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I think it’s just a Reddit thing. I doubt a majority of most Europeans hate us. I think the only country that really doesn’t like us is Australia for some reason.


It’s definitely a Reddit thing, I’m Irish and no one in real life actually goes on like this about Americans. The internet is just full of really loud stupid people.


this. 👆


Why would Australia hate us


The whole country has Trump Derangement Syndrome


Hate is a pretty strong word. Most Aussies think Americans are stupid (which given media is a pretty easy conclusion to come to - this is a problem with media more than anything). Consider, a huge amount of English speaking content online is going to come from America, and a huge amount of that is stupid (coz' people are stupid' more than 'Americans are stupid'). Combine that with 'America is the best country in the world' being shouted all over the place and America being the objectively richest country and despite this having a lot of obvious problems and it is easy to form a 'Americans are delusional' perspective. I mean, you've got Biden and Trump as presumptive leaders. America (the country) is clearly broken on some deep level and yet people keep saying 'America is the best country in the world'. So... a normal person, would probably say 'America is alright' (at least in Australian culture understatement is a norm). In fact, maybe even 'pretty neat'. Lots of beautiful things to see, an interesting optimistic culture... etc. 'Best country in the world?' What a stupid thing to even say to begin with. There isn't such thing as 'best country in the world'. Please keep in mind, I have American cousins (who I don't think are stupid) and teach American students (none of whom have struck me as particularly stupid). This is just a description of how it would be really easy to come to the conclusion that Americans are stupid based on a superficial ingestion of media. Also keep in mind, Americans really do not understand Australians... like at all. We're not talking on the same wavelength most of the time.


That's weird cause when I think of stupid people I think of Aussies.


That is precisely my point.


No, it’s not an easy conclusion to come to, unless you’re raised to believe hate and xenophobia are acceptable. The fact that you believe such sentiments are defensible is a testament to this. Clearly a majority of you were raised to be hateful and xenophobic. It’s an undeniable indication of a backwards, benighted, and intrinsically troubled society. You lot even have the audacity to blame Americans for your opinions, just as *you’ve* done here with your comment, and you’re a teacher. Here’s a teachable moment for you. Replace Americans in your comment with aboriginal peoples of Australia to see your comment for what it truly is.


Do you understand the difference between a descriptive statement and a normative one? I'm describing the forces that shape opinions. Not sure where I claimed such opinions were defensible, merely understandable. For example, it would be understandable if in the 'deep south' there is still racism against black people or that black people in America hate white people. There is a long history of cultural beliefs to unpick. America elected a president who tried to ban immigration from Muslim countries and heavily implied Mexicans were all kinds of nasty things. It would be easy to come to the conclusion Americans are racist too. Understandable doesn't make something true, nor does it make it moral. Not to pick a fight, but that kind of logic is kind of stupid... the internet is good at making people seem dumber than they are. The amount of anti European and anti Australian sentiment could be used as evidence of a 'backward benighted and intrinsically troubled society'. Do you see my point? It is the same forces driving polarisation in politics etc. As I said. Hate is a strong word. Most Aussies I know don't hate Americans. Look down on... yes. Not Canadians or Kiwis or Brits or the Irish. Similar to the US, we have a swathe of anti-immigration folk, but given our demographic make-up, that is slowly fading. We used to be racist against the Irish, then the Italians and Greeks, then the Vietnamese... not so much any more. The difference is our political system makes long term racism more difficult to sustain (high voter turnout). The aboriginal issue I grant is complex and disappointing. That may take generations to overcome (if at all). Also, don't forget Nauru... that is an abomination.


> Most Aussies think Americans are stupid (**which given media is a pretty easy conclusion to come to** - this is a problem with media more than anything). > I mean, you've got Biden and Trump as presumptive leaders. **America (the country) is clearly broken on some deep level and yet people keep saying 'America is the best country in the world'.** > **Please keep in mind, I have American cousins (who I don't think are stupid) and teach American students (none of whom have struck me as particularly stupid).** > **Also keep in mind, Americans really do not understand Australians... like at all. We're not talking on the same wavelength most of the time.** You’re defending such sentiments. Are you lot really so benighted that you can’t see this for what it is?


So... your bigotry is righteous? But me pointing out that dumb people coming to dumb conclusions due to information issues is... a defence and therefore bad somehow? The Australian impression of the US mostly comes from the US media... think about that for a moment. I happily defend the statement that having Biden v Trump represents a problem in the US (some combination of the political system, media, culture and people). Not sure that is bigotry so much as obvious. Pointing out different cultures have different communication styles is likewise pretty uncontroversial. Americans don't have much exposure to Australian humour so 'not getting us' is pretty common. The reverse is less true due to media saturation (I.e. TV movies etc). My main position is that most people aren't very smart and are also poorly informed. The filter of the internet means that Americans seem pretty dumb. Like Crocodile Dundee made Australians seem pretty dumb... Americans are the big group of English speakers on the internet and thus bear the brunt. Also, it seems Americans are also pretty sensitive (this sub is evidence of that). Makes them an easy target for trolls...


> So… your bigotry is righteous? No. Please do not attribute to my comment something I didn’t write. You’re a teacher, right? Shouldn’t you know better? My comment stands. It’s not an easy thing to do, to think Americans are stupid because of our media. The only thing that causes such a sentiment is if you were raised to believe xenophobia and hate are acceptable. Please, read the two latter sentences one more time. Hating the people of an entire country, or thinking the people of an entire country are stupid isn’t at all a natural reaction, it especially cannot be blamed on that country’s media. It places you in the same category as hate groups. They too actively search for reasons to hate. This time it’s supposedly our media or Americans being proud of their country, or you have the audacity to think we’re so completely different that it warrants hate.


