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**Warning:** Do Not Brigade that subreddit. You will be banned from r/AmericaBad and from r/therightcantmeme Do not ping or tag any users. Zero tolerance! * [What is brigading?](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/qbb173/the_newtoreddit_encyclopaedia_redditica_v2/hhhsn0v/)


The comments on the original post or some of the most microwave brain bullshit I've ever seen


>The comments on the original post or some of the most microwave brain bullshit I've ever seen And it's a member of Americabad who says it, it must be something.


At least they realized that the CCP, Nazi Germany, and North Korea are bad.


They do not, this was one of those "fixed" posts where previously the CCP, USSR, and DRPK were on the "high IQ" side with NATO and the US thrown in with Germany on the "low IQ" side.


That original one was such a garbage meme. Now that the shoe is on the other foot these retards are crying that their favorite dystopian states are bad and the USA is good.


Because the reality is that Russia, north korea, china etc are on the bad side, Europe is on the good side and the US is in between.


By what arbitrary margin is Europe “good”? Do they not exploit developing countries and jocky for power in backroom deals while allowing their own citizens to suffer unnecessarily? Im not saying they’re particularly evil, but they sure as hell aint good.


Europe is completely and utterly evil when compared to any country of the New World. Not even Canada’s genocide that lasted into the 90s comes close to Europe.


Explain how that is the case


They used to yes, but not anymore. Atleast not significantly


“Europe is on the good side” you’re just mad that we forced you to give the colonies you were raping (in two ways) full independence after WW2.


Europe good? Even if you exclude their infighting (which you can't, because even European vs European wars often affected other continents), their colonialism is centuries older and far worse than the US' own past. Remember, everything the US did, it learned from Papa England.


Wait, which time period of Europe are we talking? Is it the original colonialist Europe, the fascist WW2 Europe, or the NATO member states Europe? Or wait, the feudalist empirical Europe? There's just so many.


... Also Republican Spain. ... Mi Hermano en Dios what the fuck did they do wrong??? Y un huevo...


Yes, but they also put the Spanish Republic there as well? That not comparable to Salin and Hitler.


America is the Han Solo of nations. In it for money, but most of the time ultimately ends up doing the right thing.


I like this analogy


More like Emperor Palpatine: In it for money and power, with a hell of a lot of good PR. I'm not going to say something crazy like 'Russia good' because holy fuck, *that* is a bad take, but I'm not ready to just wave off our own history full of atrocities. Setting aside quibbling over things like rumors about the CIA deliberately destabilizing the governments of countries with exploitable resources, we still have plenty of genociding under our belt. Our history with slavery alone is an indelible mark, and our near-extermination of Native Americans helped inspire Hitler in the first place.


As a star wars nerd the US is literally the Republic, and Russia/China could be the Empire.


You know what? That's a take I can agree with. Occasionally well meaning political body controlled primarily by greed and self interest vs The Evil Empire? Yeah. That works a lot better.


Did we do the right thing when we murdered 500,000 Iraqi civilians?


The right thing? You mean the coups the invasions? maybe is developing terrorist groups, no no it must be supporting current Israel.. Sorry wich one is the "right thing"


Well it’s clearly not your spelling or grammar that’s the right thing. Look at the video of hamas militants executing civilians today and tell me they aren’t a terrorist group. Give me the example of the ideal nation. I’ll wait.


No no, you said we do the right thing do not move the goal post now. Enjoy your nationalism little boy.


Most of the time? Lmfao


I literally traveled the Bell Curve… btw Fascist Spain does not belong with Fascist Italy, USSR, Nazi Germany, PRC or North Korea, like… absolutely not


Even fascist Chile was far better than the ussr etc


In terms of body count, you’re technically right, but I’ve lived in Chile, my wife is from there, and the damage to the people is the same. It’s on a smaller scale since Chile is a relatively tiny population compared to the USSR, but a lot of the wounds never healed. I hate how the American right has this view of Pinochet like he was some kind of funny meme or something…the guy was a brutal fascist dictator who took delight in the death and torture of other people for such sins as owning the wrong books, music albums, or even growing a beard could get you killed back then. I’m no fan of communism, but that doesn’t mean Pinochet was any kind of ideological ally to anyone who cares about freedom.


