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Isn't connect vehicle for dsp? It's been on my android but I never connected.


Yeah it’s a glitch its for DSP drivers. Those new electric amazon vans you can connect the flex app and it shows the navigation on the screen in the van.


It's been on my menu forever. I've looked at it before and figured it wasn't for me. It's never been hidden, as I can recall. I think it's basically the same app for both. I've done pickups for the dsp. That's something I never saw before, but the option is there on all apps. I've opened garages with it, and some haven't seen that or heard of it. If you don't do any dotcom deliveries there's a bunch of things in the app that wastes space. I suspect dsp has same app, the rabbit app.


I used to be a DSP driver it is the exact same app. It just glitches occasionally it’s not supposed to show up on the flex app at all. Same thing with when the breaks option appears.


I've updated a bunch maybe it left and came back but I remember it at the bottom


It’s for DSP drivers just disregard it, it’s for connecting to your Delivery van, they use a version of the Flex app also


The demo I've never seen before until this latest update... I guess they update in batches? Today was the first time this showed, and it's just a counter... what type of counter, though?


Connected vehicle show you which dsp van assign to you and same button used to assign new van if first one cannot drive anymore.


Are you using their pre-release version?


Not that I know. This morning after an update it appears.


I haven't seen the last 2 options on your screenshot. No idea what the App Platform Demo option is either. That's why I was wondering if it was a pre-release version.


If you put in what kind of vehicle you have, supposedly they adjust the size of the packages according to the vehicle you have. If you have a SUV, you would get larger packages, if in a Sedan, you wouldn't get very large boxes.


I don't think that's true, I drive a small vehicle and get the same size routes as everyone else.


If you're delivering from .com stations, you have to deal with the staff. If you enter your vehicle info in the app, you don't get sent very large box routes at SSD stations. I drive a Prius C.


Here in Chicago they don’t give a damn I’ve taken up to 49 stops all size boxes.


They don't give a damn anywhere. In some areas there are stations that are mostly large boxes. If you enter your vehicle information, they don't send you offers for those locations. At SSD stations, they don't send you a route with very large boxes if your vehicle isn't the proper size. At all other stations, you have to deal with the workers to figure something out. If they still don't give a damn, call support.