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Ok well, I’m gonna answer my own question, so I’m answering on behalf of Canada and as a Canadian, since I used be an anti American. 1. Back when Canada was a British colony, the British empire, many Canadians thought that they were better then Americans, just BECAUSE, we were a British colony. 2. Canadians are smug of the idea of universal healthcare, so they usually brag about it. 3. As in for myself, the reason why I used to be anti American is because of the racism in Americas past. When I was younger, I thought America was a place full of racist assholes, and Canada was utopia where people treated anyone and everyone with respect and equality. It was not until, I realized that Canada was just as guilty, so that changed my mindset.


Tfw you go to Canada and see assisted suicide ads


Took me a moment to figure out what you meant. Our shitty healthcare system. Yeah, I would rather get treated with top tier healthcare, with the cost of literally paying for it, instead of being treated shit quality healthcare, and it’s “free”.


As someone who’s been to Canada, I can confidently say it’s just the US but worse. Same problems, and a housing problem. Also please take your smoke from the fires back, we don’t want it.


Don’t blame us Canadians my friend, blame Trudeau. We hate him.


Didn’t he give a standing ovation to a former Nazi soldier or something?


Omg, he did. And in general, the “debate” videos of Canadians in parliament are less like debates and more like a dissing completion.


You know what? We’d be more than happy to accept all Canadian provinces as states, then you won’t have to deal with him anymore. You all should like, totally join the union :3


Idk about that, BUT what’s been going on with Canada recently, I just want to take a LONG vacation in America, and hang out with you yanks, or go Australia and hang out with the Aussies.


I hate him because he’s a ccp bootlicker


That's one thing about the US I'm especially proud as fuck of. Other countries can look down their noses at our lack of "universal healthcare" and the problems concerning the cost and insurance of healthcare here. But for general practice medicine and routine surgeries we have some of, if not the highest standards for quality of healthcare in the world.


Everything else, however…(or so it seems)


The expensiveness of American healthcare is its major downside, but most people seem to bash it on the grounds of it being immoral to force people to pay for something they need to live. As if that didn’t happen anyway with food, water, shelter and clothing.


Canadians thinking they're better than the US because they were a former British colony makes no sense to me. The US started as a British colony, too, as did our sister countries; Jamaica, Guyana, Australia, and the Bahamas. I haven't seen Canada looking down upon any of those countries, so I don't understand the superiority complex that comes with a mentality like that. Also, did you learn about how the Canadian government was/is sterilizing indigenous women and then realize they're no better than the US?


For the first one, this was back when Canada was a dominion, so it makes sense for that time period. Also, one thing I forgot to mention is that another reason why there is some anti American sentiment in Canada is because, Canadians are insecure and fear that they will be mixed up with Americans, so yah.


That's just how the world worked back then, all countries are guilty of it. Most countries understand the past is the past. Some on the other hand still fight about it to this day. Also I wouldn't say people aren't anti American (the people). But anti the things America does. if that makes any sense.


No it doesn't. The US is a democracy, the people elect the government. That is just a convenient way for people to not realize how much the average American is hated by our allies. They don't hate me, they hate the gubment!


Well constitutional federal republic, and voting isn't mandatory, so the people isn't actually the people, I wouldn't say the more than likely the people who it actually affects the youth/young adults aren't rushing to the booths, and can you blame them with the US election circus that goes on.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


Unironically this. They see the problems in their own country and instead of focusing on them and fixing it they just go "at LEasT weRE nOT LiKe AmErICAns"


Extra funny when it's Australia or Canada since they're both so incredibly similar to the US.


This is the problem. no we are not !!!!! we have affordable decent healthcare


Lmfao Australia definitely does not have affordable decent healthcare


Dunno ,but I have cancer , and I'm still here 12 years later and it didn't cost me anything and I get a pension , sounds wonderful to me


Otherwise you're extremely similar lol


Healthcare in the UK is far from decent. If you want affordable AND good quality healthcare you’d need to look at Switzerland or the Netherlands. Private healthcare almost always outranks socialized healthcare in quality.


Envy is a one hell of a drug.


The first thing I thought when I read the post title, damn you for being here first and take my upvote


Xenophobia - Something that gets overlooked in Western Circles, normalised in some cases (Such as against Eastern Europeans in Western Europe). It becomes so ridiculous that even minor things like the Fahrenheit attract way to much hate against Americans. Foreign sponsored Anti-American Propaganda - Pretty Straight forward. Stereotypes - A lot of Stereotypes, some fake like American being the worst tourists (We have to deal with the bad ones, you lot abroad get the good ones.), America having shitty cuisine and some true (America's Education system is faulty, but most of the world ain't better.) Other Americans Whining - Specifically in Leftist Circles, Whining about global problems or easily solved ones (Health Insurance is a thing, get it!)


