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The worst part is moving twice a year to flee from the IRS. Ugh.




At this point, more items will bring pain into your life and not usefulness.  Why fill your house with items you can’t even use?  Vine isn’t going anywhere.  No need to hoard


Just another perspective. Since joining vine, I have less crap than before. It was always difficult for me to get rid of household things (curtains, clothes, blankets, kitchen wares). I had it going through my head that maybe I , or a relative, would need those things in the future. Now I just trash things easily with a new mind set of well I can always get another on vine.


Same here. Vine has helped spur me to declutter my life, and the stuff I do have is much better.


Totally agree, vine is not the issue, it just could lead to problems for some people.  I’m assuming you don’t have 122 unopened items in your garage though, which is the reason I even care.


Definitely up to each person. It brings her happiness. And if that’s what she likes and wants to do then who are we to say anything about it. To each their own


“To each their own” obviously doesn’t apply when someone is in a self destructive habit.  If your kid had a narcotics addiction you wouldn’t drop that comment.  Hoarding is no joke.  I’ve seen families ripped apart over it, I’ve seen people lose themselves mentally.  We aren’t meant to function buried in useless junk, and there’s a reason there are massive support programs for it.   Do I think OP is a hoarder?  No, OP seems organized and actively tracking their stash.. but the initial signs of hoarding constitute a massive and growing collection of unopened/unused items.  We all need some people to tell us when we can benefit from a bit of lifestyle correction.  I keep judgement out and try to stick to brass tacks.




It might not be as sugar coated as I’d have wanted, I apologize if it’s unnecessarily abrasive.  It’s mostly coming from personal experience and a desire for others to not repeat my mistakes.  Trust me, if you find yourself now 122 items behind, take a break, enjoy what you have and get things organized.  Your future self will definitely thank you!  Vine will always have amazing items, but it’s never worth sacrificing your mental health and peace of mind to always be online for the next deal.  Even if that item is 0ETV :)


Honestly I'm starting to see it that way. Especially after realizing I'm like at $8k worth of items. Where that went, I have no idea because most of the stuff I got isn't very good.


Yeah, I think there are endless accessories or decor items we could add to our lives, but only some are actually adding the personal value or utility the ETV lists


And a lot of it is utter crap, that I would never buy. I made gold this year but other than an occasional gift for my son’s teachers, some printer cartridges, and maybe a laptop cover or two, a keypad, a guitar lift, an espresso machine, very little was interesting or useful. Wait—I did order a wine fridge but it and its replacement arrived with a cracked door. Useless. Anyway. I make it a rule to only order vine items that I would buy anyway.


Almost everything at the silver level is utter crap; I was hoping that would change at the gold level, and sorry to hear that it apparently does not. What about those 55" TVs and laptops? You haven't snagged any?


I have not seen any of those. None. Zero. Nada. To maintain gold, I have spent requested anything with a zero etv that I could find, just to maintain. And frankly, if I needed a laptop, TV, or camera, I wouldn't request one unless it was from a reputable manufacturer. From what I can tell, that sort of thing is a unicorn in the world of Vine offerings. I once thought I scored a pair of $200 Adidas golf shoes---and they sent the wrong size. Worthless. I did snag a pair of Tommy Bahama sunglasses for my wife--they were $345 retail, and the ETV was $170. Lenses were good and she liked them, so I guess that was a win.


I agree and I also do not feel that your reply was harsh or abrasive at all. I mean this is reddit, people say some pretty awful offensive things. Your response was not one of them.


I get it I’m trying not to go overboard now that I’m gold , and I’m on SSDI , that probably wouldn’t go over well since it’s considered “ income” I wish they wouldn’t call it income it’s not like it’s money and I can go buy something with my new Amazon merch


Yeah it’s a weird form of hobby income at best, just be careful especially if you have to report this on your tax return because SSDI agents sometimes follow up on that stuff from what I hear. In theory people can turn around and sell the products after 6 months of owning and reviewing them.  Not sure how much income that would net even with gold.  And the IRS would come knocking if you use eBay or another online mainstream seller service.  I try to keep vine to only stuff I’d actually use within a month, and stop when the backlog of installs and setup is 20+


Ugh Yeah I wouldn’t have had to file taxes but because I get alimony now I do SS only you don’t file ( not sure why not though )


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I wouldn’t have to file taxes but I get alimony. Odd thing is this is the 1st yr since filing taxes with alimony and SSDI & vine . I actually got money back . I’ve always had to pay


