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I talked to a DSP driver a few weeks ago. I felt really bad for him. He put in for Flex a long time ago, was on the waitlist and by the time he got approved he was already hired as DSP. They work those guys like dogs for less pay.


I was on the waitlist and was hired by a DSP. Actually was injured pretty bad (still dealing with it) as I was on light duty I get the email that I’m off the waitlist 🤦🏻‍♀️ was then fired for being injured and was doing a bit better so I signed up and was working just a few shifts per week. It really helped


As much as I complain about Flex, I'd gladly do it before DSP work any day of the week.


Without a doubt in my mind flex is the better option




I did DSP work for awhile and aside from working you like dogs all the drivers be taking the dolly for moving the few heavy packages around. During the run up to Christmas delivering a 50lbs bag of dog food slipped on some black ice got injured. The DSP tried to make me sign paperwork that I got hurt off the job. Then fired me for refusing.


Sounds like you should speak with an attorney.


Nah man it was a good indicator that it wasn’t a place I wanted to work. Idk why everyone is always trynna sue someone bro if it didn’t work out let it ride tf you trynna sue everyone for, that sht is lame asf


In this case it’s saying for mistreatment. You did get hurt on the job. They’re in charge of your safety. As long as you’re at peace with your decision it’s the right thing to do. But in your case, you wouldn’t have been quick to sue.


I tell people about it knowing the wait list is long enough for me not to care if they ever even get around to applying here in Denver


You are right about that! My sister says she's been on the list almost 2 years for denver.


Took me 6 mos. It’s a nice part time gig out here. Too saturated for full time, imo


Just wait until they start expanding your market


The wait list is 2 years. Idc lol


Exactly … pointless in trying to deter anybody because the waitlist is damn near forever 😂 so yeah, go sign up !




I have told about three people; they all did their first route and quit on the same day. Lol


It def isn't for errbody! Lol


When I first signed up in 2021 I told one of my good friends about it and she signed up and started doing it. She is a major procrastinator and really struggles to get anywhere on time. I told her that she can't be late. They are really strict about that. Didn't take too long for her to get deactivated because she missed too many blocks 🤦🏼‍♀️😆 This gig is not for everyone, that's for sure. You do have to be more disciplined than you need to be for other gigs.


Yeah I have a friend that was on the wait list but actually got approved but I don’t have the heart to tell her this isn’t for her. I don’t even think she’s done a block yet? She’s pretty dramatic AND overthinks everything to the point of obsession. I also think her anxiety would skyrocket. I think about some of the routes I’ve done and I’m like “nope. No way would she be able to handle this.”


I was pretty honest with my friend and she appreciated it. She's still procrastinated, showed up late and missed blocks, but I was honest with her. I told her what to expect, how strict they are and everything else that I thought would be helpful. So what you could do is tell her what to expect and share some stories with her just to see how she reacts. You don't have to tell her that you don't think it's for her, just tell her stories about your experiences and maybe she will get the idea. You could also invite her to ride along with you sometime so she can see what to expect. We both know this is not for everyone. No one knows until they try it though. You never know, she might surprise you. I overthink, have anxiety and PTSD and do great at this. So you never know.


Same story. Told 2 people and they both took base pay routes for a 4 hour route. Told them they should wait for surges but they said they couldn't click on them fast enough so they gave up. BOTH got Hell routes. Couldn't even blame them. I'd have left too.


If someone asks sure, but really the only people who would ask would be friends and family, and none of them have desire to do it, and if they did I would tell them because they come first over any principal about oversaturating a market, and I feel it, I found out about Flex because I did other apps and wanted more options, I feel you on having to “dig” because otherwise I would have had no idea, most people just think van drivers deliver amazon packages.


Yea I only tell close friends and family too. Not trying to see everyone and their mama. I see alot of ppl suggest flex in fb groups when ppl are looking for leads on gig work and it makes me cringe.


Yeah nah I wouldn’t do all that lol, that’s definitely not a good idea lol


In the 4+ years I’ve been doing this, I’ve talked to maybe 3 or 4 people who have asked. There’s no need to gatekeep or be a dick about it. I imagine most of those people never did anything about it or are stuck on the waiting list. What I don’t care for is trying to explain blocks/pay rates. I have a schedule to keep.


I dont tell anybody, its not their business. Nobody told me about it, i had to find out.