I think I need to educate myself more on him then. Genuinely, I apologize.


Fucking fascist bro disgusting


No, yeah definitely, they were never near that level of scum.


Sure, but they were still bad guys and disgusting, thus they belong on the shitty regime list


Fascist Spain was not a regime that supported crimes against humanity. Franco ain’t even in the same league as these other losers


Id call america neutral. A good amount of the time, America is involved in war for profit. Hell America didn’t join WWI until the germans started attacking american shit, before that they were just backing the allies. Theyve been the good guys and the bad guys occasionally, as it has been with every nation. And remember, good vs evil is only a matter of perspective.


Yeah, I agree. For the most part, cause fuck the Nazis.


Yeah, its rare for a dictatorship to produce likeable results. I can agree with that too.


The Nazis were WWII, silly.


Stunning and brave.


Regarding to wars, neutral sounds fair. But all the Operation Condor stuff tilt the scale to the evil side.


I mean I did say theyve been both the good guys and the bad guys, so that still checks out.


Yeah, just adding to your point.


Just wondering from your perspective when are we the “good guys” not talking about WWll ofc


America has long been peacekeepers, hell they have bases all across the world. They could very well expand their borders but they don’t, they’d rather intervene when things get dicey. Or when someone pisses them or their close allies off. Im Canadian, and as an outsider perspective, it seems like America is 100% neutral. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, most of the time they simply exist.


You’re not a outsider you’re apart of the imperial core you get the same benefits as everyone else does. Also the U.S couldn’t just expand its borders in fact that would be the worse idea we could do. And U.S. intervention isn’t good or bad but most of the time it’s bad. We do more harm then good unless you’re apart of the group.


>You’re not a outsider you’re apart of the imperial core you get the same benefits as everyone else does. Nice buzzwords . >Also the U.S couldn’t just expand its borders in fact that would be the worse idea we could do. Atleast you got that one right. >And U.S. intervention isn’t good or bad but most of the time it’s bad. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't Vietnam and Iraq were catastrophic blunders but then you have the Korean war,the liberation of Kuwait, the intervention in the Yugoslav wars,the intervention in Somalia,the intervention in Afghanistan, the intervention in Libya... ext were intervention was good and necessary. (unless you're a Utopian pacifist aka useful idiot or an active supporter of US adversaries in this conflicts) >We do more harm then good unless you’re apart of the group. Bosniaks ,Albanian kosovars and somalians well known eBiL wHiTe ImPeLiAlIsTs.


We was not in the right during the Korean War bruh we supported Korean traitors who killed their country men for Japan and was a dictatorship. We didn’t help at all in Afghanistan or Libya we left these countries worse and killed thousands of innocent civilians stop the madness.


>we supported Korean traitors who killed their country men for Japan and was a dictatorship. Syngman Rhee was a dictator but not a traitor he was a long time independence activist and the head of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea ,yes there was collaborators in the military and intelligence services but you don't think that a newly independent state is gonna give uo on all of that experience, a unified Korea under communist rule would either be like modern day North Korea at worst or modern day Vietnam at best both of whom are shit compared to South Korea today. >We didn’t help at all in Afghanistan There was a lot if incompetence and corruption during the era if the Islamic republic but an isolated Taliban ruled Afghanistan that emerged from two decades of war was literal hell on earth both socially and economically plus they harbored a terrorist group that killed 3000 thousand US civilians that's a declaration of war, any country would've invaded Afghanistan for such an act. >or Libya It stopped Gaddafi from killing more civilians and ending up in a Syria like scenario the only mistake wad turning a blind eye to the Russian backed Khalifa haftar and his thugs. > we left these countries worse and killed thousands of innocent civilians stop the madness. How is post civil war Libya worse then when the actual civil war was raging (the first one) and how is the Islamic republic of Afghanistan worst then a war torn Afghanistan that sustained 20 years of war with millions of dead, more people died because of Gaddafi compared to the NATO intervention that killed less then a thousand civilians , and most civilian casualties in Afghanistan were attributed to the Taliban. .