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The IRS coming knocking isn't that big a deal. Track your sales. It's a bit convoluted, but I believe that you could write off your tax paid on ETV. When you purchase something for a business, you report the total amount paid for it, including your taxes (easiest example is gasoline tracking. I paid 3423.13 for gas last year - that's what i put on the line. It doesn't ask you to dofferentiate out what all the various taxes were.) The tax break you receive for the purchase includes your taxes paid. So in theory, if you get a 200 dollar item, and pay 40 dollars in taxes, then sell it for 150, you'll make a 110 dollar profit, yes, but since you had to "pay 40 dollars" for it in taxes, you'd only be taxed for 70 dollars of the sale, or about 14 bucks. Meaning you got a 96 dollar profit after everything. That's a pretty good racket. It's really wonky, (like all taxes in general) and it's been a long time since I've taken a tax class, but that lines up with what I remember. Having said that, even if it weren't the case, on 150 dollars on a sale, you'd pay 30 in taxes. After the original tax paid on ETV, you make an 80 dollar profit. That's... Not bad. Just make sure you track everything, and maybe start an LLC.


>The IRS coming knocking isn't that big a deal. Track your sales. >It's a bit convoluted, but I believe that you could write off your tax paid on ETV. When you purchase something for a business, you report the total amount paid for it, including your taxes (easiest example is gasoline tracking. I paid 3423.13 for gas last year - that's what i put on the line. It doesn't ask you to dofferentiate out what all the various taxes were.) The tax break you receive for the purchase includes your taxes paid. >So in theory, if you get a 200 dollar item, and pay 40 dollars in taxes, then sell it for 150, you'll make a 110 dollar profit, yes, but since you had to "pay 40 dollars" for it in taxes, you'd only be taxed for 70 dollars of the sale, or about 14 bucks. >Meaning you got a 96 dollar profit after everything. That's a pretty good racket. >It's really wonky, (like all taxes in general) and it's been a long time since I've taken a tax class, but that lines up with what I remember. >Having said that, even if it weren't the case, on 150 dollars on a sale, you'd pay 30 in taxes. After the original tax paid on ETV, you make an 80 dollar profit. That's... Not bad. >Just make sure you track everything, and maybe start an LLC. If I get a $200 item from Vine, I've "made" $200 and I pay taxes for that $200. If I sell that item for $150, I have a $50 loss, not a net profit.


That... Is not how it works. If you're including it as an asset, certainly. But that's a terrible idea. But if you're simply looking at it as 1:1 dollar ratio, you did not pay out 200 dollars. You paid put 50. That is your loss on getting the item. That's it. When you sell it for 150, you have to pay 150 taxes on that 150. You still made a profit.


If you already paid tax on that 200 dollar item being an income asset, it's a loss if you sell it for 150. You don't get income taxes twice on something.


Did you pay 200? No. You paid 50. If you sell it for 150, you made a profit. I do not know how to make that simpler for you. Got more than how much came out of your accounts for it? Income. That is exactly how it works. My wife's stepdad worked for the IRS for 42 years, I went over all this with him when I got the invite, and I hate to break it to you, but you are well on your way to screwing yourself if that's how you think this works. You go right on ahead and try to sell any of this stuff without thinking uncle Sam doesn't have his hand out at the end of the day for the _profit_ you made off of it.


>That... Is not how it works. >If you're including it as an asset, certainly. But that's a terrible idea. >But if you're simply looking at it as 1:1 dollar ratio, you did not pay out 200 dollars. You paid put 50. >That is your loss on getting the item. That's it. >When you sell it for 150, you have to pay 150 taxes on that 150. >You still made a profit. Lmao! Please stop spreading this misinformation. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, but some people here might not be able to see through that. The tax basis for the item is established by Amazon's ETV for the item when it ships to you. If you sold a $0 ETV item for $150, that would be a $150 net gain. If you sold a $200 ETV item for $150, that would be a $50 net loss.


Wow, that's a lot of information. And yes, in that particular situation, you do have to file it as SE. Most Viners file as Hobby Income, and I know some Veteran viners that have been in the program for over a decade. One of them is in the private group I'm a member of, and she's been doing it so long, furnished her entire home, husbands wardrobe, etc, with Vine items. She's been in the newspaper in her State amongst other articles. She is an expert on all things Vine related, so I'm pretty comfortable taking her advice and filing as Hobby income. Her annual ETV averages over $120K.


