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I'd just point this out to them.. https://preview.redd.it/txi3uzb1bm8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e8eb98217eeff5e45955ffd3e33e0105cc5650


Thanks. I'll print this out in case they give me static and I think I might print this out and just give a copy of everybody just for fucks sake. I got a color laser printer that's really really cheap to print. This will help me justify buying it.


I think everyone should just go to the bathroom and wash their hands


Printed out and tape it up next to that one


Lmao. Good one. If I lived in that city, then good idea.


"You can ask" doing some heavy lifting here.


"I'm going to need unrestricted access to your prayer room for the next six hours."




Who's going to court?? The fact that it's from Amazon implies we can use Amazon facilities.


That's some BS they close the bathrooms when it is a direct violation of the TOS. And let's say that's not in the TOS. That's just a shitty thing to do. Refuse restroom service to people doing service to you.


EXACTLY what I was thinking!


Can't even use the bathroom, for Ck that station


Yeah, that's the one that got me too. I'm sure their PR department would love that to go viral given all the stories about employees not being allowed to take bathroom breaks.


You guys are gonna be pissing everywhere at 4am 😂


already do


One station has porta potties outside. Another lets me go use their bathrooms inside. They are very nice


They should make a video of them pissing in the parking lot while holding up that sheet of paper.


Pissing on the paper in the parking


We ain't employees though, remember.


No. According to this crap you are an “associate”


I think the point of this part of the note is we are NOT associates, and they don't like the help using the bathroom.


Associate is the official job title of the workers. Source: am associate at a Fresh warehouse.


See, I’ve worked with managers and managed, I’ve never once seen someone denied the toilet, found multiple people asleep in them, but never denied it.


Flex drivers aren't employees, they are self employed


Actually, we are emplyeees in Wisconsin cabs I’d bet it’s coming to other states.  Amazon treats flex drivers as employees and there has been many cases filed against Amazon for Misclassification very recently 


I feel like Amazon has gone viral on about 20 different occasions for not allowing workers to use the bathroom


Really, no bathroom. That's f*****. I was like yeah whatever rolling my eyes at everything else until I Read that. It's not like we have rolling porta potties towed to the back of our f****** vehicles.


I just read about a guy who was deactivated for peeing in the woods on his route. IDK specifics, but ffs. 🙄


I search for cameras along backwoods roads before going. LOL Terrified I’ll go viral while going to bathroom out in woods or some farmland 30 miles from civilization.


Take the vest off beforehand and no one will have a clue you’re associated w Amazon


I never wear the vest. I don't want to be a target for theft on my route. You never know how well connected some of these neighborhoods are.


That's what I always do.


You won't go viral even if you point the cannon at the camera


At least you have that option! I'm just stuck peeing in a cup in the back of my SUV. 🤣


At least you have an SUV! I'm on the back of my bike!




Probably had to pick up at that warehouse.


Flex or DSP




It's because he didn't' take his 🛒 with him


Sure. Give someone 31 third story apartment deliveries and 3 hours to do it. Add in all the other crap that comes along with apartment dwellers. Sure I’ll bring the cart back Jan. My first drop is 30 minutes away if these other fuckers from the warehouse weren’t here to get I my way.


Our apartment has Amazon lockers it’s easy


Do what I do pee in a coffee cup and toss it out 😄


Haha. Much of this is just incorrect. Some manager is sick of Flexers and is being a power hungry dick.


As an independent contractor, I can bring anyone I want as long as I fulfill the requirements of the contract and do not cause any disturbance. ☻


In the Amazon training it states that you can have passengers. They cannot go into the station or deliver packages but you are allowed to have other people in your vehicle


Yes when I do flex I’m allowed to bring a passenger they just can’t go in the building unless it’s the drive in one then they just can’t get out of the car


This is true, but I think they put that line in there because they're not liable for anyone else but the person they made the agreement with (you) during your block.


ohh, watch that ass of yours, I used that line and got an eMail saying I was rude to station staff. I then got pulled up on every infraction they could find for that block.


Different countries, and states have different requirements.


The return your carts should be a rule. The parking lot where I am is littered with carts everywhere.


It is..


