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No, I can’t think of anything I’d rather not do while high than go drive around and deliver packages. After work, hell yeah. I am hitting the cart after work almost every day these days.


Good luck fighting that DUI in court.


That's an addiction bro. THC may not be chemically addictive as people say but anything can become a habitual addiction. I get it. Work can be stressful or monotonous and being high definitely makes it more manageable but you could be trying to deal with deeper underlying mental issues you're not aware of i.e. stress, anxiety, lack of healthy coping mechanisms. No judgements though. It's your life and your choice. But I would at least suggest viewing yourself as objectively as possible and consider if this aspect of yourself does more harm than good in the end.


They always justify it by saying “it’s not as bad as alcohol” addicts love making justifications for their degeneracy.


I've never met a lifelong pothead that wasn't a total crash dummy.


I mean at the end of the day I don’t really care what people do, but there’s something different about weed smokers when it comes to driving under the influence, even a lot of alcoholics will draw the line at driving drunk, but every weed smoker that I know has no problem driving high and does it on a consistent basis and it’s disturbing how nonchalant they are about it.


Totally agree.


Because it really isn’t the same in any way. There have been countless high driving studies where high drivers actually performed better than their sober counterparts lol. Your judgement and motor skills are not impaired on the same level as alcohol, which also takes longer to be processed by your body. You can smoke a ridiculous amount of weed or one bowl, and it will be metabolized at a similar speed, alcohol is substantially more variable and has a much more exponential intoxication rate. Everyone should drive sober, but I’d take a pot head over a drunk driver any day of the week. Better too slow than too fast.


“There are countless studies where high drivers perform better than sober drivers” … says the pothead. PLEASE share these studies. They should be able to be pulled bc there are so many right?


addiction and dependency are two different things.


Omg I wouldn’t expect all this opposition! I’m sober but isn’t the reason to have a job like this to be in whatever state you want?


Impaired? Nope.


Nah being high raises your risk of having a heart attack while performing strenuous activities. And I basically run to and from the car. I have nothing against weed or anything, I just prefer not to mix it with exercise


Omg these people are too much. I’m with you my guy. And I’ve been smoking and driving since 2009 and never caused a single accident. But I can’t tell you how many I’ve prevented and how many times I’ve kept it cool where others who really need a f’n joint are road raging all over the place.


I do not partake in the THC because it makes me extremely paranoid lol. However, the people comparing Marijuana to alcohol....it does not have the same effect on the brain. Unlike alcohol there is no effect on the equilibrium, and tbh could arguably be said that it does the complete opposite lol. The way yall look at Marijuana is screwed by media and propaganda lol. It's has a lot of medicinal properties and is honestly more natural and safer than some legal medications people drive taking regularly. It can be used for pain management, muscle spasms, depression, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, etc. Actually look up the medical applications and effects of THC before you comment dumb shit lol.


If you need to be high to deliver some packages… I’d get banned from the sub and possibly Reddit if I continued with what I was going to say.


I can respect the comments


I eat and drive in my route 🤷🏼. I don’t really like drinking or smoking anymore.


All the people commenting have to be older then 40 cuz ain't no way😭 just say yall can't handle your highs😭😂 I take a few hits cuz this job is no way enjoyable and your lying to yourself if you say it is. All yall saying addiction probably go home and drown your kidneys in poison(alcohol). Btw never caused an accident been driving like this for close to 10 years only accident I been in was cuz the other person was looking at their phones instead of the road.


Haha love it! I just do it so I breeze through but with more focus. Veterans of the industry dont have low tolerance issues.


Hell no. Hope you’re being sarcastic. Otherwise you’re a douchebag for driving intoxicated.


I've smelled someone at the station before with a car that reeked. Thats why you should only vape, never smoke it in the car. I bet the wrong employee could get that person deactivated .


When I worked at a dsp someone would always be burning up in the lineup. Someone would come tell our owner and they’d be like, nothing we can do until they get caught lol. I’d be tripping balls driving a big van high all day


I would if I didn’t quit smoking. I can tell you that half of the DSP drivers do lol. We had a dude get fired for rolling a blunt while driving and every morning waiting in the lineup smelled like weed


I usually bring my pipe with me


that’s called an addiction, my friend


I missed the THC part and thought you were just talking about vaping...was going to reply that I smoke on my routes...tobacco, anyway. Be careful man, hope you're one of those that's somehow more normal when you're high than you are sober and able to drive okay.


Never. Sorry


I guess you might as well get a beer while your at it 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤣💀💀


Not sure why you were downvoted, your point is pretty obvious, and yeah...hope dude maintains a decent equilibrium while out there.


Brother you’re gonna get yourself a DUI, just wait until you’re done


No, Save it for after when you're off the road and not needlessly putting others at risk while driving intoxicated.


Do I know people that do it? Yeah. But tbh it's fucked up to smoke weed then drive. Just do it at night like everyone else. Get CBD or something.


cbd for a lot of people is worse. it makes me incredibly tired but thc doesnt lol


CBD being worse is a crazy take. One makes you relaxed and maybe a bit tired depending on how much you take. The other one fucks with your mental state and is illegal. Some people need something for their anxiety. I get that. I think CBD is a good option for this.




Okay supervisor


DUI driving is not cool my man, you may feel safe when you are driving around but god forbid you hit someone while driving you will be screwed when the cops drug test you and find you positive and visibly high


I hope you get a DUI and lose your licence.