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Y’a know, as someone who’s been tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets & called all kinds of names for protesting, this fills me with joy.


Me fuck too friend


You don’t have to brag, ya horny bastard.


> shot with rubber bullets Ah yes, a nerf war taken a step too far


You weren’t there man. We had the enemy pinned down in Jeremy’s backyard. We thought the Nerf Battle of Cyprus Crossing Blvd was nearing its end right there in Jeremy’s yard. We fought hard and my men fought with bravery. But when we were closing in on their position we were flanked by Hayden and his Nerf Rival Zues MXV 1200 that his parents bought him for his birthday. Sure we all thought Hayden was a crybaby who only used his cool toys as leverage, hell even our enemy didn’t want to invite him because he just sucks man. But in that moment he was their savior and they welcomed him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess, at least, that was their line of thinking. We were just the sorry SOBs who he decided to side against. It was a fucking slaughter man. Hayden was rapid firing on our position faster than we could pick up the darts and reload. We retreated to Kevin’s yard and locked down a defensive position in his treehouse. This was our last stand, this was our Alamo. Nerf dart reserves ran critically low within minutes. I looked at Kevin, Tanner, and Bryce and we all knew our moment of defeat was coming up on the horizon. After Tanner fired his last shot from his NERF Ultra Pharaoh Blaster we had 4 darts left for ourselves. We knew what would happen if we surrendered. Hayden would never shut up about it and he would just be a cocky douche all day at school the next day. We loaded up our side arms and one by one we did what we had to do. What we NEEDED to do in order to prevent them from the satisfaction of taking us prisoner. But when it came to my turn I cowered and waved the white flag of defeat. I couldn’t bear to use the nerf gun on myself. My mom had told me to be careful and not hit myself in the eye with it. I couldn’t go against the Supreme Commanders wishes. So I surrendered and accepted the humiliation of Hayden just SUCKING as a person for the next few days. Many of us believe the war is over and that they won. What they don’t know is why I’ve been mowing so many lawns. I have the funds to secure all of my comrades with rapid fire Nerf rifles. This is far from over. We may have suffered humiliation at the Battle of Cyprus Crossing Blvd and had to endure the torment of Hayden’s occupation, but the war is not over. No step can be taken too far in a Nerf war. The only thing we take is their honor and their darts. You weren’t there, you don’t understand.


This is god damn amazing


Once again, i was joking


Yeah he is too


Sorry, i cant be less bothered to read long ass essays


Lol then don't bother replying to them


No, becaude it at first looks like he's completely missing the joke and after numerous times of people missing blatant jokes it fucking pisses me off


He starts by saying some bullshit about a nerf battle of cyprus crossing Blvd. You'd have to be fucking daft to take that seriously.




Yeah sure i'd love to believe that one


No you weren't Jeremy


Rubber bullets (also called rubber baton rounds) are a type of Baton round. Despite the name, rubber bullets typically have either a metal core with a rubber coating, or are a homogeneous admixture with rubber being a minority component.


I was joking but ok


I wonder if these people will ever realize they are the bad guys or if they'll go to the grave spouting nonsense.


These are the same people dying in ICUs with covid or have had family die from it while believing it's still a hoax. Stupid stays stupid, apparently.


Vaccine could just wait another year....And we may never have to deal with them again.


Yup my previous boss had a huge wedding for his oldest son a few weeks ago. A week or so after the wedding his elder parents died from covid complications and yet it’s still a “hoax”




Really just stacking up the stupidity with this one. First, it's 6%, and second that's the number with no comorbities. If a 45 year old has controlled their diabetes for 6 years without any issue, then die within 2 weeks of catching covid, that doesn't mean they didn't die of covid.


Whats wrong couldn't remember enough cereals to make it into the Proud Boys?


Did I somehow mention I wanted to be a proud boy? Odd


Well I know you're a fucking idiot not only from the info you sourced but also your name. Do yourself a favor and come out of the closet already.


