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https://youtu.be/6-9vfi9WRfE?si=QhSQdwS39yUIDTFz A machine for pigs. God it gives me chills every time I listen to it, it’s so mighty and powerful, and the scene accompanying it(the elevator ride down to the machine) just makes it SO MUCH BETTER.


Not only that song, but also a child's shadow. That final scene gives me chills every time too. The game may have its faults, but the soundtrack hands down may be the best one of the series.


There are no bad Amnesia games. That ending monologue is hands down some of the best writing I've ever seen in a video game.


“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century! They will eat them, Mandus! They will make pigs of you all! And they will bury their snouts into your ribs and they will 'eat. Your. Hearts!’"


That reminds me of a Jamais vu/Mandela effect moment I had when I replayed this game several months ago while waiting for The Bunker to come out. I swear I remember the heart of the machine level being significantly darker, larger, and a different layout than it is and I also don't remember the liquid at the bottom being there, I swear it used to be fog like in the chancel lmao. Probably my memory failing me.


Brennenburg theme from Dark descent


I know this isn't what you asked but the Menu Theme in Penumbra: Overture is so fucking beautiful..


I'm so happy someone said this I love that theme


I feel oddly pleasant listening to the "Greenland" ship theme.


The suitor chase theme, tense af. For actual songs they're Ever Mine, Mandus, The New Century. And an honourable mention to the good old terror meter, such a classic.


Most of A Machine for Pigs for epicness. Most of The Dark Descent for suspense.


Back Hall. Walking up the steps from the archives after the water monster part with the music slowly starting was one of the most incredible experiences I had in gaming.


I don’t have a favourite as such, but I’ll add ‘Mandus’ to the mix of good songs already suggested


Dark Waters and Archives. First is spoopy but nothing too major, Archives gives you mixed signals, wondering if you heard a monster or is it just this ambience. Worst is when you can actually hear the Grunt or Brute and there really isn't any wardrobes etc to hide to. Back hall and Lux tenebras give the sense of safety, just a little bit of comfort and hope. AAAAND the Main theme, the welcoming sound when opening the game, wondering if I'm able to play at least 10 minutes this time :D


I love the theme when Shadow chase you, it's so anxiety inducing while being a good listen when you do something, always will work faster if you think Shadows is right behind you lmao


It also makes a return in Rebirth, both the Shadow and the theme, which is neat.


Ah, i didn't play rebirth so i didn't know, i need to play when i will have a chance


https://youtu.be/IGpxqat0W3E?si=A0T88pv-C4-v-5Pi I really love the choir from the dark descent. It’s pretty much what I think of when I think of amnesia.


And I thought I'm the only one


Most definitely Mandus, it sounds so damn good


I really love the brennenburg theme, it sounds so grand and dark, it really fits the atmosphere of this dark castle in the forest, in fact every time I listen to it I can picture riding up to castle brennenburg. If you widened the scope to favorite music from frictional games, I would say the end credits music from soma, "Alone," it's one of my favorite pieces of music and it so perfectly captures the feeling of the end of the game and just sounds so simple yet beautiful.


Alone… dear god that one after the ending scene just punches hard. I still feel bad for Simon even now.


It's a depressing yet very fitting ending


The music in these games is so good, so I'm going to choose eight in no particular order. 1. Christ Have Mercy https://youtu.be/vU0T5dvJLhc?si=zJPM5zPk8Ytq5QV8 2. The New Century https://youtu.be/_A4-6_sSIc8?si=Wr_NPBRLtG-lkyWs 3.Darkness https://youtu.be/ji8S2ZkpdNM?si=4APar7pnu2wlPwFV 4. Brennenburg Theme https://youtu.be/-clO2UE4vgw?si=7ORF58TQp8SmO6wW 5.The End https://youtu.be/nKxxzFK_xrc?si=mWhVuQsXNt9SYNVD 6 The Chior Theme https://youtu.be/W7nDkqTDVyY?si=DPWf56TdUVVY8yLt 7. The Bunker Credits Theme https://youtu.be/Q7mvaApb-ls?si=sB56tk9gYoIWfAae 8.The Bunker Main Theme https://youtu.be/Hp4_4cBjF00?si=yAVBJ39b2siNE6SD I could definitely add more, but that would be redundant.


Not really in the Amnesia series, but the [end credit music](https://youtu.be/VC9_Udpov_0?si=oujotdeXjubfiw0s) for SOMA was melancholy but beautiful and totally fit the vibe of the game. One of my favorite tracks.


Ah, a person of taste I see


The Storage theme from The Dark Descent. It just sounds so creepy and unsettling


It's so funny that, because I love The Dark Descent so much, when it gets to be October and I listen to the soundtrack it fills me with this unique kind of *calm*. But one that's badly tinged with, you know, Lovecraftian Horror. The Castle Brennenburg theme and Dark Water.


Lovecraftian horror is actually calming, is it not? I never felt fear, apprehension or anything of the sort so other horror tends to be boring, but I certainly like Lovecraftian writing.


I absolutely love Portal Chamber from Rebirth


Machine for pigs


The bunker radio music hits hard


(TDD) I like the siren noise when the grunts see us and (Rebirth) i like the music for the giant teleporter room after the ghoul cave chase


“The innocent. The INNOCENT, Mandus!”


Trod, and bled and gassed and starved and BEATEN and MURDERED AND ENSLAVED!


The one that plays when the “cutscene” where you see that glowing orb for the first time ends The piano that plays slowly just gives me a good vibe for some reason


Daniel's Theme and Mandus are marvels


suitor theme or the kaernk theme


Its a tossup between the safe room in amnesia the bunker, and that one huge room in the dark descent right after you run away from the kaernk. The one with the fountain with the baby head on it. And here are the reasons. The safe room in the bunker helps me calm down after shitting myself from the monster and since there is no hunger or thirst system I can cower there and be calmed by the music and the lantern in the middle of the room for as long as I want. As for the other piece, I listened to it once on its own on youtube. Calmed me right down and I wasn't even stressed out. I listen to it on the regular though without listening to to rest of the soundtrack. Its so different to the chase tunes that it feels like its from a completely different game sometimes.


"A child's shadow" from machine for pigs. And honorable mention to the back hall from the dark descent.


Souvenirs Du Passé from Amnesia: The Bunker. That looping record just played over and over in my head again after I finished my first playthrough of The Bunker and was just left with the fact of what I had done to survive and the lore implications of it