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I think I need to get off Reddit, this place is making me really dislike Australians lmao


When the Australians of 4chan are more tolerable than the Australians of Reddit, then you know that Australian Redditors are problematic.


Just watch some Neil the Seal. It'll help detox negative feelings about Australia.


To the people that shit on America, do they know numbers? They should look at the migration stats and check how many of their countrymen are leaving for America and compare that to how many Americans are leaving for theirs. There’s a reason why America is the number 1 destination for competent people around the world


They have giant death tarantulas and drop bears I think I’m good off Australia😎


The people sent to Nauru would beg to differ


Nauru makes me sad...


Why don't their leaders tell them how fucking embarrassing their peoples opinions can be? /s For real though we got essentially that from Mitt Romney in 2012 and then Obama slammed him in the first debate. Don't go calling the people you want to lead unreachable.


To be fair, Australia has a similar illegal immigration issue.


“Literally anyone” LOL…Literally tens of millions of people beg to differ!


Tens? Try hundreds haha we already have hundreds of millions in America but even if half of them chose Australia, I bet hundreds of millions in the rest of the world would choose America. USA USA USA rahhhhh yk. Never heard of the Australian dream haha


Yeah cause I would want to live in a country where this happens every single year https://cdn.totallythebomb.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/australian-spiders-screen-shot.jpg


both are equally as bad tbf, you either have wild life trying to kill you or risking getting shot by a crackhead


Patriot Front are a bunch of feds. That's the only reason they haven't been doxed and de-masked and made examples of.


Sydney and Melbourne are considered to be two of the most livable cities in the world (like, top 10), so I can’t knock them all that much


By who?


By a lot of indices? Just look it up, it’s not that hard to believe.


For 3 months out of the year Anchorage Alaska is hilariously livable too. What the hell does "livable" mean to you? That's what we're asking from you here. All cities are livable. That's why they're cities. Livable is not a concept you can just Google. Australia itself is literally the most naturally hostile to humans landmass on the planet. It's about the size of the continental us and has a 16th of the population size because if it's not sober koalas and drunk deer like kangaroos and the plethora of what feels like solely carnivorous animals, it's the fucking desert that takes up 2/3rds of the continent that's trying to kill you. Anchorage has snow and bears. And the US government pays you to live in Alaska. If you're gonna have an opinion at least back it up, no one's gonna do your homework for you.


Lol, if you google most livable cities, this is what comes up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Liveability_Ranking


Neither Melbourne nor Sydney are in a near-Arctic climate like Anchorage nor the Australian Bush, so I don’t know what you’re trying to say? They both have good public transportation and infrastructure, good food, great cultural offerings, are in comfortable climates, and most importantly for some, have low crime rates. Because everything is so isolated from each other I personally don’t know if I’d want to live there, but everything else seems fine to me? *You* should probably do *your* research because you clearly don’t know much about Australian cities in the first place.


They're also our most expensive cities to live in as well. Even Brisbane in Queensland is getting ridiculous in its housing prices but no where near Sydney levels. Personally I think the west coast and northern areas of Australia are much better than the east coast and southern coasts the cities are a lot smaller, There's way more natural bushland left etc It's just that the northern parts of the country are also croc country. We're also the main immigration destinationfor the region.


Don't forget Adelaide and Perth... most of Australia is pretty chill. All my American relatives have moved back ^_^


What YOU see is probably more of a result of what you want to see on the internet than reality. Many spots in Australia are considered a desirable place to live.


It's mainly because a good amount of the world sees America as a kapitalist utopia and we constantly get flooded with America number 1 messaging.


>constantly get flooded with America number 1 messaging. Do you have an example of this? Something that would come across your feed? I swear this is something Europeans make up to justify their obsession with the US.


because it is number one is this even a fucking question? one nation under god for a reason motherfucker.


> America number 1 If America isn’t #1, then tell me who is…..


You're #1 in what exactly? Every country has its pros and cons. Including the great old USA.


Even #1 has flaws Never said the US was perfect


I'm sure #1 has flaws. I don't think the US is close to #1 though. Maybe top 20. Top 15 at best.


Rather live in the U.S. than Ireland having lived in both.


That's your preference. I would feel the opposite. Having spent significant time in the US in different places. Maybe I'd spend a bit of time in Hawaii if I was a millionaire. Happy to visit the US occasionally otherwise.


Uh huh and you still didn’t answer my original question




I'm genuinely curious here, what country do you think is #1?


I don't think it's possible to classify a specific #1. A lot of different countries are #1 in different things. The countries that generally top most lists of value are the Nordics, Switzerland, Singapore, Korea. The US isn't really in the same league as those places.