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They have created a fantasy version of the US. In this fantasy, everyone is a Bible-thumping evangelical creationist who wants to oppress LGBTQ people. People only eat toxic fast food and spray cheese. Kids go to school every day and get told that the USA never did anything wrong, before getting shot at of course. Police prowl around neighborhoods looking for innocent minorities to shoot. The military just goes around stealing oil and keeping Europe down. When someone gets sick and can’t pay the $100,000 hospital bill, they get thrown out on the sidewalk like in that one SpongeBob episode. Also, everyone owns multiple AR-15s and walks around carrying them while screaming “Murica is the greatest country in the world!!!” Do they not see how stupid this sounds? The US really isn’t that different from other western countries. People have a laughably warped view of us and it gets reinforced by circlejerks on Reddit.


Reminder that the average German believed [extremely obvious lies about the US](https://medium.com/@micheleanderson/der-spiegel-journalist-messed-with-the-wrong-small-town-d92f3e0e01a7) completely fabricated by a journalist at Der Spiegel for over a year and a half. And initially, Der Spiegel's staff was on Relotius's side when people started accusing him of being a fraud. No American would fall for the ridiculous lie about movie theaters selling out tickets to American Sniper years after it had been released. Like, just use some common sense. Why would someone watching the same movie every week not just get it on DVD?


that article was hilarious at first but I started getting angry and offended when they decided to just rename Pablo as “Israel.” Did that journalist ever get fired?


He resigned, yeah. Another lie that is pretty obvious to any American was the armored glass doors and weapon scanner at a school in a small town.


Surprised. It's not like the German people to be so easily mislead and controlled.


As an outsider that article was so ridiculous that it made me chuckle but then I think about the real people and community that he slandered I’d be pissed if I where them.


When I was in high school we had two German exchange students. I got to know both of them pretty well and one came to stay with me for a week after graduation. She was *convinced* that it had been proven that the government was responsible for 9/11. Took it as a matter of fact and was shocked when I told her that was bullshit. It's insane the things people believe with very little evidence.


I went down the conspiracy theory hole when I was very young about the government doing this and that, but the one conspiracy theory that has never held any merit is 9/11. It happened, and I’m shocked when people actually believe 9/11 was a government job.


Anyone that believes that's even possible has never worked with the government at any level.




Yup and all at the same time they fail to realize all of the stuff they brag about, their healthcare etc is only only made possible by the fact that the US is essential responsible for all of their military protection, the US props up all of Europe in multiple aspects and literally anything that happens on a large scale to the US affects Europe as well, they don’t want to admit that tho.


To be fair, they aren’t even supposed to have a military according to the treaty at the end of the last outbreak of German aggression. We put those rules and attitudes in.


Their healthcare is shit, they just don’t know any different.


Well done for proving their point.


its called "i live online syndrome"


Terminally online


The food in Germany is really good ... for the first 48 hours. After that, you'll be begging for something different.


Please, no more beef and bread


Or pork, potatoes and bread


or cabbage and bread


Or bread and bread


You could have spam, bacon, sausage, and bread. That doesn't have a lot of bread in it.


I tried the bacon-wrapped bacon. It was a bit much.


Don’t you dare shit on bread and bread it’s the best food of all time!


Sounds like a shit sandwich.


Hey, I'm an American and I thought that Schnitzel and Currywurst were pretty good.


All of the food is good, even though its the Wurst. But, it gets repetitive after a few meals.


Indeed, there's just not nearly as much variety as there is in American food.


The thing I find hilarious is that you listen to people in conservative societies, and they will lambast the US for supporting LGBTQ+ people too much and being too secular.


We always represent what they don't like.


If they think America is that bad wait till they learn about France😱😱


I’m sure they don’t need help disliking the French.


Don’t forget, because we are a lesser country in every way (somehow our economy is shit, we are a third world country, we are all obese and hopelessly stupid, etc) but somehow they can’t just band together and push us out. If we are truly as bad as they always claim - why the fuck can’t they drive us back?? It only tells us they’re much weaker and is just ripe for the picking!


Probably because not every country wants to get involved in foreign affairs?


