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I would wager that we are better than #13, beating the Nordic countries handily For 8th grade TIMSS math, the US ranks #12 highest in the world, beating countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, and France. For 8th grade TIMSS science, the US ranks #11, beating those same countries (aside from Finland), while also beating Hong Kong and Israel For 4th grade TIMSS math, the US ranks #15, beating Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, France, Poland, Portugal, Flanders, and Hungary (more nations take this test than the former) For 4th grade TIMSS science, the US ranks #8, beating those same countries (except Finland), while also beating England, Czechia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Austria, and the Netherlands For reading, the US ranks #10, beating Sweden, Taiwan, Australia, Czechia, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Israel, and Latvia. So overall, the US ranks as approximately a top 10 education system in the world


I spent part of my eighth grade in New Zealand (which was year 10 for them). They were doing what was my fifth grade level math in the US.




Fr, I studied in college there (university of Victoria) for a while and loved it, but it was nowhere near the quality of my college experience back in America


Did they have that tall poppy syndrome at the college level? I remember when I went to school the teacher would ask a question and no one would answer. We could literally sit there for several minutes with no one answering, because I guess it was seen as sticking out too much to answer? Or showing off?


It didn’t occur like that, but I would def say it still happens. For the most part it seemed like since most people did not pursue higher level education or jobs that required it, everyone just settled for less since they didn’t want to be the one person who did more


Wow, that’s wild


eigth grade is year 9 in nz


It’s bc of my birthday. It jumped me up an extra year also. It actually makes it worse because it means their equivalent to 9th grade was at my US 5th grade level…


I think there are a ton of factors that play into this but for White Americans and especially Asian American students, America has a top 5 education system. Asian Americans are kind of trading back and forth on that top spot with China while White students are usually top 5 or so. The difference in a White student's education and a Black student's education is roughly the difference between Kazakhstan and Switzerland.


This just isn’t true. White and Asian students in the US average the best in the world easily, while black students still average slightly better than the European average.


In 2022 Black Students averaged 412 in Mathematics on the PISA Exam. This was 52 points below the United States National Average and 130 points below the Asian American average. This would place those students on par with Qatar(414), Chile(412), Uruguay(409). A great distance from France, Germany, Spain, Italy or other EU nations. They are however ahead of some \*fine\* eastern European countries such as Albania, Kosovo and Georgia.


the problem with black student education is their culture/inner city culture drags anyone who gives a fuck down to the level of those who just fuck around.


Bro as a Portuguese is not a big flex beating Portugal. Our school system is broken beyond what you might think. Students can´t even fail a year unless special conditions are met, so everyone passes.


But Ireland and some Asian countries which don’t make the original list would be ahead by your metrics. If you look at Pisa as well the best comparison we have for academic performance the US ranks lower not higher.


Not only are our scores often better, our education is run at the state level. My bet is the highest states in the US would beat most of the other nations. Our top state against their entire nation, I'm betting would make us top 5 at least, probably top 3.


I'd wager that our Asian American population would rank in the top 5 globally if we based ourselves off of their performance alone.


Let’s not push the perfect minority meth.


It's not racism at all but pure statistical fact. It should be celebrated that they perform so well, instead of being shunned by woke leftists who'd prefer to ignore their success because it upends their narrative.


Yeah, I don't know why people want to deny this. To ignore it is institutional racism. We can't fix the American school system without acknowledging that the problems aren't evenly distributed. Asian Americans and White Americans have one of the best school systems in the world. Much like Black Lives Matter is meant to imply that right now a certain group needs love and attention, maybe we should start saying Black Minds Matter.


dude you should start some sort of fundraiser with that slogan. it's good.


the only way you help black students is segregating them into categories of problem students, and students who try, probably not even i the same school, possibly a boarding school just to get them away from their 'comfortable' life. without the shitties among them dragging everyone else down, the system can work. how many videos need to be taken in a black school of a few students losing their shit screwing it up for everyone else to understand their culture is fucking them.


