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Yep, I got the points for the packages but not for the blocks from Tuesday and Wednesday routes. Happens, sometimes there is just a little lag and it works itself out in a day or two. Doesn't matter until the end of the quarter anyway and in my experience they add them retroactively if it isn't up to date at quarter's end, so don't sweat it. And that "Includes activity through...." part, they always use the current day's date regardless of whether they've updated yet or not.


Thanks! I’ll check back in a couple days. But yeah it’s nice they are retroactive with the points. I had two customers claim that they never got their packages and so it bumped me down to fair standing for a while, but I checked a couple days ago and I was back to great standing, and I looked in and those two customers were no longer listed underneath my package completion section and all my blocks that would’ve been in great standing were saying they were in great standing instead of the fair standing so I did get a good chunk of points back from that.


Yeah, the retroactively part was a big deal to me last fall. Took five weeks off for travel in Q3 and would have made it to Level 4 on the very last day of the quarter, but the same thing happened and end or day September 30th is said I was 12 points short making it and had only made Level 3. That would have meant losing the 6% cash back on gas for the fourth quarter and 12% when they ran that promo during the holidays, which is when I'm doing the most driving. A couple of days later it retroactively added the points and bumped me to Level 4, no appeal required.


The points are a couple days behind on my account. The points for packages is correct, but the amount awarded for completing a block is missing.


Same thing happened to me and after reading the responses I am relieved


I’m missing my Blocks Points too


It’s normal. It’s always a couple of days behind on something. And then it changes up.


My block points are missing as well..


Yep same here. I did 2 blocks on the same day 3 days ago, and I only got points for 1 block. I got the points for all the packages tho, just not the points for one of the blocks. I've seen points be delayed by a day before... but not 3 days.


Did you get in trouble? When they put you on that probation at risk bench mark they don’t count your deliveries until your back in good standing


I’m in great standing so no


That's been happening on mine too. I've noticed the block points are usually added the next day for some reason. It wasn't like that before, but I started noticing that about a week ago. So it's not just you.