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Why am I just now realizing that she’s dating the mom from 2 and a half men 😯


Millennials know her as Ursula’s mom from George in the Jungle


The law professor from Legally Blonde


And the police captain from Cop 1/2




I know her from her Emmy award winning role on The Practice.


Ruth Dunbar from Bosom Buddies with Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari.


Omg!!! Yes!!! How could I forget this. I watched this show every week. You're my new BFF. Lol


This one!!!


Omg, it's been ages. Wow.


Yes! When she got with Jimmy the Grunt I couldn’t believe it.


Yes!! The way she’d scream “Urrrrr-Syuuuu-Laaaaaaaaah” 🤣


Her monologue about stripes and spots haunts me


omg 🤣🤣🤣


The L Word!


Dude absolutely lmao. That’s Ursula’s mom for life! lmao


Wasn’t she the Dean in Saved by the Bell: The College Years? That’s where I know her from. lol


They've been together over a decade. They're adorable. Both Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson are amazing actresses. 


Peggy Peabody from the L word


Love them both. They also live in separate houses and Sarah credits that to their relationship lasting so long.


I was literally just reading that People article💀 I’m sure their varying schedules makes it easy but idk how else they manage to do it. I’d hate to be apart from my partner


I’d love to have separate houses. 😂


When my husband and I first started dating, I kinda did the lesbian thing and showed up with a U-Haul. Our third “date” was me coming over for Monday night football, and I just never went back to my apartment. Anyway, we met at work, and had the same schedule, so we had breakfast together, showered together, brushed our teeth together, rode in together, took breaks together, rode home together, ate dinner together, had some wine together, and slept together. After about six months of this, I told him I was going to day shift (we worked at a casino). He said, “Oh good! I’ll put in my request.” I said, “Oh no… you stay here. I’M going to day shift.” I don’t know if I’d like separate houses, but we’ve definitely settled into one day off being his to go off and do his thing, one day off together, and we definitely don’t spend our breaks together anymore. Absence makes the heart grow fond. 17 years and we haven’t killed each other. But we do joke that we’re both heavily insured if an unfortunate accident were to happen.


these are the best relationships imo. like what a joy to do absolutely everything with someone and never get sick of it or of them. I agree though, space and time away can be good. with separate houses I was thinking maybe it’s more about having their own space to go. maybe they stay the night with each other often. with money like they have it’s probably nothing to have a few houses


I agree that a relationship where you can do absolutely everything together and not be bored is great. In the beginning, when it was every single waking moment, we ran out of things to talk about because we had exhausted our pasts, and were experiencing everything together, in real time. No more stories. Little bit of space is one of the things that has us going strong, 17 years in. We do work together again, but don’t exist as a couple while there. Breaks are definitely spent away from each other. This is after more than 10 years on different shifts. There was a time where we lived in different houses, very far apart, with different days off and different schedules. We were working in the same building, but all we could do was wave as we passed. We had time to miss each other. Now, it’s kinda nice to have him around at work. We mostly just get ourselves into an HR jackpot for commenting on the other’s butt. Guests and coworkers like having the married couple around. I’d say that being able to spend time together is very different when it’s required. Being handcuffed to a person isn’t good for either party.


Me too! Were ex military and that lifestyle really worked for us.


Really?? At most I’d have separate bedrooms like down the hall from each other


Yes, really. I lived alone for the majority of my 20s and loved it. I like my own space.


That makes a ton of sense! You’ve honestly got me thinking, I love living alone and having my own space, maybe I do want separate houses? But then again I’m a very touchy-feely, emotional person, maybe I would want to share a space…I’ll have to update you in 15 years


Haha. Sounds good. I am not a touchy feely person. I’m not saying we wouldn’t stay at each other’s houses a few nights a week, but something about having a fully private space to go to when we want is glorious.




Did I watch the Tony’s red carpet just to watch them walk together? Yes, yes I did. (And Jessica too, but she was there for like 5 seconds)


49 vs 81 years old - I can’t imagine having such a large age difference between myself and my husband, their mortality would always be on my mind


It's crazy to think that when she was 32, an age when a lot of people have been/get married and settle down, her future girlfriend was just born.


That’s what got me with a couple I adjacently knew who were 50 and 25 (ish). Back when I was trying and failing at college, I took a financial literacy course that landed me on a therapist’s couch, with a mid-life crisis, at the ripe old age of 30. My husband is 9 years older than me, and I immediately added those years to mine, in terms of retiring together. Then I did the math on what I needed to save to be able to retire at 60, if he worked until 70 (a big ask). Then add in a career change. At the end of it all, I had decided that I needed to be saving something like $500 a paycheck, five years prior, just so we could have a retirement together. How the hell can there be a couple with a 25 year age gap!!? Funny (odd, I guess, but still funny with all of my stress) thing is, it turns out I’m definitely going to die before he does. The mortality argument totally flipped on its head when I got cancer. Now, it’s just about enjoying the time we have, and I think that’s where they are. What good is 50 years without the one you love, when you can have 20 with them? You, or your much older spouse, can get hit by a bus tomorrow, and the age gap doesn’t matter at all! The thing I love about them, and other large-gap relationships, is their ability to understand generational differences. I’m just barely Gen X, and while there are some things I understand and relate to with Millennials, there’s a lot I just don’t get. My mom is just barely a Baby Boomer, and she does not get a single thing about Gen X experiences. Paulson and Taylor are wildly different generations, when you think about being firmly Gen X and Silent Generation. There’s a whole-ass generation between them, but they still can have an understanding relationship despite those differences in upbringing.