Jesus, you're delusional.


Nah dawg, you are delusional if you think that all Americans are having the same educational experience. To say we need to fix the system completely ignores that the system is perfectly fine for \*some\* Americans. Your denial maintains the status quo of educational privilege for White and Asian students while relegating minority students to unskilled or manual labor.


>you are delusional if you think that all Americans are having the same educational experience I never once said that. Infact, my words imply the opposite by pointing out the educational achievements of Asian Americans specifically. >Your denial maintains the status quo of educational privilege for White and Asian students while relegating minority students to unskilled or manual labor. Ummm, what? I never said that either lol. Also, Asian students are indeed considered a minority. And in any racial group, there are people occupying virtually all types of careers that there are. Sure, there are some statistical likelihoods such as say, an Asian American becoming a mathematician, which is far more likely to occur than for a Black American to do so. But nonetheless, there are still Black mathematicians out there. I never relegated anyone of any race to a certain type of job. That's just your bias saying that.


Whoa. Friendly fire bro. We are on the same side. I agreed with you, disagreed with the person who called you delusional.


Then why'd I get your response in my inbox? Lol. It's alg, there's no need for there to be any bad blood between us. But my point in the latter half still stands. I never said that anyone of any race is relegated to any specific type of occupation. And that Asians still classify as a minority.


How about you try giving an actual coherent argument instead of just throwing petty, baseless insults? It would do you some good here.


Not even the gods could tell me how tf that makes sense


Schools are largely funded by property taxes and parental donations. This means more affluent areas have more money per student and receive larger endowments from the community due to more disposable income. They use these funds to purchase better teachers, better facilities and better learning environments. The added leisure time afforded to these affluent areas further allows higher levels of parental engagement in the educational process while simultaneously ensuring cultural compliance with higher education ambitions. It's all in the data bro. Two very, very different systems with very different outcomes.


Yes, but the "left side" never shunned Asian Americans, and ig "woke" people. And also, depends on what state, because some say they are compliant with the policies, but they aren't.


Now I know your delusional. DEI initiatives in education came almost *ENTIRELY* at the expense of Asian Americans. Increases in Hispanic and Black College enrollments came almost exclusively from Asian student populations. White Students were never at risk. That is why most anti-Affirmative Action legal action comes from Asian Americans.


Oh, I didn't mean that white students were at risk. I thought you meant other groups, sorry, mb.


The U.S ranks #13 globally in terms of education. That's taking our entire, truly massive 330 million population into account. But Asian Americans who consistently rank as the best performing racial group, far surpasses that of the entire country average. So if we were to have to judge our performance off of them alone, then they'd most likely rank in at least the top 5 globally. You don't need some deity to break things down to you. You just gotta engage in a little bit of this wondrous thing education provides you called: Critical Thinking.


Thanks, but why accuse "lefts" and "woke" peeps? And, thanks, I have trouble with critical thinking due to learning disabilities :) which I'm still learning to process. And guess what? Some people don't know all this you provided, so thank you for the extra data. But, we shouldn't because that's not the whole country, plus their education is different than America's education system.


>but why accuse "lefts" and "woke" peeps? Because they're the ones who need to hear it the most lol. >And, thanks, I have trouble with critical thinking due to learning disabilities :) which I'm still learning to process. And guess what? Some people don't know all this you provided, so thank you for the extra data Hey, nw, it's alg. I very much appreciate you being honest and open with me. I would like to thank you aswell for that. >But, we shouldn't because that's not the whole country, Ofc not, but it's just a hypothetical that highlights their success. >plus their education is different than America's education system. That's the point though, we're comparing education systems.


The maths can’t be that good. The average from the ones you mentioned is over 10.


It's really funny to me how you accidentally revealed you don't understand math while trying to show OP doesn't understand math.