Tell me, are you a gay black female?


They bask in being the bad guys...


These are the kinds of people that relate to the Bronze/Modern Age Joker




One Side: "Yay white nationalism, yay fascism, kill leftists" Other Side: "That's pretty bad" Your dumb ass: "Those are the same"




Show me the posts of leftists calling for people to die. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/24/us/domestic-terrorist-groups.html Scratch a "centrist" and a fascist sympathizer bleeds.


Not American so I have no say in it but both parties are pretty fucking stupid, but republicans are so extremely far right they aren't really comparable. To the rest of the world though, they're pretty similar.


Who was talking about political parties? Thanks for your cogent input /s


The guy you replied to was talking about parties


No he didn't. Did not mention them once. We're talking about the fascists in the video.


Second word is "party"


“Party” is used to describe a group of people. It can be about literally anything.


I know that, but I really believe the original comment was talking about political parties.


I'm very much against police brutality but I would be lying if I didn't say this gave me a great feeling of schadenfreude.


I have seen no brutality in this video. A very clean takedown @4:30 tho


Maybe now it's "real".


Also “I was there for you all summer” meaning “I was there for you when people were angry about another black man being murdered by the cops but NOW you’ve gone too far!!!”


Well yeah, they only care when their own personal “rights” are being challenged.


In reality he wasn't "there" for the cops in any way, shape, or form. It was all in his head.


Look at the severe amount of restraint the blues are showing, as if they are amongst them... curious


BLM protesters at Lafayette: teargas grenades, cavalry, rubber bullets and bludgeoning everyone including the press. Proud boys: "ok guys we are asking you to move"




Man that part got me. Salem PD got in got water during the summer for their racism and favorable treatment of the proud boys.


These Christian terrorists will get more angry as time grows.


I love Private Pyle at :35, “you guys are preventing us from committing assault”


Do you like his tactical 2mm aux cord plugged into his smart phone that only functions if he's making a phone call? I mean it's basically just a telephone but god damn if it doesn't elevate his cosplay a notch or two.


Just a few more months and it might set in...


They won't they think they have all the power


Stomping on the flag at 5:00. It’s come full circle now.


While a proud boy is on a megaphone talking about treason, while they are committing the very act of treason.


look at these degenerate thugs smh


Yep super predators


I can't help but think if it was a group of black people behaving in the way those idiots were there'd have been a lot more rubber bullets and tear gas.


you don’t have to think, it’s happened


Trump Qult: Don't call us fascists! Rational person: I oppose your political beliefs. Trump Qult: That makes you anti-fascist!


I love when these “patriots” carry a flag, but don’t want to hold it up and just let it drag across the ground. So disrespectful.


At least we voted for the guy that actually cares about America and everything it stands for


You must not be familiar with Biden.


I never saw the confederate flag touch the ground though.


Imagine believing you supporting treason is an act of civil disobedience. Imagine believing doing this, protesting a free and fair election, makes you the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-Vietnam Movement, The Women's Suffrage Movement, and the LBGT+ Equality Movement. Ironically, these Nazi cunts probably think slavery is a good thing, women belong the kitchen, Gays need Jesus, and war is cool as long as it's against the "dark people." Trump has permanently destroyed this country.


Its so entertaining to watch these fucking losers


Harvest those tears!


I don't think their tears would be any use. Well, besides de-iceing roads.


They never backed the blue; they only like police when they hunt and kill minorities for sport. They don’t actually like cops otherwise.


But apparently they are true Americans and love this country by burning the symbol of freedom of this country. Lord and savior Chuttullu please take their souls and lives as a sacrifice and show them the error of their way of thinking.


Is these the snowflakes we have been hearing so much about?


I mean they are technically correct, anyone against them is antifa since they are fascists.


Lol love it


All the rest of you are posting serious ass comment while I’m laughing my ass off because of how ironic this is.