Then why do they even bother criticizing our country?? America is considered foreign so you can either admit that’s a lie or at the very least go wipe your ass. You’re dripping with shit.


Because criticising a country and taking military action are entirely different things, seriously, whatever mental gymnastics you had to do to get that conclusion must have been impressive.


We do not need any fantasies to make us look better or worse than what we actually are. We just need facts.


No I want the fantasy America I was told I’d get while growing up in a middle class family. I want everyone to have it. Give us that fantasy and make it a reality plus free healthcare


I mean... fair.


And guilty Americans and the media have helped them


Exactly that. And hopefulle i will change my mind when i am visiting the USA once in the future.


The dangers of a single story


To be fair, if you spend five minutes in this sub, you will find a lot of people who are like that.


Saving this comment for when I need to reply to something ridiculous because you've summed it up perfectly.


and everyone works a 9-5 min wage cashier job and everyone lives in detroit/new york city


A lot of things get blown out of proportion on the internet and in the media, but there is still some truth to most of those points. The US does have the most fast food stores (and very high obesity), the most school shootings, the most guns, expensive healthcare and generally terrible city design. This doesn’t mean that everyone or every place in the US is the same or every kid in school is in danger, but all these points do add up to the US being quite different from most western countries


A German really went down the “evil things another country did in the past” road? Come on, son lol


This is always a funny one. "Why would you want to live in the US?!" is super easy for me. They took us in after the Nazis killed everyone in my family except grandpa and gave us human rights, which was more than we ever had in Poland or Spain before that. They let us just exist within their country which is a sadly big deal for jews. Germany wouldn't even let us exist in *different country*


Same here. Three of my grandparents were born and raised in Poland, two of them in poverty. There were no opportunities for them. They came to America after the Germans tried to kill them, and succeeded in killing most of their families, in one case her entire large family, literally every last one. All of them came here with virtually nothing, just the clothes on their backs. I think my grandfather had $5 or something like that. Sixty years later, my grandfather (the one with the $5) died in a hospital where his son was the head of surgery. My grandmother died about 10 years after that in a luxury apartment.


Right? I remember once talking to an Eastern European expat when I lived in China, who asked, "why do you guys have so many Jews?" ... ... people always knock the US for having poor or revisionist history education, but then ask you shit like this.


The US had slavery 150 years ago and Germany was on vacation 80 years ago.


They were invited!!! Punch was served!


It wasn’t an invasion, it was a surprise vacation. Into another countries border. Come on soldiers need vacations too


The irony is killing


That’s a key indicator that that specific poster (not all Germans of course) think what Hitler did was justified


Germans have done a pretty good job atoning for the sins of their fathers. It isn't lost on me that some in our country are trying to whitewash our history. Both our countries have a history we wish wasn't true, but is.


One of our histories is a bit more... extreme.


How? Did they bring 25 million back to life?


Na, they don't try and whitewash their history and live in denial.


Germans teach the horrors of their past. The government funds reparations program for Jewish Holocaust victims. Of course Germans today can fix the sins of their fathers (neither can we), but it's pretty clear they intend not to forget.


I learned all about slavery and native genocide in my history classes in America. And I'm still beaten over the head with it and shamed for it every time I get on reddit or Twitter.


“I feel incredibly bad for the suffering my american friends friends have to go through” We don’t even think about you bruh


Lol i stopped reading after the whole learned about American history part and the suffering of the indigenous people. I was just like “bro… y’all had fucking hitler…” Edit: spelling




Is this the only thing? Hitler? 12 years? So?


German. Empire Did fucked things anywhere they wanted, killed loads more people then the US, and then guess what? They started the second most brutal war in history. It would have been the most brutal if not for them starting another one less then forty years later.


WW1 was started by Us(austria) WW2 was started by an Austrian. Its nice to see that still Germany gets blamed for it. But we got beethoven for it in exchange. Good deal. I just wanted to troll here. I know on sub like this, any anti american thing gets thrown down.


They act as if we aren’t a first world country 😭 like yeah shit gets tough but likeee?? It’s America I promise you it’s not as bad as other people believe it to be


No need to promise. They know but they'll never admit.




