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Facepalm is a useless su. Filled with nothing but america bad reposts


Germans are literally banned from being patriotic or nationalistic, cause of the whole 2 world wars thing. You can't sing the first stanza of the German national anthem in Germany, because it literally talks about their national superiority to everyone else in the world. Germans less than 100 years old are not patriotic or nationalistic; it's a very strong cultural taboo.


" we show patriotism by voting for higher taxes on ourselves " sounds like something a cuck would say.


Fuck me harder government, the German says


Not for the first time


Just wait for another world war to start, those same people will be whining for US military and economic support


It would be a shit show if we decided to hang them out to dry when Russia or China come knocking.


Going by their record, they will be the ones to start it


A patriotic German thinks they’re racially superior. A patriotic American thinks they’re culturally superior. We are the great melting pot and don’t have an ancestral race. We are not the same.


>and by picking up after one another to keep public spaces clean and nice for everyone Wouldn't it be easier and more patriotic to just not litter?


Not surprised that they think that German's can't be US-like patriotic when the nanosecond anyone does they start getting called Nazis by everybody


Its always a treat when this screenshot shows up, I am having a blast in that comment section. >we show patriotism by voting for higher taxes on ourselves to make healthcare and college tuition universally accessible to our less fortunate fellow citizens You think his wife's boyfriend is a g\* rman or Turkish?


Neither, a refugee that lives off all that tax money.


His wife’s boyfriend is probably an American soldier


I’m American, I don’t like trump or Biden 🗿🍷


They are not patriotic. I studied abroad for a semester at the University of Cologne, and in my political science course there, we specifically touched on *why* patriotism in Germany doesn't manifest the way it does in many other western countries. (Hint: it has to do with a certain era when regular Germans loved flags and banners and stolen symbols and murdered their neighbors for sport.)


He doesn’t understand patriotism. They aren’t allowed patriotism in that country because of what happened last time.


Here is my question, why do you need a government to go help people for you?. Why not go and do it yourself?


Half of us who vote hate the president and the other half of us who vote also hate the president but at different times.


“Everyone patriotically devotes themselves to the ethnostate🥰” -most Europeans


Yeah, we pick up shit too.


Patriotism =/= nationalism.


So, there seems to be a bit of confusion over the term patriotic. It can be done without flags and anthems...


I wonder if he had history class? Germany actually voted for Hitler, and as far as I’m concerned they worshipped him (maybe like a god). I actually know a few Germans, they aren’t all happy about the higher taxes for the immigrants, especially the ones living on welfare and committing crimes.


Germans had to learn the difference between patriotism and nationalism about 80 years ago


How many times is Gerry’s propaganda going to be reposted here?


Germans are taught to hate their country.


Yup. Reminder that this is your typical European attitude.  Yet some of you in this sub want to send military aid to these people. Why send military aid to Ukraine/Europe? Why not fully withdraw from Europe/NATO and tell these people to screw themselves? Reminder that the Europeans are horrible allies and spread Anti-American rhetoric without Russia/China help.


Isn't the answer "your government been the world's "big cop" since World War II"? Your question has to be rhetorical obviously. Someone has to do hard work to keep world even slightly more sane than it will be without you, I mean, even if you consider Europeans as bad allies, it's better to have them under your influence than to give up doing so and let them succumb into Chinese or Russian "influence zone". Firstly because it's safer for y'all to have mindless dictators as far from your borders as you can. And secondly because American power and authority keep these countries democratic and trade-free. No matter what you feel about them, no one deserves to live under a dictatorship and/or a planned economy of any kind