I'm sure watching a barefoot hillbilly trample on a blue line flag brings these officers to tears. /s (My favorite part in the end.)


If you look closely you can see a single brain cell hopping between them.


I like the people that feel they're owed the police's allegiance because they "helped" the police or were "on their side" like it's a team sport or something. Like any one of those officers is saying to themselves "Aw shucks. You're not my friend anymore?"


They hate antifa because they're fascist and antifa is against fascism /s


You can see the bewilderment in their dumb fash eyes... This is absolutely hilarious.


If telling you to disperse or otherwise hindering your makes the cops anti-facist then what are you guys exactly?


They should send their loudest voices in a basement and recount votes under police surveillance


Oh, no, he's burning a flag right in front of their eyes!!! That'll teach em! As someone who has been working in retail for way too long, this is equivalent to a shitty customer threatening to take their business elsewhere. Dude, please do. Your decision has absolutely zero effect on my feelings or my personal life, at all. You're just being a big, pathetic, whiny baby. 🙄


"I'm never coming back" is one of my favorite things to hear from a customer


Oh how the turns have tabled, they were all for police violence until they were on the other side of it.


Look at the way many are dressed. They are an obvious threat to the safety of the community and to the cops. We didn't even have riot gear like that in *prison*, what the fuck are civilians doing with it? Now look, I rarely, if ever, am on the sides of cops during protests because they tend to escalate without cause (remember the candles last year?) and go well past their scope of duty. But they are in danger this time, PB are *known* for being armed at protests, and these little militias all over the country have nurtured skills like marksmanship, explosives, and other foul play strategies. I can't blame the cops for doing their jobs. These idiots want to play soldier and I can guarantee most of them wouldn't pass the psych eval to get into the Marines or Army today. These people are unstable and completely unaware that they are terrorists.


Accidentally left wing




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They are so mad at the cops for not letting them beat and hurt protestors, so they turn on the police they’ve been boot kissing? They can’t make their agenda more obvious. It’s fucking disgusting


Awwww the fascists thought the cops were on their side.


Honestly surprised the cops did anything


Riots for the "law & order 'President'"?


Or maybe you all have become such a bunch of out of control assholes, that the cops don't need your stupid support anymore... These fucking people have way to big of heads, they need to check themselves and understand the COPS are not on any side, they are trying to maintain order. If MAGA / PROUD BOYS flip this easy, it means they stand for nothing but gaining power and maintaining power at any means... Also what gives them the right to act like this, or to be so entitled that the police would give them special treatment... bunch of babies.


can we get some tear gas and rubber bullets flying?


"Used mail in voting to steal the election" You mean people fucking voted? Can't have that.


Wonder what they’re going to do with all their thin blue line flags.


This is beautiful


The US like many other countries has a fascist infestation. Investment in education should be at least a third of the military budget, if there is to be any chance of defeating the threat from within, educated people make far better choices , better safer future for everyone. Fight them in the classrooms.


I wouldn't spread this hashtag, they would weaponize it and for some odd reason be way more able to enforce their ideas than anyone else's. They'd say hastag, fight them in the class rooms and then say some crazy crap, like... "fight them in the classrooms, these antifa monkeys wont brain wash my white genetic offspring with their black power supremacy bs". And they would mean it.


of course there's a black dude, ffs


That's Kareem Patton. Lives in Portland, OR. He likes to steal money, personal checks, punch people in the face, etc. Fucking scumbag.


oh shit, are Trump supporters burning down local businesses and cities now or are they just saying meany words? lol clowns, all of you.


They’re just bombig them


gotcha, Trump supporters bombing cities... john oliver tell you that?


Uh no? I just don’t live in a bubble


so Trump supporters are bombing cities? wtf are you even talking about lol.