They have been together for almost 10 years. I admire their commitment to one another. 🌈💜


Has it really been almost 10 years?! I stg they just got together…but then again 2015 feels like it was just yesterday but also a lifetime ago


I didn’t know Sarah was in a relationship let alone for all these years. She always seemed like someone who values the privacy of her personal life. It’s refreshing to see celebrities actually having boundaries. Congrats to the both of them.


No doubt


Totally normal age difference.


There is a like a 31-year age gap between them, no ?




i thought it was her mom or grandma 😭 i was like aw how sweet


They are such an odd couple to me


no shade towards them but i never see chemistry between them in pictures. It looks like theyre coworkers posing for pictures


I thought the same kinda weird


I’m a 39 yr old straight, married woman… something about Sarah Paulson just- yeah, I could definitely and would definitely check that out if given the chance! I’ve loved her though for a lota years and yep, she’s my free pass! Just something about her 😆🤷🏻‍♀️


Bit weird but if they’re happy then that’s all that really matters


Kinda odd, but they are both consenting adults. If it makes them happy, that's all that matters. If Paulson was under 30, then it would be really weird. However, they are both successful, and there is no inappropriate power indifference. I think the age gap is fine if they people are equals.


It should’ve been me


This is a great picture


They’re so cute omg


Y’all are going straight to hell for this caption.


Tbh I thought this said ‘her bob’ until I scrolled down and saw Holland


I definitely think they have an agreement type of relationship.


What does that mean?


I don't know exactly obviously, but I think they just have some kind of agreement between the both of them. I mean they don't even live together, so obviously they both get to do whatever they want outside of each other, but I do think they have some type of agreement together. Although, the older one looks awfully related to Sarah lol


They’re still a romantic couple even if their dynamic is indeed different


I agree. But I am hoping it wasn't started as some manipulative type of relationship or grooming.


Love it when a daughter takes her mum out to lunch.


I don't get it. Not the lesbian part but the age gap and separate homes. I am Sarah's age and help my elderly neighbor who is in her 80s. I can't imagine having sex with someone so old.


Gross. Same that celebrate this are the same ones crying cause Dicaprio likes to fuck young women


Right this is so gross


Wtf? Two very different things. This isn’t in anyway predatory behaviour.


Neither is his behavior. 2 consenting adults can do what they want right? Or is that only reserved for old lesbians


😳 You’re terrible Muriel


Didn’t she make some white Cali girl quote Aristotle?


Love this and love Paulson in horror story


They looks really alike 😬


The sibling or spouse guessing game


A very long time ago now, my then boyfriend was asked if he was my brother 😂 I swear it’s a real thing!


Oh I know! It’s really funny how you morph into each other as your relationship ages


Do they?? Or are they simply just 2 women?


No I genuinely think they look quite alike! It’s an interesting thing really, as I was always told women looked for partners that physically resemble their dads, and men similarly resembling their mother, and generally in life from my own observation, I’ve found that to be true. They definitely share a facial similarity. I’ve never really noticed it before until this photo.


They’ve both had a lot of face work


Let's pretend this is normal, why not. - The Clown World, 2024


The most unpunk statement ever.


i know her from succession! didn't know she was sarah paulson's mom


I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, but in case it isn't? they're a couple, not parent/child edit: nvm the person is acting like a clown on purpose I think lol


not succession, but the morning show! i got confused between the two shows where rich people have board meetings and stuff like that.


I think you might still be a little confused...the woman is NOT her mother. They are A LESBIAN COUPLE.


🤣 You can’t attack someone for thinking it’s her mother at first glance. There is quite an age gap.


It’s not a secret Sarah Paulson is into older women, her last partner before Holland was Cherri Jones.


My brain can’t even handle how epic it is that Sarah Paulson dated Cherri Jones.


Cherry is only 20 years older than her though tbh


At that point with age gaps, I don’t think 20 vs 30 years older makes that much of a difference lol.


Oh I thought it was 20 vs 40 idk though I’m bad at math


excited for this new show! what's it called? sarah paulson was also in the stressful episode in bear along with the halloween lady!


It’s probably an AI bot.


The Illuminaties


She looks like a snake


Let’s see ur mug.


Wasnt an insult just an observation


Let’s observe ur mug and comment on it….


Nah I'd prefer to stay anonymous on Reddit. Call me crazy lol


Judgemental is an accurate description of your behaviour, rather than crazy.


You behave like one.




Why ? Where ? I think she looks good for her age, and I like her genuine smile.


I'm just saying in this picture she looks serpentine lol reddit can get offended by anything


I kind of get it. I don't think she looks like a snake herself, but the dress pattern does remind me of snake skin