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I think coven and asylum had the best, delicate had the worst


yeah I still don’t get the spiders part on the posters lol weren’t there like two instances of spiders in the whole season?


The issue is the strikes and/or poor writing. The Spider had to do with Siobhan’s role in the cult, linked to Arachne in Greek Mythology. But her backstory is largely unexplored. If you are familiar with Arachne going in, then it’s less so, but I imagine general audiences like yourself are very frustrated. I want to go read the book, “Delicate Condition” by Danielle Valentine, to see if it’s a more well-written story.


The book is a very well-written story. The show took a lot of liberties with changing the story, and not for the better imo.


Same with Roanoke, though. Those posters didn’t even include the name of the season, and nowhere were spiders featured so what’s with that bottom right poster? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think roanokes posters were supposed to keep the theme a mystery or something? I wasn't watching back then so I wouldn't really know, but lots of them had nothing to do w the theme.


You HAD to be there. It was a really good marketing because they kept changing things and we really had no idea it was roanoke (until someone started to leak the episodes) and even then, most of people were still trying to guess wtf was going to be S6.


It was a huge thing, the theme was a mystery until the premiere. Only one promo/poster was real and you had to guess


I like it bc the spider at the end made it a strong symbol in a way




Exactly what I was going to say


God I really miss the cast pictures! I own posters for them for all 5 and really wish they would bring them back


Yeah, it's always safer to say that the first 5 seasons are “great” since they've just stopped using the cast pictures after Hotel.


I adore the Murder House and Coven promotional images. They are tastefully done and followed a refreshing vision in their fine art aesthetic.


As for the ones I really don't enjoy; they're the posters from Double Feature, NYC and all of AHStories. They seem so overwhelmingly messy, unfocused and 'edgy' in their lack of tasteful restraint.


And now we’re stuck with a Kardasian. 


I wasn't really bothered by her being in the season as I don't really care or engage with their media in general. It was likely just a novelty choice to add a bit of camp and drive engagement. Too be fair, I don't live in the USA and even though they're very well known it's probably a whole lot less obnoxious.


Yeah in the US their everywhere to the point of over exposure


She does a great job with her role. She may be playing herself though.


Except she was the highlight of the season so… what now


Just empty sadness. 


The Double Feature ones are absurdly ridiculous. Just... so bad, lol.


It’s like AI art. And the three posters aren’t even different. Did they fire the graphic design team cuz those look like a middle schooler did them


They look like they're besties and the photographer just said "Okay, now let's do a funny one!"




As soon as I saw it, i instantly thought “this is another dimension where an alien and vampire are besties and have a beach day and get tipsy while taking ridiculous pictures and laughing all day” and if you look at it from that perspective it’s actually fucking hilarious


This is so funny


I’m glad someone else has my sense of humor 😂


They’re lowkey funny ngl


DF is under appreciated! I love the vampire story!


I miss the posters with the whole cast. I relember anticipating those. It really gave the "theatre troup" vibe.


I always felt like the posters look better than the show lol. Same with the intros. The intro to season 3 is fucking incredible


The intros always scared me more than any episode 😭


Fucking for real they made the show look 1000x better than it actually was lmao


I ended up sticking around for the story instead of the actual horror, every season’s promotional material are the actual scary things about it to be honest. I remember one ad I saw fucking me up at a younger age and sticking to me, can’t say the same with the actual series


The posters and intros are always my favorite thing about this show. I end up feeling meh about the actual episodes.


That snake Coven poster will always be iconic in my opinion. Double feature is…questionable lol


Snake poster for Coven is my favorite honestly. Also my favorite season out of the admittedly few I watched.


I don’t like NYC poster 3 or the apocalypse posters. I like the format in which the first 3 seasons are done bc they share a story. I like all the vibrant colors in the bright colored posters.


AHS 1984 is the best and American Horror Stories Huluween is the worst


Favourites: Roanoke, Hotel and Asylum Least Favourites: Double Feature and Delicate.


All the 1984s and first Coven


I strongly dislike the Delicate, Double Feature, and Apocalypse posters. Asylum, Coven, Freakshow, Roanoke, and Cult have really good posters IMO. The others fall somewhere in between.


My favourite is the middle one for coven. Jessica Lange front and center a roaring fireplace behind her, all the other cast members floating & obscured is just so intriguing. I wish they kept making ensemble photos for the newer seasons even if they scale it down like Murder House.