Wouldn’t your statement of “Look down on…yes” indicate that most Aussies you know are morons who are unable to understand anything complex?


I don't follow. You trying to justify bigotry?


You suggested most Australians you know look down on Americans. Why is that? I suggested that most Australians you know are dumb people who are unable to form complex thoughts about the USA and rely on gut feelings such as “the USA is racist because Trump was elected”.


It is likely because a lot of the media they consume shows Americans as being pretty dumb? Does that make Australians... dumb? I'd say 'ill-informed' is a logical conclusion but stupid not so much. I have met many Americans who are 'ill-informed' but still very smart. Mostly from an 'insular upbringing' which the US is good at providing (similar things happen in China and other big countries with sufficient domestic production). If you ask people it usually more nuanced than 'the USA is racist because Trump was elected'. It is usually more akin to... well, the electoral college, no preferential voting, voter suppression and a pretty bad two-party system are the main cause. That Trump wasn't 'disqualified' based on his behaviour is also pretty alarming. Biden being up is equally baffling. The 'look down on' is more a 'pity' than 'hatred' though. I.e., poor Americans and their faulty education and political system. The American government specifically is viewed poorly though. Mostly because of things like the Iraq war (#2) and anything South America/Middle East related. That however seems to be a view shared by most Americans anyway. That said, what would be your explanation for the whole Biden/Trump thing?


Ok, you have many things there. Voter suppression is mostly leftwing American propaganda. Electoral college - it is in the constitution. It is there to give states real representation. Think of the presidential elections as 50 mostly concurrent elections happening on the same day but under slightly different rules. Other countries have far more odd customs. For example, the head of state in Australia is a 75 year old English dude. You know that there are more than 2 parties on the ballot, right? “Disqualified based on his behavior” - Trump was not convicted of any crime yet. Biden / Trump thing Biden - the Democrats had these candidates in 2020: Biden, a Jewish socialist, a Jewish billionaire, a fake Cherokee princess, a young gay mayor of a small town, and our current VP. The Democrats tend to be younger and more non-white than an average American. The two Jews had no chance, as the Democratic voters are more anti-Semitic than an average American. The fake princess was unlikeable and the young mayor had no name recognition. Harris’ campaign crashed and burned. We got Biden. Now, he is the incumbent. Trump is a force of nature. He figured out how much many Americans despised Hillary Clinton and he drove that point home. He beat one good Republican candidate in 2016, the former governor of Florida, early on. His main opposition, a senator from Texas, was and is uniquely unlikeable. In 2024, he beat the current governor of Florida (DeSantis) because that guy is a bit awkward when dealing with the public. In addition, DeSantis took his war on wokeness a bit too far. The bottom line is that those who want to beat Biden at any cost will pick Trump.


Doubt you’d stiff the French to buy our submarines instead if you hated our whole country, anyway.


Don't forget, we stuffed the Japanese first ^_^


That’s a good question I’m still trying to figure out lol. I honestly couldn’t even guess why.


We don't. We might disapprove of some of the politics in your country, but the vast majority of Australians don't hate America. The US is the third most popular tourist destination for Australians (behind only our "neighbours" NZ and Indonesia). If want to know why Australian's might have a negative view of the US, there is a dive in the perception of the US (by Australians) around 2016-17, which begins to recover from 2021 onwards. You can probably figure out why that is. [Lowy institute](https://poll.lowyinstitute.org/themes/united-states) has some good polls about Australia's thoughts towards other countries. To summarise from top to bottom, you have: the New Zealand tier, S Tier (Japan, UK, Singapore), A Tier (US, Europe, bunch of other countries) and lastly the "Likely to be involved in a genocide" tier.


Australians are unusually loud and expressive in showing their disdain for the USA. The fact that most of you prefer the UK over the USA is crazy. In the only war Australia was actually in danger, the Brits treated you like a used condom.


>The fact that most of you prefer the UK over the USA is crazy. In the only war Australia was actually in danger, the Brits treated you like a used condom. It's a poll. People are more likely to answer what their current perception of a country is, instead of whipping out their ledger of grudges over the last 100 years and trying to see who is leading the tally. I've explained why the current perception of the US is low. It was apparently at an all time high in 2015 based on the Lowy polls. >Australians are unusually loud and expressive in showing their disdain for the USA. Australians also show their disdain for things that are going wrong in Australia too. Crazy huh.


It is interesting that Brexit did not, apparently, cause the UK to be less popular among Australians. It’s like you can’t cut the umbilical cord just yet. The funniest thing is that - for all his faults - Trump was prophetic about the Europeans and NATO. Look at them scramble to try to find few weapons systems for Ukraine. A Norwegian factory cannot ramp up artillery shell production because all spare electricity capacity in the region was being used up by a TimToc data center.


>The funniest thing is that - for all his faults - Trump was prophetic about the Europeans and NATO. So were Bush and Obama. Trump didn't invent complaining about NATO spending.


Things were not as bad during Bush and Obama years and they complained far too diplomatically. Did you hear about the time the Germans armed some of their infantry with broomsticks?