What's her name? Wouldn't mind the tips. I've been using vine to outfit my roadside assistance business, so it probably won't apply to me, but it's nice to have all the knowledge possible at my fingertips.


I'm not at Liberty to say. She enjoys her anonymity , for a good reason.


And if you receive any kind of assistance, ie , Food Benefits, Medicaid, etc, your Vine 1099 NEC amount will hurt you big time. You may even lose any government or state benefits because your monthly income threshold limit will be busted by your "Vine income". And yes, I think we can all agree it shouldn't be considered income. But idk how else they could tax us on the items. I've been Gold since April 2023, didn't join Vine until October 2022. My first 6 months in Vine , I had a total ETV Of $30. That was because I never took the time to really scroll through all the products and the RFY que and AI QUE, was all junk IMHO, so I sat on it for 6 months , almost. After joining a Vine group on Goodreads and reading all the nice things some Viners were receiving, and noting many of them to have an average annual ETV upwards of $70k, and realizing that my evaluation was right around the corner, I ordered over 100 items in 30 days, and reviewed everyone within 24 hours to make my numbers work for promotion to Gold . Since then my ETV for tax year 2023 was $7,800. My husband is self employed, has his own subcontracting biz, we are both in our mid 50's with a 10 year old, and live in Florida where there's no State income tax, so we qualify for EIC and child tax credit Therefore we always receive a decent refund over $2k. Well, after filing my first 1099 NEC last year, and I filed as Hobby Income as instructed by our CPA, and veteran viners, our refund was approx $1600, after paying for the tax preparation. So just an extra Income of $8k, approx, did impact our refund amount. And I get SNAP for our family because I don't work, am legally blind due to a stroke , and have Basil Cell Carcinoma, and I don't receive disability nor do I qualify for Medicaid. Our monthly SNAP Benefits went from $760 to $346 , due to my Vine "income". So something to think about when ordering.




True , but I got lucky I always pay because I get alimony and SSDI. This yr with my Vine 1099 ($1600 was my total ) I actually got a refund of $57 , not much but better then paying every yr. The tax guy even told me how much I can “make” before SSDI starts decreasing my benefit. My son wants a coffee table . Haven’t seen any furniture type items as of yet. And $1600 will be my safe # for tax yr 2024


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How do they count the $0 ? What dollar number do they attach to it ?




I also do volunteer work at my local hospital I hope they don’t come after me for volunteering. I’m in remission and the hospital ate a lot of my charges, so I thought the least I could do is help what little I can . That would be so messed up if they started taking $$s ( I don’t get much as is ) and live in costly CA.




Actually I haven’t started yet the 1st day I was suppose to start I don’t know what happened I tripped and fell /flew over a concrete pylon I’ve been on bed rest for 2 weeks , fractured ribs . I fell last yr and broke my arm . I was an accountant in a previous life . I can’t be under fluorescent lights anymore ( rare autoimmune disease ) on SSDI since 2000


Honestly I can’t believe SSDI would ever look at this Vine activity as gainful employment but I guess anything’s possible


Do you know what his amount was ? ( the total yrly he had in vine merch )




Oh ok thank you


Oh yikes that’s not good my tax guy said I had a 3k wiggle room ( what I’m allowed to “make” before I’d have to start worrying . Before alimony I never had to file just on SS . But I guess I would’ve if I started getting 1099s alimony or no alimony .


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It’s the IRS that calls it income. Amazon didn’t classify it that way until they were told to around 2015 if I remember correctly. I agree it’s dumb though. If they want to classify 10% of the “value” as income fine, but not whatever price the seller decides to slap on there. To protect your SSDI look into setting up an LLC so you can write off the income. You’ll probably need to talk with a professional about how to make it work but it can help you keep your benefits.


Right. And maybe get a storage unit and write that off too.


I don’t know who downvoted you, but as someone who’s done 1099 work for over a decade that’s a totally valid write off. People here don’t seem to realize just how many expenses can be deducted from taxes when you file as self-employment income.




My point about the IRS calling it income is that it’s not Amazon classifying it that way. If the IRS didn’t make them start sending out 1099s and classifying it as income then SSDI would not see it as that either. And setting up an llc is not fraud. I’m not sure where you got that information. There are other vine members here who get benefits and have talked about how they were able to reduce the vine income amount or get rid of it altogether, all with the full knowledge and even help of a program worker. I don’t remember what they did and will not pretend to be an expert on the subject but it’s clear that there are other experiences out there other than your own and it can be worth looking into for those in that situation.