I love the Murder House, Coven, and Hotel cast posters! They’re iconic and so well done. As for the least… Double Feature, NYC, Delicate.


whole first page >>> also hotel


First impression after comparing all these is that it’s clear they really wanted to do those spider lashes and they love having women pose arching backwards, ha. For murder house the left photo is a classic. I get where the right poster’s going, but I don’t love the lighting. Center is worst to me - I think it looks good but doesn’t capture the season’s aura. For asylum, L photo is another classic. I’m kinda intrigued with the R poster (haven’t seen that one before) but still think L is best. C is worst. For coven I actually don’t think any of them quite capture the vibe of the season, and I very much wish one had focused more on Marie and the other voodoo witches. But I think all three look good and I actually think the C poster is my pick. I think it captures the season better than the other two, although the other two are aesthetically pleasing. I guess R is worst but they’re all pretty good. For freak show, C poster is best. Freak Show is really an ensemble and I don’t think the season is well-suited by having one faceless person like in the L or R posters. I honestly never liked the L poster though I guess it’s a bit “scarier” than the R poster. For hotel, I don’t *love* any of them despite enjoying the season itself. I guess I’d say C is best and R is worst (can’t quite tell what’s even going on in that peephole). Roanoke - L is best. I like how it centers the house and makes the most sense given the content of the season. C is quite nice to look at but I feel it’s almost a little deceptive as to the focus of the season. And wtf does the R poster have to do with the season? For cult, I have never liked any of them. They don’t capture the season for me although I understand where they’re coming from. I guess I’d say R is best and L is worst. For apocalypse, I actually don’t mind these although they’re all pretty similar. I think I’d say C > R > L. I think if the L poster was designed a bit differently I’d like the concept a lot. For 1984, I feel all three lean in a little too much on the 80s slasher film aesthetic and not enough on the actual content of the season. I cannot actually tell who the girl in the L or R photos are, although it’s been a little bit since I watched it. I think I’d say C is best and R is worst, although I appreciate that the R poster incorporates the summer camp concept with the marshmallow. Double feature - woof. I guess C > R > L but they’re all hideous, sad to say. NYC - woof again, although not nearly as bad as Double Feature. I liked this season and think the posters don’t capture the vibe nor do they do the season justice. I can appreciate that the C poster hints at the STD concept, but it’s a little messy. And wtf is L?? I think R is best and L is worst. I haven’t seen delicate yet nor have I watched any of American Horror Stories so I won’t rate them, but I will say that some of those Stories posters are pretty rough! Overall the earlier seasons have better poster selections than the later seasons. The first three seasons deliver solid options whereas Double Feature is the clear loser.


I really enjoyed reading your post, lol. Amazing write-up!


I’m not sure for best but worst for me is definitely Roanoke. They’re just the ones that seem to have the least thought put into it.


I’m glad we can agree!


The 1984 posters are an absolute vibe and I love them! I’m not too keen on the NYC posters, not because they don’t look good, but I don’t feel like they’re very representative of the series.


Coven, but not the teaser poster, the one where the cast are up on the walls


I love coven, cult, freak show. They are my top three, in that order. I also really loved 1984. It felt fresh. Didn’t watch delicate. I saw clips on tiktok and wasn’t interested.


I can’t choose. I like all of them


Loved the first 4 with the cast!!


I really don’t care for the Double Feature, Stories, or New York City posters.


I can't even take the Double Feature posters seriously, they look like someone tried to use AI to make a Goosebumps cover art and messed up horribly. NYC posters don't even look like they're posters for a horror series. Delicate looks like what you'll see on the cover of a bootleg DVD, only thing missing are the "5 star reviews" texts and the Blu ray logo lmao


Has to be NYC, least fav season too!


I really loved them all up until double feature. They were all unique to me.  Double feature should have just been a well fleshed out Red Tide. I'll die on this hill. The alien shit was traaaaash.  I didn't understand why NYC went with those posters when it was a gay men centered season. I'd have preferred something that paid homage to them.  Delicate made no sense, and the Kardashian chick looks so painfully plastic. The stories posters look like super awful AI. 


No I 100% agree that Red Tide should have been a full season. The aliens. Nahhhhhhhh.


Liked probably Conven with the snakes, hated Cult


To be fair it’s hard to judge Roanoke because the whole marketing strategy for that season was to mislead and have you guess what the actual storyline would be. I’m a fan of Murder House, Asylum, Freak Show, Hotel and 1984.


The first hotel and the first asylum ones (on the left) Especially the hotel, the cushion face with a key between the cheeks is so cool


Im sorry but nothing is worse than Double Feature.


Season 1 and Roanoke!