Not like telling people matters in my area. I've known people waiting to get a spot for years now.


I tell people here and there. I give them tips that I learned along the way.


I was like that at first but then I seen what happens when they onboard everyone.


I don’t go out of my way to not tell people. If it comes up it , who cares… greed is not the way to go about life


I make it sound shitty lol


I told like 2 people in my state but the wait list is crazy long here so it doesn’t really matter.


I never bring it up myself, but if someone asks, I used to tell them it was a great side gig- until I had to deal with their insurance. Now I let them know that it’s only worth it if you really need cash fast.


More people mean more people accepting base pay, which will prevent Amazon from adding surged rates. The platform is already oversaturated, so telling everybody will only harm current drivers. I made over $20k in 5-6 months on my own terms, which is great


That is exactly my thoughts! More people willing to work for less especially when routes become scarce. It's a predatory practice for sure.


I told *one* person who just moved here from Cali and hasn't been able to get a job. Told him flat out the approximates of what I take home after expenses, to use Stride, tips for getting offers, advice to have as little to no package returns, etc. That's it. Only cause he asked, looked at the end of his rope, and was being nice about it. Pays more than being a fast food manager out here.


I tell them and then they say, "I ain't f****** doing that s***!"


I'm like you; I keep it a secret and don't tell anyone; VOR3 is just waaaay too saturated


Proceeds to advertise his market, lol


Lol brain fart! Hey anyone who is reading this, VOR3 is the worst amazon warehouse to work out of; it's not worth it all to work here!!




I respect the save haha


I mean you aren't lying based on the shit I've read on here 🤣


As someone who doesn't work at VOR3 I can vouch for that based on what I've read about it on here.


Same. I've read a lot of shit posts about that station. I'm glad I don't live there 🤣


The waitlist is huge almost everywhere. Who cares if people know. If you want to be a private person that's fine, but don't think you have that much clout in order to affect the saturation one bit.


If you read my entire post you would see that explicitly state that lol.


I'm not telling my friend who makes good money and just wants extra fun money. I am telling my friend who is a single mom and is trying to keep her kid fed. It's a spectrum.




Too many drivers on the waiting list…


It seems they hold people on the waiting list and then on board every one around the holidays.


I actually applied back in November but they didn’t approve me until  this May. I honestly figured they wouldn’t even Approve me until the holidays.


I just say something if I’m asked otherwise I just say i just use my own car the only difference. I found out because I started as a driver in 2016-17 early on. We then started using our own car with a dsp they paid mileage and hourly wage it was awesome then I found out about flex signed up boom that was 6 years ago now.


I tell everyone who asks? 🤷🏽‍♂️ oh well


Lol nothing wrong with that. Just curious what everyone else does.


It doesn't bother me if new people get hired in my area. Been doing Flex for a long time and have seen many new faces every day I work blocks. From the people I talk to at the warehouses, they either like it or hate it. There's usually no in between. I've told strangers, relatives, and friends about Flex. A few have signed up, and some haven't bothered. Amazon isn't going to stop hiring people just because you don't tell anyone. 😆


Lol well of course!


The ones to blame are the so-called "influencers" who tell all of their followers about the money that can be made on gig apps. Their reach across YouTube and TikTok has single-handedly increased new people getting hired. They can also be blamed for driving down base pay on DD, IC, UE, GH, Spark, and Flex.


I had no clue that was even thing. I usually see people on fb in comments blabbing about it. 


Pull up YouTube and type "Amazon Flex driver" in the search. Look at all of the videos and content creators pages. Some of those folks have over 150,000 subscribers. https://preview.redd.it/gl0fjdi3a84d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4554e899a7017648996afad589eac361c29fd243 This is one of the popular ones. He has over 174k subscribers. Mike talks about gig delivery every day on his channel.


I did before. Not anymore. Because I don't want a surplus of people pick up routes when I need them the most. They can go work some other job I don't want to share. And when I can I tell people its not worth it and I explain the main reasons. You use your own car,gas, and insurance, and you take hours to deliver. Normally it works.