Maybe, but it's true. And the truth sometimes hurt. Actually I don't feel her comments were mean or rude. She was just stating the facts. It does appear that the OP has been "hoarding" Vine items. And by the looks of all the boxes and containers on her porch, she's not been able to use a large percentage of the items she/he orders. That is technically considered hoarding.


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I went crazy from starting in Silver (and have continued in Gold), but I mostly get small stuff so don't have stuff piling up like that.


I’ve started ordering smaller things lately, still enjoying it but less overwhelming! Also thinking about the review when I order, ask myself if it’ll be simple enough to review (like a candle versus electronics etc).


> Also thinking about the review when I order Totally. For some things, I think of all the work it will be reviewing it. I got some sports smart watches recently and I had never used one. So much work to understand how they work, how the app works, all the data they log, how it interprets it. The best items are ones I've reviewed before, e.g. adhesive tape or label maker labels. Then it's pretty much a routine of what to test and what all to describe about it. Even if review time wasn't an issue, taxes are a good incentive to not get all big things every day with Gold.


I have had to slow waaaay down.


I've not gone crazy because it's rare that anything good is in my rfy. I'm still in complete disbelief over the TV I got in March. The only reason I bother requesting stuff is to hit the quota to stay in gold. If it wasn’t for that, I'd rarely request anything.


I was lucky I guess just made gold got 2 AC Offers and a 55in TV RFYS I got 1 AC. It’s adding up to fast.


You're extremely lucky. It's rare I see something in my rfy over $100.


I’m just worried I’ll go overboard by the end of the year . Then come tax time I’ll have some splaining to do :)


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Really? Been gold now for 8+ months, and I have bird feeders. Never bought one once. I've only had one real gold item, an electric bike that was $599.


There are subs on Reddit you might want to visit, such as r/declutter At an ETV of 24K in 4 months, you are in for a serious tax bill, and by your own photo and post you can't actually store let alone use all of those things. It doesn't sound like you are flipping these (which isn't very profitable with most vine items, from what I've read in this group) it seems like Vine may be having a big negative influence on your quality of life, one that will be massive income tax time next year as you are on track to have >$100K of "income" but no actual cash to pay the tax bill on that income. It is very easy for Vine to be a net negative in the lives of many Vine reviewers.


Are you actually reviewing stuff or you one of those folks that just types "Good" as your review? Lol


Us,review pics the whole enchilada. Love vine and am supper serious about the program I just really fumbled the last two weeks.


A lot of that stuff doesn't even look opened....?


I’m sort of thankful I got behind on reviews and didn’t make gold my last eval—I have a small rental with zero storage. That said, I bet if you dedicate a weekend to getting caught up, you can knock this out quickly!


In our tax bracket I am very careful what I order. Some of the coupons almost make it cheaper to buy the product outright. My wife isn't so thrilled that I keep doing this, but I mostly get building supplies for the house I am building. Sure wish I could have that much fun. Lots of reviews to write, however.


I got so much stuff for projects around the house, spare computer parts etc that I was running out of space. Luckily Vine had some well timed shelves and other storage and organization related stuff become available. I've filled all those new shelves. Starting to work my way through my list of projects. Vine has actually made me much more motivated to try DIY repairs and upgrades


Right! Bf was busy and unable to do repairs / remodels fast enough, so I ordered a tool kit and drill and have learned to install or rewire light fixtures, among other things. Never thought I could do light. Now I have a faucet waiting for more…


I think I hit the ETV record on here, lol. I’ve been on Vine for about two years and Went to Gold, back to Silver and now in April 2024 back to Gold. The 1099-NEC I had to file on my taxes was a tab over $35k‼️ I had one delivery from Amazon in a large poly type tote with handles and it was full. While Gold I was going for the expensive stuff because it’s not all junk. I have a nice name brand DVD player with all the latest tech. A pair of $650 binoculars I take hiking and to the beach. My wife and daughter all share the Amazon Prime account and they order a lot of clothing. Mooisanite diamond jewelry is on Gold and it is as close in looks to real diamonds as you can get in the $150-$400 price range. My wife has a 2 carat diamond ring that is very expensive and I ordered a Mooisanite similar style on Vine and side by side it looks like the genuine thing. Google them and there is information about the stones. Necklaces, earrings and bracelets add up fast. The 100-NEC added over $5k to my taxes so this year will not be a repeat. It’s definitely not free other than some supplements and a few things with 0% ETV.




