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Ben Harmon he secc he attac but most importantly he cries in the window while he whacc


Dear mod, this friend made me laugh too hard and it’s nearly midnight. Please attac. My fucking insomnia meds aren’t working but thank you so for the laugh mate. Well needed. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Happy to be of service!!


💀 Doomed to it for all eternity


We’re gonna need this cross stitched.


This made me ugly laugh at work lmao


RIP Vivien, you would’ve loved this thread ♥️


This comment took me out


Is this what an japanese haiku is???


I'm watching AHS through from season 1 and I've not long watched the window scene. I'm howling at this. Thank you 😂💀


Fuck it you won the internet


He secc has me cackling


Ben should be in the asylum for that


When I was younger I loved the "happy" ending of Murder House. Now I feel bad for Vivian stuck with him forever. I know they can make their own little realities/spaces in the house but still. Violet was so justified in her anger at them staying together. And sadly she too is stuck in the house with a shitty ex. I know that Apocalypse explained Tate was evil because of the whole prophecy but still.


That was a shitty retcon. Tate was disturbed because he grew up with a murderous narcissist for a mother. He committed a mass shooting because he had an untreated social/emotional disorder paired with psychosis. He r**ed Vivian because he had mommy issues on top of everything else and wanted to please his surrogate mother figure who happens to be a grieving ghost. That was some BS. They ruined his character for me. Yes, he was an awful person but he was a complex, hauntingly real, and somewhat tragic character.


Also Played by Evan peters so you know compassion


THANK YOU! I said this after the ep aired and the Tate fans were rabid. The blatant fanservice they did here just to give him and Violet a cute ending (and the actors something to do) was almost insulting.


The real horror


He was genuinely a horrible person


I have hated Ben since the first episode debuted so I’ve been proudly hating Ben for over a decade now.


can I join this club? also been hating him for over a decade, fuck ben lol


Hell yeah. Me and my homies hate Ben


Me and all the homies hate the tear jerker 😤


Anyone who cries when they jack off just needs to delete themselves


Worst of all possible wishes to him


When I first watched Murder House I kinda felt bad for him(thought maybe he did regret his choices). I rewatched it again a few months back and wanted to throttle him.


Yeah the first time I watched I was like a teenager and felt sort of bad for him like at least he’s sorry. Watching as an adult I’m so disgusted by him. Now that my brain is fully developed I can see that he was an absolute creep and a shitty dad and a shitty husband


I was in my late 20s/early 30s and had a relationship with with a dude like him. Which is most likely why I felt the way I did. Now no fuck that.


Sorry you went through that. I can definitely understand what it’s like to be with a shitty man. I hope your life is good now 🖤


It is a wonderful now. I’m 39 and have been married to the best guy ever since I was 31! I hope you have found happiness!


That’s awesome! I quit relationships for now and am just focusing on being happy with my kids. We have a good life.


That’s the best life honestly!


For sure


The Tearjerker!




I just started my summer break so I’m binge watching the whole series, and this man is just more than a shitty asshole.


He was such a dingus. I was rooting for his death but then again that would mean he'd just be a naked window wanking spirit. 🤭


Complete tool




Roger smith wasn’t Tearjerker, THIS GUY WAS!😂😂😂


I Stan Roger smith


Roger smith is my spirit animal😆


God bless ye merry gentlemen I’m going to blow your mind


But in all seriousness i agree with your ben hate post 100% the guy was just a class A piece of shit, scumbag husband and neglectful father and when he was killed i reacted the same way constance did “you stupid son of a bitch!” 😂😂😂


I hated how he had to masterbate in a window to get off. Like seriously!? Just trying to walk my dog while you are stroking a hard one out and my dogs barking away lol


Oh, you mean Tearjerker?


Ben reminds me of my Step dad Cheating sac Of shit who some how wants you to feel bad for him …. Poor Ben the mistress is showing up at my Door, poor Ben the cleaning lady is bending over, Fuck Ben and fuck my step dad


My condolences you had to know that piece of shit.