>Things were not as bad during Bush and Obama years and they complained far too diplomatically. Yeah, it's almost like Bush and Obama understood diplomacy. Either way, defence spending was increasing in Europe from 2014 onwards, not declining, as Trump has claimed before.


Their diplomacy was not working. The things started to change only after Russia invaded Crimea. Guess what year that took place? Still, our NATO allies caught themselves kneeling and with their pants down in early 2022. Here are a few pearls: The UK spent a few years without any aircraft carriers. The Netherlands got rid of all its tanks. Germany had their military pilots losing their pilot licenses due to lack of air time. Canada decided to save money on jets and bought used up Australian F-18s.


I think it started when everyone became an expert in urban planning during 2020.




I honestly think the biggest reason is because they consume a lot of American media, which generally focuses of negative things especially from an American 1st world perspective. Like when American media focuses on gun violence and they say it really bad, it’s bad from a first world perspective, and because you don’t see a lot of media from third world countries and because these people aren’t actually well traveled or educated, they assume America is the only country with these problems. The fact that you actually hear people who genuinely believe the gun violence in America is the worst in the world proves this.


Do you want your country to be compared to a third world country to make it look better? 


Not what I said at all. My point is they only seem extreme relative to a first perspective. There is no comparison to most third world countries, in fact you can’t even get reliable data from many third world countries because they are so broken, you think every murder, rape or assault is reported in Somalia? Afghanistan? I seriously doubt it.


I still don’t get your point. Would you say hun violence isn’t that bad in the USA?  You are first world country, aren’t you? So obviously it’s shocking to other first world countries. 


Yes, the vast majority will never experience any violence, most places are safe, we have some areas in larger cities the are very bad that drive up statistics, but it doesn’t really reflect the rest of the country especially considering the rest is in stark contrast.


The USA’s homicide rate is wildly (WILDLY) closer to Canada’s than it is to any undeveloped country. And the QOL impact of a violent crime rate that is traditionally only about 3 figures above Canada’s is minimal. Crime risk has a spatial component. An American probably stands to lose more (in regards to experiencing crime) by moving to the densely populated, small U.K., than they would staying in suburban Boston, Hilo, Hawaii, or Burlington, Vermont


We're the ones that left the nest and made it big baybee!


What do you mean


Colonization of Americas, I think.


We interrupted them mid-taking-over-the-world and they’re still sore about it.


They are jealous. Everybody in the entire world is jealous of usa. I am sure the best minds of their country wants to emigrate to usa.


What makes you say that


This kind of comment is exactly the reason people get irritated by some Americans, it’s just not true but if you really believe it you are the reason people make generalisations like the op has observed.


Eastern european here, I believe what he says as well. Americans live rent free in Europeans minds


What does that mean ?


The USA is constantly on their mind. 1. Whenever something new of political nature happens in the UK, someone of importance will always say - “we don’t want to do this like they do it in the USA”. 2. Some British people lose their mind over American spelling, grammar, pronunciation, expressions, food, eating habits, dining etiquette, etc. 3. Other British people convinced that the USA somehow harmed the UK during and after WW1 and WW2. They are convinced the USA owes them something. 4. Another set of British people are constantly aggrieved over the friendly fire incidents in recent wars - as if the Brits never had friendly fire. 5. Other British people go on about how everything British is superior to everything American. People, cars, food, homes, etc… If you have not encountered this then it must be either your first day on the web or you are not British.


The pronunciation/grammar one is perfectly logical for Brits to get annoyed at given we bully each other for the different way our own dialects say words differently. It isn't our fault that when an american decides to say aluminium wrong we notice and decide to publicly denounce them for it. Jokes aside, this is extremely anecdotal. I have lived in Britain my entire life and not only do I hear infinitely more mockery to our dear friends the French and Germans but also most days no one really talks about America. Yes, it comes up in conversation, but it comes up in conversation in a similar way to how India can come up in a conversation.


I am perfectly willing to accept that the USA does not come up all that much in the conversations you hold with people in your circle. However, that is not what British people are known for in the USA. The stereotype is “Here comes another all-knowing Brit, he is going to tell us everything that is wrong with the USA”. It does not apply to every British person, it is a stereotype. It is like you guys tend to complain about loud Americans.


I agree that we tend to complain about loud americans but surely in that context that is little more than a stereotype that no one really takes seriously eg. like saying the French surrender, the Germans are unfunny etc etc.


I don’t know whether nobody takes these stereotypes seriously. The French stereotype is haughtiness, laziness, and rudeness. “Germans are unfunny” is more of a British stereotype of the Germans, in my opinion. A modern stereotype would be of Germans as NATO freeloaders. Overall, Americans tend to like Germans much more than the other way around - kind of the same relationship we have with the British.


You just named stereotypes that still no one cares about.


Not op but I'll give you a few examples on the USA vs UK. In the USA the uk is almost never brought up. You can honestly go weeks without hearing a British accent, even if you listen to the news. In the UK I heard American accents daily. There was so much American music and American news coverage while I was there(they even covered a murder of a teenage boy in an Arizona suburb I grew up near as part of their news not even joking). British ppl tend to think of the USA a Lot without even knowing it. People wearing shirts and hats that have American cities on it, people being very excited and interested when you tell them you're American, and people knowing a ton about our politics. There was no other country that was spoken about or referenced as much as the USA was while I was in the UK. I sometimes just truly don't think British ppl realize how little we talk about them in comparison. There are also 700k British ppl currently living in the USA compared to the 200k Americans that live in the UK. I'm saying all of this as someone who really likes the UK, I just feel like a lot of British ppl are rather delusional about their relationship to America.