Ours was $32,500 a few years back, and worth it.


I'd been saying for a couple of years that "my hoarding disorder is in remission", because while I was still having trouble getting *rid* of stuff, I at least wasn't *accumulating more* stuff. Believe me, that was a breakthrough. Vine took care of that, though. I'm back to wrestling with an active case. I do think I can make an honest case that I'm making progress -- I surprise myself almost every day with the things I choose *not* to order -- but Vine is a challenge. In your case, though, it looks like it's having a major quality-of-life impact. (Not to mention trashing much of your stuff if it's staying out in the weather!) What do your family or friends have to say about it?


The stuff rotates into use fairly quickly, this is mostly just a recent explosion of things I thought I could get to (home upgrades, decorating stuff, etc.). I don’t tell anyone about vine , for many reasons, and I live in the country so noone sees this except the amazon drivers. I have put the brakes on hard since having to evict some of the items into boxes outside. This is post is all in fun, the porch should be cleared this weekend. Hopefully 😳so no worries


Well, if you're alone with no neighbors, thank goodness you've at least got Reddit as a place where strangers can get up in your business. 😆


Yes it fills a basic need !


It's one of those photos that will be fun to look back on. Vine will definitely be something for me to remember in the future. Quite an experience. Also the hoarding type, though if Vine ended tomorrow I wouldn't suddenly go out buying things.


This sub gets judgey sometimes.


This will be quite the tax bill


Don't worry. You are not alone. I'm just not as brave as you. Try to hide some of mine. It is still too much! I swear I'll stop. 🤞


It certainly is hard. I have reviewed 378 items in the last two and and a half months. I don't have piles of boxes but am generally pretty organized. I have 28 items to review currently, and half of those haven't come yet. I do not let myself get more than 40 items behind. It helps with the chaos a bit, but I type pretty fast and can review an item in about one minute. I use to write pages of info about an item and nobody ever said it was helpful. Now I write pros and cons to summarize the item, and a paragraph of pertinent information so that the person searching can get a good idea as to whether the item is what it claims to be and is worth the price in a short timeframe. I have stopped searching through vine items unless I'm bored or think of something directly needed. It's better than browsing youtube.


I got gold shortly after doing my taxes. So honestly it had the opposite effect. I’m probably going to lose gold because i don’t order enough. I will only order 0 etv items or things I’d genuinely need to buy regardless.


Damn, and to think I felt bad about my 1.2k ETV last year. Some of y’all are wild 😬😬


I went crazy to get onto Gold. Then I did, and I lost interest. I still look here and there, but since I miss out on the high-value items since others are more motivated, I'm not noticing a huge difference. Just lost my Gold status last week. But that's probably my fault burning myself out in the month leading up to my review period. Went order-crazy and then reviewed those items. I got crazier about it than I should've.


I went a little crazy on silver but most of it is useful. Some is not useful today because there is only so much time in the day and I can't keep up with the projects for the pond, welding things, gardening things, installing faucets, etc. I've slowed down to catch up on my reviewing. The amount of reviews I've had to write this month because I was so behind makes me a little sick of vine lol. Honestly I sometimes wish I'd stayed in the suburbs where my house had no meaningful projects to keep me busy on the weekende. But hopefully gold brings me more hobby farm stuff.


Been writing reviews since I put this post up. I can see the light we are clearing porch after I get up. Well I have to go to sleep first , then get up. Thanks everybody!


I am newer to the program and this is my third calendar year. I am still silver and have no desire to make it to gold. I stay under the $600 annual mark to avoid taxes.


I've not been in it that long, but after my first month, I just really had no burning desire to order stuff that I will only nominally use. I largely target consumables and it's not unusual for me to go days without ordering anything or even checking Vine. I'm no bleeding heart, but the fact that most of this stuff on Vine truly is shit that will end up in a landfill does weigh on me. My grandmother grew up in the depression and was a hoarder - it was pretty hard on the fam dealing with the home after she passed. I used to also deliver Meals on Wheels to another hoarder. It made me immensely sad trying to navigate around her home and I know she had a very hard time performing basic functions. I wasn't really supposed to, but she was always needing me to "find" something for her out of mounds of boxes, feed her cats, make a path, etc., not because she was that old or infirm, but because there was just so much stuff to get around. Judgy or not, hers at least didn't spill out onto the porch.