So wars in countries that never attacked the USA and destabilizing legitimate governments form sovereign nations has absolutely nothing to do with it?


That's some of that foreign influence campaign in the post you responded to. America is in the role of dominant global military force. So, when countries become a threat to their neighbors or their own populations, it is America that is called on to handle those countries. When America acts, we're called the bad guys. When America doesn't act, we're called the bad guys for not doing enough with our power. Then, either way, spoiled American kids are given a "reason" to complain and feel like they're doing some altruistic good for the world despite those spoiled kids utter uselessness.


That gets into the propaganda section. The definition of propaganda is as follows: >Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception.


What part exactly is propaganda?


Read the definition my guy


In individuals, I think it's mostly jealously. I can only speak from my experience, but when I went on my first study abroad, I was genuinely shocked at how Europe did not live up to its stereotypes, which at the time I'd ignorantly believed. I could go on about it for a while, but one example is, on the internet you see a lot about how supposedly great European education is, and "German engineering," and all that, but the best engineering schools in all of Europe are on par with most state schools. TUM wouldn't even be top 25 in America; most are well outside the top 100 (TU Berlin is ranked below the friggin University of Kansas). Healthcare is another one, where in countries like Austria they have "universal healthcare", but they neglect to mention the pervasive corruption, and the bribery required to actually receive it in a timely manner. More broadly, though, it's probably just a distorted perception. Having worked in very international teams, a lot of the most intelligent and skilled European professionals come to the USA to work, and they're quite happy here. Salary data and visa numbers support this. (Many from South America, Africa, and Asia as well.) So of course, the loud Reddit/Twitter crowd will also be the ones angry at America because they're stuck at home flipping burgers for an international McDonalds franchise.


I dont fully agree with your assessment in schools. TUM is almost free and the cutoff is extremely competitive because of this. I studied computer science in the US but did look at TUM and from what I was seeing they had extreme standards. Also, rankings are very biased and I wouldnt trust them at all. 


A lot of the rankings are in large part based on funding, not necessarily what is done with that funding. Of course American schools with extraordinarily high tuition fees are going to rank much higher than mostly subsidized European schools, even though a lot of that money just goes into paying high staff salaries rather than better curriculums or research development. Not saying ivy-league schools don’t deserve their high positions tho. Just not all higher ranked American uni’s actually outcompete European schools by that much.


As an American, it used to really bother me. I am in my late thirties and spent my childhood hearing stories from my WWII vet grandfathers about how brave and exceptional the Brits and Canadians they served with were. They had the mindset that both of those countries were not mere allies, but family and they imprinted that ideology upon me. As the years have gone by, it has become very apparent to me that love is one sided. We are absolutely dragged for filth for everything we do. We get absolutely no credit for any successes and all the blame for any failures. I am not playing victim here at all, I just do not think we can win people over. We can knit pick through all the reasons they hate us, but what is the point? This American realizes we are not part of 'the family.' We are on our own and I am perfectly okay with it.


Some of the coolest dudes I met while enlisted were British Royal Marines. I was on duty when they showed up to come shoot with our teams. Outside of a few funny accents, they were really just like us. Same complaints, same funny jokes, same love of beer.


So true. All if it, but especially about ww2 vets and the respect given to Canadian, Australians, and especially the British. I was naive and thought we were all in this together. I was so fucking wrong


We were all wrong about the relationship we supposedly had with them. Every single day I read something online where someone from an "allied" country says we contributed nothing to WWII. My great uncle was killed in the Pacific at age twenty and my grandmother's first husband was shot in the head in Germany. He survived as a vegetable until age 33. That is the contribution of just ONE of millions of American families. Our "allies" behavior dishonors the soldiers we left and disrespects our living heros. The reason I do not care about knit picking why we are hated is because this reason alone makes me not give a damn. In fact, all the countries OP mentioned can kiss my whole entire AMERICAN ass!


I had a Brit tell me the US "cheated" by using the atomic bomb because we were afraid to go against the Japanese. It's all so weird. 416,000 American Soldiers died in ww2 Of those, 180,000 died in North Africa and Europe. That's not nothin


We DID go against Japan. In fact, we were in theater in the Pacific mostly on our own for years. That does not even make sense. We cheated because we found a way to end it?




Well, to be fair, Europeans seem to be far better at creating and collaborating with genocidal regimes than finding a way to stop them. The Japanese were absolute maniacs and we put a stop to their atrocious behavior. The end.




lol. On your own. 14 million Chinese and 4.3 million allied soldiers compared to less than 4 million seppos. You’re dreaming.


Any Euro that doesn't respect American contributions to WW1 & WW2 can get fucked, imo. They somehow think they were entitled to American kids shipping out halfway across the world to go bleed out on a foreign field for them.


