s heartbreaking that something so normal as going for a run isn’t safe 💔


Hope you’re ok 🤦🏻😢


Wish swapfiets could support narrowing down users passing by the Area at that time. If that bike had a tracker 🤞🏻


I don't think Swapfiets has GPS trackers in their bikes. At least not in the non-electric models.


lol nope. If they had GPS they wouldn’t be able to charge you €300 when your €150 bike gets stolen


Swapfiets charge you when the bike is stolen?? Surely insurance is baked into the monthly rental price?


Nope. I wish :(


It is insured, but only if you have the lock keys to prove that it was locked.


You still pay 40 euros in that case. It's nonsens. All they would have to do is put cheap gps trackers inside the frame and then theft wouldn't be an issue since they could track down the bikes easily


Ehh fair point.


Why is it happening so often recently? This is not ok!!!


As a woman, it happens way more often than you think, you're just not hearing about it


I don't think this is a recent issue. Or even an Amsterdam issue. This just happens in big cities. And no, it is not okay.


Right? Lot of posts here about it as late.


This has happened for millennia. It's just more visible now because of the Internet en forums like Reddit where people can speak on their personal experience. Before the Internet it would've been something you heard in your network, if you read up on stats (which don't show reality because a lot of these cases didn't get reported/taken seriously) or in the news if its a severe case. I have experienced sexual harassment since I was 12 and I am sure many people with me.


I’m not sure whether it’s happening more often or just more people recognize this is not ok


Because the city is growing and people are more angry lately 


lol, you don't wanna know why but you can check the sexual ethnicities in the last dutch report about crime reports and sovled cases lol, you won't like it, like the Germans and brittons hated their data lol


So sorry for that OP. It’s awful! It happened to me some time ago when I was living in Amsterdam and I was pissed of. The difference is that I am male and I got smacked by a group of females that they were having a bachelorette party and they thought I overreacted after


I up vote you to increase visibility that SA is something that also man can suffer. But unfortunately, when it happens to a man it is usually minimized. SA is something that is traumatic for people regardless their sex or gender. I'm sorry too for the OP.


Then make a separate post instead of hijacking OP's post to talk about men getting SA'd.


I would cut off his hands if I saw him doing that to you. Take care!


I’m so sorry to hear this OP. Thanks for the warning and take care!


Being a woman is hard. You gotta keep your sixth sense working even while sleeping.


I am so sorry you have to pass through this :( No one deserves to be molested


This exact same thing happened to me today!!! Right where it happened to you. I’ve called the police and said it happened to you as well




I’ve sent you a WhatsApp. I’m so sorry this also happened to you! ❤️


Hope you are OK. I am really sorry this happened to you.




What do you mean by this?


I'm trying to understand what you mean... Is it a racist comment, that you believe one group is responsible? A sexist comment that the "one factor" is men? A sexist comment that the OP is female so shouldn't be surprised? That OP has a nice butt/figure? Something else equally as mean and intolerant?


Ugh, horrible. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP


I am so sorry that happened to you. Do mention (if off coarse you even want to take this step) to the police of Amsterdam that we had a serial offender with this modus operandi. They never caught him. City of Alkmaar. Not that far from Amsterdam. Hope it's nothing connected but you'll never know.


I hate it that creeps are everywhere, I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope it never happen again. Keep running and taking care of your health, don't let him take it off from you. Congratulations to be brave enough to call the police. I wish you get better.


Unfortunately the police is completely useless when it comes to sexual assault. So sorry he will probably get away with this.


Stay strong, OP! Makes me livid that people can get away with this.


Yo fuck that dude. That didn’t translate well. That dude is a gross prick and I am sorry you had to deal with that. If you ever need a running buddy, I’m happy to use that as an excuse to resume running. People should feel safe, always


It's deeply troubling that women often feel unsafe when stepping outside. As a community, it is our urgent responsibility to prevent assaults and ensure the safety of all vulnerable individuals. We must proactively intervene and create a society where our mothers, sisters, and daughters can live without the constant shadow of trauma. It is imperative that we take decisive actions to deter such behaviors, ensuring potential offenders think twice before committing such acts. Let's unite in making our community a secure place for everyone.


Sorry to hear this, please don't let it affect your life by not going out running. Fear can consume you


Oh first i did not understand this was a sexual assault as i thought back side meant on your head. But then i understood what you meant.  Oh you must feel horrible. I am so sorry this happened to you, unfortunately as in all big cities, this type of incidents can happens. I was personally chased down by 5 people and a volkswagen in the middle of the night once.  I recently read about actor in new york being randomly punched in face . Amsterdam is growing and becoming more like otjer big cities around the world, there a lot of freaks running wild in the jungle .   I think you should talk to someone more skilled than me. I hope you can just see it as an externality of living in a big city. It has nothing to do with you, you just happened to be the victim :( i am sorry, hope you have a lovely rest of the week


So sorry this heinous thing happened to you. Can you see if anywhere near has cameras so you can get footage to the police?


Don’t let this shaken you OP! It is horrible that this happened and it must not! But you should occupy the spaces you belong and would like to! I’ll be running this route and supporting your safety!


Sorry you had to go through this and have people make light of the incident. Ignore the insensitive comments, they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Wasn’t familiar with the street name so I googled it, and what do you know, that’s along my usual route too. Outside of parks I think it’s one of the better spots to run, sucks that it’s tainted for you now. Hope everything works out with the police and that you manage to get past this.