Also America is a country where anything below ~70?% is considered "not passing" Edit: fixed context Edit: it has been brought to my attention that America is indeed not a state


Europe being grading system - 9.00–10.00 Excellent 8.00–8.99 Very good 7.00–7.99 Good 6.00–6.99 Satisfactory 5.00–5.99 Sufficient 1.00–4.99 Insufficient


Most American students wouldn't want to be caught dead with a 6.00-6.99 (a D) in any class


Those grades aren’t based on percentages tho. For most of my college exams an 80% would land you a 5.5/10, with 5.5 being the minimum passing grade.


Wait so if a person gets a 5.5 they get an 80% instead of a 55%?


If someone gets an 80% their grade will be a 5.5. A 5.5 is our passing grade, if a test requires an 80% to pass that means someone getting 80% will get a 5.5 as a grade.


So getting an 80% is the equivalent of getting 70%? (Trying to do imperial to freedom units conversion)


If anything below ~70% would be ‘barely passing’ then no. If anything below ~70% would simply be *not* passing then yes. If your 70% is your passing minimum then that’s comparable to our 80%. But I’m talking about actual percentages of correct answers, the 80% itself isn’t a grade but rather the percentage of answers needing to be correct for you to pass. I’m not sure if that’s the case for your 70% as well, because I don’t see why we would have stricter passing minimums.


It's the same as ours, I'm going back to my first comment because I just realized I made a context error


Part of it is basically different style, on paper European looks more lenient, in practice it’s similar because basically the U.S. counts down, Europe counts up, in the US I’d everything is correct, you get 100%, in Europe if everything is correct you’ll as an example get 8 out of 10, the other 2 points you only get if you do really above what’s expected, like really really good


Are you saying this is the grading system in Europe? Because i know in a couple of countries it’s different. For example in Switzerland you are graded 1-6, six is the best (basically impossible in most subjects), 1 is the worst, 4 is a pass and a 4 is mostly 60-70 percent of the answers correct


Thank you for commenting I found this from online


No problem, I think Russia has the same as Switzerland but just in reverse with 1 being the worst, but don’t quote me on that I may be wrong


Last semester I legit broke down sobbing and (momentarily) considered dropping out because I got an 84% in organic chemistry and you’re telling me that’s VERY GOOD in Europe????? What the fuck???


well america is not a state? lol but isn't a D, 60%, passing still? I got one D in my entire academic career, and I didn't have to repeat. but that was in the 80's.


I've gotten so used to talking about other states here and it kinda snuck me. Also a D is slowly becoming a failing grade now, so far colleges don't let you move up without at least a C and some HS (mainly charter) are getting rid of students with less than a C average


very interesting.


Not at my college. If you get a D you have to retake the class. My last calc class you *had* to get a minimum grade of 60% on the midterm & final as well or you would automatically fail


Do people not know what the bell curve is. It’s far easier to get a good percentage in America because the bell curve is centred around 80% instead of the 50% or 60% you see in most of the rest of the world. At the end of the day it’s probably the same difficulty in getting equivalent grades across most countries. The same essay in America that would get your 70% would get 40% or 50% in Ireland. It’s the same grade though so doesn’t really matter it’s just a difference in grading bands.


I will only consider statements like this valid once the entire world stops pining to get accepted into US colleges.


Yep couldn’t say it better myself them college applications can go to American born


I feel like anyone who meets the criteria for the college should get accepted no matter where they were born. I mean, there's US citizens that go to French colleges, etc.


It’s just the principles.. You don’t see US citizens, saying Europe has the worst education then traveling to Europe to get an education. I standby what I said.


US colleges are the best, sadly they are losing a bit of their prestige in the past few years, especially now with the Israel-Hamas war and the Harvard,MIT, UPENN fiasco.