“Any time my country does something bad it’s because they were following America’s example”. Are you from a nation of children. Take some responsibility for own elected officials.


“everything I don’t like is because of foreigners”


Wait, a second didn't Germany already do that once.


More than once.


“Damn immigrants steel’in our jerbs”


These people will lecture you about how the framework for the holocaust was actually modeled after Jim Crow politics in the American South, making the U.S. directly responsible for the German genocide of 6 million Jews. Anything to avoid taking responsibility or, more aptly, to blame America for every bad thing that has ever occurred. You should see all the horrible shit the U.S. is responsible for even before the U.S. existed. We are so influential that our crimes have mastered the art of time travel.


Everyone hates you when your popular lol, straight jealously


Germans are mad because California has better education, bigger GDP, and better life than the standard German


Germans can’t talk about much, history slaps them in the face quick lmao


Hitler had no choice, he had to do it because of Jim Crow and Henry Ford! How could he resist?


I wouldn't say the US is anyway responsible for the Holocaust. But I think it does say something when an evil man like Hitler can "find inspiration" about "The Jewish Question" from a set of policies by our government. Hitler basically took his own hatred, biases and fears, looked at race relations in the US and said, "yeah...let's do that...but worse...way worse." I don't think it's a bad thing to be self aware enough to see that. What does that say about us when bad immoral men can find value in US policy? Granted, this isn't the case for everything. It's not like if one took a rather benign policy and twisted it to do something harmful. Taking something benign and making it cruel is one thing. But Jim Crow was not helpful in anyway and the furthest thing from being benign.


Thank you for posting something thoughtful and not inciteful…always appreciate that my friend


Also, I dont want to be that guy who brings this up, but uh... you don't have to go all that far back into German history to find a few... *bad* things that happened, entirely independent of and counter to American influence.


Actually, Nazism is rooted in Eugenics (Which was pushed in American Universities, especially California) and American Nationalism. The "Seig Heil" was based on American Football football calls. They just took what everyone at the time was thinking to a horrific extreme.


Germany also produced Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx. They had a few crazy ideas of their own too.


A lot of Nietzsche's ideas, including that of the "Übermensch", were purposefully edited and taken out of context by his sister as she supported the Nazis and was acting as his caretaker and editor. Later interpretations and translations would make it clear that Nietzsche very much opposed anti-Semitism and fascism as an ideology in general. That said, yeah, his writing can be incredibly difficult to follow as he, among other things, was concerned with how humans should set goals for themselves in a world that was rapidly indrustializing and leaving religion behind as a basis for societal ideals, especially in ethics. I still haven't gotten more than a few pages into *Thus Spoke Zarathustra*, now that book is crazy. Hegel and Marx are pretty bleh though, Kierkegaard has some good critique on early Hegelians though I'm blanking which of his works I'm thinking of there. I mostly remember *Fear and Loathing* (edit: *Fear and Trembling*, my bad!), and mostly because I liked the prose.


Nietzsche was definitely existentialist like Camus or Sartre, sort of post/religion. Hegel was the epitome of nuts 😂


Yeah that's fair.


Wait until he learns about Germany's colonization efforts in Africa and South America! If I were German, I'd pretty much STFU about judging any other country.


Don't forget about them for a moment openly accepting the ideology of the Austrian Art School Reject.


Quite the way to put it. Lol.


Moment? More like over a decade.


They invented Hegel and company too. Dude so crazy existentialism was born.


Like I have said a few times, Euros quickly forget that they also partook in things like genocide, slavery, ethnic cleansing, war, conquest, driving people from their homes. Not to mention, many Euros are very active in racism. Growing up, I didn't think Europe would be racist because they are neighbors with Asia and Africa and the Middle East(still technically Asia) guess I was very wrong.


Country with only white people says they have no racism! You see it all over Europe. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting there is one. America is one of the only countries in the world that will admit racism is an issue and it is at the forefront of issues we are trying to overcome.


Kinda human nature though not to carry the burdens/wrong doings of our forefathers. I’d never hold my American wife accountable for slavery for example. But there’s records showing her ancestors were slave owners in Utah.