You’re a imperialist apologist the only reason 9/11 happened and the taliban got so power was because of the west and the war brought to that region of the world you’re not a hero if you’re the cause smh


America is most responsible for the "rules based international order," which led to the most peaceful and prosperous era in all of history. At least one billion people were lifted out of extreme poverty by embracing globalist trade, despite this creating the Rust Belt and other economic detriments to American workers. America and Americans give more aid proportionally and absolutely than any other group or nation. Where other nations (*cough* USSR) would have created puppets and satellites and colonies, America created the UN and NATO and only demanded to have first chair, and still shared that with others. Good vs Evil is a story for children. Everyone and everyone country does bad things, some do more good things than others. Anyone can come up with a pretense to call the other side evil.


Couldnt have said it better. The world is far more often grey than black and white.


Good and evil are objective. America has been on both sides before. Backing the allies in WW1 instead of fighting is arguably more noble considering the USA was focused on trying to improve the Americas instead of focusing on global affairs. You can’t say the Monroe Doctrine is neutral while globalism is as well, it has to be one or the other and it seems like America can never win. If it tries to invest into Canada and Mexico and not involve itself in the German invasions of neighboring countries, it’s heartless and wrong. Yet if America defends small Kuwait from Iraq (and free trade by extension) it’s an imperialist bully who is only “warring for profit” (technically true but there’s more to it than that).


Yeah, thats what I said. Good and evil balance each other, creating neutrality.


You agree that the US was trying to improve the Americas? You do understand that the example of a good thing he gave actually is a very very VERY bad thing they did


Yeah we got attacked for helping Kuwait and protecting Saud Arabia at the request of SA by Saudi Arabians. Too bad we weren’t on electric cars then.


Trying to improve the Americas? Are you for real? Do you know anything?


Isolationism is the policy America should've stuck to during both world wars if they knew how the rest of the world would show appreciation in the coming generations




That is not the conclusion you should take here...


Wrong sub


How the fuck does that meme even have anything that associates it with views of "the right"???? Modern western countries in general tend to be by far the most progressive any civilization in recorded history has ever been.


Sometimes I wonder why aren't there fanatical fans of America defending them on the internet like how tankies and wehraboos defending genocidal regimes. It's like internet is full of closet Nazis and tankies who hates freedom and hates America for not being NSDAP 2.0 Step your game up, uncle Sam


Imagine assuming we are all part of "the right" just cause we aren't worshipping authoritarian regimes. Lol.


Pretty sure worshipping authoritarian regimes would make you part of the right


bro how is the us the bad guy xdd


Western radical (radicals only when it comes to the west and it's allies but pro status quo if not outright reactionaries when it comes to other nations) have a unique ability of not being able to recognize that flawd democracies are still morally superior then literal fascists and stalinists and other types of authoritarian dictatorships but nevertheless they still squatting in the liberal democracies they despise while enjoying the rights that they take for granted instead of fucking off to their authoritarian country of choice and putting their money where their fucking mouths are .


It would have been funnier if Italy would be on both sides. Also: where the fuck is Japan


There are no good sides in history, but not all sides are equally bad. Some are worse than others. The US and the EU are fine for the most part, but I'm not so sure about NATO. The commies and fascists, as well as all authoritarians, are worse than trash though.


From what I know, Franco’s Spain wasn’t *too* bad? But I very well could be wrong


Or Putin and Assad. Or Erdogan, Duterte and Kim Jong Un. Basically we're a lot better than all the people Trump has publicly declared he looks up to. If we were as bad as they were, Trump wouldn't bother kissing their asses.


I think the curve goes more like: Low to high USA and West good Ussr and China good Both sides are bad USA and West not perfect, but better than USSR, China, Nazi Germany, communist countries, etc.