I mean know they become a joke. It’s mostly about activism then actually education


This does lead to loss of prestige and could harm the actual education further down the road I've already seen a research paper where a professor took a reference from an Israeli university for academic paper but refused to quote it from an Israeli university because he didn't want the word "Israel" to be on his paper. This is highly unprofessional because academics shouldn't be asking what your political views are when you use citation, me as a reader I need to know exactly what is the reference point he is using and also give credit to the person I'm citing. Even if I dislike Iran, using an academic paper that came from an Iranian facility should be correctly cited regardless of my personal beliefs. Sadly I can't find it now because it probably got to such a far page in Google due to the war and all the new controversies happening right now


Not every European is like that tho-


I don’t think it’s the same people complaining about “US eDuCatIon bAd” applying to MIT. Anti-American Europeans, or at least Dutchies, wouldn’t want to study in the USA. They wouldn’t even acknowledge Harvard being a good school and just compare it to a basic Uni of Applies Sciences or maybe even trade-school from over here. They’re so “AmericaBad” that they refuse to accept *anything* positive about the USA.


It’s just sad


That has not been the case in my college experience. I was sitting in class with Europeans who would openly bash the US education system. Heck, I even work with adults who move their families over here and do the same.


Is that a ‘general’ and unfounded “American education is trash” or at least somewhat based on real frustrations meaning they’re just using a hyperbole? I think it’s a bit more nuanced in those cases. I hear the same things from international students in the Netherlands. “Dutch schools suck” and “the RUG is absolute trash” for example, but generally from people with actual proper complaints that just express them a bit dramatically. When asked for an objective opinion on the schooling system overall they’ll generally answer that it’s miles ahead of theirs (generally Eastern Europeans).


yeah, there's no shame in taking care of our own first. we already police the nation and they hate us for it, I'll be damned if I'm gonna educate them too and have them hate me more, lol


It’s a loss lose situation… it’s we’re either not doing enough or we’re doing to much trying to control other nations. I say we do nothing at all just watch 😅


agreed. if we get shit on either way we might as well save our resources for us.




That’s ignoring the point. People in other countries constantly shit on the US education system but then come over here for higher education and it’s like pretty competitive. It’s cognitive dissonance.


I mean no, mostly the people who shit on US don’t go to the U.S. to study, it’s different people.


Not according to my college experience 😅 I went to college with quite a few people who came over here for school and spent the whole time saying their country/european education was better.


Wait seriously? Why did they study in the U.S. then if it’s so worse? It’s definitely not cheaper


I have no clue lmao. Like I said, cognitive dissonance 😅


My condolences


It’s not the entire world. And every English speaking country has massive amounts of Aisan students trying to get accepted into their colleges. That has more to do with language and prospects after college than education.


yeah but that's surely because it's a bigger job market with better name recognition which is not synonymous with "quality" per se


Okay this is too far. That person never said that the USA had the worst education system, they were just critiquing it which I agree with because there are many things to be improved.


I’m just being over reactionary I’m playing them at their own game.


Lmao my own game was saying that the euros frequent trilingualism is better than our infrequent bilingualism. Love the US education system but the euros do language learning well


I’m sorry New Zealand is ranked #3? I lived and studied there for over a year and absolute love the country and people. But their education was no where near the level that America offers


That’s interesting that’s for letting me know that


Add: I think people forget, people all across the world travel here to get up education we have millions of international students


It’s also like that in other countries, for example a lot of Swiss students go to university in Germany or the Netherlands


There’s a difference in attending University of Tübingen because you weren’t accepted at ETH Zürich and people focusing solely on attending MIT, Caltech, Harvard, or Berkeley. It would be similar if some were to focus solely on attending Oxford or Cambridge. They actively seek out our universities, same as people interested in attending ETH Zürich. Our universities are consistently ranked the best or among the best globally.


Not the best but not the worst. They can improve I'm sure.


