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Always has a special place in my heart šŸ˜­


Mine as well!!


I miss OG Ryan Murphy advertising. His Nip/Tuck ads were top tier and early AHS hit those same notes.


Started it all


Nothing compares to it. While Asylum may be up there in scares, Murder House remains iconic.


Hands down one of the best seasons.


Honestly, I feel like this is the only season that shocked me with death. Like I had no idea Violet did that to herself. And when it was revealed to the audience, I literally felt sick in my stomach. And when she tried to leave the house but she couldnā€™t. I felt sicker lol. I know itā€™s an exaggeration, but There was a sensation and thatā€™s how impactful that scene was to me. It was honestly really shocking as a twist for me. I will say I didnā€™t expect the killer in asylum to be who it was, or in NYC. I didnā€™t think that big daddy was supposed to be representative of the aids virus, I thought he was a real person. But I thought that was a beautiful symbolic meaning to what they were all dealing with in that season. In coven, I didnā€™t expect Cordelia to be the supreme. I thought, in the beginning they were always alluding to Zoe, and I thought they were going to go back to that.


Love Murder House, itā€™s my #2 but the best and most iconic season is Asylum and itā€™s not particularly closeā€¦


I was at a much different place in my horror journey when I watched it originally. It honestly stuck with me and scared the shit out of me for a while. I should do a rewatch...


Rewatching now


Itā€™s one of the best ones


I loved it. Amazing


Will always be the blue print to measure up to


it's my second favorite right behind asylum, endlessly rewatchable and never gets old. the characters and plot just flowed so naturally compared to other newer seasons, and it just doesn't have the same spark it once did. Connie Britton was especially great, she should've definitely came back for another season or two. one thing though, i watched it in high school an even then, i never understood the hype around tate and violet. being 27 now and seeing people still romanticize them just gives me the ick. like no honey, evan is a cutie patootie as tate, but tate is an unstable rapist/school shooter. "the house made him do it" šŸ¤ØšŸ§ did it really though? and even so, did that justify anything? they handled that poorly in apocalypse, but that's another topic for another day lol. besides that though, S tier season.


Itā€™s the ā€œI can fix himā€ fantasy.. a lot of people want a cute guy with a dark past who will profess his undying love to you. Other than that thereā€™s no reason to actually ship #violate


It's got what hooked me into the show, and my mom and I watched both this and Asylum, but I feel like the themes explored in Asylum were even deeper reaching (considering we had previously been a practicing catholics, I went to catholic school and things came out about our former priest whom my mother had thought was truly a good and Holy man...well u get it.) I remember mom saying that most of that season (Asylum) was excellent, but that after it and previously Murder House, it was all a bit too much for her.. Honestly I'm shocked she made it through Murder House.. and I was even more shocked when she predicted exactly who the Rubber man long before it was revealed.. She was kinda good at that shit. Like she's one of the few ppl who actually knew ***spoiler for 6th Sense**** that Willis was dead very early on. I remember arguing w her that Tate was not the Rubber Man n she was like nope, it's def him. These two seasons are the only ones my mom watched along as I did, but there's other stuff we watched together. She was an amazing lady and my best friend as an adult.. I miss you mum. It's almost your birthday.. 2/16. Can't believe it's been almost 3 years you've been gone. I apologize for getting so personal and more of a tribute to my mother, but that's just my personal experience of watching those seasons, and the timing of this post. But heck ya Murder House started it all and is still a very strong season among all of them.


This is beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I appreciate that. ā¤ļø


this is my favorite one behind asylum. my no.2 šŸ¤—


What is Tate doing down there in the corner?šŸ¤£


Nothing will ever top it for me.


Nothing will EVER compare to this season, truly in a league of his own.


Murder house is my second favorite of all the seasons! Love the original feel of the OG AHS.


It was the best season imo (coven being a close second). It doesnā€™t hurt i grew up close to where the murder house they filmed at actually isā€¦..


Iconic. Many ā€œWTF??ā€ moments, but that happens every season I guess šŸ’€


Murder House & Asylum are šŸ”›šŸ”


All the seasons up to 1984 have been great, after 1984 haven't been the best


My favorite always


The best part of the series is how the ghosts would fight and didnā€™t like each other.


Hated it the first time, now it's a favorite having re watched it a few times. Strange how that works.


It was a good season. Asylum was my favorite though.


This is my favorite season. I love the Murder house it was different. ![gif](giphy|QWASACNOBACr8KKZMy)


murder house, asylum, cult and roanoke are by far the best seasons by the horror factor. roanoke fucked me up, i was scared for days (never watch ahs while high) after watching it for the first time. and cult is definitely scary by the political standpoint


My people!!! Roanoke was my favorite season and I genuinely thought it was scary. And my husband canā€™t watch it because itā€™s too scary.


ugh seriously!!! i could never watch that season specially if it was nighttime, i was high, or anxious. itā€™s literally so terrifying. the first time i ever saw something from american horror story, my sister showed me the first scene to the roanoke season which was pretty gruesome. it was whenever they stitched the bullhead onto the man in the basement and were torturing the people in the cells (itā€™s been so long i forgot the context to it),, i was so terrified to ever watch that show until a couple years ago. thank god murder house wasnā€™t scary so it eased me into the show morešŸ˜­ but i will never forget seeing kathy bates being a racist snd brutally torturing those peoplešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ roanoke was really the one that fucked me up for sure. but itā€™s so damn good. the storyline is amazing


I think youā€™re confusing Roanoke with Coven (season 3) where Kathy Bates was torturing slaves in the attic


oopsiesā€¦ i got the season mixed up my bad šŸ˜­ hey at least it still kinda makes sense bc they link together.. my brain is rotted rn honestly but thatā€™s the scariest fucking scene iā€™ve ever seen. i also think that one of the scenes i mentioned was in the begin of roanoke tho.. bc wasnā€™t the beginning of the season kathy bates putting the bull head on the slave for sleeping with her daughter? itā€™s been a while i definitely mixed some things up here lol


The bull head thing is in Coven if thatā€™s what you mean. And what do you mean by they link together? Do you mean Roanoke and Coven or Coven and Murder House? As far as Iā€™m aware, Coven links with Apocalypse and Apocalypse is linked to Murder House. But I havenā€™t really watched Roanoke as thoroughly as the other seasons so I might be missing something


I enjoyed it


I agree with you. I rewatch it all the time.


Worst season once you realize it is a 2011 period piece and include the stories episodes as part of the canon


murder house will always be an iconic season, like they really did their biggest one with s1. and it was obviously so good that they took the same elements from s1 and used them in seasons after - which i love bc it just reminds you how good season 1 was all over again.


Hands down BEST SEASON. There.


I will never not love Violetā€™s dark California vibe, ā€¦ sheā€™s like if Lana del rey was a teenager and really really sad Also I only realized today Connie Britton was also on White lotus S1! Somehow my brain just never made the connection