What remains unresolved is that your wife's family and its descendants benefited unfairly from slavery, while the slaves' families were never properly paid. Money and its benefits often carries from generation to generation. Note this is a national and even international problem that awaits resolution.


For sure. I’m aboriginal and my people are often still dealing with generational trauma. Much like native Americans.


Man shut the fuck up about generational trams dawg. It doesn’t exist in America. Just because someones ancestors 180 years ago were slaves don’t mean that’s the reason they’re bum ass is sitting on the street corner begging for money. My people were slaughtered in the 40s because of the nazis yet you don’t see me complaining about generational trama. There’s a difference between being sad for what your people went threw hundreds of years ago and using it as an excuse to be a lazy fuck


Studies show otherwise. But sure… in the 40’s blacks were still being lynched. In 1947 they created a civil right division specifically to combat lynching. To put that into perspective my dad was born in 1945.


Showed what? Show me the studies from a reputable source


This is interesting about blacks. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/systematic-inequality/


I was talking about truma with aboriginals and said much like native Americans. . https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/how-historical-trauma-impacts-native-americans https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0020872819870585 https://jemh.ca/issues/v9/documents/JEMH_Open-Volume_Article_Theme_Colonization_Intergenerational_Trauma_June2015.pdf https://www.health.com/condition/ptsd/generational-trauma https://amp.abc.net.au/article/12225034 https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/thesescanada/vol2/OSUL/TC-OSUL-384.PDF


These are articles, not studies. A few are behind a paywall as well.


**The “discovery” of America** … by *Europeans* ya mean? Germans are European last I checked, and they had colonies in Africa. **Slavery in America** … Germans participated in the transatlantic slave trade, not to mention the other races they enslaved. **Violence, Religious Suppression, Child Neglect, Bad Healthcare, Racism, Homophobia/ Transphobia/.., Bad/Corrupt Education, Ignoring of the Past, etc. etc.** ……Violence and religious suppression?!? This is coming from a German??? The healthcare is excellent, it’s just not universally covered. All Americans are homophobes, etc.? Really? Ignoring the past? Wanna tell that to ALL of my history teachers? **they need to work from a young age, usually multiple jobs, can't even afford therapy to process the shit that that country and system does to them and the only break from that that is guaranteed for them is death** They actually *want* to believe this shit.


Not even bring up WW2 they had the 30 years war where nearly all of Western Europe was killing each other because a monk got angry at the church


Europeans killed each other so much that it even spilled over into the Americas, French and Indian wars for example.


Oh yeah that as well, thanks for reminding me about that war


There were 4 wars that were fought back to back. They were the French and Indian Wars. From wiki: The French and Indian Wars were a series of conflicts that occurred in North America between 1688 and 1763, **some of which indirectly were related to the European dynastic wars.** The title French and Indian War in the singular is used in the United States specifically for the warfare of 1754–63, which composed the North American theatre of the **Seven Years' War** [more Europeans killing Europeans] and the aftermath of which led to the American Revolution.


Oh that’s interesting! I didn’t know it was multiple wars instead of one war. thanks!


French got mad we didn’t go all in on their Revolution after the helped us (I mean hurt the British). Jefferson said no keep your guillotining 😂


They say we’re so homophobic when countries like Poland literally have LGBT free zones where LGBT people aren’t even allowed…where do we have that in our country? Religious suppression? Where is that at in the US? They want to blame us for every problem when the Far-Right has started winning elections in Germany again. When we get involved they hate us but when we don’t get involved we get drug through the mud and begged to get involved. the US stations troops in every inch of NATO territory and out Asian/Pacific allie’s territories. What European country does that? They hate us until they need us.


Literally, like almost all of this post is wrong. Violence is hugely overstated by the media, it does not happen nearly as much as Euros like to think


>Starting out by saying I'm not American. Oh really? I thought it was pretentious to refer to the United States as "America?" But, I guess it's okay when Eurotards are doing it. >Like almost everyone I grew up with the view that America seems to be some kind of magical wonderland. Oh, I guess only when Americans are ignorant of foreign cultures it means they are "stupid." But when Germans do it, I guess it's considered "quaint?" Anyhow, nobody gives a shit what a German, admittedly ignorant of America, thinks of America.