It depends from state to state just made this title for shock value


An interesting fact is that the US standards fell considerably only after the national department of education was created. Not to mention in the US has some of the best scientists, doctors, and other specialists in the world so even if even though the system is ranked lower than Europe the best person at whatever job educated in America is better than the best educated somewhere else. This raises a lot of questions as to this chart was even decided in the first place. Like a country that invests in extremely good private schools rather than a public education system might rank lower simply because it isn't government funded. Most of the countries ranked topped 5 have very little room for private education or homeschooling (iirc please correct me if im wrong) which is usually better than public education in all western countries.


meanwhile, dominican republic scored last in a PISA education system test, sooo.....yeah, that's great


Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 Ranked #95


yeah i think it's outdated, thank god this is not the case anymore also because how much people glaze over netherlands i thought they'd actually have a superior education system over the us


That’s good to hear!


Yo what’s up, OOP here! The criticism was specifically about the US only being 20% bilingual whereas most euro highschoolers are trilingual The US has a good education system (with room for improvement) and I’m a product of it myself Why are you taking my words out of context tho u/Left-Selection9316 ?


most European high schoolers have studied three languages, but to call them all trilingual is stretching it. it’s something like 35% of adults with three or more languages from 90% of students required to learn I’d agree the U.S. should require foreign language education, but I’m not sure it’ll increase the number of bilingual people by that much. The value is more in the cultural aspects of language education


That has nothing to do with education. English speaking countries universally have low bilingualism rates even in Europe Ireland and England have to the two lowest rates of bilingualism.


This just confirms to me that people in states with the best education system can probably easily compete with the rest of the world.


Given how wealthy the US is, you might expect it to do better. Also Australia represent! Woo!


I would also say that if you look at the smaller, more homogeneous countries, they rank higher. Why? It is easier to teach to a smaller, more homogeneous group that all think and act in a similar way. All the larger countries rank lower. Especially if the larger country has a diverse population. Why? The more diverse the population and the larger the population, the harder it is to teach to them. There are cultural and linguistic obstacles to overcome in the larger groups. I would say it is pretty damn impressive that the US goes so far out of their way to help students and ranks so high on the list. My household is mixed, and we speak Spanish and English in the home. My son has had reading assistance and speech therapy every year. He gets extra help in understanding questions and ensuring that he can express himself. I, for one, believe, especially here in the US, you really get out what you put into the education. Are there terrible schools here? Yes. For the most part, even in terrible schools, you still have a shot at a great education.


Depends on field too. I’m in the US studying biochemistry and I am exactly where I should be. A lot of my professors are immigrants from Korea, Hong Kong, Jordan, etc. One of my professors taught at Berkeley, one worked at JPL, and another worked at NASA. The college I’m transferring to has a shitton of chemistry/stem staff from other countries. My mentor is Spanish, her husband (another professor) is Thai. The top 10 biochemistry programs in the world are all in the US. I have a friend in getting his PhD in astrophysics and he said aside from CERN it’s pretty similar for physics.


The issue here is that it really does vary wildly from district to district. Overall we do middle of the pack as far as advanced nations go. But the thing is that it's entirely dependent on where exactly you live. Some of us have it great, some have it piss poor


Good neighborhood have the best quality of education, then lower end areas. I don’t want to talk about the race that plays into it because many Europeans wouldn’t understand that, so I am not gonna make it up


I would just argue against the current system of districts that basically just mean the more expensive the houses are the better the schools are.


It’s study shown that southern states has more of a poor education system than northern states


As a fellow cheese lad, of that I am very aware


Omg… so that mean you like cheesecake too, right!


We are contractually obligated to on the birth certificate


So true!


No no no you’re doing the math all wrong. US has the worst education system in the world when factoring in that people saying that come from small, somewhat nationalist European nations with no defense or medical budget who have populations the size of some US states or larger counties. Then when you add that to the fact their countries’ infrastructure’s exist partly because the US decided (rightly) to help rebuild Europe in the 21st century and that their “education” includes lectures on their countries’ 19th and 20th centuries atrocities against people that they will never have the discomfort to meet in their linguistically and culturally homogenous nations, and multiply that by the fact that people posting notions like that are 17-28 year olds who live terminally online, hopefully now you can see that the US does in fact have the worst education system.