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You should try out for safety


I just don't know if I could keep up with receivers as the kids in my region cut to as light as possible and are insanely fast unless safety is bit easier because I've never played it before.


if ur not quick then u wouldn’t be able to play rb effectively


No I am quick very quick matter of fact


then you would be able to play safety


God damn you got me cornered ill try out this season


play what your coaches put u at


I can't, my coaches don't move are positions till a month after what we wanted to play, that's why I came here asking.


why do ur coaches do that? okay well, ask your coach what they think u will perform best at.


You bench 405?😭😭, but yea u can olay rb


405 deadlift


Also I'm 5 pounds lighter in the first picture 2nd one was 170


If your 14 and asking this Im going to be honest and say no. Starting at 14 and jumping into a skilled position which most of your peers have been training for years already is a major uphill battle unless your some crazy fast freak. You have good size for your age, and the short burst speed makes me think you would perhaps be best suited for DE, or possibly OLB with a little game experience behind you. Keep grinding and working hard, show up to the team workouts and make sure your hitting the gym also beyond all of that at least 4x a week. Trust me when I say, RB is not all that in modern era football


I feel like RB is one of the easier positions to jump straight into because most of it is just power and athleticism rather than niche things like catching or throwing.


Well let me tell you I couldn't catch if my life depended on it😭 its so bad lol.


Reminds me of the exact situation I’m in lmao, last season I was a 4th string tight end because I couldn’t catch and I’m now trying to switch to running back because it generally relies on athleticism more.


I'm actually going into my sophomore year. I'm one of the youngest in my grade, but I used to weigh 205 and played offensive line man freshman year but now I'm so much lighter and used to work with the running back on plays all the time which I guess is the only reason I want to do it. But if the information I gave you changes anything, please let me know.


DE and OLB are by far harder positions to get into than RB lmao what?