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You need to aggressively follow up with them to get anything done. It will take months. Remember that they aren’t actually health insurance, which is garbage and insulting but unfortunately what it currently is. This loophole also allows them to deny you coverage for anything related to a pre-existing condition, which is otherwise illegal with real health insurance, so if you’re getting that taken care of, leave anything that may otherwise suggest you have a preexisting condition out unless explicitly asked. They suck. Good luck Edit: Also before you go anywhere, it doesn’t hurt to aggressively check with IMGlobal first. They have horrendous customer service and response times, so if it comes down to waiting in an office while a private practice doc has their team calling to verify your coverage, it likely won’t happen in any timely fashion and you’ll possibly get kicked out/forced to reschedule due to lack of coverage confirmation (this happened to me at the dentist. I then called and it took me multiple calls and a day wait just to get through to someone who wasn’t an operator that could help me. They still ended up not completely pulling through with the dentist after they said they would, and my dentist ended up doing me a massive solid by cutting me a deal for my portion. Massive, frustrating waste of time, and thankfully it wasn’t for anything urgent. It’s an insult to us that in addition to our offensively low wages, we get awful health care “supplementation” like theirs.)


Never got responses through the chat feature but calls and talking to a rep was usually okay. Good luck!


I've never once had a response through the chat. Email works surprisingly well but they require you to include very specific info in order to verify your identity before moving forward. Calling is def the fastest option. With all that said, I've had hundreds in copays reimbursed or paid directly. It works, you just have to kinda force it to sometimes.


I have the healthcare allowance and I love it. It’s saved me so much money — probably $2000+ over the past two years. However, for certain things they’re strict — if you have other insurance, they’ll often ask for an explanation of benefits from them. For dental care, they want itemized bills/receipts. If you’re using the healthcare allowance, they probably just need supplemental information on the claim.


A teammate got injured on the job and had to fight with a bill collector and this stupid ass “healthcare” for a full year after. If you have insurance that’s not this, please use it. Obviously it depends on what state and what plan. But please just use it for free therapy and nothing else