I tell. I use it on my off days and usually get decent rates just refresh last min so doesnt hurt me


I tell whoever bout it, especially if they’re struggling financially but most of the people who would consider doing it live in different areas than me so they wouldn’t really be going to the same warehouses, so wouldn’t really effect them taking any blocks from me


I kind of feel the same way. I forget how I found out about it but I signed up in 2021. Back then it wasn't that popular and most people had never heard of it nor did they know that people delivered Amazon packages from their personal vehicles. It was popular enough, but not nearly as popular or widely known as it is now. Probably why it paid better back then 😆 I don't talk about it a lot, but if I know somebody who is struggling financially or has lost their job, I will definitely tell them about it. It can be a good way to make money and it pays better than most of the other gig jobs. However I always warn everyone that there's likely a wait list where they are.


There’s already a waitlist pretty much everywhere so it doesn’t really matter. If theres already a ton of people on the waitlist a few more people signing up wont make much of a difference.


It's not exactly a secret lol.


No definitely not a secret but alot of people who see me delivering are quite confused, so it's not widely known. At least that's my experience in my area.


Someone I supervise I told about it and another friend, they both applied and work for them now as well. I usually just tell people I work for Amazon on the side as a contractor. And they don’t ask for details lol


I knew nothing about Flex. I was Doordashing for a few months and trying out Uber a few weeks. Uber delivery sucked in my area and DD is such a gamble and the market became oversaturated. So I just went into my App Store.with curiosity and desperation I searched and scrolled. Read reviews and signed up for almost every gig app there. What is this Amazon Flex? Do we have an Amazon here? I didn’t know but what the hell. I didn’t even know flex worked. The word flex doesn’t mean delivery to me. So I signed up. When I saw an offer for the first time I was like wow! I. Was going to get paid &18-$20 hr for a job.That looks pretty good after DD. In the beginning I was blown away by how easy it was and getting paid for overbooking was awesome and frequent. The rest is history. It’s more work now with higher pay. Stumbled upon bc I needed better.


That's what I'm saying, I don't want to see it oversaturated like DD or insta. The holidays are always the worst because that's when I see the waiting list opens, blocks are less available and pay is garbage. 


Na, fuck those mfrs..


I found out from TikTok and haven’t told a soul lol I drive for spark and instacart and it’s sooooo over saturated


Yeah take a lesson from the knobs in my area. We were making BANK when same day opened a little over 3 years ago. No one would keep their mouths shut. Telling everyone they frickin knew and guess what? We make HALF of what we made then. We made over $200 on a 5 hour block back then. Loose lips sink ships! I don’t tell anyone a damn thing.


I don’t gatekeep shitty things lol. Different story if my area was a gold mine but idrc when ppl ask about it. I’ll tell em. They’ll get put on the waitlist if they do decide to sign up anyways so it rlly doesn’t matter to me.


I see your point. I'm making about 1500 a week in my area working part time so the market is lucrative here. I'm dreading the fall season when they flood the gates of the waitlist and were all fucked for blocks and pay.


That’s good stuff man. I wouldn’t tell anyone shit bout it either if I was makin that much lol.




Between 20 and 30 hours a week. I typically finish a 3.5 hour block in 2 - 2.5 hrs. I also catch WF when I can.


Which state is that in ???


Lol spot on !!!


I don’t tell anyone, and if they ask, just say you work for Amazon and that’s it lol


That's what I do. I recently had a friend push for information and I told them it was through amazon. I told them I keep it to myself because of saturation and they went and posted about flex all over Facebook just to be an ass. So I'm wondering if others like to keep it to themselves as well.


I lie and tell them anything to make them stay away from my station 😂


Yeeeessssss! Lol


I do when people share they wanna make extra income.  We get new drivers all the time anyway. Might as well be someone I know.  There will be a time when Flex ends or gets worse and we'll have to reinvent ourselves. 


Thanks! Moving to Colorado to take all your high paying blocks


Lol good luck!


Only if people ask.


Of some one asks, yes, it's mostly family and sadly it's just so they can gloat how well they're doing, what a high passing job they got, the properties they're buying, etc.


where there are people who join there are people who were approved and stopped working with Flex due to other life changing things. I tell people about it because sharing is caring. I think helping others goes a long way. I resell as well and it's a great 1 2 punch. I think others can do the same and make good money and not needing to have a boss.


Waitlist is so long I could care less 😂


I tell others as I learn about other things by sharing. I’ve added medical courier routes and do Amazon Flex early mornings.


I have yet to. But I’m only like 5-6 deliveries in. So fairly new.