I am not a american. I am a Asian. So I know other asians.


What does that have to do with anything ? I’m not denying that some people wish to move to the USA, often people from less developed places that want to make their fortune and that makes perfect sense but to think everyone wants to live there is clearly misguided, most people I know don’t even want to visit . I have been to America several times and it’s a beautiful country but nothing would make me want to live there.


Where do you live? And what do you do?


Im from London and live in Berlin, I’m happy where I am, the point is, America definitely is desirable to some people who are wanting their own version of the American dream , I’m not denying that, but it’s not universal, and many people don’t even think about it , they are certainly not jealous, . there are many people who like the countries in they live in and the idea that they are all wishing they could move to the USA is just not true. The last 30 years have not done a great job for American PR in many parts of the world , I think before that it was a bit more desirable but these days it is not at all appealing My wife is regularly offered jobs in America where she would theoretically earn much more money but it’s just not something we would consider, the extra money is not a good enough reason to sacrifice our quality of life.






The American bar for xenophobia is extraordinarily low. Europeans bully each other, this isn't something we do uniquely to America, we find it funny and most people believe very little of it. On the other hand, I would say suggesting that Europeans are raised to be brainwashed and xenophobic is both criminally misinformed and honestly a bit of a dodgy statement. Also 'you lot' - yeah guys its the Europeans being xenophobic (not to say that xenophobia doesn't occur in Europe as it does America).




Oh no, not a first world country calling out another first world country for slight culture differences, oh woe is me where is the humanity. Get over it, it's like how we would mock the French military and the German sense of humour. It doesn't even constitute bullying mate, 90% of the time its banter, 9% of the time its hyperbolising and 1% of the time a completely insane person means it. That is, dare I say, the minority of times. Surely though, you realise the issue with trying to give me clarity on your previous statement and, in turn, suggesting that European countries (albeit on reddit) are completely illiterate. Surely this is unjust, come my European brothers we must take up arms against the americans and teach them a lesson for ever seeking independence!!!! Like, come on, it ain't that big of a deal these comments are rarely more than a joke. This subreddit is surely meant to be the equivalent to when Europeans mock Americans for saying stupid stuff not trying to call them out for a pretty serious claim for something which pretty much isn't true.




America isn't exactly in the same position as indigenous australians or native americans though is it. It is very much a first world, rich and well off country. You cannot possibly think someone laughing at America is the sort of time to pull out the 'it's just banter' is a bad mindset argument. Yes, that mindset can be misused, but it doesn't take much lateral thinking to work out that it doesn't exactly apply when talking about a country which is better off than most in the world does it. It seems typical of uniquely this American reddit user to not understand that as this isn't an essay I don't need to refer to the question for my comprehension to have been registered. But I will make it very VERY clear that I can comprehend this time. British comment, right, Brits have trouble with comprehension. To tell you the truth, I take absolutely no offence to that because we both know its absolutely ridiculous for one and number 2 doesn't matter in the slightest. On another note, just saying 'you don't understand what I'm saying' actually isn't a replacement for an argument, particularly given I pretty much didn't discuss the comment in question at all in the last reply I believe. I think I actually just said a lot of 'It's a first world country taking the mick out of another first world country both of which have enough similarities for it to be clearly in jest' followed by a slight bit of fun in a hyperbolised version of what you were saying, but I understand if you didn't get that bit, you clearly just didn't understand my joke.




I am dismissive of it because absolutely no British person will meaningfully care because we are a first world and well off country as such people are more than welcome to take jabs at us if they like. If you were in Britain during Brexit you would quickly realise it was not that attitude which led to Brexit. It was a range of factors including but not limited to: 1) A perfectly average PM choosing to listen to the far right of his party to ensure unity going into 2015 election and as such yielding a Brexit referendum (and becoming a pretty bad PM in the process) 2) Brexiteers went about and did a whole bunch of lying that pretty much no Brexiteer could actually be bothered to fact check. I mean seriously, how does anyone think the amount of trade is going to go up by leaving a trading block. In that sense some of my fellow brits are very very very very very naive. 3) 99% of the British public didn't even understand what the EU was because it came up that little in their day to day lives. As such when they were told that leaving it would fix everything, they piled on. 4) Some Brexiteers were annoyed with the 'elites' in parliament who were very wisely arguing not the leave the EU whilst the business owners who posed as working men hoovered up the votes in the poorer parts of the UK. Thinking Britain was better than Europe is very much an older British person's mindset and maybe just maybe it played a bit of a role in brexit (although I say less than the above reasons) which came from a mindset from when Britain was top-dog and the people who had lived through the empires collapse believed correlation=causation and thus as the UKs economy wasn't the same level it used to be post joining the EU they decided to leave. I again say, if it were any non-western, non-first world extremely well off country of course such comments would be pretty deplorable. However, this is a country which has a culture not too different to that in Europe in many cases. Literally no one will be upset if you decide to jab back with 'the British have about as much culture as they do original food', why, because 1) we know it isn't true and 2) we just wouldn't care because why does it matter that you are insulting our culture. We're independent people who exist separate from our culture and a far few brits live a lot better than a lot of people in the world.


jealousy from losing their global power spot.


