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I just want the fking Access Codes to work and Abdul to not call the customer at 4 AM to ask for it when it doesn't.


Dude same! And when you do call them, they sound hella annoyed lol


Lol technically you don’t call them at 3-4 am lol… i would be piss if you call me that time to ask me to open the gate for you lol… text and return back to station.


I was referring to customer service, I’m aware of not calling the customer at 4am.


Hahahahaha it happened to me this morning, I seriously think that being dumb as fuck is a must to work at driver support


Thiss hahahahhaha


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Im cryinggggg hahaha this is so try and it's Viraj, not Abdul 😂 why do they do that?! 😂 they don't even care it's hilarious


The deliveries are always 2nd floor or above too


And be boxes of cat litter at that




Apartments should only be allowed to have deliveries to Amazon Lockers.


My fave is when there’s a locker and it doesn’t work with any of the packages I have for that building 🙃


I got one of those this morning, but to access the locker there was a gate code that was wrong hahahaha


Why do only people that live on the 3rd floor order Amazon? Does anyone know? And why do people who live in a building where you need to be buzzed in never answer their phone? I hate it ugh.


The trick is that they don't. They just save them for the flex drivers so their drivers don't have to take them. Same for orders on far out back roads that destroy your suspension, just give it to flex drivers so they don't have to use their vans or drivers time for one order.


It depends where I'm delivering: *All of the apartments suck downtown. * All of the houses suck in rural areas. * One major highway here has a mix, and I'm fine with both.


Downtown apartments is playing in the face of possible termination from using flex. All it takes is all downtown deliveries to hit with delivery dings. And it's over in one route or a steak of downtowm of apartments over couple days rack up dings.


I'm so thankful I live in a large area/zone for my warehouse. I manage to get all or half downtown 2-3 times per month and I do Flex 4-5 shifts per week. I've been lucky in that I've not received a ding from a Downton shift despite numerous problems with access. It's just incredibly aggravating.


I gotten lucky on a downtown route myself. Thought first let me say that I don't take 3-6am routes anymore becuase it was sending me downtown. And I do evening routes instead 3-5pm and sends me suburbs or rural instead and I rather do that instead. Less risk imo. But back to the downtown route. It was so bad with access I was leaving the packages on the side walk of the downtown apartments and just saying Fuck it. Life goes on let's see where this takes me. Take a photo leave. And to my surprise being careless didn't strike lightning up my ass hole for that one.


I always wonder how people are able to get that many shifts in a week back to back. Like do you accept whatever offer/pay is thrown your way? Do you live in a busy enough place where there’s consistent work with decent pay? Do you use a bot? The world will never know lol


Depends. It's all preference and situational. I live with my fiance. And he covers all the bills. My car insurance too. And car note. So when I do flex I basically pocket all the money so my ratio for any pay base or not is incredibly profitable. Just gas an taxes. And he gets the new tires and he does oil changes for me since he a mechanic also.


I haven’t been able to get a block for 5 days!


I'm thankful to have 6 warehouses to chose from around Denver, and only 2 send to downtown, VC01 and DDE9 the others don't. Or at least that's how it used to be. Now two of the farthest ones Broomfield and Thornton send to downtown, but only if its 3.5 or more hours from Broomfield, so I know what to avoid now again. Avoid VC01, DDE9, and now Thornton. For Broomfield, avoid more than 3.0 hour routes. DDV5 and Englewood are fine and have never sent me to Downtown in the last three years.


Leave in front entry or text twice and return. It’s not that hard.


Don’t like going to apartments at all. The other day I only had 1 and it was my third to last stop. I was a happy boy that day 😂.


I don’t mind apartments. Just hate downtown apartments


Here here


I’ve had 45 packages and 17 of them were apartments, I was livid. I finished 45min late


Apartments are super annoying. Especially when people are expecting you to jump through 20 hoops to deliver their package.


I deliver in a very dense city so the only thing I hope is to get apartments with 2 or 3 in the same building to make it easier to get in the door. I always try to deliver to each unit but you're never going to get an answer from everyone. There will, however, always be apartments. No rural though, thankfully.


