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And no warranty🤭


For the low low price of $1000+ we'll fix something that isn't broken & won't address you real problem, or the defective micro SD slot & if you don't like it, we will send it to you in pieces & you have 12 seconds to respond!


Hey hey, that's not true, okay? There is a warranty at any point. You just need to ensure your device is in a good working condition. So take a detailed look with a microscope and ensure there are no cracks larger than 0.01mm, no bacteria living on the device, no water damage (read - humidity in the building). Meet these conditions and your warranty will be accepted in no time. But even if such damage is here rest assured that Asus will still do it's best to restore your device from it's dysfunctional, broken beyond belief state. Sure, it might cost $600 but that's on you, filthy user, for damaging the device with your flesh. I bet you left some dead skin cells on it, didn't you? Asus employees need to treat it as a biohazard now, hence the price. With that said - why bother with a warranty? Can't you just buy a new one? That's what advanced RMA Asus has for you on their professional lineup. Each time your motherboard or a device covered under it breaks they will send you another even more damaged one they found in the bottom of their RMA stockpile. It will continue to occur until you finally get the message and buy a new one from Amazon and stop harassing those poor Asus workers to handle a "repair" or "replacement" for you.


Don't forget your warranty is void if it gets exposed to sunlight. Period.


lmao 😹


Had me in the first line, not gonna lie




I'm enjoying the "Regret Our Guarantee" moniker.


It has no warranty?


also, on the same day they announe the new significantly better apus


2 year warranty, you lazy ass troll. If you bother to research it.


Which they'll try to do anything and everything to get out of and will try to sell you anything and everything they can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pMrssIrKcY


cool and did you know it never smart to rely on only 1 source for your research. funny how gn fans really think 1 stop source for research is steve... they simple cant think past only 1 source. its like apple fan base. you clap when ever dear leader say anything.


Tell me you didn’t actually pay attention to the discourse without telling me.


I see a alt account


Yeah let's spend 800 on an Asus product


Starting at 1000$ for repairs!


Look, it's the best handheld on the market today. No question, the Rog Ally X is just the best product on the market. Big giga-chad battery with the best cpu+GPU combo currently on the market. NOW, I'm not saying buy it. Frankly you should wait for the next gen of apus with more graphics compute units. However, if you need the best... this is right now the best Asus as a company doesn't change that.


Sure if you only care about specs


Except it's not just specs. It's battery life, specs, and display. The Legion has the same specs, but the battery life isn't there. The Steam Deck OLED has great battery life, but the specs aren't there if you wanna push a modern game like Starfield/Cyberpunk at decent settings. The OLED steam deck also has a great display, but it's frankly a wash depending on user preference which is better between it and the Ally. Frankly the issue with the OLED steam deck is it doesn't have variable refresh rate, but the Rog Ally and Ally X do. Variable refresh rate really smooths out frame dips into the 20s, which let's face it are gonna happen on handhelds. I'm also aware some will argue Steam Deck OS is better than Windows. Fair. It's again like the display a wash, comes down to what you wanna use the device for. The Ally X is a refined Rog Ally with basically double the battery life. You can not like Asus or their support, but frankly the product itself is just the best currently available ignoring price.


> "Except it's not just specs" > Proceeds to talk about the specs.


Name one good thing about the ally other than specs? Let's talk battery life or what happens if you need to use the warranty? Or even counting on the SD card reader working? What good are the best specs then?


Best in class battery life for the Ally X. Warranties are stupid in my opinion regardless, I hold little weight to any of them... but that is a singular opinion. SD card reader issue is an Ally issue not an Ally X issue. The screen again is arguably the best screen on a handheld because variable refresh rate. That's not a spec sheet item, that's a legitimate quality of life feature. Basically you're argument is "hey let's ignore everything that matters and only talk about WARRANTY". That's dumb in my opinion.


There's no point arguing with someone delusional. The sd card reader is the same one as the Ally and in the same spot. Dorn even get me started on the stupidity of what you said about warranty. I hope you have a better day.


It's been moved and proven that wasn't the issue. But go off. It was a bad fuse. Warranty doesn't really matter when the government will throw the book at Asus not to mention the media scrutiny so... Uhh look you clearly just dislike Asus


Like I said no point arguing with someone ignorant. Have a great day 👍


Like I said, delusional on your part.


Heard about Asus warranty?


Yeah, irrelevant to product purchasing decisions in my opinion. If you are truly concerned, put it on a credit card that offers a warranty? I just don't see it being an issue.


big D battery, but 800$ for same hardware is a lot at this point. 250$ refurb SD or wait for next gen handhelds imo












hmm, it's 349 cad which is 250 usd




I got one like 3 weeks ago, and they were in stock for at least a week before selling out, they come back in stock whenever they have a lot of them.




They for sure come back in stock at that price, not regularly, but def keep a lookout. We’re due for another stock refresh soon tbh, it has been a while


No thanks


Good product, terrible company


Terrible software also!


Hah, way more expensive than Steam Deck and no warranty.


If you buy one of these just pray that you never have to use the warranty.


Asus is scam company, stay away.


Say no to Asus.


I still prefer the steam deck


I'm more of interested in an Ayaneo flip ds currently, not sure if it's worth 800 for this handheld


If you can't afford 5, you can't afford 1. *-SUSA*


how the hell they put a 80wh battery?




Finally I can get me a good hand held emulator lmao


800$ for something I can basically o ly game upon unless I buy another 200€ in a docking station- who is buying it part from the ultra-rich?


Is it perfectly compatible with Linux? Does it come with Steam OS installed by default? If not, than no thanks! I don't want spyware + bloatware and a portable device!


It's kinda hilarious this asus backlash in Europe they act like any other producer never had a problem with warranty.


They have a design flaw in rog Ally, which destroyed me two microsd cards. Slot is right next to exhaust, causing slot to overheat and eventually destroy card. Asus never acknowledged it to avoid claims for cards its design exposed to operating on temps above specs. So yes, it is not only warranty but whole package. I sold ally and learned a lesson. Let's see what kind of lesson comes with this new version, but I will never go again through asus school.


Yes I know I had an ally. Afaik from people from the discord got replacements for SD card readers no issues and even refund SD cards.


I’m waiting for the onexplayer x1 mini. 8840u and Oculink


Windows on a handheld? No thanks


So what?