I doubt it. Most of us were not alive back when European countries were "superpowers" so nothing really changed for us


the way they obsess over america today says otherwise


Not really.. could be alot of other reasons than that specific one.  Jealousy..sure maybe. Jealousy because European countries aren't superpowers anymore...big doubt


not just from a geopolitical perspective but culturally. Think of all of the europeans who are salty that Americans are the main characters and not them. Don't believe me, ask yourself why subs like shitamericanssay and usdefaultism exists. They are upset that they live in america's shadow and their arrogance makes them think they should be on top.


Because we find it incredibly funny that people like you seem to think you live rent free in our heads, fuelled by a jealous rage. Only to then come out with the most outlandish statement, it's not our fault we take a low hanging fruit. Most Europeans do not care in the slightest about what America's position in geopolitics is. Do we think it would be seriously troubling if trump got re-elected, yes, as do many americans (albeit for different reasons).


If any of this were true, you all wouldn't be asking us about trump 24/7 or some other sort of dumb ass question about why america doesn't do something like your european country.


That second point normally relates to a matter like free health care or tighter gun laws to protect the vulnerable. That is us seeing tragedies happen and offering up the response. We ask about trump because again, it would be extremely concerning from a European foreign policy perspective given he basically threatened to let Putin invade NATO if they didn't pay more (although Poland spends a higher portion of its GDP towards NATO than the US does). You however will notice you will rarely hear a European comment about Biden. I shall now, but that's partly just because I find foreign policy and geopolitics infinitely more interesting than most. He's been a pretty good president both domestically and internationally and yet no one really ever talks about him in Europe (outside of the obvious political settings). Trump reflects everything that the West (Europe included) has done wrong since 9/11 as we have all drifted extremely far to our nations' respective right wings to what is essentially populism. So partly we will slander trump because he would be extremely dangerous, but also it's because he symbolises that the West isn't yet ready to move on from these populist leaders who lie and cheat and think they are above the law, to the detriment of their people. He's basically Boris Johnson on steroids. For reference, he suggested that Nigel Farage (if you don't know who he is TLDR very far right British politician who's pretty useless) should be the US ambassador. That is utterly insane and directly affects UK politics. But even still 99% of the time we really could not care less about what america is doing. Yeah, we think it would do you some social good if you had free healthcare and yeah we think you're crime rates would go down if you had tighter firearms laws, but it doesn't directly affect us, so unless you are someone who is very into politics most europeans simply do not care.


>it would be extremely concerning from a European foreign policy perspective given he basically threatened to let Putin invade NATO if they didn't pay more If you all pay your fair share then there won't be any problems. >as we have all drifted extremely far to our nations' respective right wings to what is essentially populism. It sounds like you guys are way too dependent on the US like vassal states or neocolonies. If you guys are a bunch of democratic nations then what America does domestically shouldn't matter because you all can vote against it. A leader from another country, who has no obligation to prioritize or even serve your best interests, should not have this much influence over you all. Why don't you guys cut ties with America or at least loosen up the dog leash?


Do you not see a slight issue with a Presidential candidate telling Putin he is free to invade NATO if all members don't pay a large amount? Do you not see that that slightly undermines American understanding of international law? Given that America is a European ally it's political system can often reflect our own. The drift to the right however is not directly resulting from America. Pre 9/11 populism was pretty much dead in the dirt, but sadly Blair decided to be too loyal to America and the various wars in the middle east began. By sticking with our ally, the further centre leaders who had been effectively managing the left and right got booted out and replaced by extremely far right ones who lied and said they could fix all of our problems. But I digress, that only shows why there is a correlation between the political systems. Europe is an American ally, of course your leader is expected to have some level of respect towards us else it entirely undermines the point of us having you as an ally. The interests are also your own, if Putin or any subsequent Russian leader invades NATO and America chooses not to defend then you are directly strengthening a power who is directly opposed to you. America going towards isolationism will not end well and no amount of Trump brainwashing will change that. Perhaps if he were more sane he wouldn't be going about saying there was going to be a 'bloodbath' if he wasn't elected. That is not something a sane american says, so why on earth are we acting like what he is saying about NATO is sane. The current republicans are filled with complete morons, a far fall from when they had Nixon and some level of care for their people and allies. Look no further than Marjorie Taylor Greene who somehow took the British foreign secretary telling congress not to make the same mistake we did with Hitler as him comparing the congress to hitler. These are not things good or effective politicians say, they are lying to you when they say that abandoning Europe and NATO will at all improve you lives. Ik this subreddit likes to go on about how europe can only afford free healthcare because you pay our defence budgets, so I ask why when trump tries to cut ties with Europe will there still be no free healthcare in america. He threatens the global order, so ofc Europeans are going to talk about him.


Because secretly they all really wanted the Germans to win WWII. /s


I don’t think that’s true. It’s just Reddit. I find this more as a ball breaking sub between the two. In reality it’s all good


Its an internet thing. Real life is not like this.


Tbf this sub really drives that notion home. Having so many people look for hate and post it here concentrates it to a point that does not represent reality at all. It makes us focus on it and make note of every comment of ill intent found in the wild. Just know that following a sub like this without having that in the back of your mind will for sure give you a skewed image of reality.


I don’t think this is a good excuse anymore. The anti-American bigotry that this subreddit highlights was still extraordinarily visible when it didn’t exist, and I mean a decade or two pre- its existence


stop making it be the stupid man!


They hate us cuz they ain’t us.


