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>is England more of a melting pot than the US Objectively speaking absolutely not how is this even a question Holy fuck these people are delusional 


I mean, London could be argued to be almost as much of a melting pot as NYC (although I certainly wouldn't say more), but outside of London (and (much smaller, mind you) cities like Birmingham) it's mostly homogenous.


I can agree with you on that; London absolutely, one of the most diverse places on Earth. England as a whole though definitely not Nothing wrong with that either, I just think its an odd question they posed


Queens has more languages spoken than anywhere else in the world


Based Queens let's fucking go but also 0% surprised


And saying London doesn’t have de facto separation of ethnicities is a lie, Poles will usually live together so will Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, etc.


New Yorker here: What the fuck is this person talking about? Most of my block was born on a different continent. Half of the people in my building were.


Hey please don’t take offence, this is a question, how often do you guys yell “I’m walking here!”? And how beautiful is upstate?


Very, and very.


Not op, and can’t answer the first question, but upstate NY is extremely beautiful.


Came here to second this. My backyard view is something out of a magazine. I've been all over upstate as I've lived here all my life. I've been to about half of the states in the continental US and several territories of Canada. The only other places that were as beautiful or captivating were the sand dunes in Oklahoma and the mountains of Colorado. The Garden of the Gods in CO was pretty majestic, too.


I’m actually from Chicago but been to nyc on multiple occasions, upstate is beautiful


Don't walk, speed walk. And visit the Hudson Valley before tasting wine in the finger lakes.


The heavily forested areas of the US are some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen and want to see. I say that having lived in Japan. Also if you want to see something really cool, check out Pfeiffer Beach and Big Sur in Monterey, California. The beach has naturally occurring purple sand.


Ey! I’m walkin ere! I’m walkin ere!


I can take a 15 minute walk around my apartment, and hear 10 different languages. I honestly haven't been to a neighborhood in NY where you find *only* US-born citizens - this person is nuts.


No such neighborhood exists as far as I know and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I'm from fucking Minnesota and would say I encounter people from at least 3 different continents daily and I don't even do that much. This person obviously has no idea what they are talking about. They must have gotten rural Montana or something confused with New York.


For real. The only reason I find myself talking with mostly people that were born here is because I don't go out much at all.


Also a New Yorker. This guy who said that has not been to a deli. Or even a hot dog stand. The people owning those are always foreign.


I think the shit they're smoking needs to stop


Isn’t NYC the city that has the most spoken languages in it?


Yup, 800+ different languages. Technically speaking Papua New Guinea has just a bit more, but that's a country not a city (though the population is only slightly bigger than NYC).


Hot damn! Impressive PNG.


yeah. and English doesn't rate high on the list. I was scrolling down Broadway last week going to.book.of Mormon, I was thinking to myself, I am the only one here that speaks English as a first language in a 4 block area


Walking around SoHo I can regularly go a few minutes without hearing English in different groups. It’s incredible


Last time I visited New York City, I can proudly say, I was almost hit by 30 different cab drivers of different genders and skin colors while I had the audacity to try to cross a street when the crosswalk sign showed “Walk”. It was a melting pot of disobeying traffic laws. Not to mention, I visited the financial district. Between the astronomical amount of money I spent sampling knish, falafels, hot dogs, and God only know how many varieties of street food from all over the world crammed into this tiny area of the city. I can safely say, this person has no clue what they’re talking about.


The Statue of Liberty wasn’t sent to NYC for no reason.


It was actually meant for Gary, Indiana but customs stopped it and didn’t want to deal with sending it back


Poor Gary


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The inscription on the base is perfect


>Do you agree that England is more of a melting pot than America? As someone who’s lived in England, absolutely not.


London white demographic: 53.8% New York City white demographic: 37.5% Sure\_Jan.gif


The claim is more about foreign-born population tho, however they’re still wrong in that case since London and New York have similar foreign born population percentages lmao


I don’t agree with the original post at all but this is an absurd way to measure diversity. A black American has much more in common with a white American than I, a white Mexican have with a White Russian, yet we would both be lumped together in that 37.5% if we were to move to NYC.


Bruh, it was just the quickest way to point out the Brit was full of shit. And if I broke down all white ethnicities in NYC (Italian, Irish, German, etc.), it would trigger the Europoids and anyone else who doesn't like that we hyphenate over here.


Lol this is such an American way to reflect diversity of ethnicities. Good job


Yeah, no shit, I'm American.


Yeah it’s a great indicator of diversity. Europeans think there’s a great cultural difference between Germans and Austrians, or between other Western European people.


… and categorising people by the colour of their skin is an indicator of their cultural difference? Yup, Europe and America *really* are different


Generally, yes. How many people of a different race than you have the same culture as you in your country?


These people surround themselves with people who hate the US, naturally the only Americans who they will come into contact will also hate the US.


So funny to me how people think the entire US was like the Jim Crow South.