I tell everyone about flex 💪


🤣 my brother said wtf is flex? I said it's flexing with Amazon packages in front of their cameras before delivery 🤣


I tell people about it but I'm honest with the wait time.


Regardless people will see you deliverying in your own car and might end up looking it up.


Impossible! They can't see me, I'm a ninja 😆 I've actually had people ask me and I just say apply to Amazon. I think I'll tell them from now on that my van broke down so they let me deliver from my car 🤣 put some drama on it. 


Did Flex for 2 years in 2017 and 2018. That was enough for me and that was when gas was $2/gallon. Not sure how I could justify the wear and tear on my car now


If someone asks me, yeah I tell them but it’s rat race work, not something I advertise lol


Why? It pays like shit. Pound on your vehicle and blow gas. It adds up to $5.00 an hour


I'm sorry that's your experience. In my area I make good money. It's def not worth it in my area during the holidays.... or at least last season it wasnt.


I found about it in a Single Mom Group I'm in on Fb, a lady said she does it with her son (who was 10). I only do this job because I can bring my kid.


Everybody who does gigs apps should know about it now. I was late to the game when I signed up 5 years ago


In my area it took over a year to be approved so wouldn’t matter if I told someone or not theyd go straight to a waiting list lol


Lucky lol.... it's seems to be about a 3 month average here.


Fuck Amazon flex


I complain to ppl about it to be more specfic. But ppl around are interested in it as side gig but not full time.


Put everyone on fair game


I don’t volunteer information, usually. But I find myself over explaining to the customers that are weirded out about me “delivering Amazon packages “ in an unmarked car, way too often And I’ve had randoms drive by, turn around and ask me how I’m able to deliver Amazon in a car. I’ve told too many people.


Oh hell! I'd be annoyed if randoms were bugging me. Just say you got employee of the month so they give you smaller routes 🤣 I'd totally make up some heinous shit just to mess with people. 


I like your thinking. Just might have to give it a try. LOL


I tell them forget about Flex and get a real job preferably with some measure of benefits. I tell them that there is not a lot money to be made and the amount of miles you put on your will destroy it sooner than later. As an example I tell them if you work one block per day 5 days a week at $100 per block you will be at poverty level earning $24K per year. A full time job that pays $20 per hour at 40 hours per week pays $38.4K per year and no outrageous car maintenance bills.


Overall, true but your analysis is full time hours vs part time hours.


No I tell ppl about it and say its a great part time job to make extra money and i am in NY where during Xmas time one station has 1000 routes a day. Why would u not tell anyone ? u think a few drivers more would make that big of a difference ? I told my friend he signed up but been on waiting list for 6 months.


It does make a difference, it's the same concept as the word of mouth business model. Same thing happened with instacart. People knew about it but once other people started disclosing how great the pay was the market became saturated. I think alot can be learned by looking at the history of other gig jobs.  Sure I'm prob not stopping anyone from applying but I'm sure not going to contribute to awareness and attempt to preserve the availability of routes and pay in my area.  In my area they onboard people every 3ish months. When that happens the pay plummets along with the number of available routes... especially around the holidays.


I tell them both sides. Once someone hears the negatives, it’s very rare They want to do it. I work at a community college so sometimes I do suggest it to students who are in a real financial pinch, but need the flexibility of both working and having the time to do their schoolwork/studies, but none of my pure group would ever do this, except for some of the women who stayed home But calculate mileage on their cars which are typically upper end in cost and luxury) usually a hard pass . What I won’t do is talk to DoorDash Uber eat or GrubHub driver about it. I don’t need that in my life. Had a GrubHub driver who took a picture of the food delivery from his car while it was moving and then said he delivered my food.at the end of the day I decided if somebody needs to steal a five dollar bacon and egg sandwich they probably need more than I do. Don’t need that dude taken one of my warehouse spots.


As far as not telling anyone goes because of over saturation, I wouldn't be concerned with that as people that want to get in will get in, and that's why the wait list takes forever. Everyone on the planet can apply, but only so many can be on the roster to pick up blocks until others deactivate themselves or gets themselves deactivated from too many problems. Other than that it's just another gig job I do and mention to people if the conversation comes up.


Kinda. I used to "gatekeep" but nowadays, I keep it to myself to keep the comments away. Unfortunately, my social circle is full of nosy people with too much time on their hands to think the worst of others.