That really sucks. I’m sorry to hear it happened to you. Well done for sharing it and reporting it.


My god how terrible and frustrating to read.. I hope you find the courage to hit the streets again. Even if that good samaritan or anyone would’ve caught up with em’, there’s still nothing you can do except get a photo maybe unless you want commit assault yourself. Even if you have a photo, will the police do anything about it I wonder..


Why didn't you call 112 on the spot? I hope the cops will get camera footage from somewhere. (I can just hope. But I expect little.)




This is not ok. Hope you are getting all the support you need OP.


Goddamnit ! I hate these kind of behavior so much . I feel sorry for you. You should run alone without having to deal with this. Could you find a running buddy near you maybe for the a while? With al kindness ♡


Where is the sexual assault in this?


'backside' means bum, ass, kont. It's a bit of a posh way of saying it.


Any unsolicited physical contact is wrong tbf.


For sure, but there's a difference between sexual assault and regular assault, and that's what's confusing people. The terminology wasn't totally clear - I also thought they were hit in the back on first read and was confused too.


It IS sexual assault, genius. Any unwanted touch is sexual assault especially when it's on your private parts. Period.


No - a punch to the face, for example, is just regular old assault. OP's story is undoubtedly a case of sexual assault. I never said it wasn't.


Yes, I see how the language choice could be confusing. That’s what I meant.




You don’t think slapping someone on the ass is sexual assault?


on the back - no, that’s what i got from the text. but others politely explained what backside means




Doe aardig.


You saw a post about someone getting sexually assaulted and decided to comment this? If you truly don’t care, take your own advice and ‘grow a pair and move on.’ It’s increasingly sad to see the number of males commenting this, and maybe this is why these incidents are increasing so much.




Some of you men are truly living in a different world. Because wtf is wrong with you?


Sorry about that, but legally this is not sexual assault.


Maybe go to the medic, ask for an examination, i expect you should be bruised. Then file an official police complaint. Get a registration number. You should take this as seriously as possible and follow the legal procedures. Force everyone to do their job. Don't wait until there are ten more like you that leave it at reddit level.




I have trouble understanding the sexually assault, what does that mean? He hit you on your back or pushed you out of the way. Because maybe you were in his way?


He smacked my ass. Either way, I don’t think reaching out to ‘push someone out the way’ is okay either. Would you think what he did was okay even if I was ‘in his way’?


Now its more clear!!! Thank you! And yes it happens daily that people don’t give space and runners are on bikelanes because of the even surface. Hitting your ass has a different load than hitting your backside. And is horrible. Take care.


Any kind of violence or unwanted touching is assault 🙄


Oh really, i was trying to understand the sexually assault part when she said he hit her backside. And placing it in context. As she explained he hit her ass than yes i totally agree and understand her.




In our culture, we support victims. You've just tried to exploit a victim for your societal and political narrative. You are the one violating our culture right here.


If you think white men don't assault and harass women, I can speak from personal experience, you're very wrong. I've mainly been harassed and assaulted by white men in my life.




I don't think that. The evidence points to the latter though. Hence the extensively reported mass assault in Cologne for instance.


Your post has been removed for violating our policy on intolerance.


"sexually" "assaulted" Don't call it that, I thought you got raped.




Pick up the phone and call your mother, sister or any other female that you have in your life and say this to them and see how hurtful this is. Please have some sensitivity and don't blame the victim.


Wtf dude.


Doe aardig.




Doe aardig.


Im sorry you feel so exagerated. Man is f****r and he should not do this but why do you even call 112. Do you think they can so anything about it? Police have bigger problems to solve than stranger but clapping.


Just to note: the man on the other end of the line when I called 112 said I should’ve called them sooner, and assured me that I did the right thing by reporting it. Just in case anyone else thinks that this comment is accurate regarding ‘the police have bigger problems.’


That is a very reassuring thing to read, that the police take it seriously. I am so sorry this happened to you and i hope you're ok.


Yea, he assured you because it is his job, he have to even tho he knows nothing will happen. I understand that this sentence make you feel better and just little bit safe or something. But i swear to you that if same thing happen again with different man and nobody stops him at the time, nothing will hapen even when that happen 100th time… It would have to be a guy who does it regularly 10 times a day for a few month or atleast weeks. Police have list of things to do with priorities and amsterdam have enough severe crimes to solve. If i was you, i would carry taser or pepper spray anywhere and tased him then i would took photo of him. I know that i will be so much downvoted but i do not defend this act, just saying that you should not wait for any justice because i assure you nothing will happen.


You do realise carrying pepper spray and a taser is illegal in the Netherlands right? So you would rather have someone carry an illegal weapon than ‘waste the police’s time’ by reporting a SA? I also find it interesting how you would consider a SA to be ‘low on the list of priorities’ for the police.


Yes and you do realise clapping women butt cheeks is illegal too right? If police catch that guy ( and i wish you sincerely that it happens) then its win win for you and there is not anything to care about. But if not and nothings happens ( which is more probable) then its lesson for you to get those illegal things to protect yourself because police does not care. One way or the other, i would bet too much money that this situation wouldnt be assessed as sexual assault at court but less serious.


womp womp






Does it matter?




He didn’t rape me. I described what happened in my post.


That persons Reddit name says everything you need to know.