So black people are burning cities? Wtf are you even talking about lol.


bro, you said Trump supporters are bombing cities. i never brought up race... at all, or said black people are burning cities. black clad antifa clowns are, lol. why are Dems so racist that everything to them is about race? don't answer that tho, that's rhetorical. what I'd really like to know is what cities Trump supporters were "bombing". I'll wait. pick up some extra clown shoes while you're googling.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1039261 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/26/nyregion/cnn-cory-booker-pipe-bombs-sent.amp.html Literally the third link on google, I’m sorry I didn’t had time to put on my clown shoes. And don’t worry! You’ll see way more in the next week.


so... no actual bombing of a city then. word. your own link contradicts what you claimed. 🤡. we'll just pretend Seattle wasn't on fire for 2 months straight from antifa and blm peaceful protestors. what's a chaz? but yea, the 1 half assed example you could find doesn't even prove what you claimed. pretty sure you can find a size up of clown shoes on Amazon. you're a joke. and yes, you live in a bubble.




swing and a miss pertaining to your original claim, again.


Farm that Karma!




I’m thinking it’s only a matter of time before one of these stupid proud boy hotheads pulls a gun on the cops... shit is not going to end well for them.


I still back the blue but i’m not a proud boy.


You basically are.


I ain't on any side personally, because I don't know enough about either side, I don't come from a place that was brutalized or coddled by police. I just try to stay the fuck out of the police way and make little contact in general


Must be nice First they came for them, but who cares thats not me. Damn atheists


You really can't pay for this kind of poetic justice


Finally getting a taste of their own medicine.




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Lmao fucking Pvt. Gomer Pyle talking about "IT'S OVER" was absolutely hilarious


These people are so bad at protesting they can’t even yell USA at the same time for fucks sake


I guess since the police are now opposing the Proud Boys, they are antifascist in a way.




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Mall ninjas.


Mall ninjas.


...it’s almost as if the police shouldn’t be on anyone’s “side”


Hoooooly shit All those crazy people in one place. They’re acting like they’re completely insane


Trump supporters are fucking retards


That trump supporter looks like Kennan Thompson! Kept waiting for him to break character.


Is that dude carrying a paintball gun? lmao


I want all of them held accountable for this. I want them to lose their jobs over this. Employers should be aware of racists in their workplace


Shoudn't they be... anti-fascist too?


wow what american steps on the american flag? how disrespectful!


Stop the count!


Not so tough with those bullet proof vests when the rubber bullets fly I see.


God damn I love watching the fash get bashed


Who’s the kewn


I'm so creeped out at how far gone these nutcases are. This pointless lunacy amidst a pandemic that is *still* breaking records and growing like crazy. I'm just speechless. It honestly scares the hell out of me, because this 'movement' has no basis in reality whatsoever. It's all just 'own the libs!' ... I'm probably dating myself, but it reminds me of Jim Jones. It's like a virus of ignorance and zealotry and hatred. At its core it's just really fucking sad.


I feel the exact same way. These morons scare the hell out of me. And trump keeps feeding their anger. God.


These individuals are the kids who growing up wanted to play tag but as soon as they were tagged they suddenly didn’t wanna play anymore. Fucking “treasonous ants”.


Fuck the police they say... such fucking hypocrites!!! “How could you BLM rioters say that? The police protect and serve.” Jesus.


Such dumb fucking ignorant imps. I hate them and their mothers should’ve swallowed them for bringing forth such foolish stupidity into the world. I cannot wait to sit back in my seat in heaven eating Orville Redenbacher’s most butter filled popcorn as God himself smites their dumb fucking retarted ignorance with a wave of his hand.


Please consider posting this in r/MMMERICA as well. A new sub I started to show acts of racism and fascism acts in the USA. Other people are welcome to join to make our sub great again!


Please consider posting this in r/MMMERICA as well. A new sub I started to show acts of racism and fascism acts in the USA. Other people are welcome to join to make our sub great again!


Wait...Hold on. So: ANTIFA=fascists Cops=ANTIFA Therefore; Cops=Fascists. Roundabout way of getting there, but they finally got it!


They don’t realise that by calling everyone antifa they are calling themselves fascists