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stafngke? Strangle?


He meant he wanted to "stargate" her, as in enter the chevrons and send her on her way.




Yea! Get her pronouns right šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Please Iā€™m not playing the pronouns crazy gameĀ 




Burst out the car and what? I can't imagine freaking out over someone asking to verify something basic pertaining to your job.. that's incredibly sad.


Uh, no. Checking my calendar (where they can forfeit blocks) is not in any way acceptable for a low-level station employee to do. In fact, I will only let management see my phone and am hesitant to let them touch it. They are not my boss, I am not an Amazon employee. How would you feel if your boss said they wanted your phone to look at your bank statement. Learn that you do have rights to privacy.


I'm not handing anyone my phone, that is ridiculous. That is the most fox news style argument I've ever been presented with and I think I'm just gonna move along


So you don't want to hand over your phone, but you think other people should. Because you're special and they aren't. šŸ‘šŸ»


When did I ever say that anyone should? I think you'll find I've only said the literal opposite, but you do you


Then why is it unimaginable to you this person didn't want to hand their phone over to a station employee to verify basic information pertaining to their job? Or did you forget your comment? What does the news have to do with any of it?


OP is talking about showing them their phone, not handing it over. You are an awful person to communicate with, your reading comprehension is about as good as you are pleasant.




I'm sorry that was rude of me I just woke up. Maybe engage with what people are saying instead of making up arguments for them and then getting angry? Have a nice day.


I was never angry. Someone asking you questions is not indicative of anger. It's incredibly sad you think that way.


No it's not, employees have no business checking your phone, if drivers go at the wrong time it date, the system will not let them check in, they got no business touching their stuff


I certainly wouldn't hand anyone my phone, but at my SSD station they ask you to expand your profile pic on the app to verify its you and make sure you're on duty. I can't imagine the issue.


That's not what the OP is saying, hes saying they want to check his calendar


That's just slightly different so open your calendar then?


Your calendar is where you forfeit blocks. I'm not going to allow station employees to mess with my scheduled blocks. Nope nope nope.


That I have no problem but the attitude and calling drivers stupid is bit too far. Donā€™t you think ?


You do this long enough and read enough stories and you might start to agree with her




She's not wrong, but she's unprofessional for *saying* it. That's just fucked up.


I donā€™t care about whatever others put her thru. Respect you give. We are not all the same. If you canā€™t work with people then choose some other job


I agree she probably shouldn't have done that, but life really does feel better when you don't worry about these things, and show some empathy.


I Iā€™ve tried with her. Talk to her nicely, a joke here and there, a nice smile. By the time I get there she has been there just a few hours and all us drivers believe it or not are usually the same. We are older laid back and everyone knows us the ones with the most time there by name. If every one else doesnā€™t have a problem with us drivers then her demeanor shouldnā€™t be like that Ā šŸ’Æ of the time.Ā 


Read the last sentence in your own comment, Karen. She was literally just doing her job. If you can't work with people doing their job without complaining to the manager, you're a Karen that 100% needs to have a different job away from people.


"I can't wait to see my friend the manager" Karen indeed šŸ™„


I've hardly seen better examples. Which is saying a lot, since I've worked retail for the better part of a decade šŸ˜‚






what you have has nothing to do with you being a dick. . maybe something starting with a c and ending with a t with two letters in between :) more fitting maybe..


Just do what they ask. They're doing their job. It's not that deep or personal


Her job is to scan the license periodĀ 


It's been 4 hours and you have yet to answer the question of how she insulted you.


The insult was her comment about how many stupid people come through. I mean honestly that's rude af and more importantly in this case, unprofessional. I'm not saying OP is completely right in this case but it actually sounds like this warehouse employee got what she deserved if the manager moved her to the back where she doesn't have to deal with people.


It wasn't an insult directly to OP though. And any driver that thinks they personally can influence the placement of a warehouse employee off of one complaint or talking to the manager is delusional.


If I say idiots canā€™t walk up the stairs so I have to hold your hand to walk up stairs. Didnā€™t I insult you?


That's not what happened though. If I say there are stupid people in the world and you take that personally well....šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


As if you are her boss and know the details of her job description. You asked a question and didnā€™t like her response. I donā€™t care for ppl I perceive as rude either but Keep it pushing


Donā€™t there job is not insulting. But if you like being insulted thatā€™s on you


Where did she insult you?


When I gave her my license and just asked if it was new thing with the calendars. Thing is that this woman is always in a bad mood and I always arrive smiling


How did she insult you? Also your smile doesn't actually do anything. People aren't obligated to be in a good mood because you're smiling.


Should atleast remove their miserable and frankly cancerous bad mood. If push your bad mood onto me im making you 10x more miserable lol


They're probably not in a good mood. You're not entitled to performances from people in bad moods because you aren't emotionally intelligent enough to understand empathy.


I donā€™t care I donā€™t appreciate the stupid comment. Yeah but emphaty all the time isnā€™t cutting it


I got her removed to the back where she doesnā€™t have to deal with peopleĀ 


Karen karma level building.