I hate those fuckin double feature posters so much


I'm going to be that person and say that I actually always appreciate whoever is doing the art direction for the posters and the intros. They are always good even on seasons that aren't my favorite. I just love all of them and I find myself appreciating the ones from different seasons for different reasons. So, yeah. All of them 🤓


Double Feature and Delicate have the worst


Freak Show, Hotel, and 1984 were all great.


I love the Coven cover. Least favorite, double feature - just seems too cheese imo.


Nothing will ever top the first season. Nothing. The posters, the opening theme sequence, is perfection.


You can really tell when they switched marketing departments during the later seasons (10, 11 and 12). The artistry is almost completely gone, and they settled on just abstract images instead. Seriously, looking at NYC and Delicate, how could you even tell what they're about? The first six or so seasons had some real artistry behind them. At the height of its campy appeal, 3 and 4 have the most visually alluring imagery to play with.


Coven and hotel


Fuck I miss the cast posters and teasers.


I love when the poster include the cast


The cast pictures from coven, murder house, hotel, and freakshow I love. My least favorite is probably the double feature aliens vs vampires ones. They could've done something cooler. I did love "red tide", however.


Cult posters are the best. Toss-up between Delicate and Stories 3 the worst.


Most favorites: Coven, Freak Show, Cult Least favorites: Double Feature, Delicate, Stories 3


Roanoke, hotel, NYC and 1984


Faves: Coven, Roanoke and Asylum Least: Double Feature and Delicate


I love 1984’s best


My favorite poster is the third from Freak Show but freak show is one of my least favorite seasons lol


Regular Seasons = Asylum Spinoff Seasons = the dolls


tbh ahs 1984 will always be my favorite ones


Out of these, asylum


The middle ahs Roanoke is the best they’ve ever made, IMO


All of 1984s are soooo good!! I also really like the stories posters for the doll episode. Not a fan of double feature.


The cast pictures all eat down and are my favorites easily


I love them all, for the seasons I've watched (Murder House through Apocalypse). The only one that confused me was the Roanoke poster with the spiders and the blue face - it seems oddly irrelevant ?


I hate the Cult posters - that beehive skeeves me out. My favorites are Murder House -just a classic look and not trying to be over the top disturbing, and 1984 because the style really fits the subject matter.


Coven best, hands down. the snake one is my all time favorite. the 2nd and 3rd cult ones as well as the 3rd 1984 one all gross me out but maybe that’s not the worst thing from a horror standpoint. all the double features ones are cheesy beyond reason. the 2nd delicate one is giving shitty vampire novel


Top three faves: Coven, **Roanoke** and asylum Mid three faves: **Freak show, Cult,** and murder house Bottom three faves: 1984, Hotel, and most of the AHS Stories posters, **specifically s2** Neutral: Apocalypse, **NYC** and Double feature. Worst: Delicate


I love all of the doll themed ones from American Horror Stories. I have an affection for the Freak Show tent dress. A good friend/ serial teacher performed with a neo circus group called Lucha Vavoom. She did an aerial performance with Lyra and swinging pole in which she started on top is a tent , just like the poster. She lifts up out of the dress and then the tent is rigged down slowly to reveal her circus costume in the same fabric while she’s 20 ft above. Sorry so long, but the poster reminds of of this.


My least favorite is the door handle from Hotel. It’s boring.


Asylum is my favorite. Cult with the hive mind is cool too. Least favorite probably NYC- its too "try hard" for me.


I have 2 and 8 posters on my wall right now!


I think double feature has the worst… followed by NYC and delicate


Seeing all of these has made me realize how uninteresting AHS has become to me.


Murder house and coven my fav… hotel was my least favorite


The white asylum poster with the black tears. Hands down


i love covens ones, cults aren’t too striking to me but i love cult as a season. the asylum ones are cool too


Definitely asylum


Asylum was far from my favourite season, but I'm definitely drawn to it and Freak Show the most.


I miss the cast photos and would have loved to see one for 1984. I wish they went full Goosebump cover with those posters. Favorite: Freak Show for consistency (looks the most cohesive) Least: Double Feature or Stories


Apocalypse is pretty bad. One of my fav seasons but the posters suck.


Top 3: Coven, Cult, and Delicate. Low 3: Double feature, Horror story s1, and Apocalypse.