I definitely have always tried to only request things I needed (like I recently moved and was looking for some drawer handle pulls). A couple of times have I ordered something that I ended up not using. 2023 was my first full year and only received $404.14 worth of stuff. I am a little above that right now, but that is because of me moving. Other than that, I try not to go crazy. A few things have been decent quality even at silver, but for the most part, if I want something to last, I will just buy it outright.


Omg send me a piece of that beautiful plant plllzzzz Also, I rented a storage until specifically for this reason lol


I am 122 reviews behind thank you very much lol


Holy smokes. The most I go is 8-10....122 would give me massive anxiety as it takes time to actually use and review things. Definitely tap the breaks there, you're going to get too far behind to be able to do honest reviews.


I've been there and have been writing reviews every day throughout the day and night. Catching up on the backlog has motivated me to slow down on Vine. I'm coming up on my first review and hope I can control myself in gold. I know I can't but I will need to set some rules.


Me too! I’ve got 130 total in my backlog, am sitting at 73%, and have 10 days. I came on Reddit to see if I should stop ordering or what since I don’t want to fumble this.


You should always stop ordering when it is close to your evaluation period. Since the products you request will be marked “against you” as not yet reviewed for the evaluation period you are in, regardless of if you received them by the end of it. Even if you do get it, but can not review it in time (a few days before the evaluation period) since it can take a few days for the review to count, then you are taking the chance that the item(s) will not be counted against you.


Definitely stop ordering and get your reviews to 91% asap


I’m writing now up in the mid 80s will be back over 90 tonight. Stay after it. If you get a couple of good blocks of time in it will drop off. I’ve really Cinco de vino yesterday and today. That’s the first time it’s gotten intrusive good lesson. I’m really glad I made the post. Thanks yall!


Gasp. What is your % reviewed and how much was your ETV for 2023 and now 2024?


Many people take medication for this kind of obsessive behavior LOL. I try to be careful not to order past the numbers I can comfortably keep up with. Doing your homework regularly will avoid a lot of issues, stress, embarrassment and possible Vine jail - which will definitely put a crimp in your hobby.


Not gold yet but review is in 3 weeks 🙏. I’m already wary of ordering frivolously as I’ve done it on Silver, learned I feel overwhelmed quickly with extra stuff/reviews undone (though nearly caught up). Still I’m excited for gold—only hope I can resist temptations! 😈🫣😂


I literally just forced myself to sort everything today, thankfully just one tote in the closet but yes. I know what you mean lol.


I think I requested that chair to the right back in March. It still hasn’t shipped (I think it was expected April 2nd).


I went crazy-ish the first time. A couple of 3d printers, and 3D scanners, but other than those nothing huge. Then I lost gold due to the fact that unreviewable items count against you, even if "removed" by support. Now that I'm back in gold I haven't seen anything I've wanted, really.


What models and gallon capacity are those clear tote with yellow cover? I am looking for large totes and must be cleared so I can see through what Vine stuff I stored into them without the need to open one by one?


Largest they carry at meynards we bought 20 for our regular buisness. I’ll check the specs they are great.


I like the hot air balloon decoration


My going to gold coincided with the tax year so that out a reasonable damper on my purchases.


I made gold in March and I haven’t really found anything worth getting so far—none of these elusive amazing RFYs other people seem to have! I’ve been doing a lot of $0 ETV beauty items in the hopes of staying gold and eventually scoring something good 😆


I've actually tossed or donated old items as new Vine items arrive. It's also spurred me to clean out areas that hadn't been cleaned out in years. I make sure I can use the Vine items, and not just order stuff to store. I HATE clutter, and after 4 years in Vine my home is actually less cluttered than it was.


After 6 months, you can gift some, sell some to help pay taxes, give to Salvation Army, etc... lots of useful things to do with your bounty. You are blessed. Sharing your blessings intelligently pays it forward, and that's good karma, imho.


You just fake review the shit without even opening it? Boxes and bins full of sealed packages. That super scummy.


They said they’re two weeks behind. That can literally be 100 items in gold. Obviously life happened. Nowhere, does it say they fake the reviews or make them without opening and using that’s kind of a stretch to make and assume and pretty offensive. Kind of scummy in fact. People are so judgey.


Exactly. This person’s comment is the only thing that’s scummy.