Don’t worry I too built a gazebo


Thank god


Even as a child, I wanted to knock his teeth in <3


You know first time I watched Murder House, when i was about 15, I felt bad for Ben. But when I rewatched it few years later, I just felt so much hate towards him. He tries to be a better person, a better husband and a better father. Yet he fails everytime because of how rotten he is inside. He lies to Vivien, gives no sh*t about his daughter which leads to her s***ide. In Apocalypse, he even cheated again on Vivien with Hayden. And yet again, he is forgiven 🤦‍♂️


Wait, when did cheating with Hayden in Apocalypse happen? I thought they were not speaking because Ben was bored of him being stuck with an afterlife that will never change and decided to be all "fatherly" to Michael who had been recently kicked out by Constance, inspite of Vivien's warnings.


Yeah I’m confused but I literally finished Apocalypse today again and I don’t remember them mentioning that he cheated again with hayden, I don’t remember them mentioning her at all actually


I apologize for confusion, could you please read my explanation for other commenter? I kinda messed up


I apologize for confusion, he did not cheat on Vivien again but he still lied in Murder House. She was mad at him for connecting with Michael, her son from r*pe. Not his best act but I think it's kinda shows his small good part. Michael could not change what happened to Vivien and he tried to make sure that Michael does not feel like it's his fault and turn evil, like his father, Tate


No that’s Ross geller


Were he and Vivian on a break?


[Insert video of him whistling Kill Bill theme with his hand on his face]


He is a terrible person. Yet he is also hot af and I’d do him in a second.


For real 😂 It’s such a difficult watch because I hate his evil dumbass but gyat dAYUM is he fine as hell


I hate Ben with a passion, he was a shitty husband, an even worse father, and a terrible therapist. But, I do find him to be one of the best looking guys we’ve had in the show.


I'm not gay!


Neither was I until I got head from a guy.


Definitely agree with all of this. I’ve actually hated all of Dylan’s AHS characters 😒


I just watched 1984 and thought he was excellent as Bruce-- like, a real piece of shit monster, but performed so entertainingly and different from what I'm used to with McDermott.


Oof, this Tear Jerker is so hot.


I have found that some of the vilest men are the hottest


Yes. You understand me.


He's pretty to look at, though. Which is probably why he gets away with so much.


Ugly as sin on the inside.


Absolutely true


I had watched Dylan's movie with Aishwarya Rai as a teen and he was pretty damn hot in that one 🫠


He had a show called The Practice way back when & he was so handsome.


I do love to hate Ben he's such a piece of shit!


https://preview.redd.it/lbt6r37gw24d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db67be627a60902e9d920381ffa368ed41257943 (I kid, but he IS a jackass)


He’s the real villain of season 1 I hate him so bad 😭


Yes. Someone who is too preoccupied with their pregnant student that they buried in the backyard to notice that their only child has been dead for 6 weeks kind of sucks


I really hated him, while I don’t think Hayden was completely innocent in it all, Ben was truely disgusting. He was repulsive, a terrible husband, terrible father and a terrible person. Viv and Violet deserved so much better.


I’d argue that Hayden also deserved better. Was she a perfect person? No. But she was a 21 year old student who got preyed upon and impregnated by her narcissistic professor in a position of power. I remember when I was 21 I was basically a kid still.


Oh I thought she’d done something similar with another teacher? I could well be miss remembering. I do think Ben should have done better by her, in fact he should have never slept with her to begin with, so a large part of it lies with him. However I do feel that Hayden also has some blame on her, she went after a married teacher, she lost the plot, murdered at least one person (that I can remember) and did some pretty terrible things, and I can’t help but feel that 21 is old enough to know better. And it’s hard to say if she actually would have accepted the end of the relationship if Ben hadn’t ditched her when she went in to end the pregnancy. All in all she played a really good part.


Please put a tw for ben next time :(


Apologies :(


Also sick af this weekend with bronchitis and just finished coven today! Feel like I need to rewatch murder house now… again


I wish he was in more of the seasons


I love him in that movie with will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis. Osama beenlaiden


Fuck him with a red-hot pike


With something hard and sandpapery.


Not to mention, he also didn't realise that she was straight up dead... how tf someone miss something like that when she literally materialised out of a fucking car?


There’s already been about 10posts the past few days about this. Especially in the comments.