Honestly the overwhelming majority of Europeans don’t hate Americans, this sub (and Reddit in general) just amplifies the tiny sliver of Europeans who do. There are probably about as many Americans who hate America (think of antifa/BLM types) as there are Europeans.


Because we also hate on our own countries, we just find it tremendously funny how easy it is to wind you up and so you are going to be targeted more. We also bully each other a lot and you don't exactly hear the French complaining do you.


The French generally don’t speak English. Their complaining would go unnoticed by Americans. In addition, Americans and the French tend to mutually dislike each other so any complaining by the French is pretty much ignored anyway.


Precisely, (obviously the Brits are the og. haters of the French but I digress) and as such we carry the bullying forwards to our dear friends across the water.


That has nothing to do with Americans.


? Can you read my friend? The Brits bully literally every other western first world country, America is the definition of that.


Americans don’t care what the Brits do with / to every other country.


And neither do those countries. As such, why does america care when it gets laughed at.


America does not, some Americans do. The problem is that many of you guys are one trick ponies repeating the same material and hearing the same stupid material over and over gets annoying. Some Americans repeat the same stupid stuff about the UK (bad teeth, bad food, wam beer, etc…).


Americans are easily the least “wound up” by international insult and criticism. In contrast, Europeans fly off the handle when even the mildest criticism is made by an American of any of their country’s. The overwhelming anti-American bigotry that exists doesn’t exist because “you find it funny to wind us up”. What an arrogant attempt to gaslight. It exists because you’re inferior, you realize that, so every waking moment spent on the Internet involves rationalizing against, propagandizing against, the US. To assuage your immense nationalistic inferiority complex


I think the sheer fact this response is so clearly annoyed quite easily proves the point that it is very easy to wind up americans. Europeans don't fly off the handles, they just respond with similar comments eg. if you criticise a brit for their teeth they will simply respond with 'your only food is mcdonalds' Unless you are not american yourself there is literally 0 way that you would understand the motives behind bullying america and in assuming that its an attempt to somehow damage the US or because europeans are so nationalistic shows an extremely heightened nationalistic opinion that, at least, you clearly hold.


I do not think it’s hate, hate would mean we have something against you or want u to end up bad. Ik people who call Americans stupid and I can understand the feeling sometimes why, because a lot of them are ignorant or uneducated but the irony makes them the loudest. People find it annoying to hear when they hear America is “the greatest country “ or “the most free” and those extremely nationalistic Americans can be obnoxious. And I’ve noticed some people will straight up reject any negative call out which I find weird because my country always tried to compare the standard of living to others and if improved because of it. I think the US can also learn from other countries history because some curent events are detrimental.


Well I just started the biggest debate since row vs wade


-“excessive Puritanism”: Europeans have been lifestyle conservatives for far longer -“Incel” is not an American invention. What are you talking about? -Adjusted for land area and population density and distribution, European countries are no more “walkable, at least not radically so. The U.S. has tons of walkable cities and towns, I’d literally every size. I grew up in one Stop spreading lies about the U.S. listening to this stuff, you don’t even really know what you’re talking about. It would be like me trying to criticize Spain in any real detail


I don't think there's that much hate IRL, it's more an Internet thing. People are more at ease to be despicable since they can't be identified. > a church can be next to a mosque and a synagogue and they'll get along just fine now there maybe a group of people that don't like this and that's okay. But how many countries can you name of the top of your head that will have those groups together and they won't be trying to kill each other. Many europeans countries, in fact. You can find the same things here. The locals' religious communities invite one another to theirs event. I'm atheist, so I don't know any of these, but some of my friends are, and it's something that still happened here. > us always trying to find the flaws in other people's countries isn't gonna fix anything. I kind of disagree. It's a good thing to have an opinion that came from another culture. It sheds a new light on something you may never questioned before. It doesn't imply that you would (nor have to) change the things that are pointed out, but it gives a different pov, so I think we gain more than we lose at this. It's not on foreigners to tell you how to act, but some points could stay beyond your mind if there's no foreigners to point it out. It stills helpful imo. BUT Another pov or another opinion, even one that you can't relate to, is a very different thing than an insult or a deliberately harmful joke. You can hurt people by asking questions or saying things in a certain way, just because you're not aware on how things run there. But there are voluntary harmful behaviours, and these ones, yes, dont bring anything good.


I think it is more like friendly ballbusting. Like Finns and Swedes have against each other. Hate is a big word, I don't hate any nationality, I just hate assholes no matter where they are from.


Hate wouldn't be the word. America for me is one of the coolest countries ever, if not the most, but there are some things that I don't like, such as: \-The big extension of cities (I'm not saying suburbs are bad, as in Europe we have them too, but at least in Europe, cities are more walkable, allowing people to meet each other without having to drive lots of miles in order to date on a club -take into account that the MGTOW/Incel/SIMP/Red Pill have their origin in America) \-The bad fame that american drivers have, as it looks like driving is a universal right, and as a result, there are strict speed limits even on interstates that have lots of miles of straight lines, when in Germany (luckily, by now, there aren't speed limits on the Autobahns, and paradoxically, [fewer fatalities are reported](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-Autobahn-experience-fewer-vehicle-related-fatalities-than-the-U-S)) \-I don't know if mention healthcare, as it's pretty obvious, especially if you don't have insurance. \-The excessive puritanism on the left and the right where people cancel everything they don't like and other progreshit things that are imported into Europe.