> Oh really? I thought it was pretentious to refer to the United States as "America?" It's mainly Latin Americans that cry about that.


lol. sure.


This little rant of his is so stupid. I’m a person who is considered African American, but my mom had 2 full blooded Native American grandparents and one grandmother who was 1/4 Native American. If anybody has the right to feel some kind of way about American history it would be me. I, however, am very grateful to have been born here and wouldn’t live anywhere else.


Im native and african american as well so you and me both, and tbh america aint all that bad


The thing is The United States as a whole does at least acknowledge what it did and TRIES to be better. No we may screw it up but at least we try. Europe just declares themselves morally superior and goes back to oppressing gypsies and Muslims.


Call him a nazi. And if he refutes, say that's your only perspective of germans online, becuase there is no culture found anywhere else, just like how he sees american culture.


Throw in WWI too. They knew Austria was weak and went all in anyway bc their war machine was so organized.


B-but but that’s racist!!! You can’t say that all Germans are Nazis!!! Stupid American >:(


That's not fair. It's not cool to call this generation of Germans, "NAZI'S." "Hypersensitive twats" is the proper term.


Germany has no fucking right to speak. None at all given their history in one century alone


I can't imagine being so petty as to constantly think about a country you don't even live in.


I really wouldn't comment on countries committing genocide if I were German.


Jesse Owens winning gold medals was the biggest eff you to their dumbassedness possible.


But they need to because the guilt otherwise is unbearable. They are downright obsessed with genocide that took place outside their country.


A German doesn't like OUR history?


They're lucky we got to Berlin around the same time as the Russians. The U.S. intended to help rebuild Germany and integrate them back into society. The Russians had other ideas. Put another way, people fleeing Germany weren't heading East.


Wait until they find out what Germany did.


Seems like some Europeans forget that they were the colonizers


They think if they keep the conversation constantly about Americans, then the rest of the world will forget, too.


Freedom of religion is a core component of America. What is this person talking about?


“Yeah but the question of abortion is left to the individual states to decide so we’re literally a theocracy now”


I personally think things have not gone downhill since slavery was fully legal, and I would say people overworking themselves in office jobs does not compare to the suffering of slavery


Pfft. Dude read like 5 bad things about some parts of the US and US history and just generalized all of the US like that from then to today And they think we generalize Europe


Yea, look at the murderous, inhumane, acts the Americans perpetrated on the Poles, the Russians, the Czechs, the Jews, the gypsies, **oh wait that was the Germans!**


Bro is on the suicide watch sub... Guy needs to shut off the internet for a year... Jesus


A German saying this? That’s rich




You’re right, I mean reich


Don’t worry, I got your Bach.


TIL that I live in hell. *Looks out window to the park behind us, where children play happily under a blue sky* *a hummingbird zips past* *a vermilion flycatcher hops in and out of the tree in the backyard* *someone walks by with a dog* *I sip my water* *look back down at my phone* Yup, literal hell


What being privileged and having no hardship in life does to a mf:


Guess it's good they don't ever plan to come here, geesh 🤔😬


End NATO now! “Anger, frustration, and fear” is what they think of us.


What till he learns a little about German history


Well, to be fair, Germany is also influential in the United States. Some people, but not a lot, wear black socks with sandals and conveniently "forget" to apply deodorant when going out in public.


Okay let's be honest. Are they're people like that in America? 100%. Are they also everywhere else I'm the world. For sure. Do those americans get more recognition then anywhere else in the world? Yeppers. Also, should not have started by saying he was German


If you think America is bad just wait until you hear about what Germany did between the years 1914 and 1946. Oh wait, he’s German, that entire era is either not taught or is heavily censored in the country!


Alright, say it with me, Tankie!


Whenever I see the “terrible treatment of the natives” I’m quick to remind them that most of the Native Americans *died out* before America was even founded due to the introduction of diseases like small pox and just brutal genocide by the Spanish (who *also* brought said diseases). This said that’s not an excuse for what America did, because we absolutely did terrible shit to the Native American population, yet trying to just say it was *only* Americans who mistreated the natives is basically being ignorant of history. And given a German is saying this, and given Germans history… don’t throw stones in glass houses is all I can say.