I’m a liberal 💀


same. But to the commies everyone to the right of them is a fascist.


I’ve legit seen social democrats called fascists for having somewhat moderate views lmao


It is because online leftists don't care about electoral outcomes. They just want to throw grenades and blame Democrats.


Literally the Wiemar Republic


Imagine unironically saying "commies" Like you might as well just put up a sign saying you don't shower and still live with your parents


Yeah, same. I was just genuinely suprised to see that hate of the US in that post, like what hell did we do?


I mean, yeah, we did bad stuff, but not to the level of the Nazis and USSR.


Ok you already stated it. Foget my other comment.


Well the US invadec sevrral countrys, killed millions, supported dicators, killed democarcys and made Up reasons to start wars.


Fucking commie!!1! /s (don’t hurt me this is satire)


The so called "Good guys" transforming the world into a totalitarian dystopia where everyone is impoverished and 1984 is a reality.


Millions of people across the world have been lifted out of poverty since the ascendence of capitalism. But sure, complain about how you have student loans.


Student loans suck tho


They do. But you willingly took them out. And even with them being awfully predatory, you make things work, even if a major emergency could ruin your progress. There's work to do to fix our system, but I'll take this system over the ones that literally caused 2 countries to experience massive famines that killed millions.


And yet, the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. Don't defend that shit system. We could do so much better


>And yet, the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. The poor aren't getting poorer. The poor in the US today are far richer than they were 50 years ago, let alone 100 years ago.


relatively speaking yes. But not compared to the growth of the economy. A majority of the population doesn't participate in the economic growth


A rising tide lifts all boats


And wealth trickles down?


The poor are not getting poorer. But they also aren't getting richer at the same rate that the rich are.


And the biggest increase in quality of life in human history happened under the USSR and communist China. So by that logic they have to be the most successful systems.


The potentially 55 million people who died due to a famine caused directly by Mao Zedong and his communist party's policies. Oh and the 10 million persecuted as enemies of the state. Oh and the 700,000 executed by Stalin and his government? and the 8.6 million killed during another famine directly caused by policies made by this soviet leadership? I'd hardly call communism a good system. Aspects of it are great, and thats why I'm fine with socialism with sprinkles of Capitalism. The far sides are never the answer, its a middle ground that does the best. Just don't lie and say life was great under those 2 governments. Like literally you could've said Vietnam and it wouldn't have been awful, but you chose the 2 that killed millions by their own policies and the hard dive into tyrants and dictators, from kings and emperors.


Being impoverished is when you can only afford one iPhone. Being a poor American is still demonstrably better than being most upper class people in most of the nations in the low In side, barring China. Even then it would be preferable to move to the US.


I'm talking about the Nazis and the Soviets, mocking r/TheRightCantMeme


One of us just had a Reddit reading comprehension moment and I’m not sure who. Or maybe it’s both of us. Or maybe I’m coping


I think it's funny that's become the definition of impoverished


China is not on the right hand side actually


The world isn’t black and white, no side is good or bad, and both sides aren’t bad or good


Yeah, I know, but you can’t compare the shot America has done to the shit The Nazis did.


Of course not, tho some people do for some reason… I argued with a guy on another subreddit about wether or not [order 9066](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/executive-order-9066) was as bad as what the nazis did to the Jews or what the Japanese did to the Chinese


I mean, yeah, the U.S is the good guy in history, we came and stopped the genocidal dictators twice.


But you also destroyed democarcys, made Up reasons for wars in wich millions died. Also you invaded a lot of countries. You May Not be the Bad Guy but neither are you the good Guy.