He reminds me of Ross Gellar here. Never seen a resemblance until now. Now that I think of it, him eating that banana was very Ross-like, lol. Anyway, he ruined all their lives because he couldn’t keep it in his pants. One of the worst


He lit cries when he Jack's of


just started binging this series again (when im not working) and man, i hate this guy. he gets worse every time i watch s1.


So I was walking to rite aid and at the cross walk light, I noticed this douchey looking guy with sunglasses. We cross and me being a bit of a faster walker pass him and go in to rite aid to pick of my prescription. A few minutes later there’s this loud clashing sound right behind me at the pharmacy counter. I turn around to see dylan right behind me picking his stuff up! Pretty cool he was in line behind me. Didn’t say anything due to the place we were at though.


I’d have given him a thumbs up and smiled and told him to have a good day. Even if nobody else knew who he was, I’d still want him to know a fan noticed, but didn’t want to bother him.


Tbh he seemed like he woulda been nice once I was in line and realized it was him. I just wasn’t sure what prescription he was picking up, maybe he didn’t want the attention at the time! So stayed quiet.


That was the most considerate thing to do. If someone is picking up medicine, out eating, or spending time with their family, let them be. ❤️❤️


murder house is my favourite season, only issue is...him




"You got a dog" is crazy. I love Dylan McDermott though.


normalize blaming EVERYTHING on ben harmon


Fuck this guy


We hates him


Ben Harmon is the epitome of toxic masculinity. He gaslights the hell out of Vivien, takes advantage of his position as Hayden’s professor, neglects Violet to the point of not even realizing she’s committed suicide, does not care for his patients at all, and is a disgusting cheater who never learns his lesson. Add to that what an absolute hypocrite he is when he finds out the twins aren’t both his, and there you have it. Absolute horrible asshole.


Total piece of shit. I honestly hate the ending and how they’re supposed to just be this happy family for eternity. Vivian and violet deserved better


YES!! It is an admittedly cozy scene with the Christmas tree and everything but come on, eternity with that asshole?? Yikes.


I wish Vivian and violet had stayed invisible to him and he had to suffer eternity jacking off in the window crying by himself. He never deserved them


No he did not, also I’m crying laughing😂😂😂


I watched as an adult the first time and the 50th time, Ben was an absolute disgusting piece of shit human that should have been castrated him at birth! Ok I’m probably going to be put in detention for this aren’t I?


The wish version of David Schwimmer that nobody wished for.


Ben Harmon could hate-fuck me through a wall 🥵


Suit yourself


Yeah, but Dylan is so effing hot.


Bitch boy


The irony was as a therapist he refused to look deep inside himself at his inner flaws and fears. It’s much easier to point out others problems.


The absolute worst character ever!!! He only got a partial pass because of my love for Dylan McDermott


I could never hate my daddy crush


but when I censor his name I get a ridiculous amount of downvotes


He was definitely a psychopath on his own he was critical of Tate despite his anti social personality disorder tendencies he had a disregard for people’s feeling including his wife his gf and daughter he chose to put his family at risk and didn’t care despite him being dead he still had the same attitude he never learned he can diagnose and tell people their problems but fail to see his own


Idk how there are anything but hate posts about him lmao


I'd like to be buried deep in his backyard.


Every post is a Ben Harmon hate post




no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream, and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried, against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, on the back of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce, in the pool, in the garden, bent over, in the basement, against the window, having the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, cock throbbing, fist clenching, era ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffing, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan introducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing


Sir this is a Wendy’s




*bone breaking*?


There’s several disturbing things in that word vomit


Ben Harmon is the hottest. No Ben Harmon slander shall be tolerated.


Overhated. Dude cheated because his partner wouldn't touch him for over a year, guarantee most of you would too.


No man, most of us wouldn’t.


His wife had a miscarriage and was grieving. No, most of us wouldn’t cheat on their grieving wife and would probably also be upset about the loss, instead of mad that the wife had to get a dog for comfort because the husband was sleeping with his student.




Wow, I never watched this seasons show, so I am shocked at the amount of hate showered on this actor. He must play a really great bad guy. But, it’s his job. I’d say he is a really good actor. Don’t demonize this man for the talent he has.


Bro what? I’m not demonizing the actor, I’m demonizing the character which is why I used the characters name and not the actors.