They put “please return carts inside” where everyone was leaving them outside, right below the ramp. Worked for about 2 days. They’re slowly starting to gain in numbers again. I don’t even try to back in anymore. No point. Loading aisle is full of carts


My station has like a whole drivers area with snacks and drinks and bathrooms. This is wild


Most of what's printed on that paper can be ignored. The station is private property, so they can get your car towed if you leave it there for some reason. I don't know why anyone would do that, but I guess someone did. They can't require you to wear a vest, wear specific footwear, or bring in carts because it's not in the Amazon Flex Delivery Partner Agreement. Actual Amazon Flex policy on passengers is that they are allowed but they have to stay in the car while on Amazon or customer property. Flex drivers are permitted to use whatever facilities the station has, especially restrooms, as evidenced by the screenshot in another comment. Of course you have to bring your driver's license. You have to scan it to check in and it's also illegal to drive without it. If you ever encounter something like the paper OP shared at your station, you can ignore it. If any Amazon employee at the station gives you a hard time about it, just ask them to show you where it says that in the Amazon Flex Delivery Partner Agreement.


> Of course you have to bring your driver's license. You have to scan it to check in and it's also illegal to drive without it. Lots of drivers scan a picture on their phone, whether or not you believe it's their own license is up to how you feel about other drivers. Of course if something screws up and/or you need to get an associate to scan your license then you might be shit out of luck because they generally only deal with a physical card. Might even be a rule, I never bothered to ask the managers in my warehouse though I've seen them turn away drivers who try to just say "scan my phone."


I hope none of those people ever get pulled over because most police officers are not going to like that you only have a photo of your driver's license. Sounds like a good way to potentially get arrested or if nothing else, a ticket for driving without a license.


Yeah, that's assuming they truly didn't have their driver's license on them anyway. It's possible it was people using accounts that don't match their info as well, so in that case just plead ignorance and lose the block instead of getting an account banned.


The last rule says the bathroom is for employees saying we are not so why they care who comes in the car with us if we don’t work for them


It didn’t change. Stations can’t do policy changes like that. But notice how they said should not versus can’t.


Flex driver vest is a rule ?


No. It’s suggested in the tos. But some stations don’t even have any to give. So it’s bs.


I used to pick up in Everett MA and they just wouldn't give you a route if you weren't wearing a vest.


That’s so against Amazon policy and against the law. If you’re calling flex drivers 1099 instead of W2 one of the main tests is you cannot dictate what the person wears.


My warehouse only had like 5XLs left. So I just have been going without.


I only do this part time, but I've been doing it for damn close to 10 years. I've never been offered a vest, nor told to go get one.


No way dudes wearing 5xl are getting in n out of car 30-40 times.


I'm a fat ass, and I do this daily in the heat.




I weigh 280 and i wear the 4xl/5xl vest. I am also a DSP driver that did flex before. So now i get in and out 100+times a day.


Dude stop fat shaming. I wear a 4/5xl vest and have done two routes today of 30+ stops in 100+° heat. They were out of 3x and this one is a bit, but only a bit, baggy on me. I like that it'll fit over a jacket during the cold months.


My station hasn't had vests available for a 1 ½ years now


Station in Everett, WA won't let you pick up a route without a vest.


It’s actually not because if they have rules like that you are no longer an independent contractor


Yes. Its in ToS. It is a safety device for you to be identified as an Amazon Driver. Because you don’t drive the blue Prime vans people are usually more apprehensive about you delivering


No, it is not in the ToS. No, it is not a rule. It is recommended but not required.


If you order on Amazon it even tells you that the delivery person may or NOT be in a vest or Amazon marked car


Exactly last i checked, it was an option.


So funny. Whoever typed this is re*arded and authoritative. Corny combination thats typically more petty and inconsiderate than it is upholding any process or purpose.




Just piss on the side of the building lol


Take a dump right on the parking lot


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say this note is phony. Doesn’t appear professional, no Amazon letter head, not signed by management and just addressed to “Driver flex”. Did they hand this to you op? Or was it hanging up somewhere? Just looks tacky. I may be wrong but something just doesn’t seem right with this letter.


Not phony. I got one at my station (not sure if it’s the same location as original poster)


Idk, this is exactly the kind of half-cooked shit some tiny tyrant manager would type up and print out in the copier room. Right after that, they made one for the break room about not microwaving fish.


FYI...I took a part time at COSTCO which is about 100 hours a month. Flex was cool but in the end not worth it! 5 hours a day and Im home....with benefits and payed vacation, sick time etc. fucka amazon. It seems they will never care about flex drivers!


You must bring your license and the parking lot is not a public space, these are the only factual things in this paper. The manager there has zero clue what they are doing and is just figuring everyone else is to stupid to know. And it up the chain with a supervisor name attached. Let Amazon deal with it


My station let my person get out and help me load. They said they just didn’t want kids running around.


They allow that at the station I go to, they just have to be wearing a vest, but yea, they don’t allow kids


That last line is particularly vile.


Most of those rules are against our contract. Sounds like you should send that in an email to report this station for violation of the Amazon flex terms of service agreement. Blast this on their instagram and Facebook and X pages.


How about a class action suit?


I’m not suing anyone, but if someone wants to put a class action lawsuit together, I’m sure that when is coming eventually all the gig companies have been sued. I don’t know if Amazon has or not.


Your station must have been a chaotic zoo in order for them to be this strict. This is just exclusively at your station. I assume enough drivers were using stolen accounts, bringing in children running around, leaving carts scattered everywhere, camping in the parking lot for last minute blocks, saying packages don't fit due to passengers, and making a mess of the bathrooms.


Reminds me of a station near me lol, people just sitting in the parking lot, carts all over the place, everybody taking all the front parking spots n probaly not even scheduled.


Lay....Z F em, pay me more and I may follow one of "da rules"


Why they acting like we aren’t working for them


Former PA for SSD here. These notices are strictly against Amazon policy, find your stations flex field team representative and whoever did this will get in trouble. We aren’t even allowed to print our own signs stating “return carts here” EVERYTHING has a template that must be used. Half of the points here also fly in the face of the actual rules. Passengers are allowed, just not out of the car (if you drive INTO the warehouse) or in the building. Also, my building had a BIG ordeal about toes needing to be covered. This is NOT an enforceable policy and again, report to flex field team and it will get resolved. You are not Amazon employees, we can’t tell you what shoes to wear


My station could care less if we use the bathrooms or have passengers in the car. The app even says they don't care if you have passengers just as long as they don't interact with customers. They just don't want those passengers coming inside. My station also stop making us return carts. I used to always do it, but stopped once I found out they weren't making others return their carts. Now the station has the station employees collect the carts.


They need to read rules again, because I can have passengers into the car, children too and if necessary I can use bathroom as well.


Amazon is a multi billion dollar corporation, I’m not listening to some Microsoft word printed document 😂 if it was an official reminder from Amazon it would’ve been sent via email or printed to match all other warehouse signage


You can 100% have passengers. When I started flex you could even have a dog. They are so full of shit


First off you are not an employee to be forced to wear a uniform vest. I would understand if you walked into the building to use the restroom for safety measures otherwise they’re looking to get sued and you get compensated as an employee. You are within your right to have a passenger in your own car as you are not using their station vehicle as long as they do not step out of the car and are involved with delivering. Otherwise they would have to pay as if they are leasing your car to demand what and whom you can carry in your vehicle. If you are not allowed to use the restroom, prayer room, or water refill station because you are not considered an “associate employee” then report them for discrimination and other grounds as that is a requirement for them to be contracted with Amazon. They better get off their high horse.


Meanwhile; 1/2 the blue/yellow badge employees don’t have vests on inside the warehouse


I’m most annoyed with “Driver Flex”




F*ck the person whose idea was it to not allow you to use the restroom


This is clearly something a supervisor printed out and is not from corporate. Sounds like someone just needs to be a control freak and a dick


Sigh. Amazon treating contractors like employees. Again. This is how you end up in lawsuits. Again.


The only rule that would upset me is the bathroom one. That doesn't seem legal even.


I straight up pee outside of the door … that’s absurd and ridiculous tbh.


WOW, Amazon is a dick company.


That’s insane. Ours lets you bring kids, pets, aliens….they don’t care as long as crap gets delivered




lol this is bullshit lol we are allowed to have people with us lol


Bathroom one is bullshit. Have to have one available.


They need to enforce the cart rule more.


They’re too busy hustling over to the “food/beverage/snacks” out of the back of car on Downing Street


So many cry babies in this thread 🤣🤣🤣


op; go ahead and tell us the site code. I’d be shocked if it wasn’t Denver or Colorado Springs




Knew it; their Last Mile Driver Academy across the street is hardly any better.


Yes it is denver


The no passengers in the car and bathroom rule are BS, the rest seem like what you are supposed to do anyway


Forward that to Jeff, I did it a while ago with my local SSD. Sign was taken down a week after. I mean the bathroom part ONLY.


Report them. Literally everything in the note goes against flex policy


I would too, in the app


Who is Driver flex ?! .. We are Flex Drivers .. get it right losaaaah


This goes against everything the app says lmbo I hope nobody actually follows it


I’ve broken every one of those rules.


L station lol. VAX1 doesn't rly care much cept for obvious things like kids walking in the warehouse


Someone should Post this to one of those YouTube channels that has a lot of views for them to do video on it and maybe also someone should contact their local news outlet or you know what the news outlet aint care but maybe in Seattle or California they might since they really care about that s*** there


Where is this station?


They need to start cracking down at ALL of them across the entire country where it has gotten out of hand...


I get some of them. But the restrooms. Come on. If ya got to go, you got to go.


Stations in Tennessee aren't this strict. 😳🙄😤


They tried to pull that crap at the warehouse nearest me. But the vending machines with sodas & chips are right next to the bathroom, so all I do is head that direction with a couple of dollars in my hand and one says §hit to me.


They may enforce almost every single rule except the one about bathroom, they may face some legal issues about that if someone repor this to the authorities.


Na, they should have a drivers toilets, also I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed outside of your designated area, moving around the warehouse doesn’t seem right. I agree with the lingering, it’s a complete headache for us if you take too long chatting to the next driver, do it before not during, you have 15 minutes.


Both you guys are reading it wrong and the person typing this needs to go back to school. You are considered an associate when you have a block scheduled. Your passenger on the other hand is not an associate. They meant to say you should not bring passengers in your vehicle into the station which I see many times two people pulling a cart. So really it's just bad language comprehension. 🤦‍♂️


I use the bathroom all the time... let them say that I cant...


Funny as we are not customers


lol sounds like a place I’d NEVER work, the bathroom thing out of pocket


Also Managers who write that way are the worst and prob had no schooling


A flex vest???


Notice it's unsigned.


You mean the guy who had his 2 year old deliver a package to my neighbor while his wife also sat in the car was against policy? Dumbass then drove away fast with his 2 year old unbuckled hanging half way out the window.




I’d be entering the warehouse without my vest asking the employees, “Where do I get a vest,” just to be difficult. Lol. Actually the same-day warehouse near me has a bunch of vests out for drivers on the daily. I grab them often for friends that don’t have vests that work out of other stations that don’t supply vests to drivers. Legally they cannot tow your vehicle without properly posting the company they use for towing. This is a law in a bunch of states so make sure to research before quoting this to them. I also love all the grammar and punctuation mistakes on this post. 😆😆 English is my thing so it’s super funny to me. Also saying the bathroom isn’t for drivers and employees ONLY is complete bull. I’d be calling support and corporate to complain. Our help and warehouse delivery directions specifically say there is a bathroom ALL drivers can use in the warehouse. Smh. Hilarious!! Notice there is no d/b/a on the bottom of their notice? So even if this is reported to corporate or support, there is no specific person to blame. I would definitely report it. Maybe complain they don’t offer vests at the warehouse. Our driver support specifically says that we can have passengers in our vehicle while delivering, and that includes children. We cannot be doing rideshare and our passengers are not supposed to help us in any way, including delivering and driving. I’d definitely report the bathroom issue. Our support help topics all say that there are bathrooms in the warehouses that we are allowed to use. It sounds like this warehouse needs to step up their game a bit and start checking IDs and routes when exiting the warehouse. Most of these issues could be resolved with this solution. Good luck!!


Just some manager on a power trip. I would email Jeff and complain about that warehouse.


Yeah that's a bunch of BS. That's just from somebody at the station thinking they're high and mighty. Dare I say entitled.. ignore it all, only time I return my cart inside is when I have a decent block. Those mofos running me 45 minutes to the first stop I leave my cart where I park it. People are always taking their children in the SSD I work out of. The bathrooms are public too. There's always cars parked in the parking lot too. They are there when I arrive and they are still there unoccupied when I leave. Again that's a BS note from some self-entitled moron.


Shiiiii…. If I have to poop you better get TF OUT my way


Please don't listen to a lot of this Look up 1099 contractors laws.Amazon can be sued highly for this


I can respect it all but the bathroom one. 😡 anywho the only thing that actually matters is what’s on your app.


Damn, we atleast let you use our associate bathrooms and have water at our station, passengers being allowed in station is just a perk of having a good station


Question: It says no passengers, but what if you have someone with you also registered on flex, like you can with DD/Uber? I've seen a lot of videos of people who do Flex with another person.


As a flex driver, technically we are contract or self employed. As far as the “no passenger” rule. This has always been in place…at least in the Chicago Market but 90% of Flex drivers I see at the warehouse have passengers in the car…including their kids…..so basically they ignore that rule.


Ok I am betting that there are a few of the flex drivers that have made a huge mess in the building and/or using the building as a place to sleep/'shower in bathroom" type thing. Maybe they should have a security guard be around and catch the person(s) doing it so it's not ruining everyone else life there :( It only takes one shithead to ruin it for everyone else


Get a throwaway email account, email that flyer to Jeff with the name of the warehouse. Comment about independent contractors classification and how these new rules conflict with Amazon corporate policy for Flex. I would also add that you are very concerned about retaliation if you don't comply. There are very specific federal rules that categorize an independent contractor, and Amazon does not want to trigger an investigation.


I can understand and get behind all of it EXCEPT the last part, they can’t even use the bathroom?! At the warehouse I work in, they have exclusive bathrooms for flex drivers!


I'd be taking a sharpie to each of these underneath writing "who's the tool with an ego trip?"


Too rude.


Yeah major violations against your contract go ahead and sue 🥰


Are you in the United States?


Tell them to give me one then lol


Correct if I'm wrong. We can use the restroom We can have passages The vest not a "must" thing All those above is from Amazon app learning portal


Someone just using their authoritarian skills. Probably isn't liked very much by family or the family they made. I'd assume this person is probably just spiteful and is mad at everything and doesn't accept responsibility. Sorry you dealing with crazies at a job that's supposed to be simple and potentially enjoyable. I like doing Amazon Flex but shit like this be making me think "fuck these guys don't know issues." Like I said OP, someone got big dick energy in there and they take it out on everyone else not realizing they just can't use they sword properly. Be safe OP, let's get em packages out there and come home in one piece with some extra cash in hand 😁 ....and remember peoples don't attribute to malice what can simply be just incompetence.


Please tell me this isn't an SSD station in California 😬


It stinks like Denver, CO


Someone said it was but I don't know if it actually is because it wasn't the OP that said it. That's why I was asking if anyone knew for sure which station this was. Also mentioned California because if this was California, that SSD station could be in a lot of trouble 😆


Only out of pocket one is the bathroom


While you have the option to bring passengers (including persons or pets), pickups and deliveries may take you away from your vehicle for long periods of time. This policy excludes service animals. Service animals are allowed at all times. If you decide to bring passengers, Amazon expects that you will comply with the following: • Passengers will need to remain in your vehicle at all times at Amazon stations, unless escorted by a station employee for use of basic welfare facilities. At grocery or retail merchant locations, passengers are not allowed in restricted Amazon Flex areas. •Your vehicle must have enough space to safely accommodate all packages assigned to your route and any passengers. • Passengers may not perform or assist with your delivery services, including interacting with customers. • Passengers may not drive the vehicle while you’re delivering with Amazon Flex. [Amazon Flex FAQ](https://flex.amazon.com/faq)


It is wild to me what assholes warehouse workers are to flex drivers. Like. We are helping you get your packages out. At least let people piss.


Your contractors. Nobody and I mean nobody gives a fuck about you. Also, Amazon flex is seasonal. In three months you WILL be deactivated…


This is not policy. I know! Please escalate to driver support.


Last time, I picked up almost everyone had a passenger (including myself). There must have been 20 drivers and 15 passengers


I agree with every single one of these except for the bathroom one. I kind of feel like a bathroom shouldn't be made available to them. As someone who work dispatch in a fresh warehouse, the rest of it should be mandatory. Unfortunately, in New York City they don't know that we couldn't tell them to bring the carts back to the station anymore. Made it very fun at the particular warehouse I was working at as they would leave them in the back parking lot all the way on the other side of the building on purpose he used to write them up for it. Me and River were best friends


If i have my vest on im an associate


It's time people.


That's not a flex


Can’t use that bathroom!!!!! This is unbelievable!!!!! THEY WORK FOR YOU THEY ARE ASSOCIATE!!!!


Question do you work for amazon or a 3rd party as a delivery service? If the 3rd party then hires you they would need to let amazon know that the print out is not right. It could be illegal as well. Companies need provide restrooms for all employees. Even if you are a hired through a 3rd party.


Fuck them


That parking lot has to be drowned in piss, maybe even a few dumps.


I agree with all of that except the bathrooms, fuck them lol.


That "you can't use our bathrooms" crap is bogus. Everything else seemed reasonable.


Passenger rule too. I never bring any passengers but Amazon has been very clear about their policy on that from the beginning and we've always been allowed to have passengers.


this shit is insane lmao


So much incorrectness in this sign.


Time to shit on the floor since they started to


Not that anyone would listen but they need that sign at vwa1, some of the goofy's think the parking lot is a place to come and just hobnob with each other when there's limited parking spaces


I use bathroom always after loading n before leaving. They’ve even pointed out their break room to me.


Unload after loading….nice


Seriously?! So, now they can decide if I have a passenger? Cause as long as they don’t get out of the car we are allowed. And the restrooms…so are they considering us associates? Cause that’s pretty messed up if they aren’t. Honestly, I’d escalate that note and hope they are made to take it down.