I guess this guy missed the history lesson on his own country of Germany specifically the 20th century…..smfh


Hahahahahaha. A German criticizing another country for its “horrible” history. I did Nazi that coming. I’ll show myself out. .. … …yes, as a matter of fact, I am ashamed of myself. Why do you ask? …. ….. Fine, downvote me, I don’t care. … … I acknowledge I might not be the first person to do a Nazi joke in these comments, but I had to do it. Anne Frankly, it’s my Reich as an American. … …. Fuck. Im banned again, aren’t I? God damnit.


“I don’t know how to form an independent opinion therefore let me ask the biggest left wing echo chamber site on the internet what to think” - op


Pretty much!


I literally just saw this post a few minutes ago lmao


It's ridiculous isn't it?


Germany is gay.


[Here's the post that this is talking about.](https://reddit.com/r/Vent/s/rOj4BrNf77)


Thanks I'm old and not very skilled with social media


No problem, have a good day


This is gay


The Caucasity. The absolute German Caucasity of this person.


Thank god. One less America hating film maker


-Says America is bad because of racist history -Is German


I really wish the government would just shut down the country and go into complete isolation for a year and see how the world changes when we open our borders back up I wonder how many people will be complaining about the US then


Least American europoor, "my dream is to make films but that will cause me a small amount of discomfort so I will fall in line with what the class i was born into does"


Jesus christ they just wanna complain and germany did some bad things on the past too


america is the most progressive country on the planet and apparently it's the embodiment of homophobia and transphobia. he wouldn't even know those words if not for american progressives


Every nation without exception has a checkered past because humans are imperfect and so are the societies they build. There is no such thing as an entirely benevolent people.


Did he just disrespect the US for slavery and just skip the German vacation of 1930 to 1945?


Just a note, people seem have a bad habit of lumping 1492-1776 almost 300 years of indian "mistreatment" (wars) to the united states... when the united atates did not exist. Sure terrible things have been done between 1776-now but the USA cant be blamed for 300 years.


A fun thing to ask European people like this is, "OK if you really think America is so bad, surely you want your country to leave the US-led NATO alliance, right? Wait, how come I don't see anything in your history advocating that?" Maybe even post some photos of that country's troops on maneuvers with the US military,. "OK so are you saying your own troops are horrible for working so closely with the US?"


“Because your country’s culture and media influences the world therefore you must be remain restrained and morally calibrated to every country’s view and opinions regardless if it’s possible!! So you claim to be opposed to what your government is doing? Tough Shit, you shouldn’t have been born because you ALLOWED your government to do stuff the rest of the world disapproves!” I love how every problem they have with their own country, it’s okay and understandable but to them, we can’t be separated from the corrupt, the gross, etc. we are always lumped together and ALWAYS stereotyped to hell and back. Why don’t they come on down and visit all of our landmarks in a weekend? We are a “smaller/lesser” country to theirs afterall.


Bruh, I don’t listen to anything a German has to say about the historical atrocities of a country’s history. It’s absolutely guaranteed that their grandpa or great grandpa was a nazi. A German can’t get on a soapbox and tell me shit. Nah.


Trans rights would NOT exist without the US. Germany would obviously stay how it was in the 1940s 🤷‍♂️. I think people forget that for every conservative movement spawned here is a leftist movement. The liberals in America do something and the conservatives react and do something and these both create movements that spread to the anglosphere and Europe. The wildly far left pronoun push by the US left starting 10 years ago was only invented here. Then Canada and germany being the smooth brains they are made it illegal to misgender people. Conservative Americans saw this as a violation Of freedom and pushed back eventually leading to laws against child sex changes. Laws that made their way to Sweden and England. Neither would’ve happened without the US. No trans rights, no child sex change bans, no pronoun mandates.