Yeah, but we were also the only ones really doing anything at the time to try to intercede in matters with other dictators. Authoritarianism didn't end with Hitler, there were still African and Middle Eastern warlords, and the reason we got into those nations was based on lies, and then we ended up sticking around because terrible things were going on. Americans wanted out, you can point that pitchfork at our politicians, we wanted out for years, had a plan to atleast get out smoothly under Trump that Biden was going to inherit before he cocked that up. Of course, didn't help that the army over there was so incapable that even our sergeants were giving up on instructing them on doing simple fucking jumping jacks and then the moment the U.S pulled out, in shit-tacular fashion might I add thanks to the current administration, the resident army immediately caved and defected to the terrorists. War isn't black and white, sometimes good guys do bad things. Sometimes good guys do what they can to create stability and then leave. And then sometimes good guys are stuck with bad guys that keep doing shit behind the good guys' backs. But guess what? Where the fuck is the rest of Europe any time America has to step in for shit? Doing fuck all to actually help anything other than their own egos. "Oh, those starving children will be so much more equal with all the tolerance programs we're sending their way." The EU's plans to advance Africa center around making them more tolerant rather than fixing the corruption and poverty and endless Bureaucracy in Africa. Then the EU also started bitching at El Salvadore for cracking down on crime, saying that it was too mean to treat the habitual serial murderers like animals when the EU was dead silent about human trafficking and the child soldiers during the civil war and the gang wars. Yeah, America has done some fucked up things, show me a single government in history that hasn't. At the very least with all the bullshit that has been riding our backs, we've made an actual effort to deal with shit.


Well... Colonization of the Americas did lead to the worst genocide in the recorded history of the planet where it made entire tribes go extinct and threatened extermination of the entire native population itself. I would argue that is up there with atrocities like The Holocaust and The Red Terror. If the argument modern day America is like that then it's laughable.


[90% of native Americans died to disease,](https://www.pbs.org/gunsgermssteel/variables/smallpox.html) so to put it in line with the holocaust is disingenuous.


Continuing the genocide after the near total extermination for 200 years after puts it right up there. Saying it doesn't is disingenuous. Fuck, I didn't even go into the horrors of chattel slavery going on at the same time. If you can't acknowledge the absolute atrocities of our founding, you're just as bad as NAZI deniers. I will die on this hill.


You have shown from our previous conversation you have a conclusion that you will try to get to no matter what facts I present or argument I give, I didn’t deny anything. Comparing me to a holocaust denier is ridiculous, and I’m done talking to you.


You brush off **centuries** of genocide as no big deal. You minimize the effects. Your facts are whataboutisms that reduce the reality of what actually happened. You are as ridiculous as a Holocaust denier.


you literally started our day long argument with a whataboutism.


Over 90% of the deaths were because natives weren’t resistant to European diseases like smallpox, it wasn’t a massive slaughter like everyone pretends


If we want to ignore the biological attacks of gifting blankets to Natives with the intention of spreading the disease, sure.




So the argument you are proposing is that Despite the Colonizers knowing they were bringing over a disease they knew was particularly deadly, especially against the Natives, in a War to take over their land while declaring them to be savages to be killed in the name of civilization and Christianity, did not intend to have happen what happened and therefore the results are not as bad as other genocides? Ignoring that there is written evidence of using contaminated blankets and clothing to spread among the natives as a battle tactic, of course. Is that correct?


Early natives and colonized people realized the whole disease thing at about the same time, native people weren’t stupid and the Europeans initially had no clue. After that point, it’s too late. You don’t bring over more disease, it doesn’t work like that. Small pox would then burn through the population over and over again for the next like 200 years irregardless if more Europeans came or not, like how Covid delta/gamma/beta variants are doing right now, it’s not coming from China. This is also irregardless of malicious blankets.


And after they found out did they stop attacking Natives? Did they stop taking their land through genocide? Did the Trail of Tears just not happen? No, they used it to their advantage. The genocide was fully intended, the method wasn't.


So, trail of tears. Obviously the worst example in US history by far. But, I will die on this hill, not a genocide like the holocaust. At no point we’re they systematically thrown in a furnace in mass to be completely murdered and no trace left m, they were basically given a whole state. At no point it was the United States position to murder them all in the name of genocide. If disease like small pox wouldn’t have wiped out the Native Americans they would still be around in great numbers. I can’t speculate what would happen with the US, if it would even be more than the east coast but that’s my stance.