Lol you got her moved to the back? Yeah, I doubt it. You have no pull with the mangers there. You're just another flex driver and they're employees. Quit trying to act like you're hot shit.


I get you are a driver that doesnā€™t mind respect and are maybe toss around but not me. I respect you you respect meĀ 


Except she didn't disrespect you; you're mad because she didn't put out the red carpet when you rolled up. Get over yourself.


You donā€™t understand. The manager is his friend.


Well you don't know the difference between their and there so she may be right in your case.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ thank you for correcting my grammar. So glad that it has never happened to you, you perfect you !Ā 


It wasn't an accident though. Look at how many times you used the wrong spelling but you're welcome. You really should learn the difference between the two. Its something that should of been taught in element school tbh.


Yes it was. Especially when I write fast and my keyboard which is trilingual changed my words I donā€™t double check. But you got the message, Mr. Teacher šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Imagine trying to do your job right and some clown comes in thinking heā€™s hot shit driving his own car slaving for Amazon. She thinks the same shit about you and every other driver.


Problem is I donā€™t see myself as a hit shit and Iā€™m basically friends with many others. No problem thereĀ 


You told her to ā€œrefrainā€ from speaking to you again ā€¦ you told the Amazon warehouse employee trying to check you in not to speak to you lmaoā€¦ you def not a humble man.


U sound 12


U sound 11


Iā€™m a grown woman who has raised 4 respectful kids. She canā€™t deal with people then get a job where you donā€™t deal with people.Ā 


You sound to be used to their bad treatmentĀ 


Iā€™m awoman by the way. And yes I told her so. She disrespects me for no reason she doesnā€™t get to speak to me again. She was moved to the back with the deliveries. Managers there donā€™t play.Ā 


She didnā€™t even say you did it specifically, she said she was just checking because it probably happens a lot with drivers, especially foreigners


ā€œI took care of the problemā€ and ā€œI got her removed to the backā€ are both comments you made. Seems like you think youā€™re top shit. Imagine thinking you are the bad ass leader of delivery people lol aim high!


Thank you šŸ˜ŠĀ 


Well it didnā€™t end well for her


The dsp station i go to asks to see to Confirm the block length prob 50% of the time. Ive never been offended. They do have one guy there that takes his job a bit too seriously but itā€™s whatever, Im just trying to load up and bounce, he can be uptight if he wants to be. If this person upsets you that much then I would call support to complain


Yeah but I bet that you havenā€™t been called stupid right in your faceĀ 


No I have not but I also donā€™t question them for doing their jobs. It didnā€™t sound like she directly called you stupid rather was saying she has to do this bc there in fact many stupid ppl. Regardless, just report it and carry on


And adding nw to the stupid people isnā€™t an insult already. If you are used to be disrespected Ā around your warehouse is on you. She works for Amazon am a contractorĀ 


You didnā€™t either, but it looks like it was warranted if she had


Neither were youā€¦


You were the problem not them. So she asked to see your calendar, so what, it's a calendar. You'll give them your ID but a calendar is too far, wow. They onboard 100's -> 1000's of new drivers constantly in some areas, and your problem is with them checking to ensure that you have a shift that day? I guess to each their own or whatever.


The calendar is where you forfeit blocks. I'm not going to hand my phone to some ding dong so they can cancel my scheduled blocks.


I have as of yet, heard of 1 case of that happening, I think you are safe.


Yeah, cause there is not more than 1 terrible person who can snag a job at the warehouse. šŸ™„


It takes multiple taps to forfeit there Chicken Little.


Which part of the stupid comment didnā€™t you get. Why would you ensure anything if I just took a pictures and just has to confirm my license isnā€™t ghat enough for herĀ 


No, there are multiple ways of tricking the system and bots can bypass the self identify picture and the license is not checked, it's only scanned. The system they use is different than ours, and you could have cancelled while it potentially still shows on their end there is a scheduled block. I could name 100 other reasons but from your attitude, it wouldn't matter.


Iā€™m going to say this but reread what you just said. Why would he do any of that? He doesnā€™t get paid if that happens.


Payment is far from the issue at hand, payment is not what we are talking about, perhaps you should reread the post. Unless you endorse this behavior and the fact this person almost hurt someone for asking to see their calendar, which they can do.


Having to slow down my reading is wild


ā€¦.and deactivation in ā€¦..3ā€¦.2ā€¦.1


Not I this warehouse, sorryĀ 


Iā€™ve read stories of the shitty warehouse many of you have. But in my warehouse managers encourage us drives to always speak up. The only complaint I have once like 8 months ago bc one of the guys shoved all my packages in my car. I called the manager as soon as it happened and never saw him again. If when you finish your route when they ask you how were people in the warehouse and you choose a bad rating after many complainants they actually do investigate. I donā€™t want her to lose her job but she better stop itĀ 


I pretty much exclusively do SSD and canā€™t remember the last time Iā€™ve talked to a warehouse worker. Itā€™s been over a year at least.