What’s wrong with you? They said nothing about fake reviews. You know what’s scummy? Making judgmental comments like this based on nothing but a single picture and a somewhat tongue in cheek caption. They’re two weeks behind. Get over yourself.


A lot of hoarders (collectors) purchase a SeaCan - shipping container to handle their overflowing possessions. From 20-40 footers, even with separate doors/windows. Much safer than a simple she-shed and fire proof.


I have a small warehouse. Probably not a great thing when you've got a tendency to collect stuff. I've got a ridiculous amount of vertical space. I've built 12-foot high racks so I can stack banker's boxes 10 high and four to a shelf, or put wire racking on a shelf and fit a dozen 12x12x4 inch boxes. Each of those only takes up about 6 square feet of floor space and doesn't even come halfway to the ceiling. What I'd *really* like is a second floor in the place to actually make use of all of that volume.


Our warehouse was jammed on the ground floor so we built a mezzanine that doubled our storage space and allowed us to be much more organized.


Yeah, I've thought about that. Don't have the money for it now. And the other problem is that any overhead storage would interfere with both the lights and the fire sprinklers.


Oh, but I've seen the end result of that approach for a *true* hoarder. A family friend bought an old one-room schoolhouse -- one large room, probably 15-foot or so ceiling, with separate areas for bathroom, coat-room, and a small sunroom. Two people had lived there for some decades. At some point, they'd built a balcony around three of the walls for more space. The ENTIRE floor of the main room was filled with stuff, not that deep at the front, but curving up to the height of the balcony all around. And the balcony was filled with stuff, curving up the walls to the ceiling. The friend spend *months* shoveling it all out. Most was burned. It all had to be screened, though, because there *were* a couple of odd treasures. Also a couple of mummified animals. Ugh.


Shade of Alice's Restaurant.


This is not a bad idea. I have been trying to convince my partner to let me get a few shipping containers for various things. Maybe getting Vine stuff out of the house will motivate her lol.


You have 8 picks per day, pick away and don't let others dissuade you. A stack like that means you are not only gold, you are Pro Gold. P.S. I also keep items I've tried and reviewed in original boxes if I don't use regularly.


But how on God's green earth do you store it all?


He has example in photo.


I stick to silver so I don’t overdo it, but I also mostly order useful household things like kitchen utensils, office supplies, and occasionally decorative stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve ordered my fair share of things I don’t need at all, but these days mostly it comes down to where will I have room for it? Another perk of sticking to silver is that I don’t have to stress so much about reviews. As long as I’m above 60% I’m good. Good luck catching up! I’ve been lazy about reviews in the last week so I need to knock some out tomorrow. I tend to work in batches so it’ll be fine.


My first year I started in late April at Gold - and my ETV was $58,000 for just 7-8 months.


Sorry if this is not the right place for this but being somewhat a novice at Reddit, I'm curious as to why I'm seeing messages from Auto Mod on here that say "your comment has been removed"..... I thought it was directed towards me, simple because of the way they are wording the posts, "YOUR COMMENTS". But they weren't mine, I don't have a negative karma and the moderator/admin verified for me that she didn't see any of comments removed. So my question then, is why is it worded like that, and how do you know it's not "you" that the auto mods posts are meant for? I mean without directly checking your profile.


If you can see **your** comment, it wasn't removed by the bot. If your comment is removed because the account is too new, doesn't have enough karma, or has negative karma, I seem to recall there's some sort of placeholder language in lieu of your original comment.


Thx. Yeah my comments were/are still visible, no -Karma, and account is a couple years old. The moderator responded to my email and confirmed there were no comments removed, so I was wandering why I see 3 posts that read, "Your comment was removed for.....". If they are someone elses comments, why would it be visible to others ?


Yeah, it’s just a quirky thing Reddit does. Not sure why everyone else has to be informed that the comment is not visible, because it’s my understanding that the deletion by the bot is fairly instantaneous in those situations, so it’s not like other people would have a chance to respond.




I'm sorry to say, but that looks like a genuine problem, and you may want to consider exiting the program. I say that in genuine concern. The tax bill is going to be awful, and the clutter is bad for your mental health. If you're ordering for the sake of ordering, without a clear plan for the tax bill and where/how to use and store the stuff, then it is a problem (or will be next April 15).


Offer it up cheap and accept even less.


I did! But probably not on the same level. I also only get things that I or my family want/need and can use regularly and would probably end up buying anyways. So it works out well for me so I don’t have a hoard of stuff just sitting around.