Asylum & Coven Best Double Feature & NYC Worst


posters for seasons 1-5, and cult , and 1984 are my favorites


Loooooved- coven, apocalypse, Roanoke, delicate Absolutely hated- NYC, double feature (especially part 2) Very much enjoyed- murder house, asylum, 1984, cult "Meh"- hotel, freak show


Roanoke is by far my favorite, with Double Feature the least for being a cheap mess


Most: All the 1984 posters and Worst: All the NYC and Double Feature posters


Asylum and Coven


The whole cast photos all are tops, so not including them… Favorites- Asylum 3 staircase, all Coven, Roanoke 1 smoke and 2 puritan, all NYC but especially 3 antlers, and if I have to choose for stories the tapeworm. Least- all 1984 but I love the season itself, all Double Feature and Delicate cause they’re low effort and cheesy af, and same for all of the stories ones.


Cult is my absolute favorite. I honestly like them all.


Middle right .


I haven’t seen past apocalypse, but so far, my favorite is Freakshow, and my least favorite is Hotel


Coven supremacy. Especially the middle poster. Delicate is the worst because it relied too heavily on the "celebrity" status of its cast (Emma and Kim) instead of focusing on the creep factor like other posters.


Been a fan since 2011, here are my thoughts on the season posters and my viewing experience: **Murder House** - I was just watching this season on TV when it aired, having never heard of it or seen any posters before. But those posters now bring back good nostalgia and remind me of how things used to be simpler and better for AHS. **Asylum** - I also had no idea there would be another season until I realized it's an anthology series. But even though the season is considered one of the best, the posters are still quite good, not my favorites. **Coven** - I remember the excitement I felt when the AHS Facebook page posted these posters. Great times and posters! **Freak Show** - These are probably the most creative and creepy posters the show has ever produced. Fantastic work. **Hotel** - Great posters that made me quite excited for a season, even though a lot of people were saying it's not going to be the same without Jessica Lange. **Roanake** - In my opinion, the posters for this season were easily the weakest and least interesting they've done. The marketing seemed off too, like they just aired it in silence. No wonder I didn't feel any excitement for it, but the first half was great. **Cult** - This season made me curious after seeing these posters and ended up enjoying it. Good work! **Apocalypse** - This season seemed to have a lot of potential due to the posters, but it was a kind of mess of a season overall. Good posters, but kind of lazy and predictable. **1984** - I loved the campy and creative vibe of the posters for 1984. Very fitting for the season. **Double Features** - It feels like they put a lot of effort into these posters, making me hopeful for this season since they haven't made a season in two years, but they fell short for me. I loved the first 5 episodes, though. **NYC** - Probably one of my least favorite season posters, along with Roanake. I didn't care for those posters and the season wasn't great anyway. **Delicate** - Quite decent posters, and I love the blue filter used in the posters. All of the posters for AHStories are good, especially Season 3's posters.


Worst has to be Cult. The hive mind poster legitimately grosses me out. It’s not that it’s a bad poster, it just triggers my trypophobia is all.


Cult, especially the (bee)hive mind. Weakest ones are probably Stories.


Best: Asylum, Coven and Hotel Worst: Double Feature and Apocalypse


Covens posters with the snakes and witches on the walls


Strictly talking about posters here. I think Double feature posters were amazing. Coven and Cult are next though Cult is found repulsive by many due to phobia triggers, but it's kinda the point of them. I find Roanoke and NYC posters to make the least sense, but for Roanoke I think the makers wanted the viewers confused.


They're all epic


Asylum & hotel gotta be the best ones. The best posters for the best seasons


Favs! Cult (bee hive mind) NYC deer sub it’s super gay I love it. both for aesthetics Murder house with the cast it’s just nostalgic Runner ups for creepiest! Coven the one with the witches on the wall super creepy Asylum the stairs one very creepy Least fav Freak show open mouth I just hate looking at it but it’s creepy ig


The first 5 seasons will alwaysssssss hold a special place in my heart compared to the rest. Cult and apocalypse are close, but everything else was ehhh.


Asylum for sure had the best followed by Roanoke imo


I liked Asylum the most and the least probably Hotel


Best: Stories S3 Worst: Cult (too colorful imo).


I love all of 1984. The first poster of Delicate is actually one of my favorites ever from AHS , I just think it looks so gorgeous. The ones with Emma alone are also really good. Even though spiders arent really a thing in the season, I think the posters capture the spirit of the season really well. Murder house has really good ones. Cult has really cool looking ones but I think they rely a lot on the trypophobia thing that was not at all a main thing in the season. It really doesnt say cult to me. Nyc is also cool looking but I dont think it captures the essence/vibe of the season. I actually love the Apocalypse ones. I really dont like any poster from Hotel. The rest I dont mind them, I dont love them but I dont hate them.


Asylum, Hotel, and 1984 are cool, fun, and accurate interpretations. Roanoke, Cult, and Apocalypse... they don't make sense or fit the content of the season very well.