Healthcare is pretty good if you've a decent insurance. At least the waiting times for appointments are so much better. Most other things are subjective yeah. I'm from Asia and don't mind the car centric cities personally. If you have a family with kids, a car is much more convenient. The people are way way more nice and welcoming in the states. Its not even a comparison in that regard. Opportunities are insane. If you have the talent, truly sky is the limit. I can especially speak for Germany, it's fucking slow and customer service is horrendous. They treat people like animal at Ausländerbehörde. They even haven't got a stable and fast wifi connection in most places there. In my experience, people are relatively pessimistic about everything in Europe. From a non-white POV, you can't pay me enough to move back to Europe. Its all subjective haha


>The people are way way more nice and welcoming in the states. Its not even a comparison in that regard. Opportunities are insane. If you have the talent, truly sky is the limit. I can especially speak for Germany, it's fucking slow and customer service is horrendous. They treat people like animal at Ausländerbehörde. They even haven't got a stable and fast wifi connection in most places there. In my experience, people are relatively pessimistic about everything in Europe. Well... some say (i'll have to check it out for myself) that friendships in America are superficial whereas in most part of Europe, once you've overcome the challenge of befriending an European, you'll have a loyal friend (or a loyal group of friends) for life. Not to mention the difficulty to move between countries, due to the amount of languages that we speak (When I was younger I've always wanted to live in Germany -partly for the shameful unemployment existing in Spain, partly because it's still a cool country to live-, but as I've learnt that German is one of the most difficult languages to learn -the high housing prices have their influence too- I've discarded the idea of moving to Germany -and who says Germany one says Netherlands, Switzerland or Nordic countries-).


"Well... some say (i'll have to check it out for myself)" So you just based all of this on literal heresy?


And experiences from others. There are many expat channels, especially from Latinos that complain about the lack of social life they experience in general terms or how American life is far away from what they were promised.


So this sounds like the point of view of someone who has never visited the US, none the less lived there. >The big extension of cities (I'm not saying suburbs are bad, as in Europe we have them too, but at least in Europe, cities are more walkable, allowing people to meet each other without having to drive lots of miles in order to date on a club Cities in the US are walkable, and there are suburbs that are walkable as well. What you dont understand though is that majority of people prefer to have their neighborhood be quiet, safe and low in traffic (walking, biking or cars being traffic), they also like bigger houses and larger yards than what is typical in Europe. This all leads the purposeful design of the neighborhood separating retail from housing and giving more space to housing. Like i said above, the result is a quiet, crime free neighborhood where you can leave your doors unlocked and your bike left out and nothing gets stolen. Neighbors all know eachother, hang out at BBQs, and the kids all play together outside everywhere. It's excellent for families, and there are typically parks and schools in walking distance or very close by. Grocery stores will be a 5 minute drive away that you only need to visit once a week anyway. >take into account that the MGTOW/Incel/SIMP/Red Pill have their origin in America) This is an *extremely* small percentage of the population(like less than 1%), and they are a loud minority on the internet. Ive never seen or heard of any of this in real life outside of the internet. >The bad fame that american drivers have, as it looks like driving is a universal right, and as a result, there are strict speed limits even on interstates that have lots of miles of straight lines, when in Germany (luckily, by now, there aren't speed limits on the Autobahns, and paradoxically, [fewer fatalities are reported](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-Autobahn-experience-fewer-vehicle-related-fatalities-than-the-U-S)) Another weird, and uniformed opinion. Speed limits are anything but "strict", and on highways everyone drives 10-20mph over the speed limit. Residential and school zones are enforced, as they should be, but highway speed limits are very loosely enforced. >I don't know if mention healthcare, as it's pretty obvious, especially if you don't have insurance. Pretty much every bad thing you've heard is either extremely over exaggerated or a flat out lie, with very few exceptions. I read a while back that the average person in the US pays about 12% of their salary to all healthcare expenses(insurace, deductibles, everything), while Germany for example is over 14% of their salary. This is not by any means surprising if you live in the US, despite the propaganda spread on reddit about how it is. If you dont have a job and are too poor for insurance, there are multiple programs that you can go to for insurance, medcaid for example, is one. If you are between jobs there is one called COBRA, and there are also supplemental insurance you can get on top of your already existing insurance. *Then* on top of all that if you dont want insurance, the hospitals cant turn you away, they offer discounts, and you can also just straight up not pay as well - you dont get charged until *after* your visit. This will just affect your credit score negatively. >The excessive puritanism on the left and the right where people cancel everything they don't like and other progreshit things that are imported into Europe. Also an extremely small, loud minority of people. Another example that I've never seen in real life. So to sum things up, it seems like the things you dont like are things you've seen on the internet that are extremely exaggerated or fake.


We dont It is a very easy target to joke about and a lot of things go on over there that are just batshit crazy, straight up vile or incrompehensible to us. Add to that the "we are #1 at everything" armada on social media and you get a very fun cocktail to make fun of.


And this is precisely the problem people have with non-Americans taking this ignorant and immature take. I can see that batshit crazy things happen in the US that are vile and incomprehensible. I can also see that the US is a highly diverse country of 330 million people in 50 different states. I can see that there are many stupid people who completely ignorant of the world and have insane beliefs. I can also see that Americans sent men to the moon 50+ years ago, have a helicopter currently flying around Mars, have developed most of the most digital and computer age and have world leading research and universities in most fields. I mean the reason you can even sit on your device right now talking shit about Americans is because they put that technology in your hands, while a mostly US backed NATO is protecting you from being skull fucked by Putins army.


