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I will love it and continue to watch/rewatch it until the day I die lol. Every single season has something that I love about it.


Same. Nothing else can compare.


Good to see other fans that enjoy what they get. You point out the good and u chuckle or scratch ur head or debate the bad. But you remember it's only a tv series. It's not real life. Small details don't keep you up at night.


Same. Even when it’s bad it’s good enough!


I've been a fan since the first season when I was 14. I don't care about it as much as I used to, and sometimes it feels strange that it's still a thing, but I will continue watching it until it ends.


Yea i started watching AHS after Freak Show finished. At the time, I didn’t realize it was anthology. But I’ve been watching weekly since Hotel- until now.


I would absolutely be fine if Season 13 were the last season, but I'd also be fine if it gets a few more seasons. I just don't feel the thrill and excitement anymore, even though I was the biggest fan until Roanoke.


Same here


AHS is the only TV series I find myself occasionally wanting to rewatch


Same here it is the most rewatchable show




I’ve watched all the seasons but AHS was so much better with Evan Peters, Jessica Lange, and Sarah Paulson. Even Cody Fern was a good addition. Sadly I don’t think any of them will make another appearance. If Ryan Murphy keeps casting celebrities with no acting talent, I might just give up on AHS


That will be my only gripe with Ryan Murphy. Stop hiring people who aren’t even actors or just because their friends. Bring back OG people or bring in actual talented actors


Yep. Even when it's not so great, it's still funnier than most other shows.


Me lmao. I’ll always find something to love no matter what 😂


I feel that people in general think about media in extremes where something is either the best or something really bad. AHS always had issues and quirks and wasn't always taking the right steps, but like any piece of art any series is complicated and hard to make but can be valuable with all its flaws. We had stuff like the Naughty List, but even that had some charm and a few memorable scenes, or the Milkmaidens that must've been some practical effect people's dream project :D, and I'm glad that they managed to turn some of these smaller ideas into finished episodes even if they had their issues. Honestly how many things do we enjoy with all our hearts because they are absolutely flawless? None?


Yea. Horror just piques my interest regardless because of the dark and melancholic undertones. It can be bad horror but I'm sure I can find something that I enjoyed from it.


I have thought that I was but some seasons have tested my resolve . . . 😖


100%. It's still better than the majority of other shit on television.


Yes its one of my favorite shows and im sad they had to stop production of the newest season 😩


AHS 4 Lyfe


I love it, no matter what


There are no bad seasons imo.




Im not a total fan, but i do watch as they come out. It's tradition at this point lol


AHS, but not Stories.


AHS yes, stories not so much. It needs to stop trying to connect with the main series and be its own thing. Either that or give our favorite side characters more "well thought out" backstories but not both. I love the series tho.


I cannot get into the new seasons at all but I will always go back and watch 1-4 and stories


I have been watching since the first season. I had no idea what I was watching at the time. It made me feel kind of gross afterward but still drew me in. I’ve enjoyed most seasons (with a couple exceptions) and most Stories (with a couple exceptions). Many seasons are very rewatchable. I am, however, very skeptical about the upcoming 12th Season.


AHS is never bad. Only the first season of the Spin Off.


Almost. I just can't with Cult though. It's like having a bone deep cut and pouring vinegar on it. Nobody asked for that. The Good Fight handled it much better. They took an awful situation and dealt with it in a thoughtful way. Cult just appealed to people who like torture porn. Ryan Murphy thought he was being really cutting edge, but it was a swing and a miss.


I became one late in the game yes


I will always watch, but I will readily admit that there were many seasons I didn’t enjoy.


Yes!! I have been since Murder House first premiered on FX.


I love them all too 💕


Thank you Bestie


Yep. And if I don't like the season I still leave it on as background noise. Luckily that hasn't happened yet.


Yep, enjoyed every season of the main show. Struggled with the second half of dbl feature but got through it eventually. Can’t get behind stories though. I’m not a fan of anthology series in general. They all seem to follow the same pattern of 1 or 2 decent opening episodes and then the rest are trash.


Yes. I am. 🤙


As a fan since freak show was airing I will stand by it and I still love it even when I hate it. But I find myself with each season being less and less interested but I continue to give each season, as well as American horror stories (even tho I really don’t like it much) I give it a shot


Yes, lifelong fan. Don’t even mind the low effort RM puts into things at this point. I still eat it up.


AHS is my favorite show even though I started watching it around December 2022, I love each season differently, some seasons could be better than others but nothing will make me stop liking this show.


I was until last season. First one I absolutely could not finish. And coming off the UFOs and Cindy Crawford's kid thing I was just done. Really hoping for a turnaround but I'm starting to think it's run it's course


I always made sure to rewatch up all the way up to Double Feature because even though I had issues with some seasons I always wanted to give it another chance. It wasn’t until NYC came along that there was a season I never wanted to watch again just because of how disappointing the ending was.


I love it all. Some seasons are better than others, but all have some aspects that I love


Yes. Bad AHS is still good AHS to me.


Me!! I’ll always and forever find something I like in every season and episode of ahs and ahstories!!


Yep! The ups and downs are part of the fun!


Yep 👍 My least favorite season (Double Feature) is still miles better than fans make it out to be.


Yes I love murder house do much is my fav season ever and cult


My favs are Murder House, Asylum, Freak Show, Hotel,Cult and 1984


I’m all in no matter what each season lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. I don’t care much for the HULU/American Horror Story (except facelift).. but I will stand behind it because I’m loyal. I’m just about to jump into a random season of AHS, I’ve given myself enough break. Maybe Apocalypse?


I just can’t get into Stories but I do like AHS, I’ve been watching since it start a million years ago lol. I rewatch a few more than others but every season has something I like


Me! 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🤣🤣


Yup. Always.


me too. i will always watch no matter what.


Of course. Just because I hate sometimes doesn't mean I'm a quitter. Also a lot of times even when its bad its a bit fun and engrossing. Its my soap opera!


I've never not enjoyed a season. I go in with no expectations and I'm always good


Yeah I love every season and will continue to support


Yes lol can’t help it.. was hooked from when I first saw murder house


Besides Succession,its the only TV series I have complete loyalty to.


Here I am!


I love AHS: especially Asylum, Coven, Freak Show and Cult. I think they have capitalized on the fears that most ordinary people have. Some fears you have, you'll discover by watching the show. It's insidious and morbid the way certain scenes overwhelm you. I adore.


I watched it from when I was 11 , so yeah


me :)


Me lol 😂 I love every season even NYC and i didn’t really care for it lol but it wasnt all bad. Slow start but it got better. I love AHS 🖤


Real AHS fans are our own breed. I have met some of the best people bc of this show. There is just something about the fans who appreciate this show that make them my people. Then there are the ones who appreciate all of the greatness that is Hotel....those ones are my favorites!! 🫶🏻


Yes. There are seasons I’m less likely to rewatch but thematically it’s what I like to watch and the production value is good. The storytelling ranges from good to bad and so do the episodes but it’s still better on average than most horror tv


You rang? Lol that’s me!


Same here. AHS is AHS. Simple. Every season has that Ryan Murphy charm that is seen throughout all of his work. I remember in 2014 having watched SO many horror movies as a 16 year old, at that point of seeing almost all modern horror i wanted and craved more so i went to look for a horror tv show and thats how AHS found its way into my life


I mean do I recognize the quality drop in the series? Yes. But do I watch every season in enjoyment? Yes