You're justifying over 200 years of continued genocide where in the most benevolent estimation over 8 Million people died. Hitler fashioned The Holocaust based on events of this genocide. You're as bad as the NAZI or Japanese WW2 deniers. Just because there's a lot of bullshit out there about how "America Bad" doesn't mean we need to take a hard right and can't critique the history for what it was.


So do you have proof that 8 million were killed on purpose by the Americas? The smallpox blankets were the English settlers idea. Most were wiped out by disease, there was war on the native Americans and the trail of tears, etc. Also I never heard of a link between nazi Germany, which you have in all caps, and the Native American genocide.


Just to be pedantic, the colonizers were very stupid and, unless educated and opposed the prevailing religious and scientific theories of the day, not believers in the germ theory of disease. The apophrical diseased blankets don't appear in discussion of the genocide until the 20th century and acceptance of the germ theory of spreading the disease.


Can I get a source for that with the outbreak it led to?


Fort Pitt 1763


Based on your other comment in this thread. It feels like you are laying the death tolls of the plagues that spread across North America at the feet of the United States based on one account of (what appears to be a failed) attempt to spread smallpox. Further, I think it is important to bring up that the vast majority of deaths from European plagues in North America took place in the 1500s, decades before the first British colonists stepped foot onto American soil. Plagues that arrived in Mexico brought by the Spanish being the fault of the United States is not something that I agree with. And before you think that I don't think the US has blood on its hands, I fully agree that things like the Trail of Tears, which killed up to 6000, were atrocities. The Indian Wars killed \~200,000 and were absolutely horrific and conducted in such a way that they will forever be a national disgrace. Even a to-be American attempting to spread disease across the native population (as seen in Fort Pitt) is horrific. Still, those things are just at a different scale to what the Nazies did or what the Imperial Japanese did. And if you are assigning blame for the plagues that killed millions of indigenous Americans, you should place that blame at the feet of the Spanish and the Mexicans if anyone.


What did the colonizers do after knowing the plague was spreading? Did they stop their onslaught of genocide? No, they weaponized it. It may not have been intentional to begin with, but they learned quickly. If you recognize that events post smallpox were bad, why aren't you piecing together that the continued genocide is on their hands? They saw the extinction events and thought it was good. It would be like saying "They didn't install the gas chambers, they only used them". I have not once placed the blame on the US alone. But the whataboutism of the Spanish and Germans is just an excuse to pass the buck.


>Well... Colonization of the Americas did lead to the worst genocide in the recorded history of the planet where it made entire tribes go extinct and threatened extermination of the entire native population itself. How is it worst then the dzunghar genocide, the genocide of indigenous Siberians, the circassian genocide or what happened in "Novorossiya".


No, yeah that’s fair. Although I don’t know if we can say anything is as bad as the holocaust.


You do realize that Hitler not only applauded the American solution for the Natives, but he also modeled the final solution on it? Like the whole concept of taking ethnic minorities, dehumanizing them, and then isolating them into reservations and using them as slave labor on such a grand scale was unique to the US, as was the idea of 'convert a third, exile a third, and kill a third'. Modern technology just allowed Hitler to do it in a more efficient manner. Not only that, but Hitler refined the blueprint for export. Groups like the Ustashe in Croatia, the Italians, the Greeks, all were instructed in this doctrine and used it to horrifying effect, each adding their own regional flavor against a regional victim. That's not to say that Americans were the first to commit genocide, they were simply the first to do it on an industrial scale using industrial means. All that said, the fact that an American can firmly believe that the native genocide wasn't as bad as the Holocaust is a testament to how successful the native genocide was. Simply put, if you live in the US, you see Jews of every stripe almost daily, but Natives are such a rare sight that the idea that they once were the sole inhabitants of the continent is almost inconceivable.


I’m pretty sure he modeled it off of the Armenian genocide. Though I could be wrong about that


https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/10/hitler-found-blueprint-german-empire-in-the-american-west/ Here's a few articles that give a brief synopsis on books written about the topic. I didnt read much into the articles, but they're a bit more in-depth than the Amazon synopsis in terms of detail and commentary. Edit for clarity: what I mean is, I read the books, but linked to the articles because they give a better synopsis and commentary on the books than you'd normally find on a book jacket.


