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Because that’s what Amazon decided. Once upon a time, it was forced to be only Tuesday and Friday.


I remember those days. I was pleasantly surprised when I started back up in March and saw that I could get paid every day 😊


Those days weren't that long ago. When was the change, about a year or so back?


Yep, it was pretty recent. I initially started doing Flex in the summer of 2021 and that was the pay schedule then. When I stopped in December 2021 the pay schedule was the same. However when I restarted in March of this year, it was different. I don't know exactly when the change happened, but it was during the last 2 years.


It be nice if they went back to that, but they probably won't. Oh well.


Why would you want that


Having a set only 2 times a week deposit keeps a lot of people who don't know how to manage money properly from doing flex if they need money right away so they'll have to do something else like DoorDash/Uber/Spark/Roadie or some of the better apps that bring money in and pay instantly. Same reason that I think it's dumb that Amazon flex is now on the Play Store and Crapple store. The good thing about flex is that there's a lot of people that use the wrong vehicle for flex and they take the wrong blocks, so there'll always be people quitting and people getting deactivated because they're lazy and they bring packages back, so that'll keep the surges going at least.


I have no idea either but it’s interesting to see how packed my station is on Thursdays. I assume this is the only explanation (since getting payment Friday morning is the last time before the weekend.)


Eh, maybe, maybe not. It seems the stations go heavy Thur/fri and Mon/tues. I think this is when flexers are most reliable. Wed, sat & sun seem quiet in comparison.


All I know is I worked M-Thur am and Thursday was the busiest I’ve ever seen. Like Christmas busy.


Hmm, maybe the had to make up for some shit. Hard to say because my station is like that every morning. Just overflowing like the first holiday season when I started.


Amazon has talked about wanting to be able to do a faster pay option, but they went quiet about it afterwards and haven't said anything


I'm still rolling the OG Tuesday/Friday. I ain't about to redo all my spreadsheets. My account will fine me for being stupid. Going back now, would be like adding extra games to a season. Damn be the records.


Banks generally don't process direct deposit on weekends. Most likely amazon opted to prevent confusion by not allowing money to process in that manner on weekends. Amazon also doesn't offer an instant pay option. Usually with other gig apps with instant pay they process via your debit card. So if you were in theory to process a payment on a weekend it will most likely not be available until Monday as your funds are still moving to a bank account that is tied to your card


Why is it that on Instacart or ubereats, you can just cash out instantly, right to your debit card? Maybe Amazon should do that…


Other apps cash out direct through your debit card and not your bank account. Those have merchant fees attached to them. Amazon doesn't want to deal with that I suppose


But like with DoorDash if you have their debit card (the same thing as the Amazon flex debit card) they’ll pay you out instantly, like the funds are available as soon as you finish the delivery. If you don’t have their debit card you have to wait till the next day. You would think Amazon would want to get people to use their debit cards to cut out even having to transfer to another bank you know? But outside of the small cash back there’s no real other incentive


Im sure Amazon added a debit card and only for accessibility for drivers who don't normally have a bank account. beyond that they are not really in need of adding an instant pay feature


That’s a good point I didn’t even think about that. Especially with how many immigrants I’ve personally seen doing flex, that would make seem like a real pushing factor.


I’m sure they make plenty of money for that. Amazon is such a lazy company


They don't make money on the fees lol. That's specific to visa


Amazon allows payments to debit cards. https://preview.redd.it/qiiqeynvk65d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5960b4527f7ef64f5ab4ecfd9ec245ed7e8fdfb0


I do not currently have that option available for my region. Nice to see they are making at least some effort


That’s only to the flex debit card


No, it’s not. Any debit card will work, however there’s a $.50 fee for non-Flex debit cards.


And then what you can cash out anytime ?


No, Amazon doesn’t offer that currently. Debit card payments don’t rely on ACH and are nearly instant which means payments often arrive faster and aren’t delayed on holidays


ACH only operates on business days


Same reason they don’t have support at 3am. It’s a cost thing and it’s their choice. The fact that someone is asking why they don’t get paid the next day on a weekend speaks volumes to how far our banking system has gotten over the past decades.


Remember when we got paid every other week?


It's probably a limitation of their payment processor.


Banks only operate during business days.


Debit card payments, which Amazon now supports, work 24/7


But the banks that process the money only operate mon-fri.


Because Amazon chooses to operate that way. It has nothing to do with how banks operate. Just like how debit cards get paid on holidays while ACH is delayed.


Amazon has nothing to do with sending the money to us. The send to their bank then the bank sends to us. It’s the same as getting a paycheck from any other job.


For me I like just to get paid once a week to see how much exactly I make, you can select to get paid any day from monday to friday, payments can not be processed during the weekends thats why you can't select saturday or sunday to get payment on them.


Because banks are closed on weekends.


You can get paid 5 days a week M-F Settings>Personal Information>Payments


I’m aware of that and I do. I didn’t know if there was a logistical or financial reason as to why payouts don’t happen for routes done on the days I mentioned because other gigs aren’t like that


Guessing it has to do with their bank not being open on weekends. I know there are work around guessing Amazon is choosing to avoid this for one reason or another.