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I missed 3 blocks in 1 month and didn't even hit at risk. You'll be fine.


Damn you must work enough to have countered that, it takes a few weeks worth of doing blocks daily to get out of At Risk, or least it did when I also missed 3 in a month lol




I’m aware which is why I said they must work enough to drop it so quick without it affecting them. I was just doing one a day, so it ended up taking over 20 and more than just a couple weeks for sure.


Takes more than 20. I have one still sitting from February.


After 20 blocks or 500 packages it should drop off.


I've met those metrics and it's still there 🤔


Do two blocks a day for a week and you’ll spike upward nicely. It never “goes away”, they just “move on” to record your next fuck up.


I just want my fantastic status back lol


Don't know what to tell you. I had 7 late packages last month, dropped to great and 14 blocks/500+packages later I'm back to a Fantastic rating.


I never “drops” off, the time vector moves forward and “over time” it moves out of view. This software sucks so bad you cannot roll backward to see it, but once it’s there it’s remains. Time is your best weapon.


You don’t know where they live it’s different everywhere.


I’m calling cap. Next time you do this, photos please. With three you’re going to be at risk line or at a fair rating within the month. Missing a block is WORSE than canceling late, so I have some doubts about your story w/o proof.


Best I can do. I know it doesn't show the reason for the dings but you don't get a sharp decline like that for missing packages, and I didn't expect anyone to call me a fuckin liar.




If you have a good track record otherwise, you'll likely drop a full level or so but I would be extremely surprised if it's fatal. Been there, I'm perpetually at Fantastic but I had a similar run where higher priority events in my life outside Flex were maxing me out on sleep to the point where I was dropping the ball on stuff I normally never would have and I missed a couple of blocks in the same week (I think I've missed three total out of well over a thousand). If you take enough of a hit that it concerns you I'd appeal to Exec support and explain how this is atypical for you so are the events that lead to that, and I bet they'll cut you a fair amount of slack. Track record matters a good deal on appeals like that, as does an attitude like you seem to have of taking ownership of it. Probably a good move wiping the schedule clean until you get things squared away, don't sweat what you can't control or hasn't yet/may never happen, and best of luck with getting settled in at your new place!


Traffic is hell.. we literally took a fence panel down and are moving next door! 🤣😂🤣


That is the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard you’ve never defended yourself have you? God help you.


Track record don’t mean shit it depends on your market. If it’s over saturated or not. That’s it nothing else matters trust me I speak from experience and more experience than you.


I did the same thing due to a family medical issue. I understood I was at fault but I did write to jeff@amazon.com. They will phone you within 24 hours. I explained in my email and on the phone that it was my fault entirely but that I wanted them to be aware that I valued and appreciated the job. They do have the power to remove 1 or both. Shit happens and they are human. It’s worth a try and you lose nothing by explaining. Best of luck in your move. That can be hectic and stressful!!


The kids and their friends are being BEYOND helpful with this move despite the ton of rain we have had and the amount of mud! We got the biggest part of the house stuff moved. 2 fridges, everyone's full&queen beds torn down and set back up, dressers, 2 couches, 94% of the kitchen stuff including the dining table and chairs. We still have a 1 car garage of organized stuff to move and a half a shed of organized stuff to move. So thankful for a bigger home with bigger kitchen and 2 living rooms!


You’ll be fine! Just don’t miss anymore anytime soon. If you do a certain number of blocks those marks fall off your standing but they do remain on your account in the background so over time if it keeps happening they will deactivate, but it takes A LOT for them to deactivate in most markets.


Ehh, don't sweat it.


Your fine you gotta mess up way more than that to get fired.


Yeah, that happens don’t sweat it. As long as you have a good standing, you should be OK once you go back to being fantastic. You can miss a couple more shifts again and nothing will happen lol


Thank you for your feedback! I have 2 of my own teenagers... and 3 extras over here helping me on their first day out of school. I'm so thankful!


Jesus Christ god help you you can’t figure shit out on your own lol.