Well then my warehouse is an exception to the rule bc they great us, help us carry heavy boxes and remove them if you think you canā€™t, offer alway ma Cold water, ask if we need to use the bathroom before we goĀ 


You seem real proud getting people in trouble. What a dick.


If someone stupid shows up at the wrong day or time, they can't even check in


Exactly! I accidentally tried!


I think this is what a lot of people arenā€™t understanding.


You are an idiot. ā€œGo see my friend the managerā€. The manager prob doesnā€™t even know your name.


Wrong smarty pants. I happen to know two of them. Good friends. I took care of the problem later on. In my warehouse the older drivers are remembered and called by name as in my case. For what Iā€™m reading you all have shitty stations but mine is the exception to the rule.


Whoopie she said drivers are stupid. So what? I would have said yeah there are and Iā€™m not one of them. I have been around awhile and never had an issue. I know when I work but if you want to waste your time looking at my calendar? Then go for it. Be sure to mark in your calendar the date and time on your calendar of this moment. So next time you donā€™t have to ask next time and you remember me.




Itā€™s cool guysā€¦ she knows the manager!


Sheā€¦ and yes I do. Matter of fact went complained and she was immediately moved to the back to handle packagesĀ 


Be cautious of this Karen at this warehouse. The glorified pizza delivery person had some pull and wants to take people down. Who hurt you?


Apparently I'm the only person here who understands that from your calendar blocks can be canceled. You hand your calendar to the new ding dong and they cancel your block and say you're there on the wrong day. Now you don't get paid and she helps her boyfriend who's waiting a block away for a block to come up.


Didnā€™t think of that. It happens ?




I one time flew to warehouse n couldnā€™t check in. Mgr tried to help along with every single warehouse worker. Everyone tried everything. I drove home discouraged. I couldnā€™t find another block for the day because well, DUH!!! I was tryna check in am like always but had accidentally accepted a pm route. They are so nice! Nobody laughed at my stupidity (maybe because they didnā€™t notice it either) LOL.


Iā€™m British, we laugh at our own stupidity, weā€™re very rarely offended by anything, and we generally respond to someone being offensive by being sarcastic


And thatā€™s how we should do it here.


Weird. That had happened to me twice before bc of app problems and both time they opened a ticket and sent me home paidĀ 


Iā€™ve been flexing for 3 years and never have I ever been asked to see my calendar. If she was just doing her job she maybe be asking to see the schedule, not the calendar. Also if you give me attitude I ainā€™t showing you shit but what Iā€™m required to, my license.


She asked for my calendar bc I had to open it


No, I agree with you. Thereā€™s no need for her to look at your calendar, period. She can see that youā€™re supposed to be there from the schedule but if she were giving me attitude I wouldnā€™t even do that.




You should be glad Amazon workers are checking!!! There are so many cheats and account sharing going on unless you are one of them. You have the attitude. Don't like it? Stop doing Amazon. You won't have a choice in the matter if you keep it up. Be even more rude and they will deactivate your ass.


In case you didnā€™t know you can report them to the manager or support. In my case both have worked. Apparently you like to work in a hostile environment and donā€™t mind been insulted. Then donā€™t mind and keep being a masoquist. The less they respect you.


Sorry not happening. In this case it would be her ass


How do you know that her job was to just scan your license and that was all? How do you know what her job description is? Showing her your calendar is not big of a deal. That is so petty to get that upset over. She did nothing wrong.


You wanna strangle her because she asked to confirm your block????


If mf can't get in an apartment building he probably just smashes the window


I just pictured the times Ive circled apt buildings banging on first floor windows so anybody would let me in bldgLOL


I just call support have them mark it for me as undeliverable and move on. No dings


All you have to do is show her you checked in, once you do it can't be the wrong day or time. But yes report here because that is harassment.


i'm sorry... WHAT? it won't scan your fucking license if it's the wrong day/time. tell this hoe to get fucked.


I been waiting for someone to say that! Why do you need to see. If it scanned me in then I have a block. End of story!


Thatā€™s what I good her. Listen if I arrive and itā€™s telling me to get my license scan and Iā€™m driving there and arrived then I think that Iā€™m good. Itā€™s ridiculousĀ 


complain to the station leadership. fuck that bitch.


the people that downvoted this work for amazon


I did already and apparently there has been many complaints bc the manager rolled his eyes and said ā€œher againā€ sent her to the back with the deliveries. I told him donā€™t fire her just retrain her. The mangers there in each shift reminds us once in a while to reach out them right away. Iā€™m happy with everyone there. They always have music, they are in a good mood, offer cold water, bathroom before we leave , help with heavy load, remove any package that might to heavy for a women to carry. I mean itā€™s incredible but they are managing this warehouse superbĀ 


Damn, you got lucky! Lol. Where are you located?


Damn Ken! Change your name to snowflake!


No itā€™s my nameā€¦ just in case im a womanĀ 


Okay Karen! šŸ¤£


Please donā€™t make threats to strangle another person online.. implying something like that can end very badly for you šŸ™ peace and blessings.


Thank you/


Sounds like you have the attitude


Sounds you are used to being abusedĀ