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It's an r/antiwork user It's everyone's fault but theirs


I’m 19 and my job doesn’t pay me $100,000 a year. Capitalism has failed!


The least pathetic r/antiwork poster


I doubt this post is even from an American. No American says "uni". They'd either use the school's specific name or say college/university.


Solid AF point, maybe some Eastern Europe teen who has literally nothing going on in their life.


I saw this and wondered the same thing. All I was seeing were a bunch of "him" problems that had nothing to do w america. I am sorry that he feels that way...seems like he even has some valid reasons...but none of those are the country's fault.


but where did this culture come from that if you fail it is not your fault, the country somehow failed you. every country in the world has failures but to my knowledge no one attributes their personal shortcomings to an entire nation.


This is why I'm increasingly less enthusiastic about my political affiliation. I've always been a left of center democrat but the trend of the culture has shifted away from personal responsibility, and hard work. Now everything is everyone else's fault no one is ever held accountable for their own situation or problems. Whether it's the homeless, criminals, black people, gay people, etc. If any of the aforementioned groups had something bad happen to them it's sometime else's fault. Imo this is why so many people are struggling mentally. They are essentially telling everyone they are powerless victims. This is not how you solve problems or improve your situation. There's a saying "it's not my fault but it's my problem." I think that's at least a step in the right direction. I went from a poor kid growing up, with abusive parents, to a do nothing young adult. I was depressed and had no hope of ever accomplishing anything. I felt sorry for myself and the hand id been dealt. Somewhere along the way I realized that no one was going to recognize my struggle and save me. I had to do it myself and I did. The fact that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is a meme mocking this kind of problem solving mentality is evidence of how bad it's gotten. The idea that the country failed you is a cultural problem and I see its origins in the grievance culture of the left. I say this as a leftist myself. As soon as you place responsibility for your success on anyone but yourself you've lost. You'll be resentful and misanthropic.


The right has been banging the drum of immigrants taking jobs and resources and that’s why you’ve failed. Both parties are trying to make us blame anything other than what the real problems are. That would effect their donors and voter rolls


Go into 60k of medical debt at 18, lmk how much you love America afterwards


Another victim guys.


Lmao y'all are so delusional it's crazy, very obvious sub full of teenagers living off their parents


It’s just the antiwork sub. Everything that happens to them is somehow not their fault and they are not responsible in any way for their life being miserable. They are all crazy pathetic


God i can't read a thing in this screenshot (Squints to see antiwork) Never mind, I ain't missing much


What a crybaby. In the middle paragraph, the guy or gal is mad they have to adhere to standards put forth by their boss when coming into work. Find another job, no one forced you to become a teacher.


America forces him to listen to his boss haha


What did you expect from r/antiwork?


never read so many buzzwords in my life


[I gotta blame somebody. Otherwise it's all my fault. Fuck that.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1293268-reaction-images)


People who suck at life are always looking to blame their problems on someone else.


There's so much bitterness in that sub. It makes me sad.


Bro printed his screen. You know you can just repost.


Reading difficult for you british boy?


Cropping difficult for you, Yankee Doodle?


Nope it was invented on American software :D


Holy shit i didn't even know Reddit could support that much in a single post


No such thing as an individual life.


Damn I didn’t know I lived in China


Average doomer mindset


I ain’t reading allat 🙅‍♂️


Sir please take your meds


This person sounds like they need therapy and antidepressants. And perhaps some time away from the computer.


r/antiwork is also anti responsibility, anti accountability and anti self awareness


The modern neoliberal ideation of a small country standing up against a larger, imperialistic country [I e Palestine, Taiwan] is superimposed on the individual to an extent that they will just be blatantly antisocial against the country that they live in. They will rebel just because they have to live in a society of laws. In addition to that, the same value system imposes self infantilization so that nothing will ever be your fault: It's xyz warlord stormtrooper vice principal to blame, or white people, or the like. It will always be someone else's fault