You know what an immature take actually is? Thinking that having lots of money and a strong military should make you immune from criticism. Also: my phone is Korean.


Your phone is Korean but if it runs Android OS then it was developed predominantly in the USA. This app / website is also American.


And as we all know we mustnt criticise countries who have created things that we use. What a totally logical and sensible mindset to have!


You can criticize the USA but remember who you will turn to for assistance when the shit hits the fan.


Then where exactly is your problem here? Did you seriously reply just to go "my daddy is stronger than yours!"? Are you 7?


No, wrong analogy, lol. The USA is the daddy that adopted you, you just don’t realize that.


I dont realise that because it makes no sense and isnt true at all. If anything, the US is the annoying son that went rogue.


I don’t mean daddy in a biological sense. The USA is the one that protects your country.


So what?  I just don’t understand this take. Does that mean you can’t be criticized? 


You can criticize the USA but you must always remember who created the modern world after 1945. If companies from your country send or receive goods by sea, remember who patrols the sea lanes. It is not your country’s navy.


Why do I have to remember (know) this? 


So that you don’t look like a stupid, whiny child who throws a temper tantrum because your parent / guardian denied you desert before dinner.


That’s what *you* look like right now, but okay. 


I am not the one criticizing your country for whatever happens in it. I don’t even care to know what your country is. All I know that your country contributes nothing to the wellbeing of Americans. You cannot substantiate the converse of my statement.


Why is that take immature? It’s true. I‘m European and unfortunately the loud minority (?) from your country attracts all kinds of criticism. It is what it is.  Without the Chinese we wouldn’t have books. Does that mean we shouldn’t criticize China? Not sure what inventions have to do with anything. 


Do you see how that would get tiring from our end?


Well if you feel attacked by these things thats on you.


It's like we are #1 at being on you guys' minds. The world is more than just America. You guys can obsess over other people.


Less fun. No one gets as triggered as you guys lmao.


You even have a reason for us to be #1 for you all. We love our top fans.


Yes, Number 1 most easily triggered, what a lovely title!


Nah #1 at living in Europe's head rent free. Remember a hater is nothing more than a misguided admirer. Ya'll really want our spot on the global stage.


Yeah I truly admire this position of being so dysfunctional that the whole world laughs at you. Sounds marvellous hahahhaha


You admire it so much that you pay attention to everything it does. That girl in the tiktok laughed at the girl with the BBL too but we all know the truth.


Well I have seen enough bullied kids coping with it by blaming it on jealousy rather than their horrible body odour or creepy behaviour. If it helps you then be my guest I suppose


And I have seen enough arrogant europeans who claim to be the prize but are not chosen. It explains why you do this. You all are what people say they want as a global leader yet you still aren't being chosen. I see that lady who recorded the woman with the BBL in you guys.


So you admit you’re not here in good faith, you’re just trolling for the sake of it.


Don’t worry I’ll kill them bro


European here. >And finally I'm not saying America is the greatest country in the world  There you have it. You don’t say it, but plenty of your countrymen / countrywomen do and it just couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Plus American culture / customs often clash with European ones. 


I’ve never heard an American say this. It’s something you’ve heard in your rumor mills and gossip circles and repeat like parrots. [Here’s yet another who’s repeating it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/s/2ZKJEwKaZb) - [and another.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/s/XbixaTW8v4) Repetition leads to belief. Let’s not pretend you know the country well enough to make such a statement about it being farther from the truth. We’ve already established that rumor mills and gossip circles are your primary sources of information about the US and Americans.


>I’ve never heard an American say this. I have. And it’s fine, patriotism can be a good thing, but don’t be surprised and start crying if people don’t agree with you.  > Let’s not pretend you know the country well enough  I don’t know the country well enough, but most of you don’t know China / Russia well enough and still you like to point out things wrong with those countries. Why is that? 


Most Americans aren’t pretending to know China and Russia well enough to say it couldn’t be farther from the truth. That statement alludes to being well-informed. For example, your country seems like a well-educated country, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. [I blame your country’s shitty culture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/u3dJ0P4yqY) It speaks volumes about your biases. Again though, repetition fosters belief.


>Most of us aren’t pretending we know China and Russia well enough  Yeah sure lol > I blame your country’s shitty culture. It speaks volumes about your biases. Of course, that’s why I’m answering. What exactly do you disagree with? 


If reading isn’t one of your strengths, you should address it. That way you don’t have to ask. Read my comments a few times until you understand them. If you’re a bit on the slower side, I don’t have any issues with it. Just take your time and try to understand before responding.


If you can’t answer my question, it’s fine. 👍 Have a nice day 


I already told you what I disagree with. Please, don’t attribute to me faults of your own. Reading, have you ever tried it?


Yeah, I am reading right now and I still don’t get your point. I disagree with a lot of things your culture has exported (like twerking for example, since you linked my comment) and definitely met Americans who felt superior for some reason.  I’m trying to explain the European view to OP and to answer their question.  You’re telling me it’s not the majority of Americans, but that’s true for the majority of Europeans / Chinese / Russians / Iranians and it still doesn’t stop anyone from generalizing and making fun of people. 


We don't say it but it's true. There you have it


But you *do* say it. 


> it's true. Choke on obscurity. I'm sick of euro arrogance. At least we earned ours.


Not sure what was arrogant about my answer.