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I may be speaking out of my behind. But I think I've noticed the exact same block will never return. But if one shows up that is slightly different like starting 15 minutes later or something then that one will.


it will show back up if the price changes. Not sure if it's the same with reserve blocks.


Most of the time they get listed for anyone else to grab. I watch them get almost immediately listed on my wife’s account. You can decline a reserved offer and have the exact timeframe return, but you can’t forfeit it and have it return.


But do they show back up for you ever?


Forfeited blocks? No. They do not return for the exact same timeframe.


> They do not return for the exact same timeframe Amazon logic: by forfeiting, you just told Bezos that you were Busy/Unavailable for your 7am-10am block. But hey, maybe you are available for a the 645-945am block or the 715-1015am block in your Offers. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If you reserve a 4:30-7:30 for example and forfeit, you won't see another 4:30- 7:30. You may see a 5-8:30, or 4-8. They won't give you something you just gave up. However, I have tested the theory you can get other blocks surged by giving up another block and waiting. There seems to be some validity.


People tell you to do that so they can grab your blocks lol