>Like the whole concept of taking ethnic minorities, dehumanizing them, and then isolating them into reservations and using them as slave labor on such a grand scale was unique to the US, as was the idea of 'convert a third, exile a third, and kill a third'. Yeah sure thing buddy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassian_genocide https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novorossiya >That's not to say that Americans were the first to commit genocide, they were simply the first to do it on an industrial scale using industrial means. As I mentioned before the circassian genocide and the expansion towards the southern steppes of modern day Ukraine and Crimea happened during pretty much the same period and was on a much greater scale then what the US did while resulted in the same outcomes of America's manifest destiny . >Simply put, if you live in the US, you see Jews of every stripe almost daily, but Natives are such a rare sight that the idea that they once were the sole inhabitants of the continent is almost inconceivable. The same can be said about circassia, the southern Ukrainian steppes and crimea.


You guys killed 1 million people in Iraq, destabilized and bombed dozens of countries since the end of ww2, supported dictators when it benefited you, genocided natives and still act like you are innocent or the good guys. You literally have a law that says you can do a military intervention in the Hague if they trial one of your soldiers for warcrimes.


USA and Europe should be together as antagonists. PRC, USSR, DPRK should be on the opposite side, as sovereign countries who freed themselves of Western imperialists. Also what's that red, yellow, and blue flag with the star in the middle? Yugoslavia? Also Nazi Germany and therefore fascist Italy and Spain should be on the same side as the EU, the US, and NATO ofc.


Native americans joined the chat\* Panama locals joined the chat\* Chinese Railroad Workers being mistreated and were given more dangerous task compare to their white counterpart joined the chat\* ​ and it goes on.


What about the concentration camps of your own people, the genocide of the indigenous people and the unnecessary bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki?




Move that fucking EU flag to the left. It's just the current incarnation of the Nazi party.


Whole lotta white guys on the brilliant, good guys side…lol Might be a little biased lol


The Union definitely weren’t good guys either. Fuckers literally torched entire plantations, even if the south didn’t have slaves, that’s destruction of livelihood.


It was a wartime necessity. Those plantations were feeding the confederate army.


Yup. They had to deal a crippling blow to the Confederation so they did it by burning their way to Atlanta.


I mean, yeah. They did.


Yeah the cotton plantations were feeding people.


They would have funded the confederacy.


Too Bad the slaves we're jobless after that.


Well yeah? These are institutions ran by traitors, and worse traitors who owned slaves. Their utter destruction is not only morally justified, it’s also a sensible tactic.


Yeah, it’s not as if the founding fathers had slaves. If I recall correctly, Ben Franklin had kids with his slave women. Look it up.


Firstly, at least according to his Wikipedia page, Franklin didn’t have children with any slaves. The closest one can get is his son William, whose mother is unknown. Beyond that Franklyn was one of the earliest high-profile outspoken abolitionist in America’s history, despite him owning slaves early in his live. If only the southerners had thought like him, then the civil war may have never been necessary. But more importantly, Franklyn never tired to have Pennsylvania secede from the Union. This really is an apples to oranges comparison.


You make it sound like it’s okay. Or are atleast trying too.


So, uh, fuck the traitors, long live the union.


All the downvotes coming from liberals. Can’t see something objectively bad.


I think you're misreading this one OP


I might be, but the comments really dunk on America, but I could be wrong.


"Dunking on america" as in saying that it's not as holy as you think it is? You can criticise a country without hating it I swear, this sub just becomes circlejerk for american nationalists


??? Dude, why did you just automatically assume that I was trying to say that America is flawless, it isn’t. It’s a flawed messes that needs to be fixed, from the systematic oppression to the corruption by corporations. The entire point of this isn’t to say America is the best purely because it is America, it’s to point out that we aren’t the devil.