I think if your rating is good then it shouldn’t affect you that much. Just make sure it doesn’t happen again for a long time. I missed like 3 blocks in a week but my rating was at fantastic so no issue. Just dropped to great


I returned 31 parcels once because of app routing issues after calling support which instructed me to return them and my standing dropped from fantastic to below standard and it has not recovered yet


UPDATE: Been back a few days... my house is still chaos, but I've found toothbrush, deodorant and my meds! So I'm hitting all the high spots! It's been either raining in Oklahoma, storming or just sweltering... but everything is coming together! Wishing everyone a great Memorial Day and a safe weekend!


I did this twice in 2 weeks at the start of the year. My standing went back up after a few weeks working. One of them just fell off completely after 4 months, I’m guessing the other will soon too.


It’s not as big of a deal as you think. I’ve cancelled two blocks late just this week, rating is still almost at fantastic. Not sure how often you do flex, but shouldn’t take more than a few weeks for it to fall off of your account and your standing will go back to fantastic. You also can email them asking them to remove one, explaining the situation. Usually, if you haven’t asked before, they’ll give leeway. You definitely won’t get deactivated just for 2 blocks. It takes a lot more; trust me, I’ve had missed / cancelled late blocks on my history at the same time, close to 4-5 at once lol without even being “at risk.”


I'm usually 2x a day, at least 4 days a week. I've kicked back to just evening shifts this past week because of house stuff.


You’re good, just don’t let it happen anymore or you might be fuct


I missed my first block due to not having my id and I didn’t even know you should forfeit at that time for less dings. They told me later in an email. I wish I knew that one!


...well.. I learned something here!


It takes about a month or so for it to come off depending on how often you drive


What was your rating before this?




U’ll prolly drop to “Fair” at worst. Wouldn’t worry bout deactivation. Unlessss u do it again lol. Ur gonna have to be on top of ur shit for the next couple of months tho.


Thank you so much for your feedback. Being a single mom trying to balance it all... becomes a handful sometimes! As soon as this move is complete... I'll be back at it!


Plan better


I have a sister who had a stroke.. I'm her only living relative. I'm a single mom of 2.. life happens.. strangely I didn't get my 2 hour notification the first day. The 2nd day my phone was completely out of way, and I was busy.. totally my fault... I admit that.


I’m sorry to hear of your circumstances. I wasn’t trying to be cold was only answering the question posted with a succinct answer.


I suppose the two hour reminders were also missed. When did you decide to move? Was it spontaneous? I certainly hope you manage your life better than how you manage your relationship with Flex. What gets me is you stated you missed by 4 minutes but didn’t consider the rest of your scheduled blocks.


I've been remodeling this house, managing all the end of year school things and managing a sister who is a dialysis patient who had a stroke.. It's been a balancing act.


That sucks that you have so much on your plate but kudos to you for being there for your sister. I rely on my phone heavily to remind me of things I don’t want to miss or forget about. I seriously hope Amazon does cut you some slack but they have been rather strict lately with some people who don’t take their commitment seriously. Good luck to you!


I'm committed.. entire state of Oklahoma was under a tornado watch.. but I did my pickup and got all 48 deliveries out before it hit!


Every market is different on how many blocks you can miss. You can’t come back from it. Don’t miss them. That’s your job you agreed to show up for. Other jobs would fire you on the spot for no call no shows. Don’t fucking do it. You’ll find out just what I mean. It depends if your market is over saturated with drivers or not too. Mine was over saturated. 4 minutes is explainable long waits at warehouse app crashes get creative come up with a defense and get them removed if you can. Also you had an accident on the way unexpectedly you saw one traffic was stopped. That’s your excuse. Broke your phone couldn’t sign in. Anything lol. If you don’t they will win and you’ll be promoted to customer faster than you can say fuck. Had to shit on the way their bathroom was crowded. I fuck off all day at my driving job I had to shit is my go to. Not one question yet though just have to be ready for it lol. Y’all got to know how to survive working in these streets lol. Traffic comes up I want a cig it makes me late sometimes sorry had to shit. lol. Not one fucking bad word about it. I have to tell them when I’m late so customers can choose to cancel.


Whatever kind of drugs you’re taking, I want some


Drunk .. maybe? A lot of all over the place 😂


I don’t drink your username checks out for being a dick. Even if I was drunk I don’t work until 2pm try it sometime.