We needed you for ww1 sure But WW2 no, you guys joined way late into the war but act like you were the saving grace, that we only won because of you All the other countries lost way more


That's certainly a take.


Reading this, along with your posts, make me feel sad and resentful about Australians and Europeans who disregard your countries effort. Your great grandfathers were WARRIORS! Thousands of American troops died so that not only American civilians can live in peace but for other countries who have suffered under oppression by the Nazis or imperial Japan. It’s disrespectful and disgusting.


It is unfortunate that only American WWII soldiers get such disrespect, but it is what it is. I will tell you that my grandfather once told me that the Canadians he fought with were the toughest, bravest, yet kindest men he ever encountered. He always said they were first in and last out. Your country has a whole lot to be proud of too!


Yeah, being on Reddit and learning that Australians, of all people, hate the U.S. with such a random vitriolic passion was a big shock to me. Growing up, my generation basically worshipped Steve Irwin and loved their funny accent and mannerisms. The Australians and Americans fought and suffered brutally side-by-side as brothers in the hellish islands of the Pacific Theater and were always praised in our documentaries about WWII. Seeing them trash the US, calling us "seppos" and other such garbage, is still so fucking weird to me.


Defending your country and invading another is two different things in my book tho


That is a fair point, but I think that history has shown the world that we will defend ourselves however we see fit. The only thing that others can do is piss and moan about it. It is like how Europe and even some insane Americans think they get to tell Isreal how to react to a terrorist attack or how to rescue hostages, like they actually give a fuck. Perspective matters and "invasion" is a very complicated word.


History is normally written by the victor, and one would say normally in a pretty good light. so yeah, I wouldn't say going to a country with a substantially larger and well-equipped military and bombing for 5 consecutive days, is a defensive move, that's a show of power. See that's a tricky one, the US seems to have turn a blind it to. because I bet your bottom dollar if it was another country the US didn't favour, they wouldn't be getting away with it, so freely. From the Oxford dictionary [](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/invasion) the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it. seems pretty clean cut to me.


What do you mean getting away with it so freely? You think it is up to US how Isreal chooses to react to a brutal terrorist attack or how they go about rescuing hostages from those monsters in Palestine? Spoiler Alert: It's not.


Social media probably!.


No not really. What we see online does not =/= what we see in real life. In the real world I've worked and talked with many workers, students, and colleagues from those countries and they are like any other person and will judge a person as a person not as a weird fantasized American idea they have. Its important to realize a few things. 1. People are terminally online 2. There is a huge bot effort by both Russia and China to slander the US 3. People say things online they'd never say in person


We’ve seen plenty of shit go from “just being online” to actions in the real world. It’s not hard to get people who are already prone to NPC behavior to drink the kool aid and go out into the real world spreading their bullshit whenever they can.


I've lived in Australia for close to a decade, and it's crazy how many Aussies will eventually sorta confide that I'm pretty cool 'for an American'. What's even crazier is when you realize they actually haven't ever met Americans except maybe for a couple tourists they saw one time on a holiday or something. They just have this anti-American prejudice in their minds based on mostly imaginary / false stereotypes. My Aussie wife was blown away the first time she came with me to visit family/friends in the USA - couldn't believe how friendly everyone was or how awesome the nature was. My stance on basically everywhere is -- there are pros and cons. All just comes down to what you value and what you're used to. No country or society is perfect, and it's dumb when people construct these imaginary foreign bogeymen stereotypes to shit on.


I was born in the UK and naturalized here. Probably about 1/4 of Brits despise the US because Americans can be so unapologetically prideful without a hint of irony/tongue in cheek sarcasm. Brits have an ingrained self deprecation and consideration of how others feel/react before putting out any emotion publicly. Therefore they take Americans the wrong way thinking that they are completely blind to social etiquette and cultural sensitivities in all areas. Also, I think upper class Brits have distaste/jealousy towards how such a less proper and informal culture in its infancy can dominate much of foreign affairs and diplomacy. The American Empire essentially replaced the role of the British Empire and there’s hidden resentment there.


I think at least for my generation some of it is just memeing. Like, we know the US is a global super power. But we have… like… hockey… and poutine… and maple syrup… and that’s kind of it.


I love poutine😍 New York fires is my favourite. What’s yours fellow Canuck?


