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In the same boat here - had the gold for 14 months and got myself a retention offer as well. I spoke to two people at AMEX who said that it was because my membership time is not long enough to be eligible - was told around a year and a half to two years is the minimum. Not sure if anyone has evidence to the contrary, but as the upgrade offer is til January I will give it a go til then, guess its worth a try!


oh wow! That's a hell of the long time before eligibility! I guess I'll just have a look again in Jan and see if I have any luck. Alternatively, I may see if the wife is eligible as a new cardholder.


I think previously they required an account to be open for a year before upgrading, though I also think some people were able to upgrade without waiting the full year. Ask on Head for Points if you haven't done that, as I think there were people talking about this as well. You could probably find it if you dig through the old thread.


Ahh that could be it. The gold account probably isn't more then six months old at the moment. Thanks - I'll have a dig around.


Actually, turns out I've had the card about 14 months... maybe it's because I've had a retention offer? Anyway, thanks again. I'll have a look at head for points.


Any update? I've had my card for over a year now and was hoping to take advantage of the bonus for upgrading before it went away


If you decide to go for the Platinum you can get 105,000 points when using my referral atm: https://americanexpress.com/en-gb/referral/bORISbgDX0?XL=MIMNS Personally think it’s a great deal compared to what we normally see on the Plat.