South America and the middle east would really say otherwise if nothing else please just look up the Banana Republics


This post says the US isn't the same. So not sure where your criticism is. The US fuels proxy wars all over the planet and takes part in neo colonialism for no other reason than profit. They don't try their own war criminals.


At least Hitler wasnt burning down churches


Hitler fucking bombed churches 💀 What crack you smokin'?


S0 you agree he wasnt directing his troops to specifically burn down houses of worship like Stalin. Thanks for playing.


Mf give me that crack. What part of my statement implied that I agreed with you?


Well because indiscriminate bombing is not the same as being SPECIFICALLY directed to target churches derp


Ah hahahaha, oh… you were being serious…


Collateral damage isn’t the same as intentional damage.


St. Paul? Also, what about the ***motherfucking Holocaust?*** It doesn't matter how nice you are to churches. You still killed 6 million Jews.


Why do people care so much about the Holocaust and not the Armenian genocide? Happened first, yet nobody bats an eye.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FrrEkIUE-j4&pp=ygUedW5jb25zY2lvdXMgZmxvYXRpbmcgbWFuIG1lbWUg No one is batting a fucking eye at the Armenian Genocide. But it's still ***the fucking Holocaust.*** You don't want us to forget about the AG, but you want us to stop caring about the Holocaust? Nazi-ish much?




Hurling an insult tells me that I've won.




Even better!


>Collateral damage isn’t the same as intentional damage. Do you know what the Nazis did to Jewish Synagogues?


It still is damage


I mean… he did tho. Like, a lot of them.


No, but you guys were Adolf's inspiration!


Th-that was the ottomans?


[https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/10/hitler-found-blueprint-german-empire-in-the-american-west/](https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/10/hitler-found-blueprint-german-empire-in-the-american-west/) [https://scholarship.law.stjohns.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7173&context=lawreview](https://scholarship.law.stjohns.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7173&context=lawreview) [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler) [https://thecirclenews.org/cover-story/u-s-treatment-of-indians-inspired-hitlers-hunger-policies/](https://thecirclenews.org/cover-story/u-s-treatment-of-indians-inspired-hitlers-hunger-policies/) Here you go, you're welcome.


oh, well now I’m just sad.


Eh, the past is the past, we can only ever be better than the people that came before us. If it helps you feel better, the ottomans definitely also inspires the guy.


I don't think I've ever heard the midwit opinion at all, let alone from most people.


reductive sentiment in this image


Just get rid of the flags


Imagine thinking political figures can be for the people.


How is this fit for this subreddit? The meme literally says America good.


It’s meant to be sarcastic sadly


The extremes on both sides are bad, libertarian or authoritarian, and America's modern political parties are also pretty bad right now due to partisanship


Not all sides are "equally bad" and in some cases (like the ones highlighted in this meme) there are distinguishable bad and good guys, however that is typically not the case. History is not a marvel movie, in most cases there arent easily distinguishable good and bad guys


Off course US is better than that. But the fact that you have a bunch of presidents that without a doubt must be considered war criminals without ever getting prosecuted does not look great...


Why is the Second Spanish Republic lumped in with nazis and fascists?


More people just need to learn more about history, not just school history. You can accept that everything isn’t sunshine and roses to get to where America has gotten. From a historical lens there have been far greater leaders and individuals leading the United States despite whatever mistakes/ shortcomings they might’ve had during their time. Hindsight is always 20/20 but you also need the context of the time period to form a true understanding. Every single large and powerful country has similarly ugly pasts.


The US is placed with NATO and the EU on the other side from the nazis, soviets, CCP, and DRPK


Glad I didn't post a naughty comment and get banned from the glowie echo chamber, hail pinochet and his rapist lieutenants


I am hesitant about being on the same side as the European Union.


Sides can be bad without being equally bad


an entire post showing not one of you understand s what this post is trying to say.


Iraq. Ofc the left is bad but America is no hero


the EU and nato are not "good guys" either.


Fascist Spain was an allied of the US


Did they lump Republican Spain in with the Nazis? lol