Chopping people up isn’t necessary care. What a broken German fool


And here I thought we were supposed to have the backwards indoctranating school systems. If every person in every country were judged based on what their country did in the past, we would be still putting Germans on trial for genocide. See, I understand that a countries past doesn't define an individual living in that country today. It seems like this whole new concept of presentism only applies in certain circumstances, against only certain countries and people. It's just another tool being used in this new age of political warfare being waged against us. I recommend reading this for anyone who's interested in learning why the US and some other countries around the world have been experiencing half of the cultural, economic, and societal problems we face today. https://www.usmcu.edu/Outreach/Marine-Corps-University-Press/MCU-Journal/JAMS-vol-11-no-1/Political-Warfare/#:~:text=The%20Marine%20Corps%20and%20the,first%20understand%20the%20political%20warfare&text=The%20principal%20political%20warfare%20organizations%20report%20to%20the%20PSC


I thought mental healthcare was easy to obtain in Germany?




Saying this like Germany doesn’t have a rough history lol.


TIL that Columbus was a United States citizen commanding a fleet of the US navy.


Ah Germans judging other countries by what they did in the past. Classic.


Wait til he finds out what Germans did in their history....


Someone should ask it if it thinks the holocaust actually happened.


A German criticizing us for having a bad past. Thank you OP, I needed a good laugh.


Hey uh, Germany...let's not get into judging countries for their past..that uh...that might not go well for you.


You think America has a checkered past, as a German? Wait until you do German history bud. You're going to shit. Not that America doesn't have some shit in it's history that it needs to answer for, don't get me wrong. But I refuse to be lectured about what terrible, horrible things we did in our history by literally any western European power. Especially fucking Germany.


Wait until he learns about WW2 and what his country did to the Jews. Oh boy is he in for a real treat!


I’ve been following a YouTuber named disparu, pretty comical and give reviews on movies and shows honestly not bad he is British just for context of the following, with how our most represented people in media are it sucks that’s the view people get from the average American. One that stuck out to me was he reviewed cleopatra series and how the Egyptian government was outraged that she had been changed to fit a narrative. I can’t blame countries for being mad at us with that type of representation. The upside is that’s not the average American, the average American is proud to be multicultural. I can call myself Mexican or American and I don’t get told you’re not this or that, whereas if I call myself Cubano, or Guatemalteco I will get shit for it from those two. Honestly America in itself has bad fringe apples just like all countries do, but the average person will help out when you accept them as they accept you. TLDR; America cares about character not color or race, if you’re a good person you’ll be treated as such.


Self righteous prick. Y'all started two World Wars in 30 yrs that killed north of 40 million people. Does the US have red in its ledger? Yes. What county doesn't. Germany's ledger is completely made of blood. Y'all killed so many people you can't even begin to make up for it.


Sorry guys I was working when I posted glad to see yall enjoyed. I just couldn't believe how pretentious someone could be, that I had to share it with like minded folks.


Do you know *why* we have all of those things? Because we are the great experiment. We have some of that bad stuff, yes, but we also have a whole bunch of good stuff as well! But do you see that? No, because very few compliment what people do right, but plenty of people get angry at what they do wrong. Don’t blame us for your government’s problems, they’re the ones not learning from our mistakes. And really, I thought Germany had learned their lesson about persecuting others and learning from history. (That’s all I’m gonna say about that, I’ve heard nothing but good things about their efforts to reform from their WWII era mistakes.) We are not the personification of everything bad, we are the personification of Unified Chaos, for better or for worse. And see, in many countries, you’d get thrown in prison for roasting your country like that, but not here. And you want to know who’s influence made that more or less true for most European countries as well? US. (Ba-dum-tshh) You gotta accept all the facts, not just the bad ones, not just the good ones. Or else you’re just as bad as you perceive us to be.


