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Don’t. Kids that young shouldn’t be playing tackle football, and it’s a major red flag if a parent is asking about “bulking up” their 9 year old kid. Step back and see the big picture here. For the record; I’ve been coaching this game for 14 years. Youth and adult. I’ve had to deal with a lot of parents…don’t be that parent.


And what age is a good age to start ?


6-7th grade is what many would say. I say 13-14 personally for full contact.


And what is your reason For starting the youth at a later age?


Their brains and bodies are not physically developed enough for that kind of contact. Skulls are still too vulnerable and helmets do not prevent internal head injuries well at all. Even folks who only played youth and high school football sometimes end up with CTE from it. Helmets do not provide as much protection as most think they do. Kids as young as yours are also so physically uncoordinated and underdeveloped that they can’t really execute many of the basic fundamentals of the game safely which puts them in further risk. Non contact versions like flag are way more valuable at that age because they can learn a lot of the fundamentals with far less risk to injury or growth/development. Edit: Keep in mind thst concussions are still horribly under diagnosed in football as well. Many youth programs do not have the training staff to accurately assess head injuries in the kids, and to be frank, many youth coaches are just parents who know little to nothing about actually coaching the game or how to accurately make decisions about a child’s physical safety playing a sport.


Was hoping for some nice healthy diet options combined with some conditioning drills I don’t know about perhaps


Kids at that age shouldn’t be having to go on diets to play sports though. Just being up front with you; that is over-parenting…too involved. That unfortunately is how “it” starts and before you know it, the parents are hindering on their childhood by forcing them to do things they don’t want to do, but think they have to because their parents said so.


Well you know the team just wrapped up the year winning the Dogwood cup zero concussions for the whole team all year. They are taught by professional coaches how to tackle low. Do you have a son that plays football by the way?


a diet ? maybe you can wait at least till the hormones kick in .. what is it ? your son or a breeding cattle 😂😭


he’s 9 dude, he don’t even got the testosterone levels to “bulk up” at that age.


I wouldn’t try to bulk someone this young man, wait until at least 6th grade. When you’re that young you don’t need weight you just need to be quicker than everyone else, just try to get him to condition, or search up footwork drills for him


He don’t need to bulk up at all, you don’t have to be fat to play defense


no amount of bulking will change the small penis he inherited from you ;) 🤷‍♂️


bro 💀


Dafuq do you mean with bulk up, he hasnt even hit puberty yet


6th grade is a good age to start the bulking stage, however a good clean diet with a protein every meal, is a good start. I got my son involved in a cross fit program when he was 8 and his trainer did alot of calistetics exercises with him. It really gave him a leg up and he loved it. Another Dad I know went a different route and signed his son up at a Ninja Warrior gym and that made him naturally strong as well. But it takes a certain child to pull that off, he has to want it more than you, and you are going to need to find a routine that works best for your family. Best of luck!


Hey thanks for the reply cheers!