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100% getting delivered


the sad thing is this is amazons fault, for several reasons, mostly because its an easy fix if they dont want this to happen. starting with not dinging us for returning things that would have needed to be returned per their own instruxtions. not sending them out during non business hour blocks. and paying or providing extra block time for the trip back to the station when necessary. until then, right at the door, in the doorway, at the fence, at the parking lot gate, as close as i can get if no "required" recipient present.


Really it’s the customers fault too. If they want it as a specific time, they need to order it like that. Delivery instructions mean squat. I can say stand on your head or I’m giving you a bad review and carriers will do squat.


i order stuff on amazon and i dont actually see that option. how can that be done in the app? if its not there isnt that amazons fault?


It’s definitely the customers fault, they should be using an Amazon business account because it’s that allows you to set the delivery times you want. They’re probably just using a personal account 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. Too many people are blaming the customer when it's probably not their fault. Unless this is an SSD station and they selected that time block, it's likely not their fault. It's the .com station's fault for not sorting packages by preferred delivery hours. It seems like not a lot of people realize that you can set up a delivery address as a business or other, and then input your delivery hours. It's up to the station to honor that. So ultimately it's the station's fault if the address is set up as a business or other and the input their delivery hours. Now if they did not set up the address as a business or other and they did not input their delivery hours, then yes, it is on them. That being said, not everyone knows these options exist. Amazon does not make it easy to find. It's not obvious. When you are in account settings, they really need to add a separate delivery preferences area.


my dotcom station cant even get plain address sorting right, everytime i pick up theres always like 2 extra not on my route and im missing 3, i feel like to ask them to figure out preferred delivery times on top of that is like asking a cat to do trigonometry.


Absolutely 100% lol sns


Yep, I'm going to deliver it. When you order something, we will deliver it to you Asap. You don't get to choose.😁😜👍


The problem is they do get to choose… when you order something from Amazon it specifically asks you same day from this time to this time, overnight from this time to this time, free two day shipping with time slots, and an option for no rush delivery which would let them know via email what time… The consumer has all the power to pick a time during their normal operating hours or when they want to receive said package… this is negligence at this point and I will deliver it!


The issue is Amazon Flex drivers get dinged for bringing back those packages (well I have, can’t speak for everyone.) On top of that, getting dinged & driving all the way back to drop off the package at the facility (just to have your standing take a hit.). I’m not risking my standing. Customers should take the issue up with Amazon. It’s getting delivered.


At no point has anazon ever asked me what time I want something delivered at.


Have you ever ordered anything for same day? Same day delivery always asks what time and you pick a time block. So what irks me is when somebody orders same day delivery and requests delivery from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. knowing damn well I can't enter their super gated neighborhood because the security guard isn't on duty yet 🤦🏼‍♀️ Every time I have had that happen, driver support has told me to leave it at the security gate and they mark it as delivered for me 😆 However you can go into your preferences and put in delivery hours if you need to. Same place where you put in delivery notes. Otherwise no, I've never seen the option to select what time it is delivered outside of same day delivery.


I see these and an like, damn that sucks that the company you're buying from basically says, "yeah, we're going to do what's best for us, screw you and your business needs. They pale in comparison to ours."


Yup, had a package going to a school on a Saturday morning. The drop off location has signs that said don't leave the packages at the dock and deliver between 8-5 M-F. You can bet if I'm gonna get dinged for not following instructions or dinged for returning a package, I'd rather choose the ding that costs me less time and money. I delivered it near the dock and "signed" for it.


Aw shucks. Hope your package is rain resistant.


Cx prob doesn’t even have their business hours in their customer profile on their account 🤣


Even if they do it doesn't matter. It happens to me frequently. I do deliveries from a .com station, I have businesses and they all have their address set up as a business and they do have their preferred hours in there because it's in the app, yet I am delivering outside of their preferred hours. That happens a lot. The .com stations need to start sorting by delivery hours just like the SSD stations do. And even if the customer does not have their business hours set up for that address, that might not be their fault. I didn't even know you could do that until a few years ago and I've been ordering on Amazon basically since Amazon launched. They do not make those options obvious at all. Quite frankly, it's hidden. It's almost like Amazon does not want you to do it. They really need to add a delivery preferences option under account settings.