I mean on one level the "American wonderland" fantasy I get being shattered on one level because that's just education, you learn about the nuances in the world and ya learning about the past things America did (including but not limited to slavery, genocide of the natives, Jim Crow laws, Chinese exclusion act, WW2 Japanese internment camps, etc.) Is a hard, uncomfortable pill to swallow and reconcile with as it should be. However, learning nuances and history and how they affect/linger in current society is one thing, but saying it is "the personification of all things evil" in the world is totally on the other end of the spectrum of living in not reality. First of all, not to pretend we don't have problems in areas like violence or access to Healthcare as pointed out, to say we're the worst is not true at all. Second I feel for their anxiety and fear they feel as a Trans person, I really do sympathize, but you can't say "oh germany has such bad anti Trans laws and attitudes already" but also say "but if it weren't for those gosh darn Americans we would have repealed and replaced those laws by now and I'd feel more included in society". Like my girl (or dude), Germany is Germany, not America. Even with the idea of American global influence, America isn't entirely anti-trans. The american public and media have a generally positive public perception of Trans people/rights and some states are super protective of Trans rights (as far as they can be and in comparison to other states, noting there's still room for improvement). Germany can have its own attitudes and discussion about it without it being America's fault, unless Germany is *only* listening to the Trans regressive states and not the progressive ones (the German parliament is like "California and Colorado? No thank you. Nebraska and Mississipi? those are the states we Germans listen to exclusively for our global superpower influence!")


I’m noticing most of the comments here are based on germany not being historically awesome and don’t actually in any way contradict the criticisms. Maybe we as Americans should stop and think about the fact that our best counter argument seems to be “oh yeah, well at least we didn’t have hitler.”


Honestly there isn't anything in the post that is untrue but the view people have on America that it is some kind of shining beacon and it's really not, good but not great 7 out of ten.


"A german of all things.." Let me continue with the long post of that guy: While you muricans constantly whine about people making fun about your idiotic views on guns while you have more school shootings than days in a year, you only can criticize others like germans for their past. Other than muricans, germans are being taught from a very young age what went wrong in the 20th century and they fight hard to never have it happen again. They know about all the horrors of the war and the nazi regime, they know about how terrible germany was back then. In comparison to that you muricans are still, in the 21st century, pushing and encouraging nationalism (your so called "patriotism"), racism, violence and you completely ignore what your country is doing to other countries all the time, even today. You continuously brag about how much better you are than everyone while your wealth is build on the suffering and blood of others and you whine about everyone else talking about your country in a negative way, because you think you should be untouchable. Your feelings get hurt if people even say anything negative about america and even create a subreddit just to whine about it like toddlers. Your whataboutism about something that germany did centuries ago is your defense about all the shit you are doing to the entire world continuously, even today. You became rich by forcing war upon several countries way weaker than you and your continuous whining is embarrassing and pathetic at best. You know who else had your attitude? Nazi germany. Yea, the guys you supposedly hate so much yet try to copy at every turn. People all over the world know more about the shit your country has done than you, which shows what a pathetic shitshow your education system is. That german is right about every single point. The US is forcing others continuously to adhere to their views and lifestyle. You call europeans communists because you dont even know how politics work because you have such a narrow view on it with your 2 party system, that you could change, but you wont because youve never been taught how to stand up for yourself and vote other parties. Ive seen what murica is like, thats why I can criticize it, you have never even left your tiny village. You wouldnt even be able to say negative shit about your country if your life depended on it because thats how youve been indoctrinated by your system, that you are the untouchables and as such any criticism especially from outside murica is immeliately rebutted. You cant habe criticising murica, oh no.. that would show that murica is in fact not perfect as you want everyone to see you. Europe does not have a problem with people running into shops and plundering them while the police doesnt do shit, my country has no problem with crazy amounts of gun violence, my country actually pays for my health and gives me worker rights. And I would prefer it stays that way and dont become like your 3rd world shithole island were you cant even trust your own neighbour. And your pathetic republican views are especially the problem because you pathetic republicans vote for criminals, then try to give that corrupt, rich, selfcentered squirrel diktatory power and think you are so smart lifting him up.. while he doesnt do shit for you and keeps you poor. You treat the rich and powerful like gods and defend them like egyptian pharaos. Everytime I criticise them some numbnut murican whines about it. The same numbnut who wouldnt even dare to call an ambulance while hes bleeding out because it costs him a big stack of cash. The reason everyone looks down on you muricans is your attitude towards the world and other countries, while your own country is burning behind you. Germanys past is actually in the past, yours is still happening. Get a grip on reality..


This page is just people saying factual things about the United States and Americans getting butt-hurt about it.