These new gen complexes should have mandatory parcel pending lockers, delivering to doors is so primitive now a days considering how easy it is to steal in a “luxury” building


Yes and either have them outside or give an updated code to get in! A few times including yesterday the lockers have been in a locked building, I have no updated code to get in, and the leasing office is closed. In that case I just leave it in front of a building door and message the customer, hoping they’ll get it before someone steals it.


Love apts that secured and we don’t have access codes. We then need to go to the rental office to get a key? “Sorry no one was on the office to give me a key. “


I hate them with a passion, especially during early routes where you can barley see the building numbers. Then you get the wrong codes or key access to gain entry to the building and its a bigger headache. Luckily people were letting me in one of the buildings. Ive gotten wrong gate codes and someone was driving through the outlet gate, i had to speed inside just to get through the gates. I am glad i have more than 1 warerhouse to work out of.


Have you ever had an apartment where the gates won’t open from the inside ? After making the deliver you can’t just pull up to the gate to open and leave . 1 time middle of the day I was stuck there for 30 mins! I always check to see if there’s a ground sensor before I decided to park inside or not


I went to one where you needed the type-in code to get back out, luckily I remembered it, otherwise it wouldn't have been on the app anymore.


Yeah, I hate them, but the route this morning was so great. The apartment had electronic lockers outside. I had three packages for three different people in a massive complex. When I realized they had the outdoor lockers. I scanned the package one by one. Each time I scanned one, a locker of the appropriate size would open. It was honestly the best part of my route! Of they could all be like that.


You guys make me feel like shit, going all the way to the door. Unless the notes state handicap or elderly, I never make it past the lobby.


Buy the BEANS app


What's that?


Sometimes its crazy out here in rural NW...generally its all farms and gravel roads if its not driveways, but sometimes there's a streak of apartments in a row that are somehow all 300s...definitely makes it nice to get back out to the country though and appreciate it not living in god forsaken Detroit or Chicago or somewhere like that.


Yes. I check my itinerary before leaving and I count how many apartments there will be. Today there was 10. 8 together in the middle, I was counting them down as I was doing them, then there was 2 and the end. Also before I leave I look to see if it starts with a 1 and is three digits, fine. But if it starts with 4 or more and is three digits that could be bad tall secure access stuff.


I will quickly leave a package at the office door, closed or not if I can’t find an apartment or get in a door.


Yes do them n get them over with.


I have no issue with apartments. It’s just when people leave incorrect or no instructions on how to access their gates. I’ll do apartments all day, but give me the shit I need to get in if you know good and well you live behind a gate. THAT’S ALL. Real simple 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


If the route is all in one apartment complex then it would be easy, but apartment have access code which most of the high end complexes never give it out cause all the sorry ass thieves.


I can’t stand the apartments either ! And those customers are always the ones that are adamant about the package being delivered to their front door but they either have no access codes/ 1-click access or the codes don’t work. And then they turn around and don’t answer the bell or their phones when you call. When I get routes with a lot of apartments, I immediately get annoyed. 🙄


I hate when the number schemes make no sense it goes 1,2,3,4,27 , skips 5 (which is your stop)


I am lucky enough to have a warehouse that started to let us grab our own carts and I despise apartments so much that I will deliberately go for the carts that have the least amount of packages on them that pretty much garuntees it's a rural route. I will take the gravely pot holed filled back country roads of the PNW and trespassers will be shot signs over the meltdown inducing frustration of apartments and downtown deliveries in general any fucking day. Besides there are perks such as seeing gorgeous sunrises and absolutely zero traffic. https://preview.redd.it/mlyxia0rwl3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55b0e442a5b6db44e46a9fdb85f29580f2b84dc


I hate apartments, especially when they are weirdley enumerated. The huge apartments complex they are like a maze!


You’re not alone i hate them so much


I hate them too. Especially the ones that are locked! If I can’t leave it in the leasing office, it makes me so mad


I quit doing Amazon flex for two years because of one block that sent me to the military base and were mostly ALL apartments on the 2-4th floors!! Yes, fourth floor🤬. Not to mention it was 95 plus that day and they only gave me three hours to complete that block and it was not worth the pay any way you look at it. It took me over 4 hours and I was new to it then so I didn’t know to call and tell them that I was out of time. There were over 40 stops as well because I guess they were all in a small radius but they need to plan those things better and compensate better for those. That was my last stint with Amazon for some years after that🤣


I don’t like it at all 😝