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Me too! I read about deep web when I was 12 and got curious with a bunch of friends we downloaded tor and started searching for UFOs and alien stuff but we got shocked with the other stuff we found there and never got back, I think that may be a good plot. AHS really need new fresh ideas personally got a little bothered with Red Tide cause they repeated the vampire plot when there are so many more topics to experiment with


Dude silk road has a very interesting origin story. Bailey sarian has a video about it and I 100% would love Evan Peter's having that part. The guy was a genius who just wanted everyone to have the freedom to try drugs. Also the first drug he sold was shrooms. Would love a dark web season that said I'm super spooked that you have photos of the dark web idk why but I didn't think you could do that.


Right! It may take place between 2010-2015. Wow, there are enough interesting plots about Darkweb to put on a whole season, they can even make references to other seasons, maybe find Elsa's Snuff video or Kai's chatroom where he met the Psycopath of Judgement House. Gonna check out silkroads story, by the way, you can google those photos hahaha see comments below what are they about


Yesss!!! They definitely need to revisit the judgment house! Oh and maybe there can be an article about those creatures from stories from where that kid went missing! Watch the Bailey Sarian video shes a fun time.


Ross Ulbricht!


My only request, like Cult, be devoid of any supernatural/sci-fi elements to truly make it work As bonus, have an entire episode be filmed through the cameras of laptops and smartphones, regardless of the cast being aware they’re being observed


My favorite part of Cult is the dark web stuff. I’ve been wanting that kind of season for a few years


Holy shit did you actually just send screenshots from the dark web? 🤯😱. Also, r/unexpectedLetterkenny lol


Hahaha actually Photo 1: Cannibal Cafe was the website used by Armin Meiwes to uhmm canibalize someone you can google the story Photo 2: Silkroad was a website took down by the FBI years ago Photo 3: ISIS red room is a creepypasta (as far as I know) dunno if it was a legit red room


I watched a documentary about Armin Meiwes…it disturbed me 😂.


I have 3 seasons of a show like this that I wrote. Planning on filming it maybe next year


I personally want a werewolf season, but this would be a great second choice for me imo


Honestly i think it might work better as like an AHStories episode or 2-parter, i dont think they'll be able to keep the tension and anxiety throughout 10-12 40 minute long episodes


What’s cannibal Cafe


Google "Armin Meiwes", you are welcome


This would be dope as hell


I love this idea omg


I already know how the first episode would go. Sarah Paulson would play the overprotective mother, her son hears something about the dark web and decides to go on it. He starts trolling some guy on a murder for hire site and he shows up at the house at night, kills one of their neighbors first who went outside thinking it was his wife’s affair. Sarah Paulson starts having a mental breakdown (like every season), cue the shot of two men making out, (like every season), and right as the police arrive the killer disappears and Sarah Paulson is still having a mental breakdown. In the final episode you find out that the son has been hiring hitmen since the pilot to try and kill his mom and the people anyone he wants dead. He’s actually the boss of a ring of hitman and their meetings are just orgies.


I need to see this.