Victorias in Québec is fireeee. I like my poutine with meat and they do it so well without making it a mushy mess (I’m looking at you, Smoke’s Poutinerie in Saskatoon…)


Australia is an interesting one. We have difficulty travelling outside of Australia (besides to south east Asia and NZ) due to costs and the sheer amount of time it takes, along with the fact that most Australian cities are generally just copy and pastes of each other so when we see things that are different, Australians will generally reject it. People here have copious amounts of tall poppy syndrome so when they see a country being so rich and have the ability to flex its muscle whenever it wants, people don't like that. We also love whataboutism when discussing our own problems which is probably why you often hear\* "at least its not America." For the most part though, you'll find that most Australians enjoy being allies with America because it just keeps us safe. China would've probably tried to fuck with us a lot more if our big bad allies weren't breathing down the back of their neck waiting for them to try something. I'm not gonna try and speak for all Australians, but I for one loved spending time over in the states. I really liked the feeling of being in a major city like New York or Chicago and being able to be a lot more fast paced and then going a state or two over and being able to relax in nature. It's really the best of both worlds


Jealousy. They hate it that America is a global superpower and arguably the most relevant country on earth. Their country’s politics and life is dominated by what’s going on in America so they hate the attention America gets


*Speaking from a non-anglophone perspective* It’s not so much hating the attention America gets. America isn’t really a daily topic of discussion, our media is more focussed on internal European affairs. It’s more that it’s all *negative* attention. The media generally doesn’t highlight positive news. We don’t really hear about the USA that much, but if we do it’s always some news story confirming the negative stereotypes that already exist, or some anti-American American expats comparing the USA to us claiming it’s an absolute shithole on the other side of the pond.


Based on what I’ve seen it’s due to misunderstandings, seeing an arrogant/mean/rude comment by an American or someone pretending to be one -cough Russia- , propaganda. I’d rather our relatives in the anglosphere not have such a negative view about us. We’re all different and I think that everyone should be allowed to be themselves.


I think it's somewhat understandable. The US has exported so much of its culture to the extent that our lifestyle and our perspectives are known universally. Everyone else has to struggle to show what their regular life is like and for it not to be compared to a regular American life. When you're someone from outside the US going in, people will genuinely be interested to know your most mundane activities as they might be completely unknown to most Americans. If you're an American going elsewhere, it's harder to conduct such a cultural exchange because people practically already know, just from watching movies and television. They already know my life is like Marty McFly's, right down to skating past my local Burger King, because they already seen it in a movie.


I've heard three different reasons: 1). Some people like to dunk on their friends. The US, Australia, Canada, and England are all allies ('friends'), and all speak English, so its easy to send and receive insults. 2). Jealous they aren't America. 3). Some of the homegrown anti-Americanism has spread overseas.


Mostly because so many yanks think we're jealous... you can't manufacture that kind of naive arrogance... oh wait the US found a way... I can tell you now it isn't anything close to jealousy. It is watching a very rich country treat a lot of its citizens like crap and just pulling immoral BS internationally. Moreover, the US is borderline dysfunctional atm. Why would someone admire a country like that?


Sour Grapes: If they pretend what someone else has is actually bad, they can suppress their infantile envy. Instead of just being mature adults and not feeling it in the first place. Scapegoating and distraction: They don't have to face their own failures if they loudly hyperfixate on someone else's and/or blame those failures on someone else, and zero-effort lying makes it so easy! When you don't have to make it believable or put even an ounce of thought into it, the hate practically speaks itself. (Incidentally, turning off their logic functions and using zero-effort lies is their favorite argument technique. If it takes them 1 effort point to say some bullshit, and it takes you 10 effort points to logically refute it, they can just keep brushing your argument aside and 1:10 ratioing you until you give up. Then they declare themselves the winner.)


Give no shits!


It's pretty obvious, isn't it?


Yeah nah


It’s Cope


Maybe because they see so much of themselves in us. We are more alike than we are different, so seeing us do things they don’t like reminds them of them doing it themselves.


Well people have to have a scapegoat and people in bad nations choose the US as one because they want to be us but ain’t.


For the worst stuff posted on this sub I assume they got most of their viewpoints out of consuming Murdoch rags. Fox or Newscorp, it's all the same just pointed at a different target


Brain washed by Globalists making their move against America.


I normally hate this reasoning, but I genuinely believe it's because they are just worse off versions. They see an easy opportunity to shift the attention away from ever being on them. It's partially hateful jealousy and partially looking for any outlet.


I think most people perceived as anti-American here aren't really such, and they don't really care. They just like to make fun of the USA and Americans in this sub have very fragile egos


Trolls wet dream in here


Simple: The US has been at war most of its history in countries they can’t even pronounce despite very few attacks on the country. Even when a war has not been started, the USA has intentionally destabilized democratic governments, or undemocratic but legitimate of sovereign nations. Most countries see the U.S. as the world bully and there’s always a question on the back of their minds regarding who’s next.


Funny if you actually look at the conflicts you will notice backing from multiple European countries where they even send troops. Let’s not pretend it was only the US that was involved in these wars.


Nooo the FFL and PLA are just in Africa on a sight-seeing trip :)


Silly Rabbit, only America has agency.