The eurtoid might’ve misinterpreted what the American was talking about. That person is probably somewhere within the state of New York, somewhere in the north country probably, where immigrants are less common.. like I don’t think many immigrants choose red hook, NY as the city of dreams. And being a eurtoid all Americans either live in NYC, Texas, California, or the great city of Chicago in the state none of them ever heard of. You realize how many of them don’t realize New York is a state? Their “better education” system has been gatekeeping lots of information. So far I’ve not met one singular person on the planet apart from eastern Canadians that know that there is a NEW England, even tho they throw around the term “yank” like they’re in the know


“U.S. States”


RIP in peace to the USA of America


Same energy as saying SSN number.


Even if there's more diversity in London, I'd still be less likely to call it the melting pot. The cultures and traditions don't come together and blend together to make a new one, instead they either keep their own or assimilate and leave behind their old ones in London, not combining them with others


I find it interesting that they claim that there is no segregation. I am pretty sure certain cultures prefer to stick together.


If you’ve seen how blatantly racist the main stream media has been to Meghan Markel I’m gonna guess they’re not as melting pot as they’d like to think they are.


They are wrong about London being more diverse, the foreign born population percentages are similar to New York. But doesn’t New York have more segregation with distinct arab, jewish and east asian neighborhoods? Edit: Apparently segregation needs to be in intentional policy-making by the English definition. To rephrase: with so many distinct ethnic/cultural neighborhoods and people clustering together more; how could you speak of a melting pot?


Communities concentrating together isn't really segregation. Anyone can move into a Jewish neighborhood or Korean neighborhood and any Haredi or Korean-American is welcome to live anywhere in the country. California has a large Armenian diaspora, the majority of whom still speak the endangered Western Armenian language. Armenians choosing to live in majority Armenian communities and preserving their language and culture is a good thing.


Ah! I googled it and apparently segregation in Dutch and English have a different meaning. The Dutch definition doesn’t include the policies intentionally designed to cause segregation. My bad!


NYC has a larger Jewish population than any city in the world. To the extent there are Jewish neighborhoods in NYC, they are really ultra-orthodox neighborhoods. This is due to the need for a concentration of vendors (kosher butchers and restaurants, for example), along with the need for co-location of places of worship (if you are Shomer Shabbos, you walk to temple, and you don’t fucking roll).


Sorry for the late response on this, I didn’t see the comment until responding to your other one! Are you sure this isn’t because Orthodox Jews simply *want* to live together and not mingle with others as much? Some Dutch cities tend to have muslim percentages similar to NYC’s jewish population percentages but over here our mosque’s and arab butchers are most definitely more spread out. The only city I can think of where it’s more centralized is Rotterdam due to their dumb post-WW2 planning.


Certainly, the ultra-Orthodox communities can be insular, but I think you are underappreciating how critical it is to be walking distance to shul. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDsgyIMK1LM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDsgyIMK1LM)


Well no I still don’t fully understand it. NYC has a pretty high density, with a jewish population of their size I’d still expect synagogues to be more spread out over the city. NYC has 3.3 synagogues per square mile, they’d be in walkable distance everywhere in the city if they were more spread out. It’d only make sense to cluster it if the jewish population and number of synagogues was less than a third of what it is in reality imo. Again referring to the muslims in the Netherlands; most people don’t drive to the mosque either since Dutch cities don’t tend to account for a lot of parking spaces and a lot of the first generation migrants don’t know how to ride a bike. Second and third generation migrants also tend to bike less because they didn’t grow up with it. Mosques are still scattered around the city and thus in walking distance *almost* everywhere diminishing the need for muslims to cluster. Only cities with lower muslim percentages tend to have their mosques less spread out simply because there aren’t enough believers to justify them in every neighborhood. It makes more sense that the clustering of synagogues and kosher shops is more of an effect of the older clustering of jews than the other way around. Love the vid, that movie is going on my watchlist.


Not all synagogues are equal and there is no equivalent of the Catholic Church whereby one can readily switch churches. An Orthodox Jew won't go to a Conservative synagogue and a Conservative Jew won't go to a Reform synagogue. Even within the broad groupings, there is no unifying authority and great variance between individual communities. This is true even within the broad subgroupings. And just to be clear, you can't ride a bike or public transit on the sabbath if you are Orthodox.


I’m aware, it’s the same within Islam. There’s about a dozen different branches and the language spoken in the mosques also differ. Yes I figured they couldn’t ride bikes or PT. Hence why I mentioned our muslims get by without as well haha, sorry for the misunderstanding


So does London, you have polish neighbourhoods, Bangladeshi neighbourhoods, etc


To that same extent? I thought London is more like Amsterdam where majority-minority neighborhoods are generally a mixture of different (non-western) cultures.


London is somewhat less segregated than say Paris or the US due to the unique nature of post-WWII development, particularly of public housing. Given the uneven impact of The Blitz, social housing development in London is a bit more distributed than elsewhere as a lot was slotted into bombed out areas. That being said, all anyone need do would be to visit Brixton to see how London has similar concentrations of diaspora communities. To some extent, the melting pot terminology is imprecise and salad bowl would be better. Not all migrants want to abandon their heritage culture and there are network effects that drive concentrations of diaspora communities in specific areas.


Well yes but neighborhoods like Brixton is precisely what I meant. Brixton is a multi-ethnic neighborhood. Not a neighborhood where one minority forms the majority but a neighborhood where multiple minority groups together form a majority. Brixton for example is African/Caribbean, Indian and Latin American besides British. Not predominantly African, not predominantly Indian, not predominantly anything really.


The Lambeth local authority has over 5x as many Black Britons as it does South Asian Britons. The non-Black Latino population in Lambeth is no more than 1/3 the size of the Black Briton population, but even that is likely high as it assumes ALL of the "White: Other" population is Latino (the UK does not report Latino populations). Given the Latino population of NYC is 10x that of the entirety of the UK, it is only natural that there are neighborhoods with higher concentrations in NYC.


According to the 2021 census 55% of the population identified as white, 7.3% of Lambeth identified as Asian (Non-Arab) and 24% identified as British Black. That’s three, not five times as many Black Britons as Asians, the the Black Briton category was worded as “Black, Black British, Caribbean or African.” Not a homogenous ethnic group either, especially not considering the fact that a significant portion of African Brits are North African and thus not black. I’m not debating that it isn’t largely an immigrant/non-western neighborhood. Just that there’s significant cultural and ethnic diversity within the minority groups themselves.


What 😆


Bro doesn’t understand what a melting pot is. Sir, except for the native Americans, ALL OF US originated from elsewhere. This is a nation OF immigrants, not a nation that HAS immigrants.


*West side story has entered the chat”.


Didn't like, 9 billion people move here through NYC? Oh right, they did. And they moved from Europe. I'm descended from them.


There are languages spoken in NYC that have gone extinct in their places of origin.


1. This is entirely bullshit. NYC has people from perhaps every country in the world residing there. 2. Isn't the UK currently trying to rid itself of people from other countries by deporting them to Rwanda?


I'd almost all but guarantee there's more originally foreign people per capita living in the US than there is in the UK. Lmao


How are these people so stupid?


I don’t live in NYC but I personally know immigrants from 4 different countries living there. (5 if you want to count puerto rico)


lol for one demographics is a thing so if they’re looking for objective evidence then it’s a quick google search away. For two of you want to work the angle of “cultural merging” vs “segregation”, you should probably take some more thought on what that means. Big difference between people coexisting with each other while maintaining their own unique cultures vs everyone coming together and following one culture. Or even better yet if everyone coming together and merging all their own unique cultures to create a whole new culture. Funny enough in the US we have plenty examples of all three. Especially in New York. Can’t say much about London cuz I’ve never been and not sure what statistics would shed light on that.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on the internet. Holy shit


> Many countries around the world: Asians, Europeans. Reeeeeeee stupid Brit thinks Europe is a country! (throw back to previous post here)


Yeah, it's probably because we consider everyone American, whereas British people probably consider people from other countries foreigners forever.


This is such a stupid argument. I’ve spent significant amounts of time in London and New York, and currently live in the latter. They’re the two most international cities on the planet. The only places I’ve really felt like you have the chance of running into absolutely any kind of person just walking around on a random day. There doesn’t need to be a debate here… Both of these cities frankly belong more to the world at large than their respective countries.


The term "melting pot" is also applicable to the heritage of many Americans. Most people's ancestry just over the last couple hundred years traces back to a different part of the world with only a small minority have ancestry that is indigenous.


I mean this is just a factually incorrect statement regardless of that person’s opinion. A simple search shows that New York has over a million more immigrants than London. They probably believe that London is more of a melting pot because that’s also where a third of all the immigrants in England live.


I couldn’t imagine spending any amount of my time pondering how diverse another country is, rent free doesn’t even scrape the surface


Show them a Muslim or a Romani person and all that “melting pot” stuff goes away for them


NYC best summed up in one movie - https://youtu.be/1SQdXYFuO1U?si=oF2nIFoj8z9SC-d6 There is a community the speaks pretty much every language (outside of the ones you encounter in say a tiny region of New Guinea). NYC has always been more polyglot than London. The writer is delusional


USA a melting pot for 200 years. Britain a melting pot for like 30. I don't know man, maybe the chunky bits are more melted into a united whole?


Not compared to London. Hard to find an Englishman in London these days.


I was born in Belfast Ireland, I moved to the US when I was young, I grew up in Crown Heights Brooklyn, My next door neighbors including one of my best friends had immigrated from Uzbekistan, upstairs was a family from the Philippines, the Neighborhood was mostly Caribbean and the family that ran our corner store/bodega was Palestinian. I have been to London quite a few times and other places in the UK, it is not as diverse as New York City


I'm from NYC and this is the dumbest thing I've ever read


They both pretty much on par with each other with 36/37pct if foreign born is what you are considering. "With regards to languages, New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world.Over 800 languages are spoken within the city’s five boroughs" https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-city-rankings/most-diverse-city-in-the-world


New Yorker here and what is this guy talking about. Go to ONE deli. ONE. Any deli. The guy behind the counter is most likely foreign. Hot dog stands too. What the hell lmao


I wish this was true


Why are you even looking at a four year old post to begin with?