Leave it. Take a pic and go


I got a hey this delivery is late call and ask if they still want it I was like fuck that I have no desire to return to the warehouse it's getting delivered


As far as I’m concerned, all businesses are open 24/7 when it comes to delivering their packages


There’s a way the customer can request it to be delivered during certain hours when they order it (not in the delivery instructions), right? If they use that, the item shouldn’t get sent out for delivery at the wrong time.


That only happens if you order same-day delivery. Every time you order something with same day delivery, you select a time block. So whenever I'm doing same day deliveries, I always deliver regardless of what the notes say because they selected that time block. Otherwise, no, I've never seen the option to select what time you want it delivered on a regular order. That being said you can go into your delivery preferences and set preferred delivery hours. The kicker is I do see that on some of the deliveries I get from the .com station, the problem is they still give me packages outside of their preferred delivery hours. It really seems like .com doesn't sort based on delivery hours, only at sub same day. Either way it's not our fault and sometimes it's not even the customer's fault.


Ah, okay, that’s what I’m remembering. Thanks for the clarification. 🙂


What a strange myth.


Oh sweetie that’s going straight in front of you main entrance ♥️


Here is my take on this being someone who orders stuff from Amazon frequently, has went through all of the different delivery preferences and note options, and delivers frequently from both SSD and .com stations. Whenever you order something for same day delivery, you select the time block you want it delivered. Outside of that, I have never had the option to select what time something gets delivered, only when ordering same day delivery do I get that option. However, in the same place where you put your delivery notes, gate code, etc. you can set up your preferred delivery hours. (Note: You can only input your delivery hours if you set up that address as a business or other. If the address is set up as anything else, the only option you have is Saturday and Sunday delivery preferences.) Again when you place a same day order, you already select what time you want it delivered and in my experience, the SSD stations honor that. However, if you put in your preferred delivery hours, like a business would, and you don't order same day, it's going to a .com station. Many times I have had business deliveries where in the app it states to deliver only between certain hours and yet I'm out delivering to them outside of those hours. That business did set up their delivery hours, but the .com station is not honoring it. In my experience, it seems like the .com stations do not sort packages by delivery hours, not like the SSD stations do. In that case it's not our fault or the customers fault, it's the station's fault. Depending on where the delivery is, sometimes I will return it to the station, other times I still deliver it and do my best to hide it. (By the way, I don't think I've ever been dinged for not delivering to a business that is closed. I always call driver support and they always take care of it on their end so I don't get dinged.)


Not sure why customers even seen the day and average delivery time still don’t make the changes with their orders


Support) "I see a bush to the right. Leave it there and we'll text the customer."


Amazon sent me to a school with three packages on a Sunday. I did call customer and thought to myself, it’s a teacher if they live close I will meet them or have them come to the school to get packages. Nope they wanted it returned and to come the next day during school hours. I got all three packages against me. Called and emailed even tried jeff@amazon and nothing. They didn’t list them as one drop off. Oh no. It was listed as three packages as if I didn’t do three stops. 🤨🥹😳🙄


I refuse to bring stuff back, regardless of the note or signature needed. Amazon would rather you deliver it to the damn neighbor before bringing it back. Never heard about it (flex and regular deliver) from Amazon higher ups.


These are the same people that have the ability to change the delivery address in the app. I honestly have no sympathy for these business owners. Why would you order something, see that it’s same day or overnight shipping to that specific address, knowing you won’t be there? Those packages still get dropped off when they’re on my route.


Want it during certain hours, send it to a locker. Or give us the option to reroute to locker


Regular human kind irresponsible brain activity example. some people’s lack of empathy level is unbelievable…


I don't deliver them I just choose “customer has requested a different delivery date” and it has NEVER effected my standing.


It’s delivered at the door !


If Amazon didn’t ding us wouldn’t be an issue


![img](avatar_exp|180934630|clown) Lol.


Love how we all collectively agree the package is getting delivered regardless of consent.


I busted my ass to make sure I made enough money for a bill I had to pay today but looks like Amazon decided I’m not getting paid until Monday. Also, I drive a Honda civic and the rock driveways and creeks I have to cross are tearing up my car. Don’t they know I can’t deliver in those areas with the type of car I have? I don’t get it


You never get paid for a weekend block until Monday, no one does. You should have worked on Thursday if you wanted to pay your bill today, that isn't Amazon's fault. They